{"version":3,"names":[],"mappings":"","sources":["lottie-player.min.js"],"sourcesContent":["!function(n){var r={};function i(t){if(r[t])return r[t].exports;var e=r[t]={i:t,l:!1,exports:{}};return n[t].call(e.exports,e,e.exports,i),e.l=!0,e.exports}i.m=n,i.c=r,i.d=function(t,e,n){i.o(t,e)||Object.defineProperty(t,e,{enumerable:!0,get:n})},i.r=function(t){\"undefined\"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(t,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:\"Module\"}),Object.defineProperty(t,\"__esModule\",{value:!0})},i.t=function(e,t){if(1&t&&(e=i(e)),8&t)return e;if(4&t&&\"object\"==typeof e&&e&&e.__esModule)return e;var n=Object.create(null);if(i.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n,\"default\",{enumerable:!0,value:e}),2&t&&\"string\"!=typeof e)for(var r in e)i.d(n,r,function(t){return e[t]}.bind(null,r));return n},i.n=function(e){var t=e&&e.__esModule?function t(){return e.default}:function t(){return e};return i.d(t,\"a\",t),t},i.o=function(t,e){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t,e)},i.p=\"\",i(i.s=\"./assets/scripts/lottie-player.js\")}({\"./assets/scripts/lottie-player.js\":function(module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__){\"use strict\";eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\\n/* harmony import */ var regenerator_runtime_runtime__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! regenerator-runtime/runtime */ \"./node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js\");\\n/* harmony import */ var regenerator_runtime_runtime__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(regenerator_runtime_runtime__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);\\n/* harmony import */ var _lottiefiles_lottie_player__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @lottiefiles/lottie-player */ \"./node_modules/@lottiefiles/lottie-player/dist/lottie-player.esm.js\");\\n\\n\\nvar players = document.querySelectorAll(\".lottie-animation\");\\ndocument.addEventListener(\"hasLoaded\", function () {\\n setTimeout(function () {\\n players.forEach(function (player) {\\n return player.play();\\n });\\n }, 500);\\n}, {\\n once: true\\n});\\nplayers.forEach(function (selectedPlayer) {\\n var pauseAtFrame = parseInt(selectedPlayer.dataset.pauseAtFrame);\\n var loop = selectedPlayer.attributes[\"loop_play\"];\\n\\n if (Number.isInteger(pauseAtFrame) && pauseAtFrame > 0 && loop !== \"loop\") {\\n selectedPlayer.addEventListener(\"frame\", function (player) {\\n if (player.detail.frame >= pauseAtFrame) {\\n player.target.pause();\\n }\\n });\\n }\\n});\\n\\n//# sourceURL=webpack:///./assets/scripts/lottie-player.js?')},\"./node_modules/@lottiefiles/lottie-player/dist/lottie-player.esm.js\":function(module,__webpack_exports__,__webpack_require__){\"use strict\";eval('__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\\n/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"LottiePlayer\", function() { return LottiePlayer; });\\n/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"PlayMode\", function() { return PlayMode; });\\n/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"PlayerEvents\", function() { return PlayerEvents; });\\n/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"PlayerState\", function() { return PlayerState; });\\n/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"parseSrc\", function() { return parseSrc; });\\nfunction _defineProperty2(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\\n\\nfunction _get2(target, property, receiver) { if (typeof Reflect !== \"undefined\" && Reflect.get) { _get2 = Reflect.get; } else { _get2 = function _get(target, property, receiver) { var base = _superPropBase2(target, property); if (!base) return; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, property); if (desc.get) { return desc.get.call(receiver); } return desc.value; }; } return _get2(target, property, receiver || target); }\\n\\nfunction _superPropBase2(object, property) { while (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property)) { object = _getPrototypeOf2(object); if (object === null) break; } return object; }\\n\\nfunction _slicedToArray2(arr, i) { return _arrayWithHoles2(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit2(arr, i) || _unsupportedIterableToArray2(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest2(); }\\n\\nfunction _nonIterableRest2() { throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\\\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\"); }\\n\\nfunction _iterableToArrayLimit2(arr, i) { if (typeof Symbol === \"undefined\" || !(Symbol.iterator in Object(arr))) return; var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s = _i.next()).done); _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i[\"return\"] != null) _i[\"return\"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; }\\n\\nfunction _arrayWithHoles2(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr; }\\n\\nfunction _toConsumableArray2(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles2(arr) || _iterableToArray2(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray2(arr) || _nonIterableSpread2(); }\\n\\nfunction _nonIterableSpread2() { throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\\\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\"); }\\n\\nfunction _iterableToArray2(iter) { if (typeof Symbol !== \"undefined\" && Symbol.iterator in Object(iter)) return Array.from(iter); }\\n\\nfunction _arrayWithoutHoles2(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray2(arr); }\\n\\nfunction _inherits2(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== \"function\" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf2(subClass, superClass); }\\n\\nfunction _createSuper2(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct2(); return function () { var Super = _getPrototypeOf2(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf2(this).constructor; result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return _possibleConstructorReturn2(this, result); }; }\\n\\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn2(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof2(call) === \"object\" || typeof call === \"function\")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized2(self); }\\n\\nfunction _assertThisInitialized2(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn\\'t been initialised - super() hasn\\'t been called\"); } return self; }\\n\\nfunction _wrapNativeSuper2(Class) { var _cache = typeof Map === \"function\" ? new Map() : undefined; _wrapNativeSuper2 = function _wrapNativeSuper(Class) { if (Class === null || !_isNativeFunction2(Class)) return Class; if (typeof Class !== \"function\") { throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\"); } if (typeof _cache !== \"undefined\") { if (_cache.has(Class)) return _cache.get(Class); _cache.set(Class, Wrapper); } function Wrapper() { return _construct2(Class, arguments, _getPrototypeOf2(this).constructor); } Wrapper.prototype = Object.create(Class.prototype, { constructor: { value: Wrapper, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); return _setPrototypeOf2(Wrapper, Class); }; return _wrapNativeSuper2(Class); }\\n\\nfunction _construct2(Parent, args, Class) { if (_isNativeReflectConstruct2()) { _construct2 = Reflect.construct; } else { _construct2 = function _construct(Parent, args, Class) { var a = [null]; a.push.apply(a, args); var Constructor = Function.bind.apply(Parent, a); var instance = new Constructor(); if (Class) _setPrototypeOf2(instance, Class.prototype); return instance; }; } return _construct2.apply(null, arguments); }\\n\\nfunction _isNativeReflectConstruct2() { if (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === \"function\") return true; try { Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }\\n\\nfunction _isNativeFunction2(fn) { return Function.toString.call(fn).indexOf(\"[native code]\") !== -1; }\\n\\nfunction _setPrototypeOf2(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf2 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf2(o, p); }\\n\\nfunction _getPrototypeOf2(o) { _getPrototypeOf2 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf2(o); }\\n\\nfunction _createForOfIteratorHelper2(o) { if (typeof Symbol === \"undefined\" || o[Symbol.iterator] == null) { if (Array.isArray(o) || (o = _unsupportedIterableToArray2(o))) { var i = 0; var F = function F() {}; return { s: F, n: function n() { if (i >= o.length) return { done: true }; return { done: false, value: o[i++] }; }, e: function e(_e2) { throw _e2; }, f: F }; } throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\\\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\"); } var it, normalCompletion = true, didErr = false, err; return { s: function s() { it = o[Symbol.iterator](); }, n: function n() { var step = it.next(); normalCompletion = step.done; return step; }, e: function e(_e3) { didErr = true; err = _e3; }, f: function f() { try { if (!normalCompletion && it[\"return\"] != null) it[\"return\"](); } finally { if (didErr) throw err; } } }; }\\n\\nfunction _unsupportedIterableToArray2(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === \"string\") return _arrayLikeToArray2(o, minLen); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1); if (n === \"Object\" && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name; if (n === \"Map\" || n === \"Set\") return Array.from(o); if (n === \"Arguments\" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray2(o, minLen); }\\n\\nfunction _arrayLikeToArray2(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; }\\n\\nfunction _classCallCheck2(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\\n\\nfunction __defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }\\n\\nfunction _createClass2(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) __defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) __defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }\\n\\nfunction _typeof2(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof2 = function _typeof2(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof2 = function _typeof2(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof2(obj); }\\n\\nfunction _asyncIterator(t) {\\n var e,\\n r,\\n i,\\n a = 2;\\n\\n for (\"undefined\" != typeof Symbol && (r = Symbol.asyncIterator, i = Symbol.iterator); a--;) {\\n if (r && null != (e = t[r])) return e.call(t);\\n if (i && null != (e = t[i])) return new AsyncFromSyncIterator(e.call(t));\\n r = \"@@asyncIterator\", i = \"@@iterator\";\\n }\\n\\n throw new TypeError(\"Object is not async iterable\");\\n}\\n\\nfunction AsyncFromSyncIterator(t) {\\n function e(t) {\\n if (Object(t) !== t) return Promise.reject(new TypeError(t + \" is not an object.\"));\\n var e = t.done;\\n return Promise.resolve(t.value).then(function (t) {\\n return {\\n value: t,\\n done: e\\n };\\n });\\n }\\n\\n return AsyncFromSyncIterator = function AsyncFromSyncIterator(t) {\\n this.s = t, this.n = t.next;\\n }, AsyncFromSyncIterator.prototype = {\\n s: null,\\n n: null,\\n next: function next() {\\n return e(this.n.apply(this.s, arguments));\\n },\\n \"return\": function _return(t) {\\n var r = this.s[\"return\"];\\n return void 0 === r ? Promise.resolve({\\n value: t,\\n done: !0\\n }) : e(r.apply(this.s, arguments));\\n },\\n \"throw\": function _throw(t) {\\n var r = this.s[\"return\"];\\n return void 0 === r ? Promise.reject(t) : e(r.apply(this.s, arguments));\\n }\\n }, new AsyncFromSyncIterator(t);\\n}\\n\\nvar REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE;\\n\\nfunction _jsx(t, e, r, i) {\\n REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE || (REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && Symbol[\"for\"] && Symbol[\"for\"](\"react.element\") || 60103);\\n var a = t && t.defaultProps,\\n s = arguments.length - 3;\\n if (e || 0 === s || (e = {\\n children: void 0\\n }), 1 === s) e.children = i;else if (s > 1) {\\n for (var n = new Array(s), o = 0; o < s; o++) {\\n n[o] = arguments[o + 3];\\n }\\n\\n e.children = n;\\n }\\n if (e && a) for (var h in a) {\\n void 0 === e[h] && (e[h] = a[h]);\\n } else e || (e = a || {});\\n return {\\n $$typeof: REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE,\\n type: t,\\n key: void 0 === r ? null : \"\" + r,\\n ref: null,\\n props: e,\\n _owner: null\\n };\\n}\\n\\nfunction ownKeys(t, e) {\\n var r = Object.keys(t);\\n\\n if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {\\n var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);\\n e && (i = i.filter(function (e) {\\n return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e).enumerable;\\n })), r.push.apply(r, i);\\n }\\n\\n return r;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _objectSpread2(t) {\\n for (var e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) {\\n var r = null != arguments[e] ? arguments[e] : {};\\n e % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(r), !0).forEach(function (e) {\\n _defineProperty(t, e, r[e]);\\n }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(r)) : ownKeys(Object(r)).forEach(function (e) {\\n Object.defineProperty(t, e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e));\\n });\\n }\\n\\n return t;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _typeof(t) {\\n return _typeof = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && \"symbol\" == _typeof2(Symbol.iterator) ? function (t) {\\n return _typeof2(t);\\n } : function (t) {\\n return t && \"function\" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : _typeof2(t);\\n }, _typeof(t);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _wrapRegExp() {\\n _wrapRegExp = function _wrapRegExp(t, e) {\\n return new r(t, void 0, e);\\n };\\n\\n var t = RegExp.prototype,\\n e = new WeakMap();\\n\\n function r(t, i, a) {\\n var s = new RegExp(t, i);\\n return e.set(s, a || e.get(t)), _setPrototypeOf(s, r.prototype);\\n }\\n\\n function i(t, r) {\\n var i = e.get(r);\\n return Object.keys(i).reduce(function (e, r) {\\n return e[r] = t[i[r]], e;\\n }, Object.create(null));\\n }\\n\\n return _inherits(r, RegExp), r.prototype.exec = function (e) {\\n var r = t.exec.call(this, e);\\n return r && (r.groups = i(r, this)), r;\\n }, r.prototype[Symbol.replace] = function (r, a) {\\n if (\"string\" == typeof a) {\\n var s = e.get(this);\\n return t[Symbol.replace].call(this, r, a.replace(/\\\\$<([^>]+)>/g, function (t, e) {\\n return \"$\" + s[e];\\n }));\\n }\\n\\n if (\"function\" == typeof a) {\\n var n = this;\\n return t[Symbol.replace].call(this, r, function () {\\n var t = arguments;\\n return \"object\" != _typeof2(t[t.length - 1]) && (t = [].slice.call(t)).push(i(t, n)), a.apply(this, t);\\n });\\n }\\n\\n return t[Symbol.replace].call(this, r, a);\\n }, _wrapRegExp.apply(this, arguments);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _AwaitValue(t) {\\n this.wrapped = t;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _AsyncGenerator(t) {\\n var e, r;\\n\\n function i(e, r) {\\n try {\\n var s = t[e](r),\\n n = s.value,\\n o = n instanceof _AwaitValue;\\n Promise.resolve(o ? n.wrapped : n).then(function (t) {\\n o ? i(\"return\" === e ? \"return\" : \"next\", t) : a(s.done ? \"return\" : \"normal\", t);\\n }, function (t) {\\n i(\"throw\", t);\\n });\\n } catch (t) {\\n a(\"throw\", t);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function a(t, a) {\\n switch (t) {\\n case \"return\":\\n e.resolve({\\n value: a,\\n done: !0\\n });\\n break;\\n\\n case \"throw\":\\n e.reject(a);\\n break;\\n\\n default:\\n e.resolve({\\n value: a,\\n done: !1\\n });\\n }\\n\\n (e = e.next) ? i(e.key, e.arg) : r = null;\\n }\\n\\n this._invoke = function (t, a) {\\n return new Promise(function (s, n) {\\n var o = {\\n key: t,\\n arg: a,\\n resolve: s,\\n reject: n,\\n next: null\\n };\\n r ? r = r.next = o : (e = r = o, i(t, a));\\n });\\n }, \"function\" != typeof t[\"return\"] && (this[\"return\"] = void 0);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _wrapAsyncGenerator(t) {\\n return function () {\\n return new _AsyncGenerator(t.apply(this, arguments));\\n };\\n}\\n\\nfunction _awaitAsyncGenerator(t) {\\n return new _AwaitValue(t);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _asyncGeneratorDelegate(t, e) {\\n var r = {},\\n i = !1;\\n\\n function a(r, a) {\\n return i = !0, a = new Promise(function (e) {\\n e(t[r](a));\\n }), {\\n done: !1,\\n value: e(a)\\n };\\n }\\n\\n return r[\"undefined\" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator || \"@@iterator\"] = function () {\\n return this;\\n }, r.next = function (t) {\\n return i ? (i = !1, t) : a(\"next\", t);\\n }, \"function\" == typeof t[\"throw\"] && (r[\"throw\"] = function (t) {\\n if (i) throw i = !1, t;\\n return a(\"throw\", t);\\n }), \"function\" == typeof t[\"return\"] && (r[\"return\"] = function (t) {\\n return i ? (i = !1, t) : a(\"return\", t);\\n }), r;\\n}\\n\\nfunction asyncGeneratorStep(t, e, r, i, a, s, n) {\\n try {\\n var o = t[s](n),\\n h = o.value;\\n } catch (t) {\\n return void r(t);\\n }\\n\\n o.done ? e(h) : Promise.resolve(h).then(i, a);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _asyncToGenerator(t) {\\n return function () {\\n var e = this,\\n r = arguments;\\n return new Promise(function (i, a) {\\n var s = t.apply(e, r);\\n\\n function n(t) {\\n asyncGeneratorStep(s, i, a, n, o, \"next\", t);\\n }\\n\\n function o(t) {\\n asyncGeneratorStep(s, i, a, n, o, \"throw\", t);\\n }\\n\\n n(void 0);\\n });\\n };\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classCallCheck(t, e) {\\n if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\");\\n}\\n\\nfunction _defineProperties(t, e) {\\n for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {\\n var i = e[r];\\n i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, \"value\" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, i.key, i);\\n }\\n}\\n\\nfunction _createClass(t, e, r) {\\n return e && _defineProperties(t.prototype, e), r && _defineProperties(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t, \"prototype\", {\\n writable: !1\\n }), t;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _defineEnumerableProperties(t, e) {\\n for (var r in e) {\\n (s = e[r]).configurable = s.enumerable = !0, \"value\" in s && (s.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r, s);\\n }\\n\\n if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) for (var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e), a = 0; a < i.length; a++) {\\n var s,\\n n = i[a];\\n (s = e[n]).configurable = s.enumerable = !0, \"value\" in s && (s.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, n, s);\\n }\\n return t;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _defaults(t, e) {\\n for (var r = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e), i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {\\n var a = r[i],\\n s = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, a);\\n s && s.configurable && void 0 === t[a] && Object.defineProperty(t, a, s);\\n }\\n\\n return t;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _defineProperty(t, e, r) {\\n return e in t ? Object.defineProperty(t, e, {\\n value: r,\\n enumerable: !0,\\n configurable: !0,\\n writable: !0\\n }) : t[e] = r, t;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _extends() {\\n return _extends = Object.assign || function (t) {\\n for (var e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) {\\n var r = arguments[e];\\n\\n for (var i in r) {\\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r, i) && (t[i] = r[i]);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return t;\\n }, _extends.apply(this, arguments);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _objectSpread(t) {\\n for (var e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) {\\n var r = null != arguments[e] ? Object(arguments[e]) : {},\\n i = Object.keys(r);\\n \"function\" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && i.push.apply(i, Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(r).filter(function (t) {\\n return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, t).enumerable;\\n })), i.forEach(function (e) {\\n _defineProperty(t, e, r[e]);\\n });\\n }\\n\\n return t;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _inherits(t, e) {\\n if (\"function\" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\");\\n t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, {\\n constructor: {\\n value: t,\\n writable: !0,\\n configurable: !0\\n }\\n }), Object.defineProperty(t, \"prototype\", {\\n writable: !1\\n }), e && _setPrototypeOf(t, e);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _inheritsLoose(t, e) {\\n t.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype), t.prototype.constructor = t, _setPrototypeOf(t, e);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _getPrototypeOf(t) {\\n return _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) {\\n return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);\\n }, _getPrototypeOf(t);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _setPrototypeOf(t, e) {\\n return _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, e) {\\n return t.__proto__ = e, t;\\n }, _setPrototypeOf(t, e);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _isNativeReflectConstruct() {\\n if (\"undefined\" == typeof Reflect || !Reflect.construct) return !1;\\n if (Reflect.construct.sham) return !1;\\n if (\"function\" == typeof Proxy) return !0;\\n\\n try {\\n return Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], function () {})), !0;\\n } catch (t) {\\n return !1;\\n }\\n}\\n\\nfunction _construct(t, e, r) {\\n return _construct = _isNativeReflectConstruct() ? Reflect.construct : function (t, e, r) {\\n var i = [null];\\n i.push.apply(i, e);\\n var a = new (Function.bind.apply(t, i))();\\n return r && _setPrototypeOf(a, r.prototype), a;\\n }, _construct.apply(null, arguments);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _isNativeFunction(t) {\\n return -1 !== Function.toString.call(t).indexOf(\"[native code]\");\\n}\\n\\nfunction _wrapNativeSuper(t) {\\n var e = \"function\" == typeof Map ? new Map() : void 0;\\n return _wrapNativeSuper = function _wrapNativeSuper(t) {\\n if (null === t || !_isNativeFunction(t)) return t;\\n if (\"function\" != typeof t) throw new TypeError(\"Super expression must either be null or a function\");\\n\\n if (void 0 !== e) {\\n if (e.has(t)) return e.get(t);\\n e.set(t, r);\\n }\\n\\n function r() {\\n return _construct(t, arguments, _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor);\\n }\\n\\n return r.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype, {\\n constructor: {\\n value: r,\\n enumerable: !1,\\n writable: !0,\\n configurable: !0\\n }\\n }), _setPrototypeOf(r, t);\\n }, _wrapNativeSuper(t);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _instanceof(t, e) {\\n return null != e && \"undefined\" != typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.hasInstance] ? !!e[Symbol.hasInstance](t) : t instanceof e;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(t) {\\n return t && t.__esModule ? t : {\\n \"default\": t\\n };\\n}\\n\\nfunction _getRequireWildcardCache(t) {\\n if (\"function\" != typeof WeakMap) return null;\\n var e = new WeakMap(),\\n r = new WeakMap();\\n return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache(t) {\\n return t ? r : e;\\n })(t);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _interopRequireWildcard(t, e) {\\n if (!e && t && t.__esModule) return t;\\n if (null === t || \"object\" != _typeof2(t) && \"function\" != typeof t) return {\\n \"default\": t\\n };\\n\\n var r = _getRequireWildcardCache(e);\\n\\n if (r && r.has(t)) return r.get(t);\\n var i = {},\\n a = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\\n\\n for (var s in t) {\\n if (\"default\" !== s && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, s)) {\\n var n = a ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, s) : null;\\n n && (n.get || n.set) ? Object.defineProperty(i, s, n) : i[s] = t[s];\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return i[\"default\"] = t, r && r.set(t, i), i;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _newArrowCheck(t, e) {\\n if (t !== e) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot instantiate an arrow function\");\\n}\\n\\nfunction _objectDestructuringEmpty(t) {\\n if (null == t) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot destructure undefined\");\\n}\\n\\nfunction _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(t, e) {\\n if (null == t) return {};\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a = {},\\n s = Object.keys(t);\\n\\n for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {\\n r = s[i], e.indexOf(r) >= 0 || (a[r] = t[r]);\\n }\\n\\n return a;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _objectWithoutProperties(t, e) {\\n if (null == t) return {};\\n\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(t, e);\\n\\n if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {\\n var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);\\n\\n for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {\\n r = s[i], e.indexOf(r) >= 0 || Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(t, r) && (a[r] = t[r]);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return a;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _assertThisInitialized(t) {\\n if (void 0 === t) throw new ReferenceError(\"this hasn\\'t been initialised - super() hasn\\'t been called\");\\n return t;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _possibleConstructorReturn(t, e) {\\n if (e && (\"object\" == _typeof2(e) || \"function\" == typeof e)) return e;\\n if (void 0 !== e) throw new TypeError(\"Derived constructors may only return object or undefined\");\\n return _assertThisInitialized(t);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _createSuper(t) {\\n var e = _isNativeReflectConstruct();\\n\\n return function () {\\n var r,\\n i = _getPrototypeOf(t);\\n\\n if (e) {\\n var a = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor;\\n\\n r = Reflect.construct(i, arguments, a);\\n } else r = i.apply(this, arguments);\\n\\n return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, r);\\n };\\n}\\n\\nfunction _superPropBase(t, e) {\\n for (; !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e) && null !== (t = _getPrototypeOf(t));) {\\n ;\\n }\\n\\n return t;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _get() {\\n return _get = \"undefined\" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? Reflect.get : function (t, e, r) {\\n var i = _superPropBase(t, e);\\n\\n if (i) {\\n var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(i, e);\\n return a.get ? a.get.call(arguments.length < 3 ? t : r) : a.value;\\n }\\n }, _get.apply(this, arguments);\\n}\\n\\nfunction set(t, e, r, i) {\\n return set = \"undefined\" != typeof Reflect && Reflect.set ? Reflect.set : function (t, e, r, i) {\\n var a,\\n s = _superPropBase(t, e);\\n\\n if (s) {\\n if ((a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, e)).set) return a.set.call(i, r), !0;\\n if (!a.writable) return !1;\\n }\\n\\n if (a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(i, e)) {\\n if (!a.writable) return !1;\\n a.value = r, Object.defineProperty(i, e, a);\\n } else _defineProperty(i, e, r);\\n\\n return !0;\\n }, set(t, e, r, i);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _set(t, e, r, i, a) {\\n if (!set(t, e, r, i || t) && a) throw new Error(\"failed to set property\");\\n return r;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _taggedTemplateLiteral(t, e) {\\n return e || (e = t.slice(0)), Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(t, {\\n raw: {\\n value: Object.freeze(e)\\n }\\n }));\\n}\\n\\nfunction _taggedTemplateLiteralLoose(t, e) {\\n return e || (e = t.slice(0)), t.raw = e, t;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _readOnlyError(t) {\\n throw new TypeError(\\'\"\\' + t + \\'\" is read-only\\');\\n}\\n\\nfunction _writeOnlyError(t) {\\n throw new TypeError(\\'\"\\' + t + \\'\" is write-only\\');\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classNameTDZError(t) {\\n throw new Error(\\'Class \"\\' + t + \\'\" cannot be referenced in computed property keys.\\');\\n}\\n\\nfunction _temporalUndefined() {}\\n\\nfunction _tdz(t) {\\n throw new ReferenceError(t + \" is not defined - temporal dead zone\");\\n}\\n\\nfunction _temporalRef(t, e) {\\n return t === _temporalUndefined ? _tdz(e) : t;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _slicedToArray(t, e) {\\n return _arrayWithHoles(t) || _iterableToArrayLimit(t, e) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(t, e) || _nonIterableRest();\\n}\\n\\nfunction _slicedToArrayLoose(t, e) {\\n return _arrayWithHoles(t) || _iterableToArrayLimitLoose(t, e) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(t, e) || _nonIterableRest();\\n}\\n\\nfunction _toArray(t) {\\n return _arrayWithHoles(t) || _iterableToArray(t) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(t) || _nonIterableRest();\\n}\\n\\nfunction _toConsumableArray(t) {\\n return _arrayWithoutHoles(t) || _iterableToArray(t) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(t) || _nonIterableSpread();\\n}\\n\\nfunction _arrayWithoutHoles(t) {\\n if (Array.isArray(t)) return _arrayLikeToArray(t);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _arrayWithHoles(t) {\\n if (Array.isArray(t)) return t;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _maybeArrayLike(t, e, r) {\\n if (e && !Array.isArray(e) && \"number\" == typeof e.length) {\\n var i = e.length;\\n return _arrayLikeToArray(e, void 0 !== r && r < i ? r : i);\\n }\\n\\n return t(e, r);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _iterableToArray(t) {\\n if (\"undefined\" != typeof Symbol && null != t[Symbol.iterator] || null != t[\"@@iterator\"]) return Array.from(t);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _iterableToArrayLimit(t, e) {\\n var r = null == t ? null : \"undefined\" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t[\"@@iterator\"];\\n\\n if (null != r) {\\n var i,\\n a,\\n s = [],\\n n = !0,\\n o = !1;\\n\\n try {\\n for (r = r.call(t); !(n = (i = r.next()).done) && (s.push(i.value), !e || s.length !== e); n = !0) {\\n ;\\n }\\n } catch (t) {\\n o = !0, a = t;\\n } finally {\\n try {\\n n || null == r[\"return\"] || r[\"return\"]();\\n } finally {\\n if (o) throw a;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return s;\\n }\\n}\\n\\nfunction _iterableToArrayLimitLoose(t, e) {\\n var r = t && (\"undefined\" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t[\"@@iterator\"]);\\n\\n if (null != r) {\\n var i = [];\\n\\n for (r = r.call(t), _step; !(_step = r.next()).done && (i.push(_step.value), !e || i.length !== e);) {\\n ;\\n }\\n\\n return i;\\n }\\n}\\n\\nfunction _unsupportedIterableToArray(t, e) {\\n if (t) {\\n if (\"string\" == typeof t) return _arrayLikeToArray(t, e);\\n var r = Object.prototype.toString.call(t).slice(8, -1);\\n return \"Object\" === r && t.constructor && (r = t.constructor.name), \"Map\" === r || \"Set\" === r ? Array.from(t) : \"Arguments\" === r || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r) ? _arrayLikeToArray(t, e) : void 0;\\n }\\n}\\n\\nfunction _arrayLikeToArray(t, e) {\\n (null == e || e > t.length) && (e = t.length);\\n\\n for (var r = 0, i = new Array(e); r < e; r++) {\\n i[r] = t[r];\\n }\\n\\n return i;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _nonIterableSpread() {\\n throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\\\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\");\\n}\\n\\nfunction _nonIterableRest() {\\n throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\\\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\");\\n}\\n\\nfunction _createForOfIteratorHelper(t, e) {\\n var r = \"undefined\" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t[\"@@iterator\"];\\n\\n if (!r) {\\n if (Array.isArray(t) || (r = _unsupportedIterableToArray(t)) || e && t && \"number\" == typeof t.length) {\\n r && (t = r);\\n\\n var i = 0,\\n a = function a() {};\\n\\n return {\\n s: a,\\n n: function n() {\\n return i >= t.length ? {\\n done: !0\\n } : {\\n done: !1,\\n value: t[i++]\\n };\\n },\\n e: function e(t) {\\n throw t;\\n },\\n f: a\\n };\\n }\\n\\n throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\\\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\");\\n }\\n\\n var s,\\n _n = !0,\\n o = !1;\\n\\n return {\\n s: function s() {\\n r = r.call(t);\\n },\\n n: function n() {\\n var t = r.next();\\n return _n = t.done, t;\\n },\\n e: function e(t) {\\n o = !0, s = t;\\n },\\n f: function f() {\\n try {\\n _n || null == r[\"return\"] || r[\"return\"]();\\n } finally {\\n if (o) throw s;\\n }\\n }\\n };\\n}\\n\\nfunction _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(t, e) {\\n var r = \"undefined\" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t[\"@@iterator\"];\\n if (r) return (r = r.call(t)).next.bind(r);\\n\\n if (Array.isArray(t) || (r = _unsupportedIterableToArray(t)) || e && t && \"number\" == typeof t.length) {\\n r && (t = r);\\n var i = 0;\\n return function () {\\n return i >= t.length ? {\\n done: !0\\n } : {\\n done: !1,\\n value: t[i++]\\n };\\n };\\n }\\n\\n throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\\\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.\");\\n}\\n\\nfunction _skipFirstGeneratorNext(t) {\\n return function () {\\n var e = t.apply(this, arguments);\\n return e.next(), e;\\n };\\n}\\n\\nfunction _toPrimitive(t, e) {\\n if (\"object\" != _typeof2(t) || null === t) return t;\\n var r = t[Symbol.toPrimitive];\\n\\n if (void 0 !== r) {\\n var i = r.call(t, e || \"default\");\\n if (\"object\" != _typeof2(i)) return i;\\n throw new TypeError(\"@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.\");\\n }\\n\\n return (\"string\" === e ? String : Number)(t);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _toPropertyKey(t) {\\n var e = _toPrimitive(t, \"string\");\\n\\n return \"symbol\" == _typeof2(e) ? e : String(e);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _initializerWarningHelper(t, e) {\\n throw new Error(\"Decorating class property failed. Please ensure that proposal-class-properties is enabled and runs after the decorators transform.\");\\n}\\n\\nfunction _initializerDefineProperty(t, e, r, i) {\\n r && Object.defineProperty(t, e, {\\n enumerable: r.enumerable,\\n configurable: r.configurable,\\n writable: r.writable,\\n value: r.initializer ? r.initializer.call(i) : void 0\\n });\\n}\\n\\nfunction _applyDecoratedDescriptor(t, e, r, i, a) {\\n var s = {};\\n return Object.keys(i).forEach(function (t) {\\n s[t] = i[t];\\n }), s.enumerable = !!s.enumerable, s.configurable = !!s.configurable, (\"value\" in s || s.initializer) && (s.writable = !0), s = r.slice().reverse().reduce(function (r, i) {\\n return i(t, e, r) || r;\\n }, s), a && void 0 !== s.initializer && (s.value = s.initializer ? s.initializer.call(a) : void 0, s.initializer = void 0), void 0 === s.initializer && (Object.defineProperty(t, e, s), s = null), s;\\n}\\n\\n_AsyncGenerator.prototype[\"function\" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.asyncIterator || \"@@asyncIterator\"] = function () {\\n return this;\\n}, _AsyncGenerator.prototype.next = function (t) {\\n return this._invoke(\"next\", t);\\n}, _AsyncGenerator.prototype[\"throw\"] = function (t) {\\n return this._invoke(\"throw\", t);\\n}, _AsyncGenerator.prototype[\"return\"] = function (t) {\\n return this._invoke(\"return\", t);\\n};\\nvar id = 0;\\n\\nfunction _classPrivateFieldLooseKey(t) {\\n return \"__private_\" + id++ + \"_\" + t;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classPrivateFieldLooseBase(t, e) {\\n if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e)) throw new TypeError(\"attempted to use private field on non-instance\");\\n return t;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classPrivateFieldGet(t, e) {\\n return _classApplyDescriptorGet(t, _classExtractFieldDescriptor(t, e, \"get\"));\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classPrivateFieldSet(t, e, r) {\\n return _classApplyDescriptorSet(t, _classExtractFieldDescriptor(t, e, \"set\"), r), r;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classPrivateFieldDestructureSet(t, e) {\\n return _classApplyDescriptorDestructureSet(t, _classExtractFieldDescriptor(t, e, \"set\"));\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classExtractFieldDescriptor(t, e, r) {\\n if (!e.has(t)) throw new TypeError(\"attempted to \" + r + \" private field on non-instance\");\\n return e.get(t);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classStaticPrivateFieldSpecGet(t, e, r) {\\n return _classCheckPrivateStaticAccess(t, e), _classCheckPrivateStaticFieldDescriptor(r, \"get\"), _classApplyDescriptorGet(t, r);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classStaticPrivateFieldSpecSet(t, e, r, i) {\\n return _classCheckPrivateStaticAccess(t, e), _classCheckPrivateStaticFieldDescriptor(r, \"set\"), _classApplyDescriptorSet(t, r, i), i;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classStaticPrivateMethodGet(t, e, r) {\\n return _classCheckPrivateStaticAccess(t, e), r;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classStaticPrivateMethodSet() {\\n throw new TypeError(\"attempted to set read only static private field\");\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classApplyDescriptorGet(t, e) {\\n return e.get ? e.get.call(t) : e.value;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classApplyDescriptorSet(t, e, r) {\\n if (e.set) e.set.call(t, r);else {\\n if (!e.writable) throw new TypeError(\"attempted to set read only private field\");\\n e.value = r;\\n }\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classApplyDescriptorDestructureSet(t, e) {\\n if (e.set) return \"__destrObj\" in e || (e.__destrObj = {\\n set value(r) {\\n e.set.call(t, r);\\n }\\n\\n }), e.__destrObj;\\n if (!e.writable) throw new TypeError(\"attempted to set read only private field\");\\n return e;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classStaticPrivateFieldDestructureSet(t, e, r) {\\n return _classCheckPrivateStaticAccess(t, e), _classCheckPrivateStaticFieldDescriptor(r, \"set\"), _classApplyDescriptorDestructureSet(t, r);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classCheckPrivateStaticAccess(t, e) {\\n if (t !== e) throw new TypeError(\"Private static access of wrong provenance\");\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classCheckPrivateStaticFieldDescriptor(t, e) {\\n if (void 0 === t) throw new TypeError(\"attempted to \" + e + \" private static field before its declaration\");\\n}\\n\\nfunction _decorate(t, e, r, i) {\\n var a = _getDecoratorsApi();\\n\\n if (i) for (var s = 0; s < i.length; s++) {\\n a = i[s](a);\\n }\\n var n = e(function (t) {\\n a.initializeInstanceElements(t, o.elements);\\n }, r),\\n o = a.decorateClass(_coalesceClassElements(n.d.map(_createElementDescriptor)), t);\\n return a.initializeClassElements(n.F, o.elements), a.runClassFinishers(n.F, o.finishers);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _getDecoratorsApi() {\\n _getDecoratorsApi = function _getDecoratorsApi() {\\n return t;\\n };\\n\\n var t = {\\n elementsDefinitionOrder: [[\"method\"], [\"field\"]],\\n initializeInstanceElements: function initializeInstanceElements(t, e) {\\n [\"method\", \"field\"].forEach(function (r) {\\n e.forEach(function (e) {\\n e.kind === r && \"own\" === e.placement && this.defineClassElement(t, e);\\n }, this);\\n }, this);\\n },\\n initializeClassElements: function initializeClassElements(t, e) {\\n var r = t.prototype;\\n [\"method\", \"field\"].forEach(function (i) {\\n e.forEach(function (e) {\\n var a = e.placement;\\n\\n if (e.kind === i && (\"static\" === a || \"prototype\" === a)) {\\n var s = \"static\" === a ? t : r;\\n this.defineClassElement(s, e);\\n }\\n }, this);\\n }, this);\\n },\\n defineClassElement: function defineClassElement(t, e) {\\n var r = e.descriptor;\\n\\n if (\"field\" === e.kind) {\\n var i = e.initializer;\\n r = {\\n enumerable: r.enumerable,\\n writable: r.writable,\\n configurable: r.configurable,\\n value: void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.call(t)\\n };\\n }\\n\\n Object.defineProperty(t, e.key, r);\\n },\\n decorateClass: function decorateClass(t, e) {\\n var r = [],\\n i = [],\\n a = {\\n \"static\": [],\\n prototype: [],\\n own: []\\n };\\n if (t.forEach(function (t) {\\n this.addElementPlacement(t, a);\\n }, this), t.forEach(function (t) {\\n if (!_hasDecorators(t)) return r.push(t);\\n var e = this.decorateElement(t, a);\\n r.push(e.element), r.push.apply(r, e.extras), i.push.apply(i, e.finishers);\\n }, this), !e) return {\\n elements: r,\\n finishers: i\\n };\\n var s = this.decorateConstructor(r, e);\\n return i.push.apply(i, s.finishers), s.finishers = i, s;\\n },\\n addElementPlacement: function addElementPlacement(t, e, r) {\\n var i = e[t.placement];\\n if (!r && -1 !== i.indexOf(t.key)) throw new TypeError(\"Duplicated element (\" + t.key + \")\");\\n i.push(t.key);\\n },\\n decorateElement: function decorateElement(t, e) {\\n for (var r = [], i = [], a = t.decorators, s = a.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) {\\n var n = e[t.placement];\\n n.splice(n.indexOf(t.key), 1);\\n var o = this.fromElementDescriptor(t),\\n h = this.toElementFinisherExtras((0, a[s])(o) || o);\\n t = h.element, this.addElementPlacement(t, e), h.finisher && i.push(h.finisher);\\n var l = h.extras;\\n\\n if (l) {\\n for (var p = 0; p < l.length; p++) {\\n this.addElementPlacement(l[p], e);\\n }\\n\\n r.push.apply(r, l);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return {\\n element: t,\\n finishers: i,\\n extras: r\\n };\\n },\\n decorateConstructor: function decorateConstructor(t, e) {\\n for (var r = [], i = e.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\\n var a = this.fromClassDescriptor(t),\\n s = this.toClassDescriptor((0, e[i])(a) || a);\\n\\n if (void 0 !== s.finisher && r.push(s.finisher), void 0 !== s.elements) {\\n t = s.elements;\\n\\n for (var n = 0; n < t.length - 1; n++) {\\n for (var o = n + 1; o < t.length; o++) {\\n if (t[n].key === t[o].key && t[n].placement === t[o].placement) throw new TypeError(\"Duplicated element (\" + t[n].key + \")\");\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return {\\n elements: t,\\n finishers: r\\n };\\n },\\n fromElementDescriptor: function fromElementDescriptor(t) {\\n var e = {\\n kind: t.kind,\\n key: t.key,\\n placement: t.placement,\\n descriptor: t.descriptor\\n };\\n return Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, {\\n value: \"Descriptor\",\\n configurable: !0\\n }), \"field\" === t.kind && (e.initializer = t.initializer), e;\\n },\\n toElementDescriptors: function toElementDescriptors(t) {\\n if (void 0 !== t) return _toArray(t).map(function (t) {\\n var e = this.toElementDescriptor(t);\\n return this.disallowProperty(t, \"finisher\", \"An element descriptor\"), this.disallowProperty(t, \"extras\", \"An element descriptor\"), e;\\n }, this);\\n },\\n toElementDescriptor: function toElementDescriptor(t) {\\n var e = String(t.kind);\\n if (\"method\" !== e && \"field\" !== e) throw new TypeError(\\'An element descriptor\\\\\\'s .kind property must be either \"method\" or \"field\", but a decorator created an element descriptor with .kind \"\\' + e + \\'\"\\');\\n\\n var r = _toPropertyKey(t.key),\\n i = String(t.placement);\\n\\n if (\"static\" !== i && \"prototype\" !== i && \"own\" !== i) throw new TypeError(\\'An element descriptor\\\\\\'s .placement property must be one of \"static\", \"prototype\" or \"own\", but a decorator created an element descriptor with .placement \"\\' + i + \\'\"\\');\\n var a = t.descriptor;\\n this.disallowProperty(t, \"elements\", \"An element descriptor\");\\n var s = {\\n kind: e,\\n key: r,\\n placement: i,\\n descriptor: Object.assign({}, a)\\n };\\n return \"field\" !== e ? this.disallowProperty(t, \"initializer\", \"A method descriptor\") : (this.disallowProperty(a, \"get\", \"The property descriptor of a field descriptor\"), this.disallowProperty(a, \"set\", \"The property descriptor of a field descriptor\"), this.disallowProperty(a, \"value\", \"The property descriptor of a field descriptor\"), s.initializer = t.initializer), s;\\n },\\n toElementFinisherExtras: function toElementFinisherExtras(t) {\\n return {\\n element: this.toElementDescriptor(t),\\n finisher: _optionalCallableProperty(t, \"finisher\"),\\n extras: this.toElementDescriptors(t.extras)\\n };\\n },\\n fromClassDescriptor: function fromClassDescriptor(t) {\\n var e = {\\n kind: \"class\",\\n elements: t.map(this.fromElementDescriptor, this)\\n };\\n return Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, {\\n value: \"Descriptor\",\\n configurable: !0\\n }), e;\\n },\\n toClassDescriptor: function toClassDescriptor(t) {\\n var e = String(t.kind);\\n if (\"class\" !== e) throw new TypeError(\\'A class descriptor\\\\\\'s .kind property must be \"class\", but a decorator created a class descriptor with .kind \"\\' + e + \\'\"\\');\\n this.disallowProperty(t, \"key\", \"A class descriptor\"), this.disallowProperty(t, \"placement\", \"A class descriptor\"), this.disallowProperty(t, \"descriptor\", \"A class descriptor\"), this.disallowProperty(t, \"initializer\", \"A class descriptor\"), this.disallowProperty(t, \"extras\", \"A class descriptor\");\\n\\n var r = _optionalCallableProperty(t, \"finisher\");\\n\\n return {\\n elements: this.toElementDescriptors(t.elements),\\n finisher: r\\n };\\n },\\n runClassFinishers: function runClassFinishers(t, e) {\\n for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {\\n var i = (0, e[r])(t);\\n\\n if (void 0 !== i) {\\n if (\"function\" != typeof i) throw new TypeError(\"Finishers must return a constructor.\");\\n t = i;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return t;\\n },\\n disallowProperty: function disallowProperty(t, e, r) {\\n if (void 0 !== t[e]) throw new TypeError(r + \" can\\'t have a .\" + e + \" property.\");\\n }\\n };\\n return t;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _createElementDescriptor(t) {\\n var e,\\n r = _toPropertyKey(t.key);\\n\\n \"method\" === t.kind ? e = {\\n value: t.value,\\n writable: !0,\\n configurable: !0,\\n enumerable: !1\\n } : \"get\" === t.kind ? e = {\\n get: t.value,\\n configurable: !0,\\n enumerable: !1\\n } : \"set\" === t.kind ? e = {\\n set: t.value,\\n configurable: !0,\\n enumerable: !1\\n } : \"field\" === t.kind && (e = {\\n configurable: !0,\\n writable: !0,\\n enumerable: !0\\n });\\n var i = {\\n kind: \"field\" === t.kind ? \"field\" : \"method\",\\n key: r,\\n placement: t[\"static\"] ? \"static\" : \"field\" === t.kind ? \"own\" : \"prototype\",\\n descriptor: e\\n };\\n return t.decorators && (i.decorators = t.decorators), \"field\" === t.kind && (i.initializer = t.value), i;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _coalesceGetterSetter(t, e) {\\n void 0 !== t.descriptor.get ? e.descriptor.get = t.descriptor.get : e.descriptor.set = t.descriptor.set;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _coalesceClassElements(t) {\\n for (var e = [], r = function r(t) {\\n return \"method\" === t.kind && t.key === s.key && t.placement === s.placement;\\n }, i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {\\n var a,\\n s = t[i];\\n if (\"method\" === s.kind && (a = e.find(r))) {\\n if (_isDataDescriptor(s.descriptor) || _isDataDescriptor(a.descriptor)) {\\n if (_hasDecorators(s) || _hasDecorators(a)) throw new ReferenceError(\"Duplicated methods (\" + s.key + \") can\\'t be decorated.\");\\n a.descriptor = s.descriptor;\\n } else {\\n if (_hasDecorators(s)) {\\n if (_hasDecorators(a)) throw new ReferenceError(\"Decorators can\\'t be placed on different accessors with for the same property (\" + s.key + \").\");\\n a.decorators = s.decorators;\\n }\\n\\n _coalesceGetterSetter(s, a);\\n }\\n } else e.push(s);\\n }\\n\\n return e;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _hasDecorators(t) {\\n return t.decorators && t.decorators.length;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _isDataDescriptor(t) {\\n return void 0 !== t && !(void 0 === t.value && void 0 === t.writable);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _optionalCallableProperty(t, e) {\\n var r = t[e];\\n if (void 0 !== r && \"function\" != typeof r) throw new TypeError(\"Expected \\'\" + e + \"\\' to be a function\");\\n return r;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classPrivateMethodGet(t, e, r) {\\n if (!e.has(t)) throw new TypeError(\"attempted to get private field on non-instance\");\\n return r;\\n}\\n\\nfunction _checkPrivateRedeclaration(t, e) {\\n if (e.has(t)) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object\");\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classPrivateFieldInitSpec(t, e, r) {\\n _checkPrivateRedeclaration(t, e), e.set(t, r);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(t, e) {\\n _checkPrivateRedeclaration(t, e), e.add(t);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _classPrivateMethodSet() {\\n throw new TypeError(\"attempted to reassign private method\");\\n}\\n/*! *****************************************************************************\\nCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.\\n\\nPermission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any\\npurpose with or without fee is hereby granted.\\n\\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH\\nREGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY\\nAND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT,\\nINDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM\\nLOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR\\nOTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR\\nPERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.\\n***************************************************************************** */\\n\\n\\nvar _extendStatics2 = function _extendStatics(t, e) {\\n return _extendStatics2 = Object.setPrototypeOf || {\\n __proto__: []\\n } instanceof Array && function (t, e) {\\n t.__proto__ = e;\\n } || function (t, e) {\\n for (var r in e) {\\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && (t[r] = e[r]);\\n }\\n }, _extendStatics2(t, e);\\n};\\n\\nfunction __extends(t, e) {\\n if (\"function\" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError(\"Class extends value \" + String(e) + \" is not a constructor or null\");\\n\\n function r() {\\n this.constructor = t;\\n }\\n\\n _extendStatics2(t, e), t.prototype = null === e ? Object.create(e) : (r.prototype = e.prototype, new r());\\n}\\n\\nvar _assign2 = function _assign() {\\n return _assign2 = Object.assign || function (t) {\\n for (var e, r = 1, i = arguments.length; r < i; r++) {\\n for (var a in e = arguments[r]) {\\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return t;\\n }, _assign2.apply(this, arguments);\\n};\\n\\nfunction __rest(t, e) {\\n var r = {};\\n\\n for (var i in t) {\\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, i) && e.indexOf(i) < 0 && (r[i] = t[i]);\\n }\\n\\n if (null != t && \"function\" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {\\n var a = 0;\\n\\n for (i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t); a < i.length; a++) {\\n e.indexOf(i[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(t, i[a]) && (r[i[a]] = t[i[a]]);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return r;\\n}\\n\\nfunction __decorate(t, e, r, i) {\\n var a,\\n s = arguments.length,\\n n = s < 3 ? e : null === i ? i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r) : i;\\n if (\"object\" == (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" ? \"undefined\" : _typeof2(Reflect)) && \"function\" == typeof Reflect.decorate) n = Reflect.decorate(t, e, r, i);else for (var o = t.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) {\\n (a = t[o]) && (n = (s < 3 ? a(n) : s > 3 ? a(e, r, n) : a(e, r)) || n);\\n }\\n return s > 3 && n && Object.defineProperty(e, r, n), n;\\n}\\n\\nfunction __param(t, e) {\\n return function (r, i) {\\n e(r, i, t);\\n };\\n}\\n\\nfunction __metadata(t, e) {\\n if (\"object\" == (typeof Reflect === \"undefined\" ? \"undefined\" : _typeof2(Reflect)) && \"function\" == typeof Reflect.metadata) return Reflect.metadata(t, e);\\n}\\n\\nfunction __awaiter(t, e, r, i) {\\n return new (r || (r = Promise))(function (a, s) {\\n function n(t) {\\n try {\\n h(i.next(t));\\n } catch (t) {\\n s(t);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function o(t) {\\n try {\\n h(i[\"throw\"](t));\\n } catch (t) {\\n s(t);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function h(t) {\\n var e;\\n t.done ? a(t.value) : (e = t.value, e instanceof r ? e : new r(function (t) {\\n t(e);\\n })).then(n, o);\\n }\\n\\n h((i = i.apply(t, e || [])).next());\\n });\\n}\\n\\nfunction __generator(t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a,\\n s,\\n n = {\\n label: 0,\\n sent: function sent() {\\n if (1 & a[0]) throw a[1];\\n return a[1];\\n },\\n trys: [],\\n ops: []\\n };\\n return s = {\\n next: o(0),\\n \"throw\": o(1),\\n \"return\": o(2)\\n }, \"function\" == typeof Symbol && (s[Symbol.iterator] = function () {\\n return this;\\n }), s;\\n\\n function o(s) {\\n return function (o) {\\n return function (s) {\\n if (r) throw new TypeError(\"Generator is already executing.\");\\n\\n for (; n;) {\\n try {\\n if (r = 1, i && (a = 2 & s[0] ? i[\"return\"] : s[0] ? i[\"throw\"] || ((a = i[\"return\"]) && a.call(i), 0) : i.next) && !(a = a.call(i, s[1])).done) return a;\\n\\n switch (i = 0, a && (s = [2 & s[0], a.value]), s[0]) {\\n case 0:\\n case 1:\\n a = s;\\n break;\\n\\n case 4:\\n return n.label++, {\\n value: s[1],\\n done: !1\\n };\\n\\n case 5:\\n n.label++, i = s[1], s = [0];\\n continue;\\n\\n case 7:\\n s = n.ops.pop(), n.trys.pop();\\n continue;\\n\\n default:\\n if (!(a = n.trys, (a = a.length > 0 && a[a.length - 1]) || 6 !== s[0] && 2 !== s[0])) {\\n n = 0;\\n continue;\\n }\\n\\n if (3 === s[0] && (!a || s[1] > a[0] && s[1] < a[3])) {\\n n.label = s[1];\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n if (6 === s[0] && n.label < a[1]) {\\n n.label = a[1], a = s;\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n if (a && n.label < a[2]) {\\n n.label = a[2], n.ops.push(s);\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n a[2] && n.ops.pop(), n.trys.pop();\\n continue;\\n }\\n\\n s = e.call(t, n);\\n } catch (t) {\\n s = [6, t], i = 0;\\n } finally {\\n r = a = 0;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n if (5 & s[0]) throw s[1];\\n return {\\n value: s[0] ? s[1] : void 0,\\n done: !0\\n };\\n }([s, o]);\\n };\\n }\\n}\\n\\nvar __createBinding = Object.create ? function (t, e, r, i) {\\n void 0 === i && (i = r), Object.defineProperty(t, i, {\\n enumerable: !0,\\n get: function get() {\\n return e[r];\\n }\\n });\\n} : function (t, e, r, i) {\\n void 0 === i && (i = r), t[i] = e[r];\\n};\\n\\nfunction __exportStar(t, e) {\\n for (var r in t) {\\n \"default\" === r || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) || __createBinding(e, t, r);\\n }\\n}\\n\\nfunction __values(t) {\\n var e = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator,\\n r = e && t[e],\\n i = 0;\\n if (r) return r.call(t);\\n if (t && \"number\" == typeof t.length) return {\\n next: function next() {\\n return t && i >= t.length && (t = void 0), {\\n value: t && t[i++],\\n done: !t\\n };\\n }\\n };\\n throw new TypeError(e ? \"Object is not iterable.\" : \"Symbol.iterator is not defined.\");\\n}\\n\\nfunction __read(t, e) {\\n var r = \"function\" == typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator];\\n if (!r) return t;\\n var i,\\n a,\\n s = r.call(t),\\n n = [];\\n\\n try {\\n for (; (void 0 === e || e-- > 0) && !(i = s.next()).done;) {\\n n.push(i.value);\\n }\\n } catch (t) {\\n a = {\\n error: t\\n };\\n } finally {\\n try {\\n i && !i.done && (r = s[\"return\"]) && r.call(s);\\n } finally {\\n if (a) throw a.error;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return n;\\n}\\n\\nfunction __spread() {\\n for (var t = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) {\\n t = t.concat(__read(arguments[e]));\\n }\\n\\n return t;\\n}\\n\\nfunction __spreadArrays() {\\n for (var t = 0, e = 0, r = arguments.length; e < r; e++) {\\n t += arguments[e].length;\\n }\\n\\n var i = Array(t),\\n a = 0;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < r; e++) {\\n for (var s = arguments[e], n = 0, o = s.length; n < o; n++, a++) {\\n i[a] = s[n];\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return i;\\n}\\n\\nfunction __spreadArray(t, e, r) {\\n if (r || 2 === arguments.length) for (var i, a = 0, s = e.length; a < s; a++) {\\n !i && a in e || (i || (i = Array.prototype.slice.call(e, 0, a)), i[a] = e[a]);\\n }\\n return t.concat(i || Array.prototype.slice.call(e));\\n}\\n\\nfunction __await(t) {\\n return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = t, this) : new __await(t);\\n}\\n\\nfunction __asyncGenerator(t, e, r) {\\n if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError(\"Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.\");\\n var i,\\n a = r.apply(t, e || []),\\n s = [];\\n return i = {}, n(\"next\"), n(\"throw\"), n(\"return\"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () {\\n return this;\\n }, i;\\n\\n function n(t) {\\n a[t] && (i[t] = function (e) {\\n return new Promise(function (r, i) {\\n s.push([t, e, r, i]) > 1 || o(t, e);\\n });\\n });\\n }\\n\\n function o(t, e) {\\n try {\\n !function (t) {\\n t.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(t.value.v).then(h, l) : p(s[0][2], t);\\n }(a[t](e));\\n } catch (t) {\\n p(s[0][3], t);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function h(t) {\\n o(\"next\", t);\\n }\\n\\n function l(t) {\\n o(\"throw\", t);\\n }\\n\\n function p(t, e) {\\n t(e), s.shift(), s.length && o(s[0][0], s[0][1]);\\n }\\n}\\n\\nfunction __asyncDelegator(t) {\\n var e, r;\\n return e = {}, i(\"next\"), i(\"throw\", function (t) {\\n throw t;\\n }), i(\"return\"), e[Symbol.iterator] = function () {\\n return this;\\n }, e;\\n\\n function i(i, a) {\\n e[i] = t[i] ? function (e) {\\n return (r = !r) ? {\\n value: __await(t[i](e)),\\n done: \"return\" === i\\n } : a ? a(e) : e;\\n } : a;\\n }\\n}\\n\\nfunction __asyncValues(t) {\\n if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError(\"Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.\");\\n var e,\\n r = t[Symbol.asyncIterator];\\n return r ? r.call(t) : (t = \"function\" == typeof __values ? __values(t) : t[Symbol.iterator](), e = {}, i(\"next\"), i(\"throw\"), i(\"return\"), e[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () {\\n return this;\\n }, e);\\n\\n function i(r) {\\n e[r] = t[r] && function (e) {\\n return new Promise(function (i, a) {\\n (function (t, e, r, i) {\\n Promise.resolve(i).then(function (e) {\\n t({\\n value: e,\\n done: r\\n });\\n }, e);\\n })(i, a, (e = t[r](e)).done, e.value);\\n });\\n };\\n }\\n}\\n\\nfunction __makeTemplateObject(t, e) {\\n return Object.defineProperty ? Object.defineProperty(t, \"raw\", {\\n value: e\\n }) : t.raw = e, t;\\n}\\n\\nvar __setModuleDefault = Object.create ? function (t, e) {\\n Object.defineProperty(t, \"default\", {\\n enumerable: !0,\\n value: e\\n });\\n} : function (t, e) {\\n t[\"default\"] = e;\\n};\\n\\nfunction __importStar(t) {\\n if (t && t.__esModule) return t;\\n var e = {};\\n if (null != t) for (var r in t) {\\n \"default\" !== r && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, r) && __createBinding(e, t, r);\\n }\\n return __setModuleDefault(e, t), e;\\n}\\n\\nfunction __importDefault(t) {\\n return t && t.__esModule ? t : {\\n \"default\": t\\n };\\n}\\n\\nfunction __classPrivateFieldGet(t, e, r, i) {\\n if (\"a\" === r && !i) throw new TypeError(\"Private accessor was defined without a getter\");\\n if (\"function\" == typeof e ? t !== e || !i : !e.has(t)) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it\");\\n return \"m\" === r ? i : \"a\" === r ? i.call(t) : i ? i.value : e.get(t);\\n}\\n\\nfunction __classPrivateFieldSet(t, e, r, i, a) {\\n if (\"m\" === i) throw new TypeError(\"Private method is not writable\");\\n if (\"a\" === i && !a) throw new TypeError(\"Private accessor was defined without a setter\");\\n if (\"function\" == typeof e ? t !== e || !a : !e.has(t)) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it\");\\n return \"a\" === i ? a.call(t, r) : a ? a.value = r : e.set(t, r), r;\\n /**\\n * @license\\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\\n */\\n}\\n\\nvar t$3 = window.ShadowRoot && (void 0 === window.ShadyCSS || window.ShadyCSS.nativeShadow) && \"adoptedStyleSheets\" in Document.prototype && \"replace\" in CSSStyleSheet.prototype,\\n e$8 = Symbol(),\\n n$5 = new Map();\\n\\nvar s$3 = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\\n function s$3(t, e) {\\n _classCallCheck2(this, s$3);\\n\\n if (this._$cssResult$ = !0, e !== e$8) throw Error(\"CSSResult is not constructable. Use `unsafeCSS` or `css` instead.\");\\n this.cssText = t;\\n }\\n\\n _createClass2(s$3, [{\\n key: \"toString\",\\n value: function toString() {\\n return this.cssText;\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"styleSheet\",\\n get: function get() {\\n var t = n$5.get(this.cssText);\\n return t$3 && void 0 === t && (n$5.set(this.cssText, t = new CSSStyleSheet()), t.replaceSync(this.cssText)), t;\\n }\\n }]);\\n\\n return s$3;\\n}();\\n\\nvar o$5 = function o$5(t) {\\n return new s$3(\"string\" == typeof t ? t : t + \"\", e$8);\\n},\\n r$3 = function r$3(t) {\\n for (var e = arguments.length, r = new Array(e > 1 ? e - 1 : 0), i = 1; i < e; i++) {\\n r[i - 1] = arguments[i];\\n }\\n\\n var a = 1 === t.length ? t[0] : r.reduce(function (e, r, i) {\\n return e + function (t) {\\n if (!0 === t._$cssResult$) return t.cssText;\\n if (\"number\" == typeof t) return t;\\n throw Error(\"Value passed to \\'css\\' function must be a \\'css\\' function result: \" + t + \". Use \\'unsafeCSS\\' to pass non-literal values, but take care to ensure page security.\");\\n }(r) + t[i + 1];\\n }, t[0]);\\n return new s$3(a, e$8);\\n},\\n i$3 = function i$3(t, e) {\\n t$3 ? t.adoptedStyleSheets = e.map(function (t) {\\n return t instanceof CSSStyleSheet ? t : t.styleSheet;\\n }) : e.forEach(function (e) {\\n var r = document.createElement(\"style\"),\\n i = window.litNonce;\\n void 0 !== i && r.setAttribute(\"nonce\", i), r.textContent = e.cssText, t.appendChild(r);\\n });\\n},\\n S$1 = t$3 ? function (t) {\\n return t;\\n} : function (t) {\\n return t instanceof CSSStyleSheet ? function (t) {\\n var e = \"\";\\n\\n var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper2(t.cssRules),\\n _step2;\\n\\n try {\\n for (_iterator.s(); !(_step2 = _iterator.n()).done;) {\\n var r = _step2.value;\\n e += r.cssText;\\n }\\n } catch (err) {\\n _iterator.e(err);\\n } finally {\\n _iterator.f();\\n }\\n\\n return o$5(e);\\n }(t) : t;\\n}\\n/**\\n * @license\\n * Copyright 2017 Google LLC\\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\\n */\\n,\\n s$2,\\n e$7 = window.trustedTypes,\\n r$2 = e$7 ? e$7.emptyScript : \"\",\\n h$2 = window.reactiveElementPolyfillSupport,\\n o$4 = {\\n toAttribute: function toAttribute(t, e) {\\n switch (e) {\\n case Boolean:\\n t = t ? r$2 : null;\\n break;\\n\\n case Object:\\n case Array:\\n t = null == t ? t : JSON.stringify(t);\\n }\\n\\n return t;\\n },\\n fromAttribute: function fromAttribute(t, e) {\\n var r = t;\\n\\n switch (e) {\\n case Boolean:\\n r = null !== t;\\n break;\\n\\n case Number:\\n r = null === t ? null : Number(t);\\n break;\\n\\n case Object:\\n case Array:\\n try {\\n r = JSON.parse(t);\\n } catch (t) {\\n r = null;\\n }\\n\\n }\\n\\n return r;\\n }\\n},\\n n$4 = function n$4(t, e) {\\n return e !== t && (e == e || t == t);\\n},\\n l$3 = {\\n attribute: !0,\\n type: String,\\n converter: o$4,\\n reflect: !1,\\n hasChanged: n$4\\n},\\n t$2;\\n\\nvar a$1 = /*#__PURE__*/function (_HTMLElement) {\\n _inherits2(a$1, _HTMLElement);\\n\\n var _super = _createSuper2(a$1);\\n\\n function a$1() {\\n var _this;\\n\\n _classCallCheck2(this, a$1);\\n\\n _this = _super.call(this), _this._$Et = new Map(), _this.isUpdatePending = !1, _this.hasUpdated = !1, _this._$Ei = null, _this.o();\\n return _this;\\n }\\n\\n _createClass2(a$1, [{\\n key: \"o\",\\n value: function o() {\\n var _this2 = this;\\n\\n var t;\\n this._$Ep = new Promise(function (t) {\\n return _this2.enableUpdating = t;\\n }), this._$AL = new Map(), this._$Em(), this.requestUpdate(), null === (t = this.constructor.l) || void 0 === t || t.forEach(function (t) {\\n return t(_this2);\\n });\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"addController\",\\n value: function addController(t) {\\n var e, r;\\n (null !== (e = this._$Eg) && void 0 !== e ? e : this._$Eg = []).push(t), void 0 !== this.renderRoot && this.isConnected && (null === (r = t.hostConnected) || void 0 === r || r.call(t));\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"removeController\",\\n value: function removeController(t) {\\n var e;\\n null === (e = this._$Eg) || void 0 === e || e.splice(this._$Eg.indexOf(t) >>> 0, 1);\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"_$Em\",\\n value: function _$Em() {\\n var _this3 = this;\\n\\n this.constructor.elementProperties.forEach(function (t, e) {\\n _this3.hasOwnProperty(e) && (_this3._$Et.set(e, _this3[e]), delete _this3[e]);\\n });\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"createRenderRoot\",\\n value: function createRenderRoot() {\\n var t,\\n e = null !== (t = this.shadowRoot) && void 0 !== t ? t : this.attachShadow(this.constructor.shadowRootOptions);\\n return i$3(e, this.constructor.elementStyles), e;\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"connectedCallback\",\\n value: function connectedCallback() {\\n var t;\\n void 0 === this.renderRoot && (this.renderRoot = this.createRenderRoot()), this.enableUpdating(!0), null === (t = this._$Eg) || void 0 === t || t.forEach(function (t) {\\n var e;\\n return null === (e = t.hostConnected) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.call(t);\\n });\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"enableUpdating\",\\n value: function enableUpdating(t) {}\\n }, {\\n key: \"disconnectedCallback\",\\n value: function disconnectedCallback() {\\n var t;\\n null === (t = this._$Eg) || void 0 === t || t.forEach(function (t) {\\n var e;\\n return null === (e = t.hostDisconnected) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.call(t);\\n });\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"attributeChangedCallback\",\\n value: function attributeChangedCallback(t, e, r) {\\n this._$AK(t, r);\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"_$ES\",\\n value: function _$ES(t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : l$3,\\n s = this.constructor._$Eh(t, a);\\n\\n if (void 0 !== s && !0 === a.reflect) {\\n var n = (null !== (i = null === (r = a.converter) || void 0 === r ? void 0 : r.toAttribute) && void 0 !== i ? i : o$4.toAttribute)(e, a.type);\\n this._$Ei = t, null == n ? this.removeAttribute(s) : this.setAttribute(s, n), this._$Ei = null;\\n }\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"_$AK\",\\n value: function _$AK(t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a,\\n s = this.constructor,\\n n = s._$Eu.get(t);\\n\\n if (void 0 !== n && this._$Ei !== n) {\\n var o = s.getPropertyOptions(n),\\n h = o.converter,\\n l = null !== (a = null !== (i = null === (r = h) || void 0 === r ? void 0 : r.fromAttribute) && void 0 !== i ? i : \"function\" == typeof h ? h : null) && void 0 !== a ? a : o$4.fromAttribute;\\n this._$Ei = n, this[n] = l(e, o.type), this._$Ei = null;\\n }\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"requestUpdate\",\\n value: function requestUpdate(t, e, r) {\\n var i = !0;\\n void 0 !== t && (((r = r || this.constructor.getPropertyOptions(t)).hasChanged || n$4)(this[t], e) ? (this._$AL.has(t) || this._$AL.set(t, e), !0 === r.reflect && this._$Ei !== t && (void 0 === this._$E_ && (this._$E_ = new Map()), this._$E_.set(t, r))) : i = !1), !this.isUpdatePending && i && (this._$Ep = this._$EC());\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"_$EC\",\\n value: function _$EC() {\\n var t = this;\\n return _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee() {\\n var e;\\n return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {\\n while (1) {\\n switch (_context.prev = _context.next) {\\n case 0:\\n t.isUpdatePending = !0;\\n _context.prev = 1;\\n _context.next = 4;\\n return t._$Ep;\\n\\n case 4:\\n _context.next = 9;\\n break;\\n\\n case 6:\\n _context.prev = 6;\\n _context.t0 = _context[\"catch\"](1);\\n Promise.reject(_context.t0);\\n\\n case 9:\\n e = t.scheduleUpdate();\\n _context.t1 = null != e;\\n\\n if (!_context.t1) {\\n _context.next = 14;\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n _context.next = 14;\\n return e;\\n\\n case 14:\\n return _context.abrupt(\"return\", !t.isUpdatePending);\\n\\n case 15:\\n case \"end\":\\n return _context.stop();\\n }\\n }\\n }, _callee, null, [[1, 6]]);\\n }))();\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"scheduleUpdate\",\\n value: function scheduleUpdate() {\\n return this.performUpdate();\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"performUpdate\",\\n value: function performUpdate() {\\n var _this4 = this;\\n\\n var t;\\n\\n if (this.isUpdatePending) {\\n this.hasUpdated, this._$Et && (this._$Et.forEach(function (t, e) {\\n return _this4[e] = t;\\n }), this._$Et = void 0);\\n var e = !1,\\n r = this._$AL;\\n\\n try {\\n (e = this.shouldUpdate(r)) ? (this.willUpdate(r), null === (t = this._$Eg) || void 0 === t || t.forEach(function (t) {\\n var e;\\n return null === (e = t.hostUpdate) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.call(t);\\n }), this.update(r)) : this._$EU();\\n } catch (t) {\\n throw e = !1, this._$EU(), t;\\n }\\n\\n e && this._$AE(r);\\n }\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"willUpdate\",\\n value: function willUpdate(t) {}\\n }, {\\n key: \"_$AE\",\\n value: function _$AE(t) {\\n var e;\\n null === (e = this._$Eg) || void 0 === e || e.forEach(function (t) {\\n var e;\\n return null === (e = t.hostUpdated) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.call(t);\\n }), this.hasUpdated || (this.hasUpdated = !0, this.firstUpdated(t)), this.updated(t);\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"_$EU\",\\n value: function _$EU() {\\n this._$AL = new Map(), this.isUpdatePending = !1;\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"getUpdateComplete\",\\n value: function getUpdateComplete() {\\n return this._$Ep;\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"shouldUpdate\",\\n value: function shouldUpdate(t) {\\n return !0;\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"update\",\\n value: function update(t) {\\n var _this5 = this;\\n\\n void 0 !== this._$E_ && (this._$E_.forEach(function (t, e) {\\n return _this5._$ES(e, _this5[e], t);\\n }), this._$E_ = void 0), this._$EU();\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"updated\",\\n value: function updated(t) {}\\n }, {\\n key: \"firstUpdated\",\\n value: function firstUpdated(t) {}\\n }, {\\n key: \"updateComplete\",\\n get: function get() {\\n return this.getUpdateComplete();\\n }\\n }], [{\\n key: \"addInitializer\",\\n value: function addInitializer(t) {\\n var e;\\n null !== (e = this.l) && void 0 !== e || (this.l = []), this.l.push(t);\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"createProperty\",\\n value: function createProperty(t) {\\n var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : l$3;\\n\\n if (e.state && (e.attribute = !1), this.finalize(), this.elementProperties.set(t, e), !e.noAccessor && !this.prototype.hasOwnProperty(t)) {\\n var r = \"symbol\" == _typeof2(t) ? Symbol() : \"__\" + t,\\n i = this.getPropertyDescriptor(t, r, e);\\n void 0 !== i && Object.defineProperty(this.prototype, t, i);\\n }\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"getPropertyDescriptor\",\\n value: function getPropertyDescriptor(t, e, r) {\\n return {\\n get: function get() {\\n return this[e];\\n },\\n set: function set(i) {\\n var a = this[t];\\n this[e] = i, this.requestUpdate(t, a, r);\\n },\\n configurable: !0,\\n enumerable: !0\\n };\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"getPropertyOptions\",\\n value: function getPropertyOptions(t) {\\n return this.elementProperties.get(t) || l$3;\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"finalize\",\\n value: function finalize() {\\n if (this.hasOwnProperty(\"finalized\")) return !1;\\n this.finalized = !0;\\n var t = Object.getPrototypeOf(this);\\n\\n if (t.finalize(), this.elementProperties = new Map(t.elementProperties), this._$Eu = new Map(), this.hasOwnProperty(\"properties\")) {\\n var e = this.properties,\\n r = [].concat(_toConsumableArray2(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e)), _toConsumableArray2(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e)));\\n\\n var _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelper2(r),\\n _step3;\\n\\n try {\\n for (_iterator2.s(); !(_step3 = _iterator2.n()).done;) {\\n var i = _step3.value;\\n this.createProperty(i, e[i]);\\n }\\n } catch (err) {\\n _iterator2.e(err);\\n } finally {\\n _iterator2.f();\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return this.elementStyles = this.finalizeStyles(this.styles), !0;\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"finalizeStyles\",\\n value: function finalizeStyles(t) {\\n var e = [];\\n\\n if (Array.isArray(t)) {\\n var r = new Set(t.flat(1 / 0).reverse());\\n\\n var _iterator3 = _createForOfIteratorHelper2(r),\\n _step4;\\n\\n try {\\n for (_iterator3.s(); !(_step4 = _iterator3.n()).done;) {\\n var i = _step4.value;\\n e.unshift(S$1(i));\\n }\\n } catch (err) {\\n _iterator3.e(err);\\n } finally {\\n _iterator3.f();\\n }\\n } else void 0 !== t && e.push(S$1(t));\\n\\n return e;\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"_$Eh\",\\n value: function _$Eh(t, e) {\\n var r = e.attribute;\\n return !1 === r ? void 0 : \"string\" == typeof r ? r : \"string\" == typeof t ? t.toLowerCase() : void 0;\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"observedAttributes\",\\n get: function get() {\\n var _this6 = this;\\n\\n this.finalize();\\n var t = [];\\n return this.elementProperties.forEach(function (e, r) {\\n var i = _this6._$Eh(r, e);\\n\\n void 0 !== i && (_this6._$Eu.set(i, r), t.push(i));\\n }), t;\\n }\\n }]);\\n\\n return a$1;\\n}( /*#__PURE__*/_wrapNativeSuper2(HTMLElement));\\n\\na$1.finalized = !0, a$1.elementProperties = new Map(), a$1.elementStyles = [], a$1.shadowRootOptions = {\\n mode: \"open\"\\n}, null == h$2 || h$2({\\n ReactiveElement: a$1\\n}), (null !== (s$2 = globalThis.reactiveElementVersions) && void 0 !== s$2 ? s$2 : globalThis.reactiveElementVersions = []).push(\"1.2.1\");\\n\\nvar i$2 = globalThis.trustedTypes,\\n s$1 = i$2 ? i$2.createPolicy(\"lit-html\", {\\n createHTML: function createHTML(t) {\\n return t;\\n }\\n}) : void 0,\\n e$6 = \"lit$\".concat((Math.random() + \"\").slice(9), \"$\"),\\n o$3 = \"?\" + e$6,\\n n$3 = \"<\".concat(o$3, \">\"),\\n l$2 = document,\\n h$1 = function h$1() {\\n var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : \"\";\\n return l$2.createComment(t);\\n},\\n r$1 = function r$1(t) {\\n return null === t || \"object\" != _typeof2(t) && \"function\" != typeof t;\\n},\\n d = Array.isArray,\\n u = function u(t) {\\n var e;\\n return d(t) || \"function\" == typeof (null === (e = t) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e[Symbol.iterator]);\\n},\\n c = /<(?:(!--|\\\\/[^a-zA-Z])|(\\\\/?[a-zA-Z][^>\\\\s]*)|(\\\\/?$))/g,\\n v = /--\\x3e/g,\\n a = />/g,\\n f = />|[ \\t\\\\n\\f\\\\r](?:([^\\\\s\"\\'>=/]+)([ \\t\\\\n\\f\\\\r]*=[ \\t\\\\n\\f\\\\r]*(?:[^ \\t\\\\n\\f\\\\r\"\\'`<>=]|(\"|\\')|))|$)/g,\\n _ = /\\'/g,\\n m = /\"/g,\\n g = /^(?:script|style|textarea)$/i,\\n p = function p(t) {\\n return function (e) {\\n for (var r = arguments.length, i = new Array(r > 1 ? r - 1 : 0), a = 1; a < r; a++) {\\n i[a - 1] = arguments[a];\\n }\\n\\n return {\\n _$litType$: t,\\n strings: e,\\n values: i\\n };\\n };\\n},\\n $ = p(1),\\n y = p(2),\\n b = Symbol[\"for\"](\"lit-noChange\"),\\n w = Symbol[\"for\"](\"lit-nothing\"),\\n T = new WeakMap(),\\n x = function x(t, e, r) {\\n var i,\\n a,\\n s = null !== (i = null == r ? void 0 : r.renderBefore) && void 0 !== i ? i : e,\\n n = s._$litPart$;\\n\\n if (void 0 === n) {\\n var o = null !== (a = null == r ? void 0 : r.renderBefore) && void 0 !== a ? a : null;\\n s._$litPart$ = n = new N(e.insertBefore(h$1(), o), o, void 0, null != r ? r : {});\\n }\\n\\n return n._$AI(t), n;\\n},\\n A = l$2.createTreeWalker(l$2, 129, null, !1),\\n C = function C(t, e) {\\n for (var r, i = t.length - 1, s = [], n = 2 === e ? \"\" : \"\", o = c, h = 0; h < i; h++) {\\n for (var l = t[h], p = void 0, d = void 0, u = -1, y = 0; y < l.length && (o.lastIndex = y, null !== (d = o.exec(l)));) {\\n y = o.lastIndex, o === c ? \"!--\" === d[1] ? o = v : void 0 !== d[1] ? o = a : void 0 !== d[2] ? (g.test(d[2]) && (r = RegExp(\"\" === d[0] ? (o = null != r ? r : c, u = -1) : void 0 === d[1] ? u = -2 : (u = o.lastIndex - d[2].length, p = d[1], o = void 0 === d[3] ? f : \\'\"\\' === d[3] ? m : _) : o === m || o === _ ? o = f : o === v || o === a ? o = c : (o = f, r = void 0);\\n }\\n\\n var b = o === f && t[h + 1].startsWith(\"/>\") ? \" \" : \"\";\\n n += o === c ? l + n$3 : u >= 0 ? (s.push(p), l.slice(0, u) + \"$lit$\" + l.slice(u) + e$6 + b) : l + e$6 + (-2 === u ? (s.push(void 0), h) : b);\\n }\\n\\n var P = n + (t[i] || \"\") + (2 === e ? \"\" : \"\");\\n if (!Array.isArray(t) || !t.hasOwnProperty(\"raw\")) throw Error(\"invalid template strings array\");\\n return [void 0 !== s$1 ? s$1.createHTML(P) : P, s];\\n};\\n\\nvar E = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\\n function E(t, e) {\\n _classCallCheck2(this, E);\\n\\n var r,\\n i = t.strings,\\n a = t._$litType$;\\n this.parts = [];\\n\\n var s = 0,\\n n = 0,\\n o = i.length - 1,\\n h = this.parts,\\n _C = C(i, a),\\n _C2 = _slicedToArray2(_C, 2),\\n l = _C2[0],\\n p = _C2[1];\\n\\n if (this.el = E.createElement(l, e), A.currentNode = this.el.content, 2 === a) {\\n var c = this.el.content,\\n f = c.firstChild;\\n f.remove(), c.append.apply(c, _toConsumableArray2(f.childNodes));\\n }\\n\\n for (; null !== (r = A.nextNode()) && h.length < o;) {\\n if (1 === r.nodeType) {\\n if (r.hasAttributes()) {\\n var d = [];\\n\\n var _iterator4 = _createForOfIteratorHelper2(r.getAttributeNames()),\\n _step5;\\n\\n try {\\n for (_iterator4.s(); !(_step5 = _iterator4.n()).done;) {\\n var m = _step5.value;\\n\\n if (m.endsWith(\"$lit$\") || m.startsWith(e$6)) {\\n var u = p[n++];\\n\\n if (d.push(m), void 0 !== u) {\\n var y = r.getAttribute(u.toLowerCase() + \"$lit$\").split(e$6),\\n v = /([.?@])?(.*)/.exec(u);\\n h.push({\\n type: 1,\\n index: s,\\n name: v[2],\\n strings: y,\\n ctor: \".\" === v[1] ? M : \"?\" === v[1] ? H : \"@\" === v[1] ? I : S\\n });\\n } else h.push({\\n type: 6,\\n index: s\\n });\\n }\\n }\\n } catch (err) {\\n _iterator4.e(err);\\n } finally {\\n _iterator4.f();\\n }\\n\\n for (var _i2 = 0, _d2 = d; _i2 < _d2.length; _i2++) {\\n var b = _d2[_i2];\\n r.removeAttribute(b);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n if (g.test(r.tagName)) {\\n var _ = r.textContent.split(e$6),\\n P = _.length - 1;\\n\\n if (P > 0) {\\n r.textContent = i$2 ? i$2.emptyScript : \"\";\\n\\n for (var x = 0; x < P; x++) {\\n r.append(_[x], h$1()), A.nextNode(), h.push({\\n type: 2,\\n index: ++s\\n });\\n }\\n\\n r.append(_[P], h$1());\\n }\\n }\\n } else if (8 === r.nodeType) if (r.data === o$3) h.push({\\n type: 2,\\n index: s\\n });else for (var w = -1; -1 !== (w = r.data.indexOf(e$6, w + 1));) {\\n h.push({\\n type: 7,\\n index: s\\n }), w += e$6.length - 1;\\n }\\n\\n s++;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n _createClass2(E, null, [{\\n key: \"createElement\",\\n value: function createElement(t, e) {\\n var r = l$2.createElement(\"template\");\\n return r.innerHTML = t, r;\\n }\\n }]);\\n\\n return E;\\n}();\\n\\nfunction P(t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a,\\n s,\\n n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : t,\\n o = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0;\\n if (e === b) return e;\\n var h = void 0 !== o ? null === (r = n._$Cl) || void 0 === r ? void 0 : r[o] : n._$Cu,\\n l = r$1(e) ? void 0 : e._$litDirective$;\\n return (null == h ? void 0 : h.constructor) !== l && (null === (i = null == h ? void 0 : h._$AO) || void 0 === i || i.call(h, !1), void 0 === l ? h = void 0 : (h = new l(t))._$AT(t, n, o), void 0 !== o ? (null !== (a = (s = n)._$Cl) && void 0 !== a ? a : s._$Cl = [])[o] = h : n._$Cu = h), void 0 !== h && (e = P(t, h._$AS(t, e.values), h, o)), e;\\n}\\n\\nvar V = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\\n function V(t, e) {\\n _classCallCheck2(this, V);\\n\\n this.v = [], this._$AN = void 0, this._$AD = t, this._$AM = e;\\n }\\n\\n _createClass2(V, [{\\n key: \"p\",\\n value: function p(t) {\\n var e,\\n _this$_$AD = this._$AD,\\n r = _this$_$AD.el.content,\\n i = _this$_$AD.parts,\\n a = (null !== (e = null == t ? void 0 : t.creationScope) && void 0 !== e ? e : l$2).importNode(r, !0);\\n A.currentNode = a;\\n\\n for (var s = A.nextNode(), n = 0, o = 0, h = i[0]; void 0 !== h;) {\\n if (n === h.index) {\\n var l = void 0;\\n 2 === h.type ? l = new N(s, s.nextSibling, this, t) : 1 === h.type ? l = new h.ctor(s, h.name, h.strings, this, t) : 6 === h.type && (l = new L(s, this, t)), this.v.push(l), h = i[++o];\\n }\\n\\n n !== (null == h ? void 0 : h.index) && (s = A.nextNode(), n++);\\n }\\n\\n return a;\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"m\",\\n value: function m(t) {\\n var e = 0;\\n\\n var _iterator5 = _createForOfIteratorHelper2(this.v),\\n _step6;\\n\\n try {\\n for (_iterator5.s(); !(_step6 = _iterator5.n()).done;) {\\n var r = _step6.value;\\n void 0 !== r && (void 0 !== r.strings ? (r._$AI(t, r, e), e += r.strings.length - 2) : r._$AI(t[e])), e++;\\n }\\n } catch (err) {\\n _iterator5.e(err);\\n } finally {\\n _iterator5.f();\\n }\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"parentNode\",\\n get: function get() {\\n return this._$AM.parentNode;\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"_$AU\",\\n get: function get() {\\n return this._$AM._$AU;\\n }\\n }]);\\n\\n return V;\\n}();\\n\\nvar N = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\\n function N(t, e, r, i) {\\n _classCallCheck2(this, N);\\n\\n var a;\\n this.type = 2, this._$AH = w, this._$AN = void 0, this._$AA = t, this._$AB = e, this._$AM = r, this.options = i, this._$Cg = null === (a = null == i ? void 0 : i.isConnected) || void 0 === a || a;\\n }\\n\\n _createClass2(N, [{\\n key: \"_$AI\",\\n value: function _$AI(t) {\\n t = P(this, t, arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : this), r$1(t) ? t === w || null == t || \"\" === t ? (this._$AH !== w && this._$AR(), this._$AH = w) : t !== this._$AH && t !== b && this.$(t) : void 0 !== t._$litType$ ? this.T(t) : void 0 !== t.nodeType ? this.S(t) : u(t) ? this.A(t) : this.$(t);\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"M\",\\n value: function M(t) {\\n var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : this._$AB;\\n return this._$AA.parentNode.insertBefore(t, e);\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"S\",\\n value: function S(t) {\\n this._$AH !== t && (this._$AR(), this._$AH = this.M(t));\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"$\",\\n value: function $(t) {\\n this._$AH !== w && r$1(this._$AH) ? this._$AA.nextSibling.data = t : this.S(l$2.createTextNode(t)), this._$AH = t;\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"T\",\\n value: function T(t) {\\n var e,\\n r = t.values,\\n i = t._$litType$,\\n a = \"number\" == typeof i ? this._$AC(t) : (void 0 === i.el && (i.el = E.createElement(i.h, this.options)), i);\\n if ((null === (e = this._$AH) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e._$AD) === a) this._$AH.m(r);else {\\n var s = new V(a, this),\\n n = s.p(this.options);\\n s.m(r), this.S(n), this._$AH = s;\\n }\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"_$AC\",\\n value: function _$AC(t) {\\n var e = T.get(t.strings);\\n return void 0 === e && T.set(t.strings, e = new E(t)), e;\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"A\",\\n value: function A(t) {\\n d(this._$AH) || (this._$AH = [], this._$AR());\\n var e,\\n r = this._$AH,\\n i = 0;\\n\\n var _iterator6 = _createForOfIteratorHelper2(t),\\n _step7;\\n\\n try {\\n for (_iterator6.s(); !(_step7 = _iterator6.n()).done;) {\\n var a = _step7.value;\\n i === r.length ? r.push(e = new N(this.M(h$1()), this.M(h$1()), this, this.options)) : e = r[i], e._$AI(a), i++;\\n }\\n } catch (err) {\\n _iterator6.e(err);\\n } finally {\\n _iterator6.f();\\n }\\n\\n i < r.length && (this._$AR(e && e._$AB.nextSibling, i), r.length = i);\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"_$AR\",\\n value: function _$AR() {\\n var t,\\n e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : this._$AA.nextSibling,\\n r = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0;\\n\\n for (null === (t = this._$AP) || void 0 === t || t.call(this, !1, !0, r); e && e !== this._$AB;) {\\n var i = e.nextSibling;\\n e.remove(), e = i;\\n }\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"setConnected\",\\n value: function setConnected(t) {\\n var e;\\n void 0 === this._$AM && (this._$Cg = t, null === (e = this._$AP) || void 0 === e || e.call(this, t));\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"_$AU\",\\n get: function get() {\\n var t, e;\\n return null !== (e = null === (t = this._$AM) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t._$AU) && void 0 !== e ? e : this._$Cg;\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"parentNode\",\\n get: function get() {\\n var t = this._$AA.parentNode,\\n e = this._$AM;\\n return void 0 !== e && 11 === t.nodeType && (t = e.parentNode), t;\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"startNode\",\\n get: function get() {\\n return this._$AA;\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"endNode\",\\n get: function get() {\\n return this._$AB;\\n }\\n }]);\\n\\n return N;\\n}();\\n\\nvar S = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\\n function S(t, e, r, i, a) {\\n _classCallCheck2(this, S);\\n\\n this.type = 1, this._$AH = w, this._$AN = void 0, this.element = t, this.name = e, this._$AM = i, this.options = a, r.length > 2 || \"\" !== r[0] || \"\" !== r[1] ? (this._$AH = Array(r.length - 1).fill(new String()), this.strings = r) : this._$AH = w;\\n }\\n\\n _createClass2(S, [{\\n key: \"_$AI\",\\n value: function _$AI(t) {\\n var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : this,\\n r = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0,\\n i = arguments.length > 3 ? arguments[3] : void 0,\\n a = this.strings,\\n s = !1;\\n if (void 0 === a) t = P(this, t, e, 0), (s = !r$1(t) || t !== this._$AH && t !== b) && (this._$AH = t);else {\\n var n,\\n o,\\n h = t;\\n\\n for (t = a[0], n = 0; n < a.length - 1; n++) {\\n (o = P(this, h[r + n], e, n)) === b && (o = this._$AH[n]), s || (s = !r$1(o) || o !== this._$AH[n]), o === w ? t = w : t !== w && (t += (null != o ? o : \"\") + a[n + 1]), this._$AH[n] = o;\\n }\\n }\\n s && !i && this.k(t);\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"k\",\\n value: function k(t) {\\n t === w ? this.element.removeAttribute(this.name) : this.element.setAttribute(this.name, null != t ? t : \"\");\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"tagName\",\\n get: function get() {\\n return this.element.tagName;\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"_$AU\",\\n get: function get() {\\n return this._$AM._$AU;\\n }\\n }]);\\n\\n return S;\\n}();\\n\\nvar M = /*#__PURE__*/function (_S) {\\n _inherits2(M, _S);\\n\\n var _super2 = _createSuper2(M);\\n\\n function M() {\\n var _this7;\\n\\n _classCallCheck2(this, M);\\n\\n _this7 = _super2.apply(this, arguments), _this7.type = 3;\\n return _this7;\\n }\\n\\n _createClass2(M, [{\\n key: \"k\",\\n value: function k(t) {\\n this.element[this.name] = t === w ? void 0 : t;\\n }\\n }]);\\n\\n return M;\\n}(S);\\n\\nvar _k = i$2 ? i$2.emptyScript : \"\";\\n\\nvar H = /*#__PURE__*/function (_S2) {\\n _inherits2(H, _S2);\\n\\n var _super3 = _createSuper2(H);\\n\\n function H() {\\n var _this8;\\n\\n _classCallCheck2(this, H);\\n\\n _this8 = _super3.apply(this, arguments), _this8.type = 4;\\n return _this8;\\n }\\n\\n _createClass2(H, [{\\n key: \"k\",\\n value: function k(t) {\\n t && t !== w ? this.element.setAttribute(this.name, _k) : this.element.removeAttribute(this.name);\\n }\\n }]);\\n\\n return H;\\n}(S);\\n\\nvar I = /*#__PURE__*/function (_S3) {\\n _inherits2(I, _S3);\\n\\n var _super4 = _createSuper2(I);\\n\\n function I(t, e, r, i, a) {\\n var _this9;\\n\\n _classCallCheck2(this, I);\\n\\n _this9 = _super4.call(this, t, e, r, i, a), _this9.type = 5;\\n return _this9;\\n }\\n\\n _createClass2(I, [{\\n key: \"_$AI\",\\n value: function _$AI(t) {\\n var e;\\n\\n if ((t = null !== (e = P(this, t, arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : this, 0)) && void 0 !== e ? e : w) !== b) {\\n var r = this._$AH,\\n i = t === w && r !== w || t.capture !== r.capture || t.once !== r.once || t.passive !== r.passive,\\n a = t !== w && (r === w || i);\\n i && this.element.removeEventListener(this.name, this, r), a && this.element.addEventListener(this.name, this, t), this._$AH = t;\\n }\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"handleEvent\",\\n value: function handleEvent(t) {\\n var e, r;\\n \"function\" == typeof this._$AH ? this._$AH.call(null !== (r = null === (e = this.options) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.host) && void 0 !== r ? r : this.element, t) : this._$AH.handleEvent(t);\\n }\\n }]);\\n\\n return I;\\n}(S);\\n\\nvar L = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\\n function L(t, e, r) {\\n _classCallCheck2(this, L);\\n\\n this.element = t, this.type = 6, this._$AN = void 0, this._$AM = e, this.options = r;\\n }\\n\\n _createClass2(L, [{\\n key: \"_$AI\",\\n value: function _$AI(t) {\\n P(this, t);\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"_$AU\",\\n get: function get() {\\n return this._$AM._$AU;\\n }\\n }]);\\n\\n return L;\\n}();\\n\\nvar R = {\\n P: \"$lit$\",\\n V: e$6,\\n L: o$3,\\n I: 1,\\n N: C,\\n R: V,\\n D: u,\\n j: P,\\n H: N,\\n O: S,\\n F: H,\\n B: I,\\n W: M,\\n Z: L\\n},\\n z = window.litHtmlPolyfillSupport,\\n l$1,\\n o$2;\\nnull == z || z(E, N), (null !== (t$2 = globalThis.litHtmlVersions) && void 0 !== t$2 ? t$2 : globalThis.litHtmlVersions = []).push(\"2.1.2\");\\nvar r = a$1;\\n\\nvar s = /*#__PURE__*/function (_a$) {\\n _inherits2(s, _a$);\\n\\n var _super5 = _createSuper2(s);\\n\\n function s() {\\n var _this10;\\n\\n _classCallCheck2(this, s);\\n\\n _this10 = _super5.apply(this, arguments), _this10.renderOptions = {\\n host: _assertThisInitialized2(_this10)\\n }, _this10._$Dt = void 0;\\n return _this10;\\n }\\n\\n _createClass2(s, [{\\n key: \"createRenderRoot\",\\n value: function createRenderRoot() {\\n var t,\\n e,\\n r = _get2(_getPrototypeOf2(s.prototype), \"createRenderRoot\", this).call(this);\\n\\n return null !== (t = (e = this.renderOptions).renderBefore) && void 0 !== t || (e.renderBefore = r.firstChild), r;\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"update\",\\n value: function update(t) {\\n var e = this.render();\\n this.hasUpdated || (this.renderOptions.isConnected = this.isConnected), _get2(_getPrototypeOf2(s.prototype), \"update\", this).call(this, t), this._$Dt = x(e, this.renderRoot, this.renderOptions);\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"connectedCallback\",\\n value: function connectedCallback() {\\n var t;\\n _get2(_getPrototypeOf2(s.prototype), \"connectedCallback\", this).call(this), null === (t = this._$Dt) || void 0 === t || t.setConnected(!0);\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"disconnectedCallback\",\\n value: function disconnectedCallback() {\\n var t;\\n _get2(_getPrototypeOf2(s.prototype), \"disconnectedCallback\", this).call(this), null === (t = this._$Dt) || void 0 === t || t.setConnected(!1);\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"render\",\\n value: function render() {\\n return b;\\n }\\n }]);\\n\\n return s;\\n}(a$1);\\n\\ns.finalized = !0, s._$litElement$ = !0, null === (l$1 = globalThis.litElementHydrateSupport) || void 0 === l$1 || l$1.call(globalThis, {\\n LitElement: s\\n});\\nvar n$2 = globalThis.litElementPolyfillSupport;\\nnull == n$2 || n$2({\\n LitElement: s\\n});\\nvar h = {\\n _$AK: function _$AK(t, e, r) {\\n t._$AK(e, r);\\n },\\n _$AL: function _$AL(t) {\\n return t._$AL;\\n }\\n};\\n(null !== (o$2 = globalThis.litElementVersions) && void 0 !== o$2 ? o$2 : globalThis.litElementVersions = []).push(\"3.1.2\");\\n/**\\n * @license\\n * Copyright 2017 Google LLC\\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\\n */\\n\\nvar n$1 = function n$1(t) {\\n return function (e) {\\n return \"function\" == typeof e ? function (t, e) {\\n return window.customElements.define(t, e), e;\\n }(t, e) : function (t, e) {\\n var r = e.kind,\\n i = e.elements;\\n return {\\n kind: r,\\n elements: i,\\n finisher: function finisher(e) {\\n window.customElements.define(t, e);\\n }\\n };\\n }(t, e);\\n };\\n}\\n/**\\n * @license\\n * Copyright 2017 Google LLC\\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\\n */\\n,\\n i$1 = function i$1(t, e) {\\n return \"method\" === e.kind && e.descriptor && !(\"value\" in e.descriptor) ? _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, e), {}, {\\n finisher: function finisher(r) {\\n r.createProperty(e.key, t);\\n }\\n }) : {\\n kind: \"field\",\\n key: Symbol(),\\n placement: \"own\",\\n descriptor: {},\\n originalKey: e.key,\\n initializer: function initializer() {\\n \"function\" == typeof e.initializer && (this[e.key] = e.initializer.call(this));\\n },\\n finisher: function finisher(r) {\\n r.createProperty(e.key, t);\\n }\\n };\\n};\\n\\nfunction e$5(t) {\\n return function (e, r) {\\n return void 0 !== r ? function (t, e, r) {\\n e.constructor.createProperty(r, t);\\n }(t, e, r) : i$1(t, e);\\n };\\n}\\n/**\\n * @license\\n * Copyright 2017 Google LLC\\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\\n */\\n\\n\\nfunction t$1(t) {\\n return e$5(_objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, t), {}, {\\n state: !0\\n }));\\n}\\n/**\\n * @license\\n * Copyright 2017 Google LLC\\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\\n */\\n\\n\\nvar e$4 = function e$4(t, e, r) {\\n Object.defineProperty(e, r, t);\\n},\\n t = function t(_t, e) {\\n return {\\n kind: \"method\",\\n placement: \"prototype\",\\n key: e.key,\\n descriptor: _t\\n };\\n},\\n o$1 = function o$1(t) {\\n var e = t.finisher,\\n r = t.descriptor;\\n return function (t, i) {\\n var a;\\n\\n if (void 0 === i) {\\n var s = null !== (a = t.originalKey) && void 0 !== a ? a : t.key,\\n n = null != r ? {\\n kind: \"method\",\\n placement: \"prototype\",\\n key: s,\\n descriptor: r(t.key)\\n } : _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, t), {}, {\\n key: s\\n });\\n return null != e && (n.finisher = function (t) {\\n e(t, s);\\n }), n;\\n }\\n\\n var o = t.constructor;\\n void 0 !== r && Object.defineProperty(t, i, r(i)), null == e || e(o, i);\\n };\\n},\\n n;\\n/**\\n * @license\\n * Copyright 2017 Google LLC\\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\\n */\\n\\n\\nfunction e$3(t) {\\n return o$1({\\n finisher: function finisher(e, r) {\\n Object.assign(e.prototype[r], t);\\n }\\n });\\n}\\n/**\\n * @license\\n * Copyright 2017 Google LLC\\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\\n */\\n\\n\\nfunction i(t, e) {\\n return o$1({\\n descriptor: function descriptor(r) {\\n var i = {\\n get: function get() {\\n var e, r;\\n return null !== (r = null === (e = this.renderRoot) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.querySelector(t)) && void 0 !== r ? r : null;\\n },\\n enumerable: !0,\\n configurable: !0\\n };\\n\\n if (e) {\\n var a = \"symbol\" == _typeof2(r) ? Symbol() : \"__\" + r;\\n\\n i.get = function () {\\n var e, r;\\n return void 0 === this[a] && (this[a] = null !== (r = null === (e = this.renderRoot) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.querySelector(t)) && void 0 !== r ? r : null), this[a];\\n };\\n }\\n\\n return i;\\n }\\n });\\n}\\n/**\\n * @license\\n * Copyright 2017 Google LLC\\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\\n */\\n\\n\\nfunction e$2(t) {\\n return o$1({\\n descriptor: function descriptor(e) {\\n return {\\n get: function get() {\\n var e, r;\\n return null !== (r = null === (e = this.renderRoot) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.querySelectorAll(t)) && void 0 !== r ? r : [];\\n },\\n enumerable: !0,\\n configurable: !0\\n };\\n }\\n });\\n}\\n/**\\n * @license\\n * Copyright 2017 Google LLC\\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\\n */\\n\\n\\nfunction e$1(t) {\\n return o$1({\\n descriptor: function descriptor(e) {\\n return {\\n get: function get() {\\n var e = this;\\n return _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee2() {\\n var r;\\n return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) {\\n while (1) {\\n switch (_context2.prev = _context2.next) {\\n case 0:\\n _context2.next = 2;\\n return e.updateComplete;\\n\\n case 2:\\n return _context2.abrupt(\"return\", null === (r = e.renderRoot) || void 0 === r ? void 0 : r.querySelector(t));\\n\\n case 3:\\n case \"end\":\\n return _context2.stop();\\n }\\n }\\n }, _callee2);\\n }))();\\n },\\n enumerable: !0,\\n configurable: !0\\n };\\n }\\n });\\n}\\n/**\\n * @license\\n * Copyright 2021 Google LLC\\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\\n */\\n\\n\\nvar e = null != (null === (n = window.HTMLSlotElement) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.prototype.assignedElements) ? function (t, e) {\\n return t.assignedElements(e);\\n} : function (t, e) {\\n return t.assignedNodes(e).filter(function (t) {\\n return t.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE;\\n });\\n};\\n\\nfunction l(t) {\\n var _ref = null != t ? t : {},\\n r = _ref.slot,\\n i = _ref.selector;\\n\\n return o$1({\\n descriptor: function descriptor(a) {\\n return {\\n get: function get() {\\n var a,\\n s = \"slot\" + (r ? \"[name=\".concat(r, \"]\") : \":not([name])\"),\\n n = null === (a = this.renderRoot) || void 0 === a ? void 0 : a.querySelector(s),\\n o = null != n ? e(n, t) : [];\\n return i ? o.filter(function (t) {\\n return t.matches(i);\\n }) : o;\\n },\\n enumerable: !0,\\n configurable: !0\\n };\\n }\\n });\\n}\\n/**\\n * @license\\n * Copyright 2017 Google LLC\\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\\n */\\n\\n\\nfunction o(t, e, r) {\\n var i,\\n a = t;\\n return \"object\" == _typeof2(t) ? (a = t.slot, i = t) : i = {\\n flatten: e\\n }, r ? l({\\n slot: a,\\n flatten: e,\\n selector: r\\n }) : o$1({\\n descriptor: function descriptor(t) {\\n return {\\n get: function get() {\\n var t,\\n e,\\n r = \"slot\" + (a ? \"[name=\".concat(a, \"]\") : \":not([name])\"),\\n s = null === (t = this.renderRoot) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.querySelector(r);\\n return null !== (e = null == s ? void 0 : s.assignedNodes(i)) && void 0 !== e ? e : [];\\n },\\n enumerable: !0,\\n configurable: !0\\n };\\n }\\n });\\n}\\n\\nvar commonjsGlobal = \"undefined\" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : \"undefined\" != typeof window ? window : \"undefined\" != typeof global ? global : \"undefined\" != typeof self ? self : {};\\n\\nfunction getDefaultExportFromCjs(t) {\\n return t && t.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, \"default\") ? t[\"default\"] : t;\\n}\\n\\nfunction getDefaultExportFromNamespaceIfPresent(t) {\\n return t && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, \"default\") ? t[\"default\"] : t;\\n}\\n\\nfunction getDefaultExportFromNamespaceIfNotNamed(t) {\\n return t && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, \"default\") && 1 === Object.keys(t).length ? t[\"default\"] : t;\\n}\\n\\nfunction getAugmentedNamespace(t) {\\n if (t.__esModule) return t;\\n var e = Object.defineProperty({}, \"__esModule\", {\\n value: !0\\n });\\n return Object.keys(t).forEach(function (r) {\\n var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r);\\n Object.defineProperty(e, r, i.get ? i : {\\n enumerable: !0,\\n get: function get() {\\n return t[r];\\n }\\n });\\n }), e;\\n}\\n\\nfunction commonjsRequire(t) {\\n throw new Error(\\'Could not dynamically require \"\\' + t + \\'\". Please configure the dynamicRequireTargets or/and ignoreDynamicRequires option of @rollup/plugin-commonjs appropriately for this require call to work.\\');\\n}\\n\\nvar lottie$1 = {\\n exports: {}\\n};\\n\\n(function (module) {\\n var root, factory;\\n \"undefined\" != typeof navigator && (root = window || {}, factory = function factory(window) {\\n var svgNS = \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\",\\n locationHref = \"\",\\n initialDefaultFrame = -999999,\\n _useWebWorker = !1,\\n subframeEnabled = !0,\\n idPrefix = \"\",\\n expressionsPlugin,\\n isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent),\\n cachedColors = {},\\n bmRnd,\\n bmPow = Math.pow,\\n bmSqrt = Math.sqrt,\\n bmFloor = Math.floor,\\n bmMax = Math.max,\\n bmMin = Math.min,\\n BMMath = {};\\n\\n function ProjectInterface() {\\n return {};\\n }\\n\\n !function () {\\n var t,\\n e = [\"abs\", \"acos\", \"acosh\", \"asin\", \"asinh\", \"atan\", \"atanh\", \"atan2\", \"ceil\", \"cbrt\", \"expm1\", \"clz32\", \"cos\", \"cosh\", \"exp\", \"floor\", \"fround\", \"hypot\", \"imul\", \"log\", \"log1p\", \"log2\", \"log10\", \"max\", \"min\", \"pow\", \"random\", \"round\", \"sign\", \"sin\", \"sinh\", \"sqrt\", \"tan\", \"tanh\", \"trunc\", \"E\", \"LN10\", \"LN2\", \"LOG10E\", \"LOG2E\", \"PI\", \"SQRT1_2\", \"SQRT2\"],\\n r = e.length;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < r; t += 1) {\\n BMMath[e[t]] = Math[e[t]];\\n }\\n }(), BMMath.random = Math.random, BMMath.abs = function (t) {\\n if (\"object\" == _typeof2(t) && t.length) {\\n var e,\\n r = createSizedArray(t.length),\\n i = t.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < i; e += 1) {\\n r[e] = Math.abs(t[e]);\\n }\\n\\n return r;\\n }\\n\\n return Math.abs(t);\\n };\\n var defaultCurveSegments = 150,\\n degToRads = Math.PI / 180,\\n roundCorner = .5519;\\n\\n function roundValues(t) {\\n bmRnd = t ? Math.round : function (t) {\\n return t;\\n };\\n }\\n\\n function styleDiv(t) {\\n t.style.position = \"absolute\", t.style.top = 0, t.style.left = 0, t.style.display = \"block\", t.style.transformOrigin = \"0 0\", t.style.webkitTransformOrigin = \"0 0\", t.style.backfaceVisibility = \"visible\", t.style.webkitBackfaceVisibility = \"visible\", t.style.transformStyle = \"preserve-3d\", t.style.webkitTransformStyle = \"preserve-3d\", t.style.mozTransformStyle = \"preserve-3d\";\\n }\\n\\n function BMEnterFrameEvent(t, e, r, i) {\\n this.type = t, this.currentTime = e, this.totalTime = r, this.direction = i < 0 ? -1 : 1;\\n }\\n\\n function BMCompleteEvent(t, e) {\\n this.type = t, this.direction = e < 0 ? -1 : 1;\\n }\\n\\n function BMCompleteLoopEvent(t, e, r, i) {\\n this.type = t, this.currentLoop = r, this.totalLoops = e, this.direction = i < 0 ? -1 : 1;\\n }\\n\\n function BMSegmentStartEvent(t, e, r) {\\n this.type = t, this.firstFrame = e, this.totalFrames = r;\\n }\\n\\n function BMDestroyEvent(t, e) {\\n this.type = t, this.target = e;\\n }\\n\\n function BMRenderFrameErrorEvent(t, e) {\\n this.type = \"renderFrameError\", this.nativeError = t, this.currentTime = e;\\n }\\n\\n function BMConfigErrorEvent(t) {\\n this.type = \"configError\", this.nativeError = t;\\n }\\n\\n function BMAnimationConfigErrorEvent(t, e) {\\n this.type = t, this.nativeError = e;\\n }\\n\\n roundValues(!1);\\n\\n var createElementID = (_count = 0, function () {\\n return idPrefix + \"__lottie_element_\" + (_count += 1);\\n }),\\n _count;\\n\\n function HSVtoRGB(t, e, r) {\\n var i, a, s, n, o, h, l, p;\\n\\n switch (h = r * (1 - e), l = r * (1 - (o = 6 * t - (n = Math.floor(6 * t))) * e), p = r * (1 - (1 - o) * e), n % 6) {\\n case 0:\\n i = r, a = p, s = h;\\n break;\\n\\n case 1:\\n i = l, a = r, s = h;\\n break;\\n\\n case 2:\\n i = h, a = r, s = p;\\n break;\\n\\n case 3:\\n i = h, a = l, s = r;\\n break;\\n\\n case 4:\\n i = p, a = h, s = r;\\n break;\\n\\n case 5:\\n i = r, a = h, s = l;\\n }\\n\\n return [i, a, s];\\n }\\n\\n function RGBtoHSV(t, e, r) {\\n var i,\\n a = Math.max(t, e, r),\\n s = Math.min(t, e, r),\\n n = a - s,\\n o = 0 === a ? 0 : n / a,\\n h = a / 255;\\n\\n switch (a) {\\n case s:\\n i = 0;\\n break;\\n\\n case t:\\n i = e - r + n * (e < r ? 6 : 0), i /= 6 * n;\\n break;\\n\\n case e:\\n i = r - t + 2 * n, i /= 6 * n;\\n break;\\n\\n case r:\\n i = t - e + 4 * n, i /= 6 * n;\\n }\\n\\n return [i, o, h];\\n }\\n\\n function addSaturationToRGB(t, e) {\\n var r = RGBtoHSV(255 * t[0], 255 * t[1], 255 * t[2]);\\n return r[1] += e, r[1] > 1 ? r[1] = 1 : r[1] <= 0 && (r[1] = 0), HSVtoRGB(r[0], r[1], r[2]);\\n }\\n\\n function addBrightnessToRGB(t, e) {\\n var r = RGBtoHSV(255 * t[0], 255 * t[1], 255 * t[2]);\\n return r[2] += e, r[2] > 1 ? r[2] = 1 : r[2] < 0 && (r[2] = 0), HSVtoRGB(r[0], r[1], r[2]);\\n }\\n\\n function addHueToRGB(t, e) {\\n var r = RGBtoHSV(255 * t[0], 255 * t[1], 255 * t[2]);\\n return r[0] += e / 360, r[0] > 1 ? r[0] -= 1 : r[0] < 0 && (r[0] += 1), HSVtoRGB(r[0], r[1], r[2]);\\n }\\n\\n var rgbToHex = function () {\\n var t,\\n e,\\n r = [];\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < 256; t += 1) {\\n e = t.toString(16), r[t] = 1 === e.length ? \"0\" + e : e;\\n }\\n\\n return function (t, e, i) {\\n return t < 0 && (t = 0), e < 0 && (e = 0), i < 0 && (i = 0), \"#\" + r[t] + r[e] + r[i];\\n };\\n }();\\n\\n function BaseEvent() {}\\n\\n BaseEvent.prototype = {\\n triggerEvent: function triggerEvent(t, e) {\\n if (this._cbs[t]) for (var r = this._cbs[t], i = 0; i < r.length; i += 1) {\\n r[i](e);\\n }\\n },\\n addEventListener: function addEventListener(t, e) {\\n return this._cbs[t] || (this._cbs[t] = []), this._cbs[t].push(e), function () {\\n this.removeEventListener(t, e);\\n }.bind(this);\\n },\\n removeEventListener: function removeEventListener(t, e) {\\n if (e) {\\n if (this._cbs[t]) {\\n for (var r = 0, i = this._cbs[t].length; r < i;) {\\n this._cbs[t][r] === e && (this._cbs[t].splice(r, 1), r -= 1, i -= 1), r += 1;\\n }\\n\\n this._cbs[t].length || (this._cbs[t] = null);\\n }\\n } else this._cbs[t] = null;\\n }\\n };\\n\\n var createTypedArray = function () {\\n function t(t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i = 0,\\n a = [];\\n\\n switch (t) {\\n case \"int16\":\\n case \"uint8c\":\\n r = 1;\\n break;\\n\\n default:\\n r = 1.1;\\n }\\n\\n for (i = 0; i < e; i += 1) {\\n a.push(r);\\n }\\n\\n return a;\\n }\\n\\n return \"function\" == typeof Uint8ClampedArray && \"function\" == typeof Float32Array ? function (e, r) {\\n return \"float32\" === e ? new Float32Array(r) : \"int16\" === e ? new Int16Array(r) : \"uint8c\" === e ? new Uint8ClampedArray(r) : t(e, r);\\n } : t;\\n }();\\n\\n function createSizedArray(t) {\\n return Array.apply(null, {\\n length: t\\n });\\n }\\n\\n function createNS(t) {\\n return document.createElementNS(svgNS, t);\\n }\\n\\n function createTag(t) {\\n return document.createElement(t);\\n }\\n\\n function DynamicPropertyContainer() {}\\n\\n DynamicPropertyContainer.prototype = {\\n addDynamicProperty: function addDynamicProperty(t) {\\n -1 === this.dynamicProperties.indexOf(t) && (this.dynamicProperties.push(t), this.container.addDynamicProperty(this), this._isAnimated = !0);\\n },\\n iterateDynamicProperties: function iterateDynamicProperties() {\\n var t;\\n this._mdf = !1;\\n var e = this.dynamicProperties.length;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n this.dynamicProperties[t].getValue(), this.dynamicProperties[t]._mdf && (this._mdf = !0);\\n }\\n },\\n initDynamicPropertyContainer: function initDynamicPropertyContainer(t) {\\n this.container = t, this.dynamicProperties = [], this._mdf = !1, this._isAnimated = !1;\\n }\\n };\\n\\n var getBlendMode = (blendModeEnums = {\\n 0: \"source-over\",\\n 1: \"multiply\",\\n 2: \"screen\",\\n 3: \"overlay\",\\n 4: \"darken\",\\n 5: \"lighten\",\\n 6: \"color-dodge\",\\n 7: \"color-burn\",\\n 8: \"hard-light\",\\n 9: \"soft-light\",\\n 10: \"difference\",\\n 11: \"exclusion\",\\n 12: \"hue\",\\n 13: \"saturation\",\\n 14: \"color\",\\n 15: \"luminosity\"\\n }, function (t) {\\n return blendModeEnums[t] || \"\";\\n }),\\n blendModeEnums,\\n lineCapEnum = {\\n 1: \"butt\",\\n 2: \"round\",\\n 3: \"square\"\\n },\\n lineJoinEnum = {\\n 1: \"miter\",\\n 2: \"round\",\\n 3: \"bevel\"\\n },\\n Matrix = function () {\\n var t = Math.cos,\\n e = Math.sin,\\n r = Math.tan,\\n i = Math.round;\\n\\n function a() {\\n return this.props[0] = 1, this.props[1] = 0, this.props[2] = 0, this.props[3] = 0, this.props[4] = 0, this.props[5] = 1, this.props[6] = 0, this.props[7] = 0, this.props[8] = 0, this.props[9] = 0, this.props[10] = 1, this.props[11] = 0, this.props[12] = 0, this.props[13] = 0, this.props[14] = 0, this.props[15] = 1, this;\\n }\\n\\n function s(r) {\\n if (0 === r) return this;\\n var i = t(r),\\n a = e(r);\\n return this._t(i, -a, 0, 0, a, i, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\\n }\\n\\n function n(r) {\\n if (0 === r) return this;\\n var i = t(r),\\n a = e(r);\\n return this._t(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, i, -a, 0, 0, a, i, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\\n }\\n\\n function o(r) {\\n if (0 === r) return this;\\n var i = t(r),\\n a = e(r);\\n return this._t(i, 0, a, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -a, 0, i, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\\n }\\n\\n function h(r) {\\n if (0 === r) return this;\\n var i = t(r),\\n a = e(r);\\n return this._t(i, -a, 0, 0, a, i, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\\n }\\n\\n function l(t, e) {\\n return this._t(1, e, t, 1, 0, 0);\\n }\\n\\n function p(t, e) {\\n return this.shear(r(t), r(e));\\n }\\n\\n function c(i, a) {\\n var s = t(a),\\n n = e(a);\\n return this._t(s, n, 0, 0, -n, s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)._t(1, 0, 0, 0, r(i), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)._t(s, -n, 0, 0, n, s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\\n }\\n\\n function f(t, e, r) {\\n return r || 0 === r || (r = 1), 1 === t && 1 === e && 1 === r ? this : this._t(t, 0, 0, 0, 0, e, 0, 0, 0, 0, r, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\\n }\\n\\n function d(t, e, r, i, a, s, n, o, h, l, p, c, f, d, m, u) {\\n return this.props[0] = t, this.props[1] = e, this.props[2] = r, this.props[3] = i, this.props[4] = a, this.props[5] = s, this.props[6] = n, this.props[7] = o, this.props[8] = h, this.props[9] = l, this.props[10] = p, this.props[11] = c, this.props[12] = f, this.props[13] = d, this.props[14] = m, this.props[15] = u, this;\\n }\\n\\n function m(t, e, r) {\\n return r = r || 0, 0 !== t || 0 !== e || 0 !== r ? this._t(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, t, e, r, 1) : this;\\n }\\n\\n function u(t, e, r, i, a, s, n, o, h, l, p, c, f, d, m, u) {\\n var y = this.props;\\n if (1 === t && 0 === e && 0 === r && 0 === i && 0 === a && 1 === s && 0 === n && 0 === o && 0 === h && 0 === l && 1 === p && 0 === c) return y[12] = y[12] * t + y[15] * f, y[13] = y[13] * s + y[15] * d, y[14] = y[14] * p + y[15] * m, y[15] *= u, this._identityCalculated = !1, this;\\n var g = y[0],\\n v = y[1],\\n b = y[2],\\n _ = y[3],\\n P = y[4],\\n E = y[5],\\n S = y[6],\\n x = y[7],\\n A = y[8],\\n w = y[9],\\n C = y[10],\\n k = y[11],\\n T = y[12],\\n D = y[13],\\n M = y[14],\\n F = y[15];\\n return y[0] = g * t + v * a + b * h + _ * f, y[1] = g * e + v * s + b * l + _ * d, y[2] = g * r + v * n + b * p + _ * m, y[3] = g * i + v * o + b * c + _ * u, y[4] = P * t + E * a + S * h + x * f, y[5] = P * e + E * s + S * l + x * d, y[6] = P * r + E * n + S * p + x * m, y[7] = P * i + E * o + S * c + x * u, y[8] = A * t + w * a + C * h + k * f, y[9] = A * e + w * s + C * l + k * d, y[10] = A * r + w * n + C * p + k * m, y[11] = A * i + w * o + C * c + k * u, y[12] = T * t + D * a + M * h + F * f, y[13] = T * e + D * s + M * l + F * d, y[14] = T * r + D * n + M * p + F * m, y[15] = T * i + D * o + M * c + F * u, this._identityCalculated = !1, this;\\n }\\n\\n function y() {\\n return this._identityCalculated || (this._identity = !(1 !== this.props[0] || 0 !== this.props[1] || 0 !== this.props[2] || 0 !== this.props[3] || 0 !== this.props[4] || 1 !== this.props[5] || 0 !== this.props[6] || 0 !== this.props[7] || 0 !== this.props[8] || 0 !== this.props[9] || 1 !== this.props[10] || 0 !== this.props[11] || 0 !== this.props[12] || 0 !== this.props[13] || 0 !== this.props[14] || 1 !== this.props[15]), this._identityCalculated = !0), this._identity;\\n }\\n\\n function g(t) {\\n for (var e = 0; e < 16;) {\\n if (t.props[e] !== this.props[e]) return !1;\\n e += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return !0;\\n }\\n\\n function v(t) {\\n var e;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < 16; e += 1) {\\n t.props[e] = this.props[e];\\n }\\n\\n return t;\\n }\\n\\n function b(t) {\\n var e;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < 16; e += 1) {\\n this.props[e] = t[e];\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function _(t, e, r) {\\n return {\\n x: t * this.props[0] + e * this.props[4] + r * this.props[8] + this.props[12],\\n y: t * this.props[1] + e * this.props[5] + r * this.props[9] + this.props[13],\\n z: t * this.props[2] + e * this.props[6] + r * this.props[10] + this.props[14]\\n };\\n }\\n\\n function P(t, e, r) {\\n return t * this.props[0] + e * this.props[4] + r * this.props[8] + this.props[12];\\n }\\n\\n function E(t, e, r) {\\n return t * this.props[1] + e * this.props[5] + r * this.props[9] + this.props[13];\\n }\\n\\n function S(t, e, r) {\\n return t * this.props[2] + e * this.props[6] + r * this.props[10] + this.props[14];\\n }\\n\\n function x() {\\n var t = this.props[0] * this.props[5] - this.props[1] * this.props[4],\\n e = this.props[5] / t,\\n r = -this.props[1] / t,\\n i = -this.props[4] / t,\\n a = this.props[0] / t,\\n s = (this.props[4] * this.props[13] - this.props[5] * this.props[12]) / t,\\n n = -(this.props[0] * this.props[13] - this.props[1] * this.props[12]) / t,\\n o = new Matrix();\\n return o.props[0] = e, o.props[1] = r, o.props[4] = i, o.props[5] = a, o.props[12] = s, o.props[13] = n, o;\\n }\\n\\n function A(t) {\\n return this.getInverseMatrix().applyToPointArray(t[0], t[1], t[2] || 0);\\n }\\n\\n function w(t) {\\n var e,\\n r = t.length,\\n i = [];\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n i[e] = A(t[e]);\\n }\\n\\n return i;\\n }\\n\\n function C(t, e, r) {\\n var i = createTypedArray(\"float32\", 6);\\n if (this.isIdentity()) i[0] = t[0], i[1] = t[1], i[2] = e[0], i[3] = e[1], i[4] = r[0], i[5] = r[1];else {\\n var a = this.props[0],\\n s = this.props[1],\\n n = this.props[4],\\n o = this.props[5],\\n h = this.props[12],\\n l = this.props[13];\\n i[0] = t[0] * a + t[1] * n + h, i[1] = t[0] * s + t[1] * o + l, i[2] = e[0] * a + e[1] * n + h, i[3] = e[0] * s + e[1] * o + l, i[4] = r[0] * a + r[1] * n + h, i[5] = r[0] * s + r[1] * o + l;\\n }\\n return i;\\n }\\n\\n function k(t, e, r) {\\n return this.isIdentity() ? [t, e, r] : [t * this.props[0] + e * this.props[4] + r * this.props[8] + this.props[12], t * this.props[1] + e * this.props[5] + r * this.props[9] + this.props[13], t * this.props[2] + e * this.props[6] + r * this.props[10] + this.props[14]];\\n }\\n\\n function T(t, e) {\\n if (this.isIdentity()) return t + \",\" + e;\\n var r = this.props;\\n return Math.round(100 * (t * r[0] + e * r[4] + r[12])) / 100 + \",\" + Math.round(100 * (t * r[1] + e * r[5] + r[13])) / 100;\\n }\\n\\n function D() {\\n for (var t = 0, e = this.props, r = \"matrix3d(\"; t < 16;) {\\n r += i(1e4 * e[t]) / 1e4, r += 15 === t ? \")\" : \",\", t += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return r;\\n }\\n\\n function M(t) {\\n return t < 1e-6 && t > 0 || t > -1e-6 && t < 0 ? i(1e4 * t) / 1e4 : t;\\n }\\n\\n function F() {\\n var t = this.props;\\n return \"matrix(\" + M(t[0]) + \",\" + M(t[1]) + \",\" + M(t[4]) + \",\" + M(t[5]) + \",\" + M(t[12]) + \",\" + M(t[13]) + \")\";\\n }\\n\\n return function () {\\n this.reset = a, this.rotate = s, this.rotateX = n, this.rotateY = o, this.rotateZ = h, this.skew = p, this.skewFromAxis = c, this.shear = l, this.scale = f, this.setTransform = d, this.translate = m, this.transform = u, this.applyToPoint = _, this.applyToX = P, this.applyToY = E, this.applyToZ = S, this.applyToPointArray = k, this.applyToTriplePoints = C, this.applyToPointStringified = T, this.toCSS = D, this.to2dCSS = F, this.clone = v, this.cloneFromProps = b, this.equals = g, this.inversePoints = w, this.inversePoint = A, this.getInverseMatrix = x, this._t = this.transform, this.isIdentity = y, this._identity = !0, this._identityCalculated = !1, this.props = createTypedArray(\"float32\", 16), this.reset();\\n };\\n }();\\n\\n !function (t, e) {\\n var r = this,\\n i = 256,\\n a = e.pow(i, 6),\\n s = e.pow(2, 52),\\n n = 2 * s,\\n o = 255;\\n\\n function h(t) {\\n var e,\\n r = t.length,\\n a = this,\\n s = 0,\\n n = a.i = a.j = 0,\\n h = a.S = [];\\n\\n for (r || (t = [r++]); s < i;) {\\n h[s] = s++;\\n }\\n\\n for (s = 0; s < i; s++) {\\n h[s] = h[n = o & n + t[s % r] + (e = h[s])], h[n] = e;\\n }\\n\\n a.g = function (t) {\\n for (var e, r = 0, s = a.i, n = a.j, h = a.S; t--;) {\\n e = h[s = o & s + 1], r = r * i + h[o & (h[s] = h[n = o & n + e]) + (h[n] = e)];\\n }\\n\\n return a.i = s, a.j = n, r;\\n };\\n }\\n\\n function l(t, e) {\\n return e.i = t.i, e.j = t.j, e.S = t.S.slice(), e;\\n }\\n\\n function p(t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i = [],\\n a = _typeof2(t);\\n\\n if (e && \"object\" == a) for (r in t) {\\n try {\\n i.push(p(t[r], e - 1));\\n } catch (t) {}\\n }\\n return i.length ? i : \"string\" == a ? t : t + \"\\\\0\";\\n }\\n\\n function c(t, e) {\\n for (var r, i = t + \"\", a = 0; a < i.length;) {\\n e[o & a] = o & (r ^= 19 * e[o & a]) + i.charCodeAt(a++);\\n }\\n\\n return f(e);\\n }\\n\\n function f(t) {\\n return String.fromCharCode.apply(0, t);\\n }\\n\\n e.seedrandom = function (o, d, m) {\\n var u = [],\\n y = c(p((d = !0 === d ? {\\n entropy: !0\\n } : d || {}).entropy ? [o, f(t)] : null === o ? function () {\\n try {\\n var e = new Uint8Array(i);\\n return (r.crypto || r.msCrypto).getRandomValues(e), f(e);\\n } catch (e) {\\n var a = r.navigator,\\n s = a && a.plugins;\\n return [+new Date(), r, s, r.screen, f(t)];\\n }\\n }() : o, 3), u),\\n g = new h(u),\\n v = function v() {\\n for (var t = g.g(6), e = a, r = 0; t < s;) {\\n t = (t + r) * i, e *= i, r = g.g(1);\\n }\\n\\n for (; t >= n;) {\\n t /= 2, e /= 2, r >>>= 1;\\n }\\n\\n return (t + r) / e;\\n };\\n\\n return v.int32 = function () {\\n return 0 | g.g(4);\\n }, v.quick = function () {\\n return g.g(4) / 4294967296;\\n }, v[\"double\"] = v, c(f(g.S), t), (d.pass || m || function (t, r, i, a) {\\n return a && (a.S && l(a, g), t.state = function () {\\n return l(g, {});\\n }), i ? (e.random = t, r) : t;\\n })(v, y, \"global\" in d ? d.global : this == e, d.state);\\n }, c(e.random(), t);\\n }([], BMMath);\\n\\n var BezierFactory = function () {\\n var t = {\\n getBezierEasing: function getBezierEasing(t, r, i, a, s) {\\n var n = s || (\"bez_\" + t + \"_\" + r + \"_\" + i + \"_\" + a).replace(/\\\\./g, \"p\");\\n if (e[n]) return e[n];\\n var o = new l([t, r, i, a]);\\n return e[n] = o, o;\\n }\\n },\\n e = {},\\n r = .1,\\n i = \"function\" == typeof Float32Array;\\n\\n function a(t, e) {\\n return 1 - 3 * e + 3 * t;\\n }\\n\\n function s(t, e) {\\n return 3 * e - 6 * t;\\n }\\n\\n function n(t) {\\n return 3 * t;\\n }\\n\\n function o(t, e, r) {\\n return ((a(e, r) * t + s(e, r)) * t + n(e)) * t;\\n }\\n\\n function h(t, e, r) {\\n return 3 * a(e, r) * t * t + 2 * s(e, r) * t + n(e);\\n }\\n\\n function l(t) {\\n this._p = t, this._mSampleValues = i ? new Float32Array(11) : new Array(11), this._precomputed = !1, this.get = this.get.bind(this);\\n }\\n\\n return l.prototype = {\\n get: function get(t) {\\n var e = this._p[0],\\n r = this._p[1],\\n i = this._p[2],\\n a = this._p[3];\\n return this._precomputed || this._precompute(), e === r && i === a ? t : 0 === t ? 0 : 1 === t ? 1 : o(this._getTForX(t), r, a);\\n },\\n _precompute: function _precompute() {\\n var t = this._p[0],\\n e = this._p[1],\\n r = this._p[2],\\n i = this._p[3];\\n this._precomputed = !0, t === e && r === i || this._calcSampleValues();\\n },\\n _calcSampleValues: function _calcSampleValues() {\\n for (var t = this._p[0], e = this._p[2], i = 0; i < 11; ++i) {\\n this._mSampleValues[i] = o(i * r, t, e);\\n }\\n },\\n _getTForX: function _getTForX(t) {\\n for (var e = this._p[0], i = this._p[2], a = this._mSampleValues, s = 0, n = 1; 10 !== n && a[n] <= t; ++n) {\\n s += r;\\n }\\n\\n var l = s + (t - a[--n]) / (a[n + 1] - a[n]) * r,\\n p = h(l, e, i);\\n return p >= .001 ? function (t, e, r, i) {\\n for (var a = 0; a < 4; ++a) {\\n var s = h(e, r, i);\\n if (0 === s) return e;\\n e -= (o(e, r, i) - t) / s;\\n }\\n\\n return e;\\n }(t, l, e, i) : 0 === p ? l : function (t, e, r, i, a) {\\n var s,\\n n,\\n h = 0;\\n\\n do {\\n (s = o(n = e + (r - e) / 2, i, a) - t) > 0 ? r = n : e = n;\\n } while (Math.abs(s) > 1e-7 && ++h < 10);\\n\\n return n;\\n }(t, s, s + r, e, i);\\n }\\n }, t;\\n }();\\n\\n function extendPrototype(t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a = t.length;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < a; r += 1) {\\n for (var s in i = t[r].prototype) {\\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, s) && (e.prototype[s] = i[s]);\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function getDescriptor(t, e) {\\n return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e);\\n }\\n\\n function createProxyFunction(t) {\\n function e() {}\\n\\n return e.prototype = t, e;\\n }\\n\\n function bezFunction() {\\n var t = Math;\\n\\n function e(t, e, r, i, a, s) {\\n var n = t * i + e * a + r * s - a * i - s * t - r * e;\\n return n > -.001 && n < .001;\\n }\\n\\n var r = function r(t, e, _r, i) {\\n var a,\\n s,\\n n,\\n o,\\n h,\\n l,\\n p = defaultCurveSegments,\\n c = 0,\\n f = [],\\n d = [],\\n m = bezierLengthPool.newElement();\\n\\n for (n = _r.length, a = 0; a < p; a += 1) {\\n for (h = a / (p - 1), l = 0, s = 0; s < n; s += 1) {\\n o = bmPow(1 - h, 3) * t[s] + 3 * bmPow(1 - h, 2) * h * _r[s] + 3 * (1 - h) * bmPow(h, 2) * i[s] + bmPow(h, 3) * e[s], f[s] = o, null !== d[s] && (l += bmPow(f[s] - d[s], 2)), d[s] = f[s];\\n }\\n\\n l && (c += l = bmSqrt(l)), m.percents[a] = h, m.lengths[a] = c;\\n }\\n\\n return m.addedLength = c, m;\\n };\\n\\n function i(t) {\\n this.segmentLength = 0, this.points = new Array(t);\\n }\\n\\n function a(t, e) {\\n this.partialLength = t, this.point = e;\\n }\\n\\n var s,\\n n = (s = {}, function (t, r, n, o) {\\n var h = (t[0] + \"_\" + t[1] + \"_\" + r[0] + \"_\" + r[1] + \"_\" + n[0] + \"_\" + n[1] + \"_\" + o[0] + \"_\" + o[1]).replace(/\\\\./g, \"p\");\\n\\n if (!s[h]) {\\n var l,\\n p,\\n c,\\n f,\\n d,\\n m,\\n u,\\n y = defaultCurveSegments,\\n g = 0,\\n v = null;\\n 2 === t.length && (t[0] !== r[0] || t[1] !== r[1]) && e(t[0], t[1], r[0], r[1], t[0] + n[0], t[1] + n[1]) && e(t[0], t[1], r[0], r[1], r[0] + o[0], r[1] + o[1]) && (y = 2);\\n var b = new i(y);\\n\\n for (c = n.length, l = 0; l < y; l += 1) {\\n for (u = createSizedArray(c), d = l / (y - 1), m = 0, p = 0; p < c; p += 1) {\\n f = bmPow(1 - d, 3) * t[p] + 3 * bmPow(1 - d, 2) * d * (t[p] + n[p]) + 3 * (1 - d) * bmPow(d, 2) * (r[p] + o[p]) + bmPow(d, 3) * r[p], u[p] = f, null !== v && (m += bmPow(u[p] - v[p], 2));\\n }\\n\\n g += m = bmSqrt(m), b.points[l] = new a(m, u), v = u;\\n }\\n\\n b.segmentLength = g, s[h] = b;\\n }\\n\\n return s[h];\\n });\\n\\n function o(t, e) {\\n var r = e.percents,\\n i = e.lengths,\\n a = r.length,\\n s = bmFloor((a - 1) * t),\\n n = t * e.addedLength,\\n o = 0;\\n if (s === a - 1 || 0 === s || n === i[s]) return r[s];\\n\\n for (var h = i[s] > n ? -1 : 1, l = !0; l;) {\\n if (i[s] <= n && i[s + 1] > n ? (o = (n - i[s]) / (i[s + 1] - i[s]), l = !1) : s += h, s < 0 || s >= a - 1) {\\n if (s === a - 1) return r[s];\\n l = !1;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return r[s] + (r[s + 1] - r[s]) * o;\\n }\\n\\n var h = createTypedArray(\"float32\", 8);\\n return {\\n getSegmentsLength: function getSegmentsLength(t) {\\n var e,\\n i = segmentsLengthPool.newElement(),\\n a = t.c,\\n s = t.v,\\n n = t.o,\\n o = t.i,\\n h = t._length,\\n l = i.lengths,\\n p = 0;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < h - 1; e += 1) {\\n l[e] = r(s[e], s[e + 1], n[e], o[e + 1]), p += l[e].addedLength;\\n }\\n\\n return a && h && (l[e] = r(s[e], s[0], n[e], o[0]), p += l[e].addedLength), i.totalLength = p, i;\\n },\\n getNewSegment: function getNewSegment(e, r, i, a, s, n, l) {\\n s < 0 ? s = 0 : s > 1 && (s = 1);\\n\\n var p,\\n c = o(s, l),\\n f = o(n = n > 1 ? 1 : n, l),\\n d = e.length,\\n m = 1 - c,\\n u = 1 - f,\\n y = m * m * m,\\n g = c * m * m * 3,\\n v = c * c * m * 3,\\n b = c * c * c,\\n _ = m * m * u,\\n P = c * m * u + m * c * u + m * m * f,\\n E = c * c * u + m * c * f + c * m * f,\\n S = c * c * f,\\n x = m * u * u,\\n A = c * u * u + m * f * u + m * u * f,\\n w = c * f * u + m * f * f + c * u * f,\\n C = c * f * f,\\n k = u * u * u,\\n T = f * u * u + u * f * u + u * u * f,\\n D = f * f * u + u * f * f + f * u * f,\\n M = f * f * f;\\n\\n for (p = 0; p < d; p += 1) {\\n h[4 * p] = t.round(1e3 * (y * e[p] + g * i[p] + v * a[p] + b * r[p])) / 1e3, h[4 * p + 1] = t.round(1e3 * (_ * e[p] + P * i[p] + E * a[p] + S * r[p])) / 1e3, h[4 * p + 2] = t.round(1e3 * (x * e[p] + A * i[p] + w * a[p] + C * r[p])) / 1e3, h[4 * p + 3] = t.round(1e3 * (k * e[p] + T * i[p] + D * a[p] + M * r[p])) / 1e3;\\n }\\n\\n return h;\\n },\\n getPointInSegment: function getPointInSegment(e, r, i, a, s, n) {\\n var h = o(s, n),\\n l = 1 - h;\\n return [t.round(1e3 * (l * l * l * e[0] + (h * l * l + l * h * l + l * l * h) * i[0] + (h * h * l + l * h * h + h * l * h) * a[0] + h * h * h * r[0])) / 1e3, t.round(1e3 * (l * l * l * e[1] + (h * l * l + l * h * l + l * l * h) * i[1] + (h * h * l + l * h * h + h * l * h) * a[1] + h * h * h * r[1])) / 1e3];\\n },\\n buildBezierData: n,\\n pointOnLine2D: e,\\n pointOnLine3D: function pointOnLine3D(r, i, a, s, n, o, h, l, p) {\\n if (0 === a && 0 === o && 0 === p) return e(r, i, s, n, h, l);\\n var c,\\n f = t.sqrt(t.pow(s - r, 2) + t.pow(n - i, 2) + t.pow(o - a, 2)),\\n d = t.sqrt(t.pow(h - r, 2) + t.pow(l - i, 2) + t.pow(p - a, 2)),\\n m = t.sqrt(t.pow(h - s, 2) + t.pow(l - n, 2) + t.pow(p - o, 2));\\n return (c = f > d ? f > m ? f - d - m : m - d - f : m > d ? m - d - f : d - f - m) > -1e-4 && c < 1e-4;\\n }\\n };\\n }\\n\\n !function () {\\n for (var t = 0, e = [\"ms\", \"moz\", \"webkit\", \"o\"], r = 0; r < e.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++r) {\\n window.requestAnimationFrame = window[e[r] + \"RequestAnimationFrame\"], window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[e[r] + \"CancelAnimationFrame\"] || window[e[r] + \"CancelRequestAnimationFrame\"];\\n }\\n\\n window.requestAnimationFrame || (window.requestAnimationFrame = function (e) {\\n var r = new Date().getTime(),\\n i = Math.max(0, 16 - (r - t)),\\n a = setTimeout(function () {\\n e(r + i);\\n }, i);\\n return t = r + i, a;\\n }), window.cancelAnimationFrame || (window.cancelAnimationFrame = function (t) {\\n clearTimeout(t);\\n });\\n }();\\n\\n var bez = bezFunction(),\\n dataManager = function () {\\n var t,\\n e,\\n r = 1,\\n i = [],\\n a = {\\n onmessage: function onmessage() {},\\n postMessage: function postMessage(e) {\\n t({\\n data: e\\n });\\n }\\n },\\n _workerSelf = {\\n postMessage: function postMessage(t) {\\n a.onmessage({\\n data: t\\n });\\n }\\n };\\n\\n function s() {\\n e || (e = function (e) {\\n if (window.Worker && window.Blob && _useWebWorker) {\\n var r = new Blob([\"var _workerSelf = self; self.onmessage = \", e.toString()], {\\n type: \"text/javascript\"\\n }),\\n i = URL.createObjectURL(r);\\n return new Worker(i);\\n }\\n\\n return t = e, a;\\n }(function (t) {\\n if (_workerSelf.dataManager || (_workerSelf.dataManager = function () {\\n function t(a, s) {\\n var n,\\n o,\\n h,\\n l,\\n p,\\n f,\\n d = a.length;\\n\\n for (o = 0; o < d; o += 1) {\\n if (\"ks\" in (n = a[o]) && !n.completed) {\\n if (n.completed = !0, n.tt && (a[o - 1].td = n.tt), n.hasMask) {\\n var m = n.masksProperties;\\n\\n for (l = m.length, h = 0; h < l; h += 1) {\\n if (m[h].pt.k.i) i(m[h].pt.k);else for (f = m[h].pt.k.length, p = 0; p < f; p += 1) {\\n m[h].pt.k[p].s && i(m[h].pt.k[p].s[0]), m[h].pt.k[p].e && i(m[h].pt.k[p].e[0]);\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\\n 0 === n.ty ? (n.layers = e(n.refId, s), t(n.layers, s)) : 4 === n.ty ? r(n.shapes) : 5 === n.ty && c(n);\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function e(t, e) {\\n for (var r = 0, i = e.length; r < i;) {\\n if (e[r].id === t) return e[r].layers.__used ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e[r].layers)) : (e[r].layers.__used = !0, e[r].layers);\\n r += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return null;\\n }\\n\\n function r(t) {\\n var e, a, s;\\n\\n for (e = t.length - 1; e >= 0; e -= 1) {\\n if (\"sh\" === t[e].ty) {\\n if (t[e].ks.k.i) i(t[e].ks.k);else for (s = t[e].ks.k.length, a = 0; a < s; a += 1) {\\n t[e].ks.k[a].s && i(t[e].ks.k[a].s[0]), t[e].ks.k[a].e && i(t[e].ks.k[a].e[0]);\\n }\\n } else \"gr\" === t[e].ty && r(t[e].it);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function i(t) {\\n var e,\\n r = t.i.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n t.i[e][0] += t.v[e][0], t.i[e][1] += t.v[e][1], t.o[e][0] += t.v[e][0], t.o[e][1] += t.v[e][1];\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function a(t, e) {\\n var r = e ? e.split(\".\") : [100, 100, 100];\\n return t[0] > r[0] || !(r[0] > t[0]) && (t[1] > r[1] || !(r[1] > t[1]) && (t[2] > r[2] || !(r[2] > t[2]) && null));\\n }\\n\\n var s,\\n n = function () {\\n var t = [4, 4, 14];\\n\\n function e(t) {\\n var e,\\n r,\\n i,\\n a = t.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < a; e += 1) {\\n 5 === t[e].ty && (i = void 0, i = (r = t[e]).t.d, r.t.d = {\\n k: [{\\n s: i,\\n t: 0\\n }]\\n });\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return function (r) {\\n if (a(t, r.v) && (e(r.layers), r.assets)) {\\n var i,\\n s = r.assets.length;\\n\\n for (i = 0; i < s; i += 1) {\\n r.assets[i].layers && e(r.assets[i].layers);\\n }\\n }\\n };\\n }(),\\n o = (s = [4, 7, 99], function (t) {\\n if (t.chars && !a(s, t.v)) {\\n var e,\\n r,\\n n,\\n o,\\n h,\\n l = t.chars.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < l; e += 1) {\\n if (t.chars[e].data && t.chars[e].data.shapes) for (n = (h = t.chars[e].data.shapes[0].it).length, r = 0; r < n; r += 1) {\\n (o = h[r].ks.k).__converted || (i(h[r].ks.k), o.__converted = !0);\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }),\\n h = function () {\\n var t = [5, 7, 15];\\n\\n function e(t) {\\n var e,\\n r,\\n i = t.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < i; e += 1) {\\n 5 === t[e].ty && (r = void 0, \"number\" == typeof (r = t[e].t.p).a && (r.a = {\\n a: 0,\\n k: r.a\\n }), \"number\" == typeof r.p && (r.p = {\\n a: 0,\\n k: r.p\\n }), \"number\" == typeof r.r && (r.r = {\\n a: 0,\\n k: r.r\\n }));\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return function (r) {\\n if (a(t, r.v) && (e(r.layers), r.assets)) {\\n var i,\\n s = r.assets.length;\\n\\n for (i = 0; i < s; i += 1) {\\n r.assets[i].layers && e(r.assets[i].layers);\\n }\\n }\\n };\\n }(),\\n l = function () {\\n var t = [4, 1, 9];\\n\\n function e(t) {\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a,\\n s = t.length;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < s; r += 1) {\\n if (\"gr\" === t[r].ty) e(t[r].it);else if (\"fl\" === t[r].ty || \"st\" === t[r].ty) if (t[r].c.k && t[r].c.k[0].i) for (a = t[r].c.k.length, i = 0; i < a; i += 1) {\\n t[r].c.k[i].s && (t[r].c.k[i].s[0] /= 255, t[r].c.k[i].s[1] /= 255, t[r].c.k[i].s[2] /= 255, t[r].c.k[i].s[3] /= 255), t[r].c.k[i].e && (t[r].c.k[i].e[0] /= 255, t[r].c.k[i].e[1] /= 255, t[r].c.k[i].e[2] /= 255, t[r].c.k[i].e[3] /= 255);\\n } else t[r].c.k[0] /= 255, t[r].c.k[1] /= 255, t[r].c.k[2] /= 255, t[r].c.k[3] /= 255;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function r(t) {\\n var r,\\n i = t.length;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n 4 === t[r].ty && e(t[r].shapes);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return function (e) {\\n if (a(t, e.v) && (r(e.layers), e.assets)) {\\n var i,\\n s = e.assets.length;\\n\\n for (i = 0; i < s; i += 1) {\\n e.assets[i].layers && r(e.assets[i].layers);\\n }\\n }\\n };\\n }(),\\n p = function () {\\n var t = [4, 4, 18];\\n\\n function e(t) {\\n var r, i, a;\\n\\n for (r = t.length - 1; r >= 0; r -= 1) {\\n if (\"sh\" === t[r].ty) {\\n if (t[r].ks.k.i) t[r].ks.k.c = t[r].closed;else for (a = t[r].ks.k.length, i = 0; i < a; i += 1) {\\n t[r].ks.k[i].s && (t[r].ks.k[i].s[0].c = t[r].closed), t[r].ks.k[i].e && (t[r].ks.k[i].e[0].c = t[r].closed);\\n }\\n } else \"gr\" === t[r].ty && e(t[r].it);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function r(t) {\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a,\\n s,\\n n,\\n o,\\n h = t.length;\\n\\n for (i = 0; i < h; i += 1) {\\n if ((r = t[i]).hasMask) {\\n var l = r.masksProperties;\\n\\n for (s = l.length, a = 0; a < s; a += 1) {\\n if (l[a].pt.k.i) l[a].pt.k.c = l[a].cl;else for (o = l[a].pt.k.length, n = 0; n < o; n += 1) {\\n l[a].pt.k[n].s && (l[a].pt.k[n].s[0].c = l[a].cl), l[a].pt.k[n].e && (l[a].pt.k[n].e[0].c = l[a].cl);\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\\n 4 === r.ty && e(r.shapes);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return function (e) {\\n if (a(t, e.v) && (r(e.layers), e.assets)) {\\n var i,\\n s = e.assets.length;\\n\\n for (i = 0; i < s; i += 1) {\\n e.assets[i].layers && r(e.assets[i].layers);\\n }\\n }\\n };\\n }();\\n\\n function c(t) {\\n 0 !== t.t.a.length || \"m\" in t.t.p || (t.singleShape = !0);\\n }\\n\\n var f = {\\n completeData: function completeData(e) {\\n e.__complete || (l(e), n(e), o(e), h(e), p(e), t(e.layers, e.assets), e.__complete = !0);\\n }\\n };\\n return f.checkColors = l, f.checkChars = o, f.checkPathProperties = h, f.checkShapes = p, f.completeLayers = t, f;\\n }()), _workerSelf.assetLoader || (_workerSelf.assetLoader = function () {\\n function t(t) {\\n var e = t.getResponseHeader(\"content-type\");\\n return e && \"json\" === t.responseType && -1 !== e.indexOf(\"json\") || t.response && \"object\" == _typeof2(t.response) ? t.response : t.response && \"string\" == typeof t.response ? JSON.parse(t.response) : t.responseText ? JSON.parse(t.responseText) : null;\\n }\\n\\n return {\\n load: function load(e, r, i, a) {\\n var s,\\n n = new XMLHttpRequest();\\n\\n try {\\n n.responseType = \"json\";\\n } catch (t) {}\\n\\n n.onreadystatechange = function () {\\n if (4 === n.readyState) if (200 === n.status) s = t(n), i(s);else try {\\n s = t(n), i(s);\\n } catch (t) {\\n a && a(t);\\n }\\n };\\n\\n try {\\n n.open(\"GET\", e, !0);\\n } catch (t) {\\n n.open(\"GET\", r + \"/\" + e, !0);\\n }\\n\\n n.send();\\n }\\n };\\n }()), \"loadAnimation\" === t.data.type) _workerSelf.assetLoader.load(t.data.path, t.data.fullPath, function (e) {\\n _workerSelf.dataManager.completeData(e), _workerSelf.postMessage({\\n id: t.data.id,\\n payload: e,\\n status: \"success\"\\n });\\n }, function () {\\n _workerSelf.postMessage({\\n id: t.data.id,\\n status: \"error\"\\n });\\n });else if (\"complete\" === t.data.type) {\\n var e = t.data.animation;\\n _workerSelf.dataManager.completeData(e), _workerSelf.postMessage({\\n id: t.data.id,\\n payload: e,\\n status: \"success\"\\n });\\n } else \"loadData\" === t.data.type && _workerSelf.assetLoader.load(t.data.path, t.data.fullPath, function (e) {\\n _workerSelf.postMessage({\\n id: t.data.id,\\n payload: e,\\n status: \"success\"\\n });\\n }, function () {\\n _workerSelf.postMessage({\\n id: t.data.id,\\n status: \"error\"\\n });\\n });\\n }), e.onmessage = function (t) {\\n var e = t.data,\\n r = e.id,\\n a = i[r];\\n i[r] = null, \"success\" === e.status ? a.onComplete(e.payload) : a.onError && a.onError();\\n });\\n }\\n\\n function n(t, e) {\\n var a = \"processId_\" + (r += 1);\\n return i[a] = {\\n onComplete: t,\\n onError: e\\n }, a;\\n }\\n\\n return {\\n loadAnimation: function loadAnimation(t, r, i) {\\n s();\\n var a = n(r, i);\\n e.postMessage({\\n type: \"loadAnimation\",\\n path: t,\\n fullPath: window.location.origin + window.location.pathname,\\n id: a\\n });\\n },\\n loadData: function loadData(t, r, i) {\\n s();\\n var a = n(r, i);\\n e.postMessage({\\n type: \"loadData\",\\n path: t,\\n fullPath: window.location.origin + window.location.pathname,\\n id: a\\n });\\n },\\n completeAnimation: function completeAnimation(t, r, i) {\\n s();\\n var a = n(r, i);\\n e.postMessage({\\n type: \"complete\",\\n animation: t,\\n id: a\\n });\\n }\\n };\\n }();\\n\\n function getFontProperties(t) {\\n for (var e = t.fStyle ? t.fStyle.split(\" \") : [], r = \"normal\", i = \"normal\", a = e.length, s = 0; s < a; s += 1) {\\n switch (e[s].toLowerCase()) {\\n case \"italic\":\\n i = \"italic\";\\n break;\\n\\n case \"bold\":\\n r = \"700\";\\n break;\\n\\n case \"black\":\\n r = \"900\";\\n break;\\n\\n case \"medium\":\\n r = \"500\";\\n break;\\n\\n case \"regular\":\\n case \"normal\":\\n r = \"400\";\\n break;\\n\\n case \"light\":\\n case \"thin\":\\n r = \"200\";\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return {\\n style: i,\\n weight: t.fWeight || r\\n };\\n }\\n\\n var FontManager = function () {\\n var t = {\\n w: 0,\\n size: 0,\\n shapes: []\\n },\\n e = [];\\n e = e.concat([2304, 2305, 2306, 2307, 2362, 2363, 2364, 2364, 2366, 2367, 2368, 2369, 2370, 2371, 2372, 2373, 2374, 2375, 2376, 2377, 2378, 2379, 2380, 2381, 2382, 2383, 2387, 2388, 2389, 2390, 2391, 2402, 2403]);\\n var r = [\"d83cdffb\", \"d83cdffc\", \"d83cdffd\", \"d83cdffe\", \"d83cdfff\"],\\n i = [65039, 8205];\\n\\n function a(t, e) {\\n var r = createTag(\"span\");\\n r.setAttribute(\"aria-hidden\", !0), r.style.fontFamily = e;\\n var i = createTag(\"span\");\\n i.innerText = \"giItT1WQy@!-/#\", r.style.position = \"absolute\", r.style.left = \"-10000px\", r.style.top = \"-10000px\", r.style.fontSize = \"300px\", r.style.fontVariant = \"normal\", r.style.fontStyle = \"normal\", r.style.fontWeight = \"normal\", r.style.letterSpacing = \"0\", r.appendChild(i), document.body.appendChild(r);\\n var a = i.offsetWidth;\\n return i.style.fontFamily = function (t) {\\n var e,\\n r = t.split(\",\"),\\n i = r.length,\\n a = [];\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < i; e += 1) {\\n \"sans-serif\" !== r[e] && \"monospace\" !== r[e] && a.push(r[e]);\\n }\\n\\n return a.join(\",\");\\n }(t) + \", \" + e, {\\n node: i,\\n w: a,\\n parent: r\\n };\\n }\\n\\n function s(t, e) {\\n var r = createNS(\"text\");\\n r.style.fontSize = \"100px\";\\n var i = getFontProperties(e);\\n return r.setAttribute(\"font-family\", e.fFamily), r.setAttribute(\"font-style\", i.style), r.setAttribute(\"font-weight\", i.weight), r.textContent = \"1\", e.fClass ? (r.style.fontFamily = \"inherit\", r.setAttribute(\"class\", e.fClass)) : r.style.fontFamily = e.fFamily, t.appendChild(r), createTag(\"canvas\").getContext(\"2d\").font = e.fWeight + \" \" + e.fStyle + \" 100px \" + e.fFamily, r;\\n }\\n\\n var n = function n() {\\n this.fonts = [], this.chars = null, this.typekitLoaded = 0, this.isLoaded = !1, this._warned = !1, this.initTime = Date.now(), this.setIsLoadedBinded = this.setIsLoaded.bind(this), this.checkLoadedFontsBinded = this.checkLoadedFonts.bind(this);\\n };\\n\\n n.isModifier = function (t, e) {\\n var i = t.toString(16) + e.toString(16);\\n return -1 !== r.indexOf(i);\\n }, n.isZeroWidthJoiner = function (t, e) {\\n return e ? t === i[0] && e === i[1] : t === i[1];\\n }, n.isCombinedCharacter = function (t) {\\n return -1 !== e.indexOf(t);\\n };\\n var o = {\\n addChars: function addChars(t) {\\n if (t) {\\n var e;\\n this.chars || (this.chars = []);\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a = t.length,\\n s = this.chars.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < a; e += 1) {\\n for (r = 0, i = !1; r < s;) {\\n this.chars[r].style === t[e].style && this.chars[r].fFamily === t[e].fFamily && this.chars[r].ch === t[e].ch && (i = !0), r += 1;\\n }\\n\\n i || (this.chars.push(t[e]), s += 1);\\n }\\n }\\n },\\n addFonts: function addFonts(t, e) {\\n if (t) {\\n if (this.chars) return this.isLoaded = !0, void (this.fonts = t.list);\\n var r,\\n i = t.list,\\n n = i.length,\\n o = n;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < n; r += 1) {\\n var h,\\n l,\\n p = !0;\\n\\n if (i[r].loaded = !1, i[r].monoCase = a(i[r].fFamily, \"monospace\"), i[r].sansCase = a(i[r].fFamily, \"sans-serif\"), i[r].fPath) {\\n if (\"p\" === i[r].fOrigin || 3 === i[r].origin) {\\n if ((h = document.querySelectorAll(\\'style[f-forigin=\"p\"][f-family=\"\\' + i[r].fFamily + \\'\"], style[f-origin=\"3\"][f-family=\"\\' + i[r].fFamily + \\'\"]\\')).length > 0 && (p = !1), p) {\\n var c = createTag(\"style\");\\n c.setAttribute(\"f-forigin\", i[r].fOrigin), c.setAttribute(\"f-origin\", i[r].origin), c.setAttribute(\"f-family\", i[r].fFamily), c.type = \"text/css\", c.innerText = \"@font-face {font-family: \" + i[r].fFamily + \"; font-style: normal; src: url(\\'\" + i[r].fPath + \"\\');}\", e.appendChild(c);\\n }\\n } else if (\"g\" === i[r].fOrigin || 1 === i[r].origin) {\\n for (h = document.querySelectorAll(\\'link[f-forigin=\"g\"], link[f-origin=\"1\"]\\'), l = 0; l < h.length; l += 1) {\\n -1 !== h[l].href.indexOf(i[r].fPath) && (p = !1);\\n }\\n\\n if (p) {\\n var f = createTag(\"link\");\\n f.setAttribute(\"f-forigin\", i[r].fOrigin), f.setAttribute(\"f-origin\", i[r].origin), f.type = \"text/css\", f.rel = \"stylesheet\", f.href = i[r].fPath, document.body.appendChild(f);\\n }\\n } else if (\"t\" === i[r].fOrigin || 2 === i[r].origin) {\\n for (h = document.querySelectorAll(\\'script[f-forigin=\"t\"], script[f-origin=\"2\"]\\'), l = 0; l < h.length; l += 1) {\\n i[r].fPath === h[l].src && (p = !1);\\n }\\n\\n if (p) {\\n var d = createTag(\"link\");\\n d.setAttribute(\"f-forigin\", i[r].fOrigin), d.setAttribute(\"f-origin\", i[r].origin), d.setAttribute(\"rel\", \"stylesheet\"), d.setAttribute(\"href\", i[r].fPath), e.appendChild(d);\\n }\\n }\\n } else i[r].loaded = !0, o -= 1;\\n\\n i[r].helper = s(e, i[r]), i[r].cache = {}, this.fonts.push(i[r]);\\n }\\n\\n 0 === o ? this.isLoaded = !0 : setTimeout(this.checkLoadedFonts.bind(this), 100);\\n } else this.isLoaded = !0;\\n },\\n getCharData: function getCharData(e, r, i) {\\n for (var a = 0, s = this.chars.length; a < s;) {\\n if (this.chars[a].ch === e && this.chars[a].style === r && this.chars[a].fFamily === i) return this.chars[a];\\n a += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return (\"string\" == typeof e && 13 !== e.charCodeAt(0) || !e) && console && console.warn && !this._warned && (this._warned = !0, console.warn(\"Missing character from exported characters list: \", e, r, i)), t;\\n },\\n getFontByName: function getFontByName(t) {\\n for (var e = 0, r = this.fonts.length; e < r;) {\\n if (this.fonts[e].fName === t) return this.fonts[e];\\n e += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return this.fonts[0];\\n },\\n measureText: function measureText(t, e, r) {\\n var i = this.getFontByName(e),\\n a = t.charCodeAt(0);\\n\\n if (!i.cache[a + 1]) {\\n var s = i.helper;\\n\\n if (\" \" === t) {\\n s.textContent = \"|\" + t + \"|\";\\n var n = s.getComputedTextLength();\\n s.textContent = \"||\";\\n var o = s.getComputedTextLength();\\n i.cache[a + 1] = (n - o) / 100;\\n } else s.textContent = t, i.cache[a + 1] = s.getComputedTextLength() / 100;\\n }\\n\\n return i.cache[a + 1] * r;\\n },\\n checkLoadedFonts: function checkLoadedFonts() {\\n var t,\\n e,\\n r,\\n i = this.fonts.length,\\n a = i;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < i; t += 1) {\\n this.fonts[t].loaded ? a -= 1 : \"n\" === this.fonts[t].fOrigin || 0 === this.fonts[t].origin ? this.fonts[t].loaded = !0 : (e = this.fonts[t].monoCase.node, r = this.fonts[t].monoCase.w, e.offsetWidth !== r ? (a -= 1, this.fonts[t].loaded = !0) : (e = this.fonts[t].sansCase.node, r = this.fonts[t].sansCase.w, e.offsetWidth !== r && (a -= 1, this.fonts[t].loaded = !0)), this.fonts[t].loaded && (this.fonts[t].sansCase.parent.parentNode.removeChild(this.fonts[t].sansCase.parent), this.fonts[t].monoCase.parent.parentNode.removeChild(this.fonts[t].monoCase.parent)));\\n }\\n\\n 0 !== a && Date.now() - this.initTime < 5e3 ? setTimeout(this.checkLoadedFontsBinded, 20) : setTimeout(this.setIsLoadedBinded, 10);\\n },\\n setIsLoaded: function setIsLoaded() {\\n this.isLoaded = !0;\\n }\\n };\\n return n.prototype = o, n;\\n }(),\\n PropertyFactory = function () {\\n var t = initialDefaultFrame,\\n e = Math.abs;\\n\\n function r(t, e) {\\n var r,\\n a = this.offsetTime;\\n \"multidimensional\" === this.propType && (r = createTypedArray(\"float32\", this.pv.length));\\n\\n for (var s, n, o, h, l, p, c, f, d, m = e.lastIndex, u = m, y = this.keyframes.length - 1, g = !0; g;) {\\n if (s = this.keyframes[u], n = this.keyframes[u + 1], u === y - 1 && t >= n.t - a) {\\n s.h && (s = n), m = 0;\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n if (n.t - a > t) {\\n m = u;\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n u < y - 1 ? u += 1 : (m = 0, g = !1);\\n }\\n\\n o = this.keyframesMetadata[u] || {};\\n\\n var v,\\n b,\\n _,\\n P,\\n E,\\n S,\\n x,\\n A,\\n w,\\n C,\\n k = n.t - a,\\n T = s.t - a;\\n\\n if (s.to) {\\n o.bezierData || (o.bezierData = bez.buildBezierData(s.s, n.s || s.e, s.to, s.ti));\\n var D = o.bezierData;\\n\\n if (t >= k || t < T) {\\n var M = t >= k ? D.points.length - 1 : 0;\\n\\n for (l = D.points[M].point.length, h = 0; h < l; h += 1) {\\n r[h] = D.points[M].point[h];\\n }\\n } else {\\n o.__fnct ? d = o.__fnct : (d = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(s.o.x, s.o.y, s.i.x, s.i.y, s.n).get, o.__fnct = d), p = d((t - T) / (k - T));\\n var F,\\n I = D.segmentLength * p,\\n R = e.lastFrame < t && e._lastKeyframeIndex === u ? e._lastAddedLength : 0;\\n\\n for (f = e.lastFrame < t && e._lastKeyframeIndex === u ? e._lastPoint : 0, g = !0, c = D.points.length; g;) {\\n if (R += D.points[f].partialLength, 0 === I || 0 === p || f === D.points.length - 1) {\\n for (l = D.points[f].point.length, h = 0; h < l; h += 1) {\\n r[h] = D.points[f].point[h];\\n }\\n\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n if (I >= R && I < R + D.points[f + 1].partialLength) {\\n for (F = (I - R) / D.points[f + 1].partialLength, l = D.points[f].point.length, h = 0; h < l; h += 1) {\\n r[h] = D.points[f].point[h] + (D.points[f + 1].point[h] - D.points[f].point[h]) * F;\\n }\\n\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n f < c - 1 ? f += 1 : g = !1;\\n }\\n\\n e._lastPoint = f, e._lastAddedLength = R - D.points[f].partialLength, e._lastKeyframeIndex = u;\\n }\\n } else {\\n var V, O, L, B, $;\\n if (y = s.s.length, v = n.s || s.e, this.sh && 1 !== s.h) {\\n if (t >= k) r[0] = v[0], r[1] = v[1], r[2] = v[2];else if (t <= T) r[0] = s.s[0], r[1] = s.s[1], r[2] = s.s[2];else {\\n var z = i(s.s),\\n G = i(v);\\n b = r, _ = function (t, e, r) {\\n var i,\\n a,\\n s,\\n n,\\n o,\\n h = [],\\n l = t[0],\\n p = t[1],\\n c = t[2],\\n f = t[3],\\n d = e[0],\\n m = e[1],\\n u = e[2],\\n y = e[3];\\n return (a = l * d + p * m + c * u + f * y) < 0 && (a = -a, d = -d, m = -m, u = -u, y = -y), 1 - a > 1e-6 ? (i = Math.acos(a), s = Math.sin(i), n = Math.sin((1 - r) * i) / s, o = Math.sin(r * i) / s) : (n = 1 - r, o = r), h[0] = n * l + o * d, h[1] = n * p + o * m, h[2] = n * c + o * u, h[3] = n * f + o * y, h;\\n }(z, G, (t - T) / (k - T)), P = _[0], E = _[1], S = _[2], x = _[3], A = Math.atan2(2 * E * x - 2 * P * S, 1 - 2 * E * E - 2 * S * S), w = Math.asin(2 * P * E + 2 * S * x), C = Math.atan2(2 * P * x - 2 * E * S, 1 - 2 * P * P - 2 * S * S), b[0] = A / degToRads, b[1] = w / degToRads, b[2] = C / degToRads;\\n }\\n } else for (u = 0; u < y; u += 1) {\\n 1 !== s.h && (t >= k ? p = 1 : t < T ? p = 0 : (s.o.x.constructor === Array ? (o.__fnct || (o.__fnct = []), o.__fnct[u] ? d = o.__fnct[u] : (V = void 0 === s.o.x[u] ? s.o.x[0] : s.o.x[u], O = void 0 === s.o.y[u] ? s.o.y[0] : s.o.y[u], L = void 0 === s.i.x[u] ? s.i.x[0] : s.i.x[u], B = void 0 === s.i.y[u] ? s.i.y[0] : s.i.y[u], d = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(V, O, L, B).get, o.__fnct[u] = d)) : o.__fnct ? d = o.__fnct : (V = s.o.x, O = s.o.y, L = s.i.x, B = s.i.y, d = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(V, O, L, B).get, s.keyframeMetadata = d), p = d((t - T) / (k - T)))), v = n.s || s.e, $ = 1 === s.h ? s.s[u] : s.s[u] + (v[u] - s.s[u]) * p, \"multidimensional\" === this.propType ? r[u] = $ : r = $;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return e.lastIndex = m, r;\\n }\\n\\n function i(t) {\\n var e = t[0] * degToRads,\\n r = t[1] * degToRads,\\n i = t[2] * degToRads,\\n a = Math.cos(e / 2),\\n s = Math.cos(r / 2),\\n n = Math.cos(i / 2),\\n o = Math.sin(e / 2),\\n h = Math.sin(r / 2),\\n l = Math.sin(i / 2);\\n return [o * h * n + a * s * l, o * s * n + a * h * l, a * h * n - o * s * l, a * s * n - o * h * l];\\n }\\n\\n function a() {\\n var e = this.comp.renderedFrame - this.offsetTime,\\n r = this.keyframes[0].t - this.offsetTime,\\n i = this.keyframes[this.keyframes.length - 1].t - this.offsetTime;\\n\\n if (!(e === this._caching.lastFrame || this._caching.lastFrame !== t && (this._caching.lastFrame >= i && e >= i || this._caching.lastFrame < r && e < r))) {\\n this._caching.lastFrame >= e && (this._caching._lastKeyframeIndex = -1, this._caching.lastIndex = 0);\\n var a = this.interpolateValue(e, this._caching);\\n this.pv = a;\\n }\\n\\n return this._caching.lastFrame = e, this.pv;\\n }\\n\\n function s(t) {\\n var r;\\n if (\"unidimensional\" === this.propType) r = t * this.mult, e(this.v - r) > 1e-5 && (this.v = r, this._mdf = !0);else for (var i = 0, a = this.v.length; i < a;) {\\n r = t[i] * this.mult, e(this.v[i] - r) > 1e-5 && (this.v[i] = r, this._mdf = !0), i += 1;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function n() {\\n if (this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId && this.effectsSequence.length) if (this.lock) this.setVValue(this.pv);else {\\n var t;\\n this.lock = !0, this._mdf = this._isFirstFrame;\\n var e = this.effectsSequence.length,\\n r = this.kf ? this.pv : this.data.k;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n r = this.effectsSequence[t](r);\\n }\\n\\n this.setVValue(r), this._isFirstFrame = !1, this.lock = !1, this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function o(t) {\\n this.effectsSequence.push(t), this.container.addDynamicProperty(this);\\n }\\n\\n function h(t, e, r, i) {\\n this.propType = \"unidimensional\", this.mult = r || 1, this.data = e, this.v = r ? e.k * r : e.k, this.pv = e.k, this._mdf = !1, this.elem = t, this.container = i, this.comp = t.comp, this.k = !1, this.kf = !1, this.vel = 0, this.effectsSequence = [], this._isFirstFrame = !0, this.getValue = n, this.setVValue = s, this.addEffect = o;\\n }\\n\\n function l(t, e, r, i) {\\n var a;\\n this.propType = \"multidimensional\", this.mult = r || 1, this.data = e, this._mdf = !1, this.elem = t, this.container = i, this.comp = t.comp, this.k = !1, this.kf = !1, this.frameId = -1;\\n var h = e.k.length;\\n\\n for (this.v = createTypedArray(\"float32\", h), this.pv = createTypedArray(\"float32\", h), this.vel = createTypedArray(\"float32\", h), a = 0; a < h; a += 1) {\\n this.v[a] = e.k[a] * this.mult, this.pv[a] = e.k[a];\\n }\\n\\n this._isFirstFrame = !0, this.effectsSequence = [], this.getValue = n, this.setVValue = s, this.addEffect = o;\\n }\\n\\n function p(e, i, h, l) {\\n this.propType = \"unidimensional\", this.keyframes = i.k, this.keyframesMetadata = [], this.offsetTime = e.data.st, this.frameId = -1, this._caching = {\\n lastFrame: t,\\n lastIndex: 0,\\n value: 0,\\n _lastKeyframeIndex: -1\\n }, this.k = !0, this.kf = !0, this.data = i, this.mult = h || 1, this.elem = e, this.container = l, this.comp = e.comp, this.v = t, this.pv = t, this._isFirstFrame = !0, this.getValue = n, this.setVValue = s, this.interpolateValue = r, this.effectsSequence = [a.bind(this)], this.addEffect = o;\\n }\\n\\n function c(e, i, h, l) {\\n var p;\\n this.propType = \"multidimensional\";\\n var c,\\n f,\\n d,\\n m,\\n u = i.k.length;\\n\\n for (p = 0; p < u - 1; p += 1) {\\n i.k[p].to && i.k[p].s && i.k[p + 1] && i.k[p + 1].s && (c = i.k[p].s, f = i.k[p + 1].s, d = i.k[p].to, m = i.k[p].ti, (2 === c.length && (c[0] !== f[0] || c[1] !== f[1]) && bez.pointOnLine2D(c[0], c[1], f[0], f[1], c[0] + d[0], c[1] + d[1]) && bez.pointOnLine2D(c[0], c[1], f[0], f[1], f[0] + m[0], f[1] + m[1]) || 3 === c.length && (c[0] !== f[0] || c[1] !== f[1] || c[2] !== f[2]) && bez.pointOnLine3D(c[0], c[1], c[2], f[0], f[1], f[2], c[0] + d[0], c[1] + d[1], c[2] + d[2]) && bez.pointOnLine3D(c[0], c[1], c[2], f[0], f[1], f[2], f[0] + m[0], f[1] + m[1], f[2] + m[2])) && (i.k[p].to = null, i.k[p].ti = null), c[0] === f[0] && c[1] === f[1] && 0 === d[0] && 0 === d[1] && 0 === m[0] && 0 === m[1] && (2 === c.length || c[2] === f[2] && 0 === d[2] && 0 === m[2]) && (i.k[p].to = null, i.k[p].ti = null));\\n }\\n\\n this.effectsSequence = [a.bind(this)], this.data = i, this.keyframes = i.k, this.keyframesMetadata = [], this.offsetTime = e.data.st, this.k = !0, this.kf = !0, this._isFirstFrame = !0, this.mult = h || 1, this.elem = e, this.container = l, this.comp = e.comp, this.getValue = n, this.setVValue = s, this.interpolateValue = r, this.frameId = -1;\\n var y = i.k[0].s.length;\\n\\n for (this.v = createTypedArray(\"float32\", y), this.pv = createTypedArray(\"float32\", y), p = 0; p < y; p += 1) {\\n this.v[p] = t, this.pv[p] = t;\\n }\\n\\n this._caching = {\\n lastFrame: t,\\n lastIndex: 0,\\n value: createTypedArray(\"float32\", y)\\n }, this.addEffect = o;\\n }\\n\\n var f = {\\n getProp: function getProp(t, e, r, i, a) {\\n var s;\\n if (e.k.length) {\\n if (\"number\" == typeof e.k[0]) s = new l(t, e, i, a);else switch (r) {\\n case 0:\\n s = new p(t, e, i, a);\\n break;\\n\\n case 1:\\n s = new c(t, e, i, a);\\n }\\n } else s = new h(t, e, i, a);\\n return s.effectsSequence.length && a.addDynamicProperty(s), s;\\n }\\n };\\n return f;\\n }(),\\n TransformPropertyFactory = function () {\\n var t = [0, 0];\\n\\n function e(t, e, r) {\\n if (this.elem = t, this.frameId = -1, this.propType = \"transform\", this.data = e, this.v = new Matrix(), this.pre = new Matrix(), this.appliedTransformations = 0, this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(r || t), e.p && e.p.s ? (this.px = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.p.x, 0, 0, this), this.py = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.p.y, 0, 0, this), e.p.z && (this.pz = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.p.z, 0, 0, this))) : this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.p || {\\n k: [0, 0, 0]\\n }, 1, 0, this), e.rx) {\\n if (this.rx = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.rx, 0, degToRads, this), this.ry = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.ry, 0, degToRads, this), this.rz = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.rz, 0, degToRads, this), e.or.k[0].ti) {\\n var i,\\n a = e.or.k.length;\\n\\n for (i = 0; i < a; i += 1) {\\n e.or.k[i].to = null, e.or.k[i].ti = null;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n this.or = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.or, 1, degToRads, this), this.or.sh = !0;\\n } else this.r = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.r || {\\n k: 0\\n }, 0, degToRads, this);\\n\\n e.sk && (this.sk = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.sk, 0, degToRads, this), this.sa = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.sa, 0, degToRads, this)), this.a = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.a || {\\n k: [0, 0, 0]\\n }, 1, 0, this), this.s = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.s || {\\n k: [100, 100, 100]\\n }, 1, .01, this), e.o ? this.o = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.o, 0, .01, t) : this.o = {\\n _mdf: !1,\\n v: 1\\n }, this._isDirty = !0, this.dynamicProperties.length || this.getValue(!0);\\n }\\n\\n return e.prototype = {\\n applyToMatrix: function applyToMatrix(t) {\\n var e = this._mdf;\\n this.iterateDynamicProperties(), this._mdf = this._mdf || e, this.a && t.translate(-this.a.v[0], -this.a.v[1], this.a.v[2]), this.s && t.scale(this.s.v[0], this.s.v[1], this.s.v[2]), this.sk && t.skewFromAxis(-this.sk.v, this.sa.v), this.r ? t.rotate(-this.r.v) : t.rotateZ(-this.rz.v).rotateY(this.ry.v).rotateX(this.rx.v).rotateZ(-this.or.v[2]).rotateY(this.or.v[1]).rotateX(this.or.v[0]), this.data.p.s ? this.data.p.z ? t.translate(this.px.v, this.py.v, -this.pz.v) : t.translate(this.px.v, this.py.v, 0) : t.translate(this.p.v[0], this.p.v[1], -this.p.v[2]);\\n },\\n getValue: function getValue(e) {\\n if (this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId) {\\n if (this._isDirty && (this.precalculateMatrix(), this._isDirty = !1), this.iterateDynamicProperties(), this._mdf || e) {\\n var r;\\n\\n if (this.v.cloneFromProps(this.pre.props), this.appliedTransformations < 1 && this.v.translate(-this.a.v[0], -this.a.v[1], this.a.v[2]), this.appliedTransformations < 2 && this.v.scale(this.s.v[0], this.s.v[1], this.s.v[2]), this.sk && this.appliedTransformations < 3 && this.v.skewFromAxis(-this.sk.v, this.sa.v), this.r && this.appliedTransformations < 4 ? this.v.rotate(-this.r.v) : !this.r && this.appliedTransformations < 4 && this.v.rotateZ(-this.rz.v).rotateY(this.ry.v).rotateX(this.rx.v).rotateZ(-this.or.v[2]).rotateY(this.or.v[1]).rotateX(this.or.v[0]), this.autoOriented) {\\n var i, a;\\n if (r = this.elem.globalData.frameRate, this.p && this.p.keyframes && this.p.getValueAtTime) this.p._caching.lastFrame + this.p.offsetTime <= this.p.keyframes[0].t ? (i = this.p.getValueAtTime((this.p.keyframes[0].t + .01) / r, 0), a = this.p.getValueAtTime(this.p.keyframes[0].t / r, 0)) : this.p._caching.lastFrame + this.p.offsetTime >= this.p.keyframes[this.p.keyframes.length - 1].t ? (i = this.p.getValueAtTime(this.p.keyframes[this.p.keyframes.length - 1].t / r, 0), a = this.p.getValueAtTime((this.p.keyframes[this.p.keyframes.length - 1].t - .05) / r, 0)) : (i = this.p.pv, a = this.p.getValueAtTime((this.p._caching.lastFrame + this.p.offsetTime - .01) / r, this.p.offsetTime));else if (this.px && this.px.keyframes && this.py.keyframes && this.px.getValueAtTime && this.py.getValueAtTime) {\\n i = [], a = [];\\n var s = this.px,\\n n = this.py;\\n s._caching.lastFrame + s.offsetTime <= s.keyframes[0].t ? (i[0] = s.getValueAtTime((s.keyframes[0].t + .01) / r, 0), i[1] = n.getValueAtTime((n.keyframes[0].t + .01) / r, 0), a[0] = s.getValueAtTime(s.keyframes[0].t / r, 0), a[1] = n.getValueAtTime(n.keyframes[0].t / r, 0)) : s._caching.lastFrame + s.offsetTime >= s.keyframes[s.keyframes.length - 1].t ? (i[0] = s.getValueAtTime(s.keyframes[s.keyframes.length - 1].t / r, 0), i[1] = n.getValueAtTime(n.keyframes[n.keyframes.length - 1].t / r, 0), a[0] = s.getValueAtTime((s.keyframes[s.keyframes.length - 1].t - .01) / r, 0), a[1] = n.getValueAtTime((n.keyframes[n.keyframes.length - 1].t - .01) / r, 0)) : (i = [s.pv, n.pv], a[0] = s.getValueAtTime((s._caching.lastFrame + s.offsetTime - .01) / r, s.offsetTime), a[1] = n.getValueAtTime((n._caching.lastFrame + n.offsetTime - .01) / r, n.offsetTime));\\n } else i = a = t;\\n this.v.rotate(-Math.atan2(i[1] - a[1], i[0] - a[0]));\\n }\\n\\n this.data.p && this.data.p.s ? this.data.p.z ? this.v.translate(this.px.v, this.py.v, -this.pz.v) : this.v.translate(this.px.v, this.py.v, 0) : this.v.translate(this.p.v[0], this.p.v[1], -this.p.v[2]);\\n }\\n\\n this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId;\\n }\\n },\\n precalculateMatrix: function precalculateMatrix() {\\n if (!this.a.k && (this.pre.translate(-this.a.v[0], -this.a.v[1], this.a.v[2]), this.appliedTransformations = 1, !this.s.effectsSequence.length)) {\\n if (this.pre.scale(this.s.v[0], this.s.v[1], this.s.v[2]), this.appliedTransformations = 2, this.sk) {\\n if (this.sk.effectsSequence.length || this.sa.effectsSequence.length) return;\\n this.pre.skewFromAxis(-this.sk.v, this.sa.v), this.appliedTransformations = 3;\\n }\\n\\n this.r ? this.r.effectsSequence.length || (this.pre.rotate(-this.r.v), this.appliedTransformations = 4) : this.rz.effectsSequence.length || this.ry.effectsSequence.length || this.rx.effectsSequence.length || this.or.effectsSequence.length || (this.pre.rotateZ(-this.rz.v).rotateY(this.ry.v).rotateX(this.rx.v).rotateZ(-this.or.v[2]).rotateY(this.or.v[1]).rotateX(this.or.v[0]), this.appliedTransformations = 4);\\n }\\n },\\n autoOrient: function autoOrient() {}\\n }, extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], e), e.prototype.addDynamicProperty = function (t) {\\n this._addDynamicProperty(t), this.elem.addDynamicProperty(t), this._isDirty = !0;\\n }, e.prototype._addDynamicProperty = DynamicPropertyContainer.prototype.addDynamicProperty, {\\n getTransformProperty: function getTransformProperty(t, r, i) {\\n return new e(t, r, i);\\n }\\n };\\n }();\\n\\n function ShapePath() {\\n this.c = !1, this._length = 0, this._maxLength = 8, this.v = createSizedArray(this._maxLength), this.o = createSizedArray(this._maxLength), this.i = createSizedArray(this._maxLength);\\n }\\n\\n ShapePath.prototype.setPathData = function (t, e) {\\n this.c = t, this.setLength(e);\\n\\n for (var r = 0; r < e;) {\\n this.v[r] = pointPool.newElement(), this.o[r] = pointPool.newElement(), this.i[r] = pointPool.newElement(), r += 1;\\n }\\n }, ShapePath.prototype.setLength = function (t) {\\n for (; this._maxLength < t;) {\\n this.doubleArrayLength();\\n }\\n\\n this._length = t;\\n }, ShapePath.prototype.doubleArrayLength = function () {\\n this.v = this.v.concat(createSizedArray(this._maxLength)), this.i = this.i.concat(createSizedArray(this._maxLength)), this.o = this.o.concat(createSizedArray(this._maxLength)), this._maxLength *= 2;\\n }, ShapePath.prototype.setXYAt = function (t, e, r, i, a) {\\n var s;\\n\\n switch (this._length = Math.max(this._length, i + 1), this._length >= this._maxLength && this.doubleArrayLength(), r) {\\n case \"v\":\\n s = this.v;\\n break;\\n\\n case \"i\":\\n s = this.i;\\n break;\\n\\n case \"o\":\\n s = this.o;\\n break;\\n\\n default:\\n s = [];\\n }\\n\\n (!s[i] || s[i] && !a) && (s[i] = pointPool.newElement()), s[i][0] = t, s[i][1] = e;\\n }, ShapePath.prototype.setTripleAt = function (t, e, r, i, a, s, n, o) {\\n this.setXYAt(t, e, \"v\", n, o), this.setXYAt(r, i, \"o\", n, o), this.setXYAt(a, s, \"i\", n, o);\\n }, ShapePath.prototype.reverse = function () {\\n var t = new ShapePath();\\n t.setPathData(this.c, this._length);\\n var e = this.v,\\n r = this.o,\\n i = this.i,\\n a = 0;\\n this.c && (t.setTripleAt(e[0][0], e[0][1], i[0][0], i[0][1], r[0][0], r[0][1], 0, !1), a = 1);\\n var s,\\n n = this._length - 1,\\n o = this._length;\\n\\n for (s = a; s < o; s += 1) {\\n t.setTripleAt(e[n][0], e[n][1], i[n][0], i[n][1], r[n][0], r[n][1], s, !1), n -= 1;\\n }\\n\\n return t;\\n };\\n\\n var ShapePropertyFactory = function () {\\n var t = -999999;\\n\\n function e(t, e, r) {\\n var i,\\n a,\\n s,\\n n,\\n o,\\n h,\\n l,\\n p,\\n c,\\n f = r.lastIndex,\\n d = this.keyframes;\\n if (t < d[0].t - this.offsetTime) i = d[0].s[0], s = !0, f = 0;else if (t >= d[d.length - 1].t - this.offsetTime) i = d[d.length - 1].s ? d[d.length - 1].s[0] : d[d.length - 2].e[0], s = !0;else {\\n for (var m, u, y, g = f, v = d.length - 1, b = !0; b && (m = d[g], !((u = d[g + 1]).t - this.offsetTime > t));) {\\n g < v - 1 ? g += 1 : b = !1;\\n }\\n\\n if (y = this.keyframesMetadata[g] || {}, f = g, !(s = 1 === m.h)) {\\n if (t >= u.t - this.offsetTime) p = 1;else if (t < m.t - this.offsetTime) p = 0;else {\\n var _;\\n\\n y.__fnct ? _ = y.__fnct : (_ = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(m.o.x, m.o.y, m.i.x, m.i.y).get, y.__fnct = _), p = _((t - (m.t - this.offsetTime)) / (u.t - this.offsetTime - (m.t - this.offsetTime)));\\n }\\n a = u.s ? u.s[0] : m.e[0];\\n }\\n\\n i = m.s[0];\\n }\\n\\n for (h = e._length, l = i.i[0].length, r.lastIndex = f, n = 0; n < h; n += 1) {\\n for (o = 0; o < l; o += 1) {\\n c = s ? i.i[n][o] : i.i[n][o] + (a.i[n][o] - i.i[n][o]) * p, e.i[n][o] = c, c = s ? i.o[n][o] : i.o[n][o] + (a.o[n][o] - i.o[n][o]) * p, e.o[n][o] = c, c = s ? i.v[n][o] : i.v[n][o] + (a.v[n][o] - i.v[n][o]) * p, e.v[n][o] = c;\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function r() {\\n var e = this.comp.renderedFrame - this.offsetTime,\\n r = this.keyframes[0].t - this.offsetTime,\\n i = this.keyframes[this.keyframes.length - 1].t - this.offsetTime,\\n a = this._caching.lastFrame;\\n return a !== t && (a < r && e < r || a > i && e > i) || (this._caching.lastIndex = a < e ? this._caching.lastIndex : 0, this.interpolateShape(e, this.pv, this._caching)), this._caching.lastFrame = e, this.pv;\\n }\\n\\n function i() {\\n this.paths = this.localShapeCollection;\\n }\\n\\n function a(t) {\\n (function (t, e) {\\n if (t._length !== e._length || t.c !== e.c) return !1;\\n var r,\\n i = t._length;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n if (t.v[r][0] !== e.v[r][0] || t.v[r][1] !== e.v[r][1] || t.o[r][0] !== e.o[r][0] || t.o[r][1] !== e.o[r][1] || t.i[r][0] !== e.i[r][0] || t.i[r][1] !== e.i[r][1]) return !1;\\n }\\n\\n return !0;\\n })(this.v, t) || (this.v = shapePool.clone(t), this.localShapeCollection.releaseShapes(), this.localShapeCollection.addShape(this.v), this._mdf = !0, this.paths = this.localShapeCollection);\\n }\\n\\n function s() {\\n if (this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId) if (this.effectsSequence.length) {\\n if (this.lock) this.setVValue(this.pv);else {\\n var t, e;\\n this.lock = !0, this._mdf = !1, t = this.kf ? this.pv : this.data.ks ? this.data.ks.k : this.data.pt.k;\\n var r = this.effectsSequence.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n t = this.effectsSequence[e](t);\\n }\\n\\n this.setVValue(t), this.lock = !1, this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId;\\n }\\n } else this._mdf = !1;\\n }\\n\\n function n(t, e, r) {\\n this.propType = \"shape\", this.comp = t.comp, this.container = t, this.elem = t, this.data = e, this.k = !1, this.kf = !1, this._mdf = !1;\\n var a = 3 === r ? e.pt.k : e.ks.k;\\n this.v = shapePool.clone(a), this.pv = shapePool.clone(this.v), this.localShapeCollection = shapeCollectionPool.newShapeCollection(), this.paths = this.localShapeCollection, this.paths.addShape(this.v), this.reset = i, this.effectsSequence = [];\\n }\\n\\n function o(t) {\\n this.effectsSequence.push(t), this.container.addDynamicProperty(this);\\n }\\n\\n function h(e, a, s) {\\n this.propType = \"shape\", this.comp = e.comp, this.elem = e, this.container = e, this.offsetTime = e.data.st, this.keyframes = 3 === s ? a.pt.k : a.ks.k, this.keyframesMetadata = [], this.k = !0, this.kf = !0;\\n var n = this.keyframes[0].s[0].i.length;\\n this.v = shapePool.newElement(), this.v.setPathData(this.keyframes[0].s[0].c, n), this.pv = shapePool.clone(this.v), this.localShapeCollection = shapeCollectionPool.newShapeCollection(), this.paths = this.localShapeCollection, this.paths.addShape(this.v), this.lastFrame = t, this.reset = i, this._caching = {\\n lastFrame: t,\\n lastIndex: 0\\n }, this.effectsSequence = [r.bind(this)];\\n }\\n\\n n.prototype.interpolateShape = e, n.prototype.getValue = s, n.prototype.setVValue = a, n.prototype.addEffect = o, h.prototype.getValue = s, h.prototype.interpolateShape = e, h.prototype.setVValue = a, h.prototype.addEffect = o;\\n\\n var l = function () {\\n var t = roundCorner;\\n\\n function e(t, e) {\\n this.v = shapePool.newElement(), this.v.setPathData(!0, 4), this.localShapeCollection = shapeCollectionPool.newShapeCollection(), this.paths = this.localShapeCollection, this.localShapeCollection.addShape(this.v), this.d = e.d, this.elem = t, this.comp = t.comp, this.frameId = -1, this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t), this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.p, 1, 0, this), this.s = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.s, 1, 0, this), this.dynamicProperties.length ? this.k = !0 : (this.k = !1, this.convertEllToPath());\\n }\\n\\n return e.prototype = {\\n reset: i,\\n getValue: function getValue() {\\n this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId && (this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId, this.iterateDynamicProperties(), this._mdf && this.convertEllToPath());\\n },\\n convertEllToPath: function convertEllToPath() {\\n var e = this.p.v[0],\\n r = this.p.v[1],\\n i = this.s.v[0] / 2,\\n a = this.s.v[1] / 2,\\n s = 3 !== this.d,\\n n = this.v;\\n n.v[0][0] = e, n.v[0][1] = r - a, n.v[1][0] = s ? e + i : e - i, n.v[1][1] = r, n.v[2][0] = e, n.v[2][1] = r + a, n.v[3][0] = s ? e - i : e + i, n.v[3][1] = r, n.i[0][0] = s ? e - i * t : e + i * t, n.i[0][1] = r - a, n.i[1][0] = s ? e + i : e - i, n.i[1][1] = r - a * t, n.i[2][0] = s ? e + i * t : e - i * t, n.i[2][1] = r + a, n.i[3][0] = s ? e - i : e + i, n.i[3][1] = r + a * t, n.o[0][0] = s ? e + i * t : e - i * t, n.o[0][1] = r - a, n.o[1][0] = s ? e + i : e - i, n.o[1][1] = r + a * t, n.o[2][0] = s ? e - i * t : e + i * t, n.o[2][1] = r + a, n.o[3][0] = s ? e - i : e + i, n.o[3][1] = r - a * t;\\n }\\n }, extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], e), e;\\n }(),\\n p = function () {\\n function t(t, e) {\\n this.v = shapePool.newElement(), this.v.setPathData(!0, 0), this.elem = t, this.comp = t.comp, this.data = e, this.frameId = -1, this.d = e.d, this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t), 1 === e.sy ? (this.ir = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.ir, 0, 0, this), this.is = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.is, 0, .01, this), this.convertToPath = this.convertStarToPath) : this.convertToPath = this.convertPolygonToPath, this.pt = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.pt, 0, 0, this), this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.p, 1, 0, this), this.r = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.r, 0, degToRads, this), this.or = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.or, 0, 0, this), this.os = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.os, 0, .01, this), this.localShapeCollection = shapeCollectionPool.newShapeCollection(), this.localShapeCollection.addShape(this.v), this.paths = this.localShapeCollection, this.dynamicProperties.length ? this.k = !0 : (this.k = !1, this.convertToPath());\\n }\\n\\n return t.prototype = {\\n reset: i,\\n getValue: function getValue() {\\n this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId && (this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId, this.iterateDynamicProperties(), this._mdf && this.convertToPath());\\n },\\n convertStarToPath: function convertStarToPath() {\\n var t,\\n e,\\n r,\\n i,\\n a = 2 * Math.floor(this.pt.v),\\n s = 2 * Math.PI / a,\\n n = !0,\\n o = this.or.v,\\n h = this.ir.v,\\n l = this.os.v,\\n p = this.is.v,\\n c = 2 * Math.PI * o / (2 * a),\\n f = 2 * Math.PI * h / (2 * a),\\n d = -Math.PI / 2;\\n d += this.r.v;\\n var m = 3 === this.data.d ? -1 : 1;\\n\\n for (this.v._length = 0, t = 0; t < a; t += 1) {\\n r = n ? l : p, i = n ? c : f;\\n var u = (e = n ? o : h) * Math.cos(d),\\n y = e * Math.sin(d),\\n g = 0 === u && 0 === y ? 0 : y / Math.sqrt(u * u + y * y),\\n v = 0 === u && 0 === y ? 0 : -u / Math.sqrt(u * u + y * y);\\n u += +this.p.v[0], y += +this.p.v[1], this.v.setTripleAt(u, y, u - g * i * r * m, y - v * i * r * m, u + g * i * r * m, y + v * i * r * m, t, !0), n = !n, d += s * m;\\n }\\n },\\n convertPolygonToPath: function convertPolygonToPath() {\\n var t,\\n e = Math.floor(this.pt.v),\\n r = 2 * Math.PI / e,\\n i = this.or.v,\\n a = this.os.v,\\n s = 2 * Math.PI * i / (4 * e),\\n n = .5 * -Math.PI,\\n o = 3 === this.data.d ? -1 : 1;\\n\\n for (n += this.r.v, this.v._length = 0, t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n var h = i * Math.cos(n),\\n l = i * Math.sin(n),\\n p = 0 === h && 0 === l ? 0 : l / Math.sqrt(h * h + l * l),\\n c = 0 === h && 0 === l ? 0 : -h / Math.sqrt(h * h + l * l);\\n h += +this.p.v[0], l += +this.p.v[1], this.v.setTripleAt(h, l, h - p * s * a * o, l - c * s * a * o, h + p * s * a * o, l + c * s * a * o, t, !0), n += r * o;\\n }\\n\\n this.paths.length = 0, this.paths[0] = this.v;\\n }\\n }, extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], t), t;\\n }(),\\n c = function () {\\n function t(t, e) {\\n this.v = shapePool.newElement(), this.v.c = !0, this.localShapeCollection = shapeCollectionPool.newShapeCollection(), this.localShapeCollection.addShape(this.v), this.paths = this.localShapeCollection, this.elem = t, this.comp = t.comp, this.frameId = -1, this.d = e.d, this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t), this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.p, 1, 0, this), this.s = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.s, 1, 0, this), this.r = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.r, 0, 0, this), this.dynamicProperties.length ? this.k = !0 : (this.k = !1, this.convertRectToPath());\\n }\\n\\n return t.prototype = {\\n convertRectToPath: function convertRectToPath() {\\n var t = this.p.v[0],\\n e = this.p.v[1],\\n r = this.s.v[0] / 2,\\n i = this.s.v[1] / 2,\\n a = bmMin(r, i, this.r.v),\\n s = a * (1 - roundCorner);\\n this.v._length = 0, 2 === this.d || 1 === this.d ? (this.v.setTripleAt(t + r, e - i + a, t + r, e - i + a, t + r, e - i + s, 0, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t + r, e + i - a, t + r, e + i - s, t + r, e + i - a, 1, !0), 0 !== a ? (this.v.setTripleAt(t + r - a, e + i, t + r - a, e + i, t + r - s, e + i, 2, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t - r + a, e + i, t - r + s, e + i, t - r + a, e + i, 3, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t - r, e + i - a, t - r, e + i - a, t - r, e + i - s, 4, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t - r, e - i + a, t - r, e - i + s, t - r, e - i + a, 5, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t - r + a, e - i, t - r + a, e - i, t - r + s, e - i, 6, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t + r - a, e - i, t + r - s, e - i, t + r - a, e - i, 7, !0)) : (this.v.setTripleAt(t - r, e + i, t - r + s, e + i, t - r, e + i, 2), this.v.setTripleAt(t - r, e - i, t - r, e - i + s, t - r, e - i, 3))) : (this.v.setTripleAt(t + r, e - i + a, t + r, e - i + s, t + r, e - i + a, 0, !0), 0 !== a ? (this.v.setTripleAt(t + r - a, e - i, t + r - a, e - i, t + r - s, e - i, 1, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t - r + a, e - i, t - r + s, e - i, t - r + a, e - i, 2, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t - r, e - i + a, t - r, e - i + a, t - r, e - i + s, 3, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t - r, e + i - a, t - r, e + i - s, t - r, e + i - a, 4, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t - r + a, e + i, t - r + a, e + i, t - r + s, e + i, 5, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t + r - a, e + i, t + r - s, e + i, t + r - a, e + i, 6, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t + r, e + i - a, t + r, e + i - a, t + r, e + i - s, 7, !0)) : (this.v.setTripleAt(t - r, e - i, t - r + s, e - i, t - r, e - i, 1, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t - r, e + i, t - r, e + i - s, t - r, e + i, 2, !0), this.v.setTripleAt(t + r, e + i, t + r - s, e + i, t + r, e + i, 3, !0)));\\n },\\n getValue: function getValue() {\\n this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId && (this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId, this.iterateDynamicProperties(), this._mdf && this.convertRectToPath());\\n },\\n reset: i\\n }, extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], t), t;\\n }(),\\n f = {\\n getShapeProp: function getShapeProp(t, e, r) {\\n var i;\\n return 3 === r || 4 === r ? i = (3 === r ? e.pt : e.ks).k.length ? new h(t, e, r) : new n(t, e, r) : 5 === r ? i = new c(t, e) : 6 === r ? i = new l(t, e) : 7 === r && (i = new p(t, e)), i.k && t.addDynamicProperty(i), i;\\n },\\n getConstructorFunction: function getConstructorFunction() {\\n return n;\\n },\\n getKeyframedConstructorFunction: function getKeyframedConstructorFunction() {\\n return h;\\n }\\n };\\n\\n return f;\\n }(),\\n ShapeModifiers = (ob = {}, modifiers = {}, ob.registerModifier = function (t, e) {\\n modifiers[t] || (modifiers[t] = e);\\n }, ob.getModifier = function (t, e, r) {\\n return new modifiers[t](e, r);\\n }, ob),\\n ob,\\n modifiers;\\n\\n function ShapeModifier() {}\\n\\n function TrimModifier() {}\\n\\n function RoundCornersModifier() {}\\n\\n function PuckerAndBloatModifier() {}\\n\\n function RepeaterModifier() {}\\n\\n function ShapeCollection() {\\n this._length = 0, this._maxLength = 4, this.shapes = createSizedArray(this._maxLength);\\n }\\n\\n function DashProperty(t, e, r, i) {\\n var a;\\n this.elem = t, this.frameId = -1, this.dataProps = createSizedArray(e.length), this.renderer = r, this.k = !1, this.dashStr = \"\", this.dashArray = createTypedArray(\"float32\", e.length ? e.length - 1 : 0), this.dashoffset = createTypedArray(\"float32\", 1), this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(i);\\n var s,\\n n = e.length || 0;\\n\\n for (a = 0; a < n; a += 1) {\\n s = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e[a].v, 0, 0, this), this.k = s.k || this.k, this.dataProps[a] = {\\n n: e[a].n,\\n p: s\\n };\\n }\\n\\n this.k || this.getValue(!0), this._isAnimated = this.k;\\n }\\n\\n function GradientProperty(t, e, r) {\\n this.data = e, this.c = createTypedArray(\"uint8c\", 4 * e.p);\\n var i = e.k.k[0].s ? e.k.k[0].s.length - 4 * e.p : e.k.k.length - 4 * e.p;\\n this.o = createTypedArray(\"float32\", i), this._cmdf = !1, this._omdf = !1, this._collapsable = this.checkCollapsable(), this._hasOpacity = i, this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(r), this.prop = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.k, 1, null, this), this.k = this.prop.k, this.getValue(!0);\\n }\\n\\n ShapeModifier.prototype.initModifierProperties = function () {}, ShapeModifier.prototype.addShapeToModifier = function () {}, ShapeModifier.prototype.addShape = function (t) {\\n if (!this.closed) {\\n t.sh.container.addDynamicProperty(t.sh);\\n var e = {\\n shape: t.sh,\\n data: t,\\n localShapeCollection: shapeCollectionPool.newShapeCollection()\\n };\\n this.shapes.push(e), this.addShapeToModifier(e), this._isAnimated && t.setAsAnimated();\\n }\\n }, ShapeModifier.prototype.init = function (t, e) {\\n this.shapes = [], this.elem = t, this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t), this.initModifierProperties(t, e), this.frameId = initialDefaultFrame, this.closed = !1, this.k = !1, this.dynamicProperties.length ? this.k = !0 : this.getValue(!0);\\n }, ShapeModifier.prototype.processKeys = function () {\\n this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId && (this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId, this.iterateDynamicProperties());\\n }, extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], ShapeModifier), extendPrototype([ShapeModifier], TrimModifier), TrimModifier.prototype.initModifierProperties = function (t, e) {\\n this.s = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.s, 0, .01, this), this.e = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.e, 0, .01, this), this.o = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.o, 0, 0, this), this.sValue = 0, this.eValue = 0, this.getValue = this.processKeys, this.m = e.m, this._isAnimated = !!this.s.effectsSequence.length || !!this.e.effectsSequence.length || !!this.o.effectsSequence.length;\\n }, TrimModifier.prototype.addShapeToModifier = function (t) {\\n t.pathsData = [];\\n }, TrimModifier.prototype.calculateShapeEdges = function (t, e, r, i, a) {\\n var s = [];\\n e <= 1 ? s.push({\\n s: t,\\n e: e\\n }) : t >= 1 ? s.push({\\n s: t - 1,\\n e: e - 1\\n }) : (s.push({\\n s: t,\\n e: 1\\n }), s.push({\\n s: 0,\\n e: e - 1\\n }));\\n var n,\\n o,\\n h = [],\\n l = s.length;\\n\\n for (n = 0; n < l; n += 1) {\\n var p, c;\\n (o = s[n]).e * a < i || o.s * a > i + r || (p = o.s * a <= i ? 0 : (o.s * a - i) / r, c = o.e * a >= i + r ? 1 : (o.e * a - i) / r, h.push([p, c]));\\n }\\n\\n return h.length || h.push([0, 0]), h;\\n }, TrimModifier.prototype.releasePathsData = function (t) {\\n var e,\\n r = t.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n segmentsLengthPool.release(t[e]);\\n }\\n\\n return t.length = 0, t;\\n }, TrimModifier.prototype.processShapes = function (t) {\\n var e, r, i, a;\\n\\n if (this._mdf || t) {\\n var s = this.o.v % 360 / 360;\\n\\n if (s < 0 && (s += 1), (e = this.s.v > 1 ? 1 + s : this.s.v < 0 ? 0 + s : this.s.v + s) > (r = this.e.v > 1 ? 1 + s : this.e.v < 0 ? 0 + s : this.e.v + s)) {\\n var n = e;\\n e = r, r = n;\\n }\\n\\n e = 1e-4 * Math.round(1e4 * e), r = 1e-4 * Math.round(1e4 * r), this.sValue = e, this.eValue = r;\\n } else e = this.sValue, r = this.eValue;\\n\\n var o,\\n h,\\n l,\\n p,\\n c,\\n f = this.shapes.length,\\n d = 0;\\n if (r === e) for (a = 0; a < f; a += 1) {\\n this.shapes[a].localShapeCollection.releaseShapes(), this.shapes[a].shape._mdf = !0, this.shapes[a].shape.paths = this.shapes[a].localShapeCollection, this._mdf && (this.shapes[a].pathsData.length = 0);\\n } else if (1 === r && 0 === e || 0 === r && 1 === e) {\\n if (this._mdf) for (a = 0; a < f; a += 1) {\\n this.shapes[a].pathsData.length = 0, this.shapes[a].shape._mdf = !0;\\n }\\n } else {\\n var m,\\n u,\\n y = [];\\n\\n for (a = 0; a < f; a += 1) {\\n if ((m = this.shapes[a]).shape._mdf || this._mdf || t || 2 === this.m) {\\n if (h = (i = m.shape.paths)._length, c = 0, !m.shape._mdf && m.pathsData.length) c = m.totalShapeLength;else {\\n for (l = this.releasePathsData(m.pathsData), o = 0; o < h; o += 1) {\\n p = bez.getSegmentsLength(i.shapes[o]), l.push(p), c += p.totalLength;\\n }\\n\\n m.totalShapeLength = c, m.pathsData = l;\\n }\\n d += c, m.shape._mdf = !0;\\n } else m.shape.paths = m.localShapeCollection;\\n }\\n\\n var g,\\n v = e,\\n b = r,\\n _ = 0;\\n\\n for (a = f - 1; a >= 0; a -= 1) {\\n if ((m = this.shapes[a]).shape._mdf) {\\n for ((u = m.localShapeCollection).releaseShapes(), 2 === this.m && f > 1 ? (g = this.calculateShapeEdges(e, r, m.totalShapeLength, _, d), _ += m.totalShapeLength) : g = [[v, b]], h = g.length, o = 0; o < h; o += 1) {\\n v = g[o][0], b = g[o][1], y.length = 0, b <= 1 ? y.push({\\n s: m.totalShapeLength * v,\\n e: m.totalShapeLength * b\\n }) : v >= 1 ? y.push({\\n s: m.totalShapeLength * (v - 1),\\n e: m.totalShapeLength * (b - 1)\\n }) : (y.push({\\n s: m.totalShapeLength * v,\\n e: m.totalShapeLength\\n }), y.push({\\n s: 0,\\n e: m.totalShapeLength * (b - 1)\\n }));\\n var P = this.addShapes(m, y[0]);\\n\\n if (y[0].s !== y[0].e) {\\n if (y.length > 1) if (m.shape.paths.shapes[m.shape.paths._length - 1].c) {\\n var E = P.pop();\\n this.addPaths(P, u), P = this.addShapes(m, y[1], E);\\n } else this.addPaths(P, u), P = this.addShapes(m, y[1]);\\n this.addPaths(P, u);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n m.shape.paths = u;\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }, TrimModifier.prototype.addPaths = function (t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i = t.length;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n e.addShape(t[r]);\\n }\\n }, TrimModifier.prototype.addSegment = function (t, e, r, i, a, s, n) {\\n a.setXYAt(e[0], e[1], \"o\", s), a.setXYAt(r[0], r[1], \"i\", s + 1), n && a.setXYAt(t[0], t[1], \"v\", s), a.setXYAt(i[0], i[1], \"v\", s + 1);\\n }, TrimModifier.prototype.addSegmentFromArray = function (t, e, r, i) {\\n e.setXYAt(t[1], t[5], \"o\", r), e.setXYAt(t[2], t[6], \"i\", r + 1), i && e.setXYAt(t[0], t[4], \"v\", r), e.setXYAt(t[3], t[7], \"v\", r + 1);\\n }, TrimModifier.prototype.addShapes = function (t, e, r) {\\n var i,\\n a,\\n s,\\n n,\\n o,\\n h,\\n l,\\n p,\\n c = t.pathsData,\\n f = t.shape.paths.shapes,\\n d = t.shape.paths._length,\\n m = 0,\\n u = [],\\n y = !0;\\n\\n for (r ? (o = r._length, p = r._length) : (r = shapePool.newElement(), o = 0, p = 0), u.push(r), i = 0; i < d; i += 1) {\\n for (h = c[i].lengths, r.c = f[i].c, s = f[i].c ? h.length : h.length + 1, a = 1; a < s; a += 1) {\\n if (m + (n = h[a - 1]).addedLength < e.s) m += n.addedLength, r.c = !1;else {\\n if (m > e.e) {\\n r.c = !1;\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n e.s <= m && e.e >= m + n.addedLength ? (this.addSegment(f[i].v[a - 1], f[i].o[a - 1], f[i].i[a], f[i].v[a], r, o, y), y = !1) : (l = bez.getNewSegment(f[i].v[a - 1], f[i].v[a], f[i].o[a - 1], f[i].i[a], (e.s - m) / n.addedLength, (e.e - m) / n.addedLength, h[a - 1]), this.addSegmentFromArray(l, r, o, y), y = !1, r.c = !1), m += n.addedLength, o += 1;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n if (f[i].c && h.length) {\\n if (n = h[a - 1], m <= e.e) {\\n var g = h[a - 1].addedLength;\\n e.s <= m && e.e >= m + g ? (this.addSegment(f[i].v[a - 1], f[i].o[a - 1], f[i].i[0], f[i].v[0], r, o, y), y = !1) : (l = bez.getNewSegment(f[i].v[a - 1], f[i].v[0], f[i].o[a - 1], f[i].i[0], (e.s - m) / g, (e.e - m) / g, h[a - 1]), this.addSegmentFromArray(l, r, o, y), y = !1, r.c = !1);\\n } else r.c = !1;\\n\\n m += n.addedLength, o += 1;\\n }\\n\\n if (r._length && (r.setXYAt(r.v[p][0], r.v[p][1], \"i\", p), r.setXYAt(r.v[r._length - 1][0], r.v[r._length - 1][1], \"o\", r._length - 1)), m > e.e) break;\\n i < d - 1 && (r = shapePool.newElement(), y = !0, u.push(r), o = 0);\\n }\\n\\n return u;\\n }, ShapeModifiers.registerModifier(\"tm\", TrimModifier), extendPrototype([ShapeModifier], RoundCornersModifier), RoundCornersModifier.prototype.initModifierProperties = function (t, e) {\\n this.getValue = this.processKeys, this.rd = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.r, 0, null, this), this._isAnimated = !!this.rd.effectsSequence.length;\\n }, RoundCornersModifier.prototype.processPath = function (t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i = shapePool.newElement();\\n i.c = t.c;\\n var a,\\n s,\\n n,\\n o,\\n h,\\n l,\\n p,\\n c,\\n f,\\n d,\\n m,\\n u,\\n y = t._length,\\n g = 0;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < y; r += 1) {\\n a = t.v[r], n = t.o[r], s = t.i[r], a[0] === n[0] && a[1] === n[1] && a[0] === s[0] && a[1] === s[1] ? 0 !== r && r !== y - 1 || t.c ? (o = 0 === r ? t.v[y - 1] : t.v[r - 1], l = (h = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a[0] - o[0], 2) + Math.pow(a[1] - o[1], 2))) ? Math.min(h / 2, e) / h : 0, p = m = a[0] + (o[0] - a[0]) * l, c = u = a[1] - (a[1] - o[1]) * l, f = p - (p - a[0]) * roundCorner, d = c - (c - a[1]) * roundCorner, i.setTripleAt(p, c, f, d, m, u, g), g += 1, o = r === y - 1 ? t.v[0] : t.v[r + 1], l = (h = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a[0] - o[0], 2) + Math.pow(a[1] - o[1], 2))) ? Math.min(h / 2, e) / h : 0, p = f = a[0] + (o[0] - a[0]) * l, c = d = a[1] + (o[1] - a[1]) * l, m = p - (p - a[0]) * roundCorner, u = c - (c - a[1]) * roundCorner, i.setTripleAt(p, c, f, d, m, u, g), g += 1) : (i.setTripleAt(a[0], a[1], n[0], n[1], s[0], s[1], g), g += 1) : (i.setTripleAt(t.v[r][0], t.v[r][1], t.o[r][0], t.o[r][1], t.i[r][0], t.i[r][1], g), g += 1);\\n }\\n\\n return i;\\n }, RoundCornersModifier.prototype.processShapes = function (t) {\\n var e,\\n r,\\n i,\\n a,\\n s,\\n n,\\n o = this.shapes.length,\\n h = this.rd.v;\\n if (0 !== h) for (r = 0; r < o; r += 1) {\\n if (n = (s = this.shapes[r]).localShapeCollection, s.shape._mdf || this._mdf || t) for (n.releaseShapes(), s.shape._mdf = !0, e = s.shape.paths.shapes, a = s.shape.paths._length, i = 0; i < a; i += 1) {\\n n.addShape(this.processPath(e[i], h));\\n }\\n s.shape.paths = s.localShapeCollection;\\n }\\n this.dynamicProperties.length || (this._mdf = !1);\\n }, ShapeModifiers.registerModifier(\"rd\", RoundCornersModifier), extendPrototype([ShapeModifier], PuckerAndBloatModifier), PuckerAndBloatModifier.prototype.initModifierProperties = function (t, e) {\\n this.getValue = this.processKeys, this.amount = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.a, 0, null, this), this._isAnimated = !!this.amount.effectsSequence.length;\\n }, PuckerAndBloatModifier.prototype.processPath = function (t, e) {\\n var r = e / 100,\\n i = [0, 0],\\n a = t._length,\\n s = 0;\\n\\n for (s = 0; s < a; s += 1) {\\n i[0] += t.v[s][0], i[1] += t.v[s][1];\\n }\\n\\n i[0] /= a, i[1] /= a;\\n var n,\\n o,\\n h,\\n l,\\n p,\\n c,\\n f = shapePool.newElement();\\n\\n for (f.c = t.c, s = 0; s < a; s += 1) {\\n n = t.v[s][0] + (i[0] - t.v[s][0]) * r, o = t.v[s][1] + (i[1] - t.v[s][1]) * r, h = t.o[s][0] + (i[0] - t.o[s][0]) * -r, l = t.o[s][1] + (i[1] - t.o[s][1]) * -r, p = t.i[s][0] + (i[0] - t.i[s][0]) * -r, c = t.i[s][1] + (i[1] - t.i[s][1]) * -r, f.setTripleAt(n, o, h, l, p, c, s);\\n }\\n\\n return f;\\n }, PuckerAndBloatModifier.prototype.processShapes = function (t) {\\n var e,\\n r,\\n i,\\n a,\\n s,\\n n,\\n o = this.shapes.length,\\n h = this.amount.v;\\n if (0 !== h) for (r = 0; r < o; r += 1) {\\n if (n = (s = this.shapes[r]).localShapeCollection, s.shape._mdf || this._mdf || t) for (n.releaseShapes(), s.shape._mdf = !0, e = s.shape.paths.shapes, a = s.shape.paths._length, i = 0; i < a; i += 1) {\\n n.addShape(this.processPath(e[i], h));\\n }\\n s.shape.paths = s.localShapeCollection;\\n }\\n this.dynamicProperties.length || (this._mdf = !1);\\n }, ShapeModifiers.registerModifier(\"pb\", PuckerAndBloatModifier), extendPrototype([ShapeModifier], RepeaterModifier), RepeaterModifier.prototype.initModifierProperties = function (t, e) {\\n this.getValue = this.processKeys, this.c = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.c, 0, null, this), this.o = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.o, 0, null, this), this.tr = TransformPropertyFactory.getTransformProperty(t, e.tr, this), this.so = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.tr.so, 0, .01, this), this.eo = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.tr.eo, 0, .01, this), this.data = e, this.dynamicProperties.length || this.getValue(!0), this._isAnimated = !!this.dynamicProperties.length, this.pMatrix = new Matrix(), this.rMatrix = new Matrix(), this.sMatrix = new Matrix(), this.tMatrix = new Matrix(), this.matrix = new Matrix();\\n }, RepeaterModifier.prototype.applyTransforms = function (t, e, r, i, a, s) {\\n var n = s ? -1 : 1,\\n o = i.s.v[0] + (1 - i.s.v[0]) * (1 - a),\\n h = i.s.v[1] + (1 - i.s.v[1]) * (1 - a);\\n t.translate(i.p.v[0] * n * a, i.p.v[1] * n * a, i.p.v[2]), e.translate(-i.a.v[0], -i.a.v[1], i.a.v[2]), e.rotate(-i.r.v * n * a), e.translate(i.a.v[0], i.a.v[1], i.a.v[2]), r.translate(-i.a.v[0], -i.a.v[1], i.a.v[2]), r.scale(s ? 1 / o : o, s ? 1 / h : h), r.translate(i.a.v[0], i.a.v[1], i.a.v[2]);\\n }, RepeaterModifier.prototype.init = function (t, e, r, i) {\\n for (this.elem = t, this.arr = e, this.pos = r, this.elemsData = i, this._currentCopies = 0, this._elements = [], this._groups = [], this.frameId = -1, this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t), this.initModifierProperties(t, e[r]); r > 0;) {\\n r -= 1, this._elements.unshift(e[r]);\\n }\\n\\n this.dynamicProperties.length ? this.k = !0 : this.getValue(!0);\\n }, RepeaterModifier.prototype.resetElements = function (t) {\\n var e,\\n r = t.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n t[e]._processed = !1, \"gr\" === t[e].ty && this.resetElements(t[e].it);\\n }\\n }, RepeaterModifier.prototype.cloneElements = function (t) {\\n var e = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t));\\n return this.resetElements(e), e;\\n }, RepeaterModifier.prototype.changeGroupRender = function (t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i = t.length;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n t[r]._render = e, \"gr\" === t[r].ty && this.changeGroupRender(t[r].it, e);\\n }\\n }, RepeaterModifier.prototype.processShapes = function (t) {\\n var e,\\n r,\\n i,\\n a,\\n s,\\n n = !1;\\n\\n if (this._mdf || t) {\\n var o,\\n h = Math.ceil(this.c.v);\\n\\n if (this._groups.length < h) {\\n for (; this._groups.length < h;) {\\n var l = {\\n it: this.cloneElements(this._elements),\\n ty: \"gr\"\\n };\\n l.it.push({\\n a: {\\n a: 0,\\n ix: 1,\\n k: [0, 0]\\n },\\n nm: \"Transform\",\\n o: {\\n a: 0,\\n ix: 7,\\n k: 100\\n },\\n p: {\\n a: 0,\\n ix: 2,\\n k: [0, 0]\\n },\\n r: {\\n a: 1,\\n ix: 6,\\n k: [{\\n s: 0,\\n e: 0,\\n t: 0\\n }, {\\n s: 0,\\n e: 0,\\n t: 1\\n }]\\n },\\n s: {\\n a: 0,\\n ix: 3,\\n k: [100, 100]\\n },\\n sa: {\\n a: 0,\\n ix: 5,\\n k: 0\\n },\\n sk: {\\n a: 0,\\n ix: 4,\\n k: 0\\n },\\n ty: \"tr\"\\n }), this.arr.splice(0, 0, l), this._groups.splice(0, 0, l), this._currentCopies += 1;\\n }\\n\\n this.elem.reloadShapes(), n = !0;\\n }\\n\\n for (s = 0, i = 0; i <= this._groups.length - 1; i += 1) {\\n if (o = s < h, this._groups[i]._render = o, this.changeGroupRender(this._groups[i].it, o), !o) {\\n var p = this.elemsData[i].it,\\n c = p[p.length - 1];\\n 0 !== c.transform.op.v ? (c.transform.op._mdf = !0, c.transform.op.v = 0) : c.transform.op._mdf = !1;\\n }\\n\\n s += 1;\\n }\\n\\n this._currentCopies = h;\\n var f = this.o.v,\\n d = f % 1,\\n m = f > 0 ? Math.floor(f) : Math.ceil(f),\\n u = this.pMatrix.props,\\n y = this.rMatrix.props,\\n g = this.sMatrix.props;\\n this.pMatrix.reset(), this.rMatrix.reset(), this.sMatrix.reset(), this.tMatrix.reset(), this.matrix.reset();\\n var v,\\n b,\\n _ = 0;\\n\\n if (f > 0) {\\n for (; _ < m;) {\\n this.applyTransforms(this.pMatrix, this.rMatrix, this.sMatrix, this.tr, 1, !1), _ += 1;\\n }\\n\\n d && (this.applyTransforms(this.pMatrix, this.rMatrix, this.sMatrix, this.tr, d, !1), _ += d);\\n } else if (f < 0) {\\n for (; _ > m;) {\\n this.applyTransforms(this.pMatrix, this.rMatrix, this.sMatrix, this.tr, 1, !0), _ -= 1;\\n }\\n\\n d && (this.applyTransforms(this.pMatrix, this.rMatrix, this.sMatrix, this.tr, -d, !0), _ -= d);\\n }\\n\\n for (i = 1 === this.data.m ? 0 : this._currentCopies - 1, a = 1 === this.data.m ? 1 : -1, s = this._currentCopies; s;) {\\n if (b = (r = (e = this.elemsData[i].it)[e.length - 1].transform.mProps.v.props).length, e[e.length - 1].transform.mProps._mdf = !0, e[e.length - 1].transform.op._mdf = !0, e[e.length - 1].transform.op.v = 1 === this._currentCopies ? this.so.v : this.so.v + (this.eo.v - this.so.v) * (i / (this._currentCopies - 1)), 0 !== _) {\\n for ((0 !== i && 1 === a || i !== this._currentCopies - 1 && -1 === a) && this.applyTransforms(this.pMatrix, this.rMatrix, this.sMatrix, this.tr, 1, !1), this.matrix.transform(y[0], y[1], y[2], y[3], y[4], y[5], y[6], y[7], y[8], y[9], y[10], y[11], y[12], y[13], y[14], y[15]), this.matrix.transform(g[0], g[1], g[2], g[3], g[4], g[5], g[6], g[7], g[8], g[9], g[10], g[11], g[12], g[13], g[14], g[15]), this.matrix.transform(u[0], u[1], u[2], u[3], u[4], u[5], u[6], u[7], u[8], u[9], u[10], u[11], u[12], u[13], u[14], u[15]), v = 0; v < b; v += 1) {\\n r[v] = this.matrix.props[v];\\n }\\n\\n this.matrix.reset();\\n } else for (this.matrix.reset(), v = 0; v < b; v += 1) {\\n r[v] = this.matrix.props[v];\\n }\\n\\n _ += 1, s -= 1, i += a;\\n }\\n } else for (s = this._currentCopies, i = 0, a = 1; s;) {\\n r = (e = this.elemsData[i].it)[e.length - 1].transform.mProps.v.props, e[e.length - 1].transform.mProps._mdf = !1, e[e.length - 1].transform.op._mdf = !1, s -= 1, i += a;\\n }\\n\\n return n;\\n }, RepeaterModifier.prototype.addShape = function () {}, ShapeModifiers.registerModifier(\"rp\", RepeaterModifier), ShapeCollection.prototype.addShape = function (t) {\\n this._length === this._maxLength && (this.shapes = this.shapes.concat(createSizedArray(this._maxLength)), this._maxLength *= 2), this.shapes[this._length] = t, this._length += 1;\\n }, ShapeCollection.prototype.releaseShapes = function () {\\n var t;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < this._length; t += 1) {\\n shapePool.release(this.shapes[t]);\\n }\\n\\n this._length = 0;\\n }, DashProperty.prototype.getValue = function (t) {\\n if ((this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId || t) && (this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId, this.iterateDynamicProperties(), this._mdf = this._mdf || t, this._mdf)) {\\n var e = 0,\\n r = this.dataProps.length;\\n\\n for (\"svg\" === this.renderer && (this.dashStr = \"\"), e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n \"o\" !== this.dataProps[e].n ? \"svg\" === this.renderer ? this.dashStr += \" \" + this.dataProps[e].p.v : this.dashArray[e] = this.dataProps[e].p.v : this.dashoffset[0] = this.dataProps[e].p.v;\\n }\\n }\\n }, extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], DashProperty), GradientProperty.prototype.comparePoints = function (t, e) {\\n for (var r = 0, i = this.o.length / 2; r < i;) {\\n if (Math.abs(t[4 * r] - t[4 * e + 2 * r]) > .01) return !1;\\n r += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return !0;\\n }, GradientProperty.prototype.checkCollapsable = function () {\\n if (this.o.length / 2 != this.c.length / 4) return !1;\\n if (this.data.k.k[0].s) for (var t = 0, e = this.data.k.k.length; t < e;) {\\n if (!this.comparePoints(this.data.k.k[t].s, this.data.p)) return !1;\\n t += 1;\\n } else if (!this.comparePoints(this.data.k.k, this.data.p)) return !1;\\n return !0;\\n }, GradientProperty.prototype.getValue = function (t) {\\n if (this.prop.getValue(), this._mdf = !1, this._cmdf = !1, this._omdf = !1, this.prop._mdf || t) {\\n var e,\\n r,\\n i,\\n a = 4 * this.data.p;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < a; e += 1) {\\n r = e % 4 == 0 ? 100 : 255, i = Math.round(this.prop.v[e] * r), this.c[e] !== i && (this.c[e] = i, this._cmdf = !t);\\n }\\n\\n if (this.o.length) for (a = this.prop.v.length, e = 4 * this.data.p; e < a; e += 1) {\\n r = e % 2 == 0 ? 100 : 1, i = e % 2 == 0 ? Math.round(100 * this.prop.v[e]) : this.prop.v[e], this.o[e - 4 * this.data.p] !== i && (this.o[e - 4 * this.data.p] = i, this._omdf = !t);\\n }\\n this._mdf = !t;\\n }\\n }, extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], GradientProperty);\\n\\n var buildShapeString = function buildShapeString(t, e, r, i) {\\n if (0 === e) return \"\";\\n var a,\\n s = t.o,\\n n = t.i,\\n o = t.v,\\n h = \" M\" + i.applyToPointStringified(o[0][0], o[0][1]);\\n\\n for (a = 1; a < e; a += 1) {\\n h += \" C\" + i.applyToPointStringified(s[a - 1][0], s[a - 1][1]) + \" \" + i.applyToPointStringified(n[a][0], n[a][1]) + \" \" + i.applyToPointStringified(o[a][0], o[a][1]);\\n }\\n\\n return r && e && (h += \" C\" + i.applyToPointStringified(s[a - 1][0], s[a - 1][1]) + \" \" + i.applyToPointStringified(n[0][0], n[0][1]) + \" \" + i.applyToPointStringified(o[0][0], o[0][1]), h += \"z\"), h;\\n },\\n audioControllerFactory = function () {\\n function t(t) {\\n this.audios = [], this.audioFactory = t, this._volume = 1, this._isMuted = !1;\\n }\\n\\n return t.prototype = {\\n addAudio: function addAudio(t) {\\n this.audios.push(t);\\n },\\n pause: function pause() {\\n var t,\\n e = this.audios.length;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n this.audios[t].pause();\\n }\\n },\\n resume: function resume() {\\n var t,\\n e = this.audios.length;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n this.audios[t].resume();\\n }\\n },\\n setRate: function setRate(t) {\\n var e,\\n r = this.audios.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n this.audios[e].setRate(t);\\n }\\n },\\n createAudio: function createAudio(t) {\\n return this.audioFactory ? this.audioFactory(t) : Howl ? new Howl({\\n src: [t]\\n }) : {\\n isPlaying: !1,\\n play: function play() {\\n this.isPlaying = !0;\\n },\\n seek: function seek() {\\n this.isPlaying = !1;\\n },\\n playing: function playing() {},\\n rate: function rate() {},\\n setVolume: function setVolume() {}\\n };\\n },\\n setAudioFactory: function setAudioFactory(t) {\\n this.audioFactory = t;\\n },\\n setVolume: function setVolume(t) {\\n this._volume = t, this._updateVolume();\\n },\\n mute: function mute() {\\n this._isMuted = !0, this._updateVolume();\\n },\\n unmute: function unmute() {\\n this._isMuted = !1, this._updateVolume();\\n },\\n getVolume: function getVolume() {\\n return this._volume;\\n },\\n _updateVolume: function _updateVolume() {\\n var t,\\n e = this.audios.length;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n this.audios[t].volume(this._volume * (this._isMuted ? 0 : 1));\\n }\\n }\\n }, function () {\\n return new t();\\n };\\n }(),\\n ImagePreloader = function () {\\n var t = function () {\\n var t = createTag(\"canvas\");\\n t.width = 1, t.height = 1;\\n var e = t.getContext(\"2d\");\\n return e.fillStyle = \"rgba(0,0,0,0)\", e.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1), t;\\n }();\\n\\n function e() {\\n this.loadedAssets += 1, this.loadedAssets === this.totalImages && this.loadedFootagesCount === this.totalFootages && this.imagesLoadedCb && this.imagesLoadedCb(null);\\n }\\n\\n function r() {\\n this.loadedFootagesCount += 1, this.loadedAssets === this.totalImages && this.loadedFootagesCount === this.totalFootages && this.imagesLoadedCb && this.imagesLoadedCb(null);\\n }\\n\\n function i(t, e, r) {\\n var i = \"\";\\n if (t.e) i = t.p;else if (e) {\\n var a = t.p;\\n -1 !== a.indexOf(\"images/\") && (a = a.split(\"/\")[1]), i = e + a;\\n } else i = r, i += t.u ? t.u : \"\", i += t.p;\\n return i;\\n }\\n\\n function a(t) {\\n var e = 0,\\n r = setInterval(function () {\\n (t.getBBox().width || e > 500) && (this._imageLoaded(), clearInterval(r)), e += 1;\\n }.bind(this), 50);\\n }\\n\\n function s(t) {\\n var e = {\\n assetData: t\\n },\\n r = i(t, this.assetsPath, this.path);\\n return dataManager.loadData(r, function (t) {\\n e.img = t, this._footageLoaded();\\n }.bind(this), function () {\\n e.img = {}, this._footageLoaded();\\n }.bind(this)), e;\\n }\\n\\n function n() {\\n this._imageLoaded = e.bind(this), this._footageLoaded = r.bind(this), this.testImageLoaded = a.bind(this), this.createFootageData = s.bind(this), this.assetsPath = \"\", this.path = \"\", this.totalImages = 0, this.totalFootages = 0, this.loadedAssets = 0, this.loadedFootagesCount = 0, this.imagesLoadedCb = null, this.images = [];\\n }\\n\\n return n.prototype = {\\n loadAssets: function loadAssets(t, e) {\\n var r;\\n this.imagesLoadedCb = e;\\n var i = t.length;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n t[r].layers || (t[r].t && \"seq\" !== t[r].t ? 3 === t[r].t && (this.totalFootages += 1, this.images.push(this.createFootageData(t[r]))) : (this.totalImages += 1, this.images.push(this._createImageData(t[r]))));\\n }\\n },\\n setAssetsPath: function setAssetsPath(t) {\\n this.assetsPath = t || \"\";\\n },\\n setPath: function setPath(t) {\\n this.path = t || \"\";\\n },\\n loadedImages: function loadedImages() {\\n return this.totalImages === this.loadedAssets;\\n },\\n loadedFootages: function loadedFootages() {\\n return this.totalFootages === this.loadedFootagesCount;\\n },\\n destroy: function destroy() {\\n this.imagesLoadedCb = null, this.images.length = 0;\\n },\\n getAsset: function getAsset(t) {\\n for (var e = 0, r = this.images.length; e < r;) {\\n if (this.images[e].assetData === t) return this.images[e].img;\\n e += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return null;\\n },\\n createImgData: function createImgData(e) {\\n var r = i(e, this.assetsPath, this.path),\\n a = createTag(\"img\");\\n a.crossOrigin = \"anonymous\", a.addEventListener(\"load\", this._imageLoaded, !1), a.addEventListener(\"error\", function () {\\n s.img = t, this._imageLoaded();\\n }.bind(this), !1), a.src = r;\\n var s = {\\n img: a,\\n assetData: e\\n };\\n return s;\\n },\\n createImageData: function createImageData(e) {\\n var r = i(e, this.assetsPath, this.path),\\n a = createNS(\"image\");\\n isSafari ? this.testImageLoaded(a) : a.addEventListener(\"load\", this._imageLoaded, !1), a.addEventListener(\"error\", function () {\\n s.img = t, this._imageLoaded();\\n }.bind(this), !1), a.setAttributeNS(\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\", \"href\", r), this._elementHelper.append ? this._elementHelper.append(a) : this._elementHelper.appendChild(a);\\n var s = {\\n img: a,\\n assetData: e\\n };\\n return s;\\n },\\n imageLoaded: e,\\n footageLoaded: r,\\n setCacheType: function setCacheType(t, e) {\\n \"svg\" === t ? (this._elementHelper = e, this._createImageData = this.createImageData.bind(this)) : this._createImageData = this.createImgData.bind(this);\\n }\\n }, n;\\n }(),\\n featureSupport = function () {\\n var t = {\\n maskType: !0\\n };\\n return (/MSIE 10/i.test(navigator.userAgent) || /MSIE 9/i.test(navigator.userAgent) || /rv:11.0/i.test(navigator.userAgent) || /Edge\\\\/\\\\d./i.test(navigator.userAgent)) && (t.maskType = !1), t;\\n }(),\\n filtersFactory = function () {\\n var t = {\\n createFilter: function createFilter(t, e) {\\n var r = createNS(\"filter\");\\n return r.setAttribute(\"id\", t), !0 !== e && (r.setAttribute(\"filterUnits\", \"objectBoundingBox\"), r.setAttribute(\"x\", \"0%\"), r.setAttribute(\"y\", \"0%\"), r.setAttribute(\"width\", \"100%\"), r.setAttribute(\"height\", \"100%\")), r;\\n },\\n createAlphaToLuminanceFilter: function createAlphaToLuminanceFilter() {\\n var t = createNS(\"feColorMatrix\");\\n return t.setAttribute(\"type\", \"matrix\"), t.setAttribute(\"color-interpolation-filters\", \"sRGB\"), t.setAttribute(\"values\", \"0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1\"), t;\\n }\\n };\\n return t;\\n }();\\n\\n function TextAnimatorProperty(t, e, r) {\\n this._isFirstFrame = !0, this._hasMaskedPath = !1, this._frameId = -1, this._textData = t, this._renderType = e, this._elem = r, this._animatorsData = createSizedArray(this._textData.a.length), this._pathData = {}, this._moreOptions = {\\n alignment: {}\\n }, this.renderedLetters = [], this.lettersChangedFlag = !1, this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(r);\\n }\\n\\n function TextAnimatorDataProperty(t, e, r) {\\n var i = {\\n propType: !1\\n },\\n a = PropertyFactory.getProp,\\n s = e.a;\\n this.a = {\\n r: s.r ? a(t, s.r, 0, degToRads, r) : i,\\n rx: s.rx ? a(t, s.rx, 0, degToRads, r) : i,\\n ry: s.ry ? a(t, s.ry, 0, degToRads, r) : i,\\n sk: s.sk ? a(t, s.sk, 0, degToRads, r) : i,\\n sa: s.sa ? a(t, s.sa, 0, degToRads, r) : i,\\n s: s.s ? a(t, s.s, 1, .01, r) : i,\\n a: s.a ? a(t, s.a, 1, 0, r) : i,\\n o: s.o ? a(t, s.o, 0, .01, r) : i,\\n p: s.p ? a(t, s.p, 1, 0, r) : i,\\n sw: s.sw ? a(t, s.sw, 0, 0, r) : i,\\n sc: s.sc ? a(t, s.sc, 1, 0, r) : i,\\n fc: s.fc ? a(t, s.fc, 1, 0, r) : i,\\n fh: s.fh ? a(t, s.fh, 0, 0, r) : i,\\n fs: s.fs ? a(t, s.fs, 0, .01, r) : i,\\n fb: s.fb ? a(t, s.fb, 0, .01, r) : i,\\n t: s.t ? a(t, s.t, 0, 0, r) : i\\n }, this.s = TextSelectorProp.getTextSelectorProp(t, e.s, r), this.s.t = e.s.t;\\n }\\n\\n function LetterProps(t, e, r, i, a, s) {\\n this.o = t, this.sw = e, this.sc = r, this.fc = i, this.m = a, this.p = s, this._mdf = {\\n o: !0,\\n sw: !!e,\\n sc: !!r,\\n fc: !!i,\\n m: !0,\\n p: !0\\n };\\n }\\n\\n function TextProperty(t, e) {\\n this._frameId = initialDefaultFrame, this.pv = \"\", this.v = \"\", this.kf = !1, this._isFirstFrame = !0, this._mdf = !1, this.data = e, this.elem = t, this.comp = this.elem.comp, this.keysIndex = 0, this.canResize = !1, this.minimumFontSize = 1, this.effectsSequence = [], this.currentData = {\\n ascent: 0,\\n boxWidth: this.defaultBoxWidth,\\n f: \"\",\\n fStyle: \"\",\\n fWeight: \"\",\\n fc: \"\",\\n j: \"\",\\n justifyOffset: \"\",\\n l: [],\\n lh: 0,\\n lineWidths: [],\\n ls: \"\",\\n of: \"\",\\n s: \"\",\\n sc: \"\",\\n sw: 0,\\n t: 0,\\n tr: 0,\\n sz: 0,\\n ps: null,\\n fillColorAnim: !1,\\n strokeColorAnim: !1,\\n strokeWidthAnim: !1,\\n yOffset: 0,\\n finalSize: 0,\\n finalText: [],\\n finalLineHeight: 0,\\n __complete: !1\\n }, this.copyData(this.currentData, this.data.d.k[0].s), this.searchProperty() || this.completeTextData(this.currentData);\\n }\\n\\n TextAnimatorProperty.prototype.searchProperties = function () {\\n var t,\\n e,\\n r = this._textData.a.length,\\n i = PropertyFactory.getProp;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < r; t += 1) {\\n e = this._textData.a[t], this._animatorsData[t] = new TextAnimatorDataProperty(this._elem, e, this);\\n }\\n\\n this._textData.p && \"m\" in this._textData.p ? (this._pathData = {\\n a: i(this._elem, this._textData.p.a, 0, 0, this),\\n f: i(this._elem, this._textData.p.f, 0, 0, this),\\n l: i(this._elem, this._textData.p.l, 0, 0, this),\\n r: i(this._elem, this._textData.p.r, 0, 0, this),\\n p: i(this._elem, this._textData.p.p, 0, 0, this),\\n m: this._elem.maskManager.getMaskProperty(this._textData.p.m)\\n }, this._hasMaskedPath = !0) : this._hasMaskedPath = !1, this._moreOptions.alignment = i(this._elem, this._textData.m.a, 1, 0, this);\\n }, TextAnimatorProperty.prototype.getMeasures = function (t, e) {\\n if (this.lettersChangedFlag = e, this._mdf || this._isFirstFrame || e || this._hasMaskedPath && this._pathData.m._mdf) {\\n this._isFirstFrame = !1;\\n\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a,\\n s,\\n n,\\n o,\\n h,\\n l,\\n p,\\n c,\\n f,\\n d,\\n m,\\n u,\\n y,\\n g,\\n v,\\n b,\\n _,\\n P = this._moreOptions.alignment.v,\\n E = this._animatorsData,\\n S = this._textData,\\n x = this.mHelper,\\n A = this._renderType,\\n w = this.renderedLetters.length,\\n C = t.l;\\n\\n if (this._hasMaskedPath) {\\n if (_ = this._pathData.m, !this._pathData.n || this._pathData._mdf) {\\n var k,\\n T = _.v;\\n\\n for (this._pathData.r.v && (T = T.reverse()), n = {\\n tLength: 0,\\n segments: []\\n }, s = T._length - 1, g = 0, a = 0; a < s; a += 1) {\\n k = bez.buildBezierData(T.v[a], T.v[a + 1], [T.o[a][0] - T.v[a][0], T.o[a][1] - T.v[a][1]], [T.i[a + 1][0] - T.v[a + 1][0], T.i[a + 1][1] - T.v[a + 1][1]]), n.tLength += k.segmentLength, n.segments.push(k), g += k.segmentLength;\\n }\\n\\n a = s, _.v.c && (k = bez.buildBezierData(T.v[a], T.v[0], [T.o[a][0] - T.v[a][0], T.o[a][1] - T.v[a][1]], [T.i[0][0] - T.v[0][0], T.i[0][1] - T.v[0][1]]), n.tLength += k.segmentLength, n.segments.push(k), g += k.segmentLength), this._pathData.pi = n;\\n }\\n\\n if (n = this._pathData.pi, o = this._pathData.f.v, f = 0, c = 1, l = 0, p = !0, u = n.segments, o < 0 && _.v.c) for (n.tLength < Math.abs(o) && (o = -Math.abs(o) % n.tLength), c = (m = u[f = u.length - 1].points).length - 1; o < 0;) {\\n o += m[c].partialLength, (c -= 1) < 0 && (c = (m = u[f -= 1].points).length - 1);\\n }\\n d = (m = u[f].points)[c - 1], y = (h = m[c]).partialLength;\\n }\\n\\n s = C.length, r = 0, i = 0;\\n var D,\\n M,\\n F,\\n I,\\n R,\\n V = 1.2 * t.finalSize * .714,\\n O = !0;\\n F = E.length;\\n var L,\\n B,\\n $,\\n z,\\n G,\\n N,\\n j,\\n H,\\n q,\\n W,\\n U,\\n Y,\\n X = -1,\\n K = o,\\n J = f,\\n Z = c,\\n Q = -1,\\n tt = \"\",\\n et = this.defaultPropsArray;\\n\\n if (2 === t.j || 1 === t.j) {\\n var rt = 0,\\n it = 0,\\n at = 2 === t.j ? -.5 : -1,\\n st = 0,\\n nt = !0;\\n\\n for (a = 0; a < s; a += 1) {\\n if (C[a].n) {\\n for (rt && (rt += it); st < a;) {\\n C[st].animatorJustifyOffset = rt, st += 1;\\n }\\n\\n rt = 0, nt = !0;\\n } else {\\n for (M = 0; M < F; M += 1) {\\n (D = E[M].a).t.propType && (nt && 2 === t.j && (it += D.t.v * at), (R = E[M].s.getMult(C[a].anIndexes[M], S.a[M].s.totalChars)).length ? rt += D.t.v * R[0] * at : rt += D.t.v * R * at);\\n }\\n\\n nt = !1;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n for (rt && (rt += it); st < a;) {\\n C[st].animatorJustifyOffset = rt, st += 1;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n for (a = 0; a < s; a += 1) {\\n if (x.reset(), z = 1, C[a].n) r = 0, i += t.yOffset, i += O ? 1 : 0, o = K, O = !1, this._hasMaskedPath && (c = Z, d = (m = u[f = J].points)[c - 1], y = (h = m[c]).partialLength, l = 0), tt = \"\", U = \"\", q = \"\", Y = \"\", et = this.defaultPropsArray;else {\\n if (this._hasMaskedPath) {\\n if (Q !== C[a].line) {\\n switch (t.j) {\\n case 1:\\n o += g - t.lineWidths[C[a].line];\\n break;\\n\\n case 2:\\n o += (g - t.lineWidths[C[a].line]) / 2;\\n }\\n\\n Q = C[a].line;\\n }\\n\\n X !== C[a].ind && (C[X] && (o += C[X].extra), o += C[a].an / 2, X = C[a].ind), o += P[0] * C[a].an * .005;\\n var ot = 0;\\n\\n for (M = 0; M < F; M += 1) {\\n (D = E[M].a).p.propType && ((R = E[M].s.getMult(C[a].anIndexes[M], S.a[M].s.totalChars)).length ? ot += D.p.v[0] * R[0] : ot += D.p.v[0] * R), D.a.propType && ((R = E[M].s.getMult(C[a].anIndexes[M], S.a[M].s.totalChars)).length ? ot += D.a.v[0] * R[0] : ot += D.a.v[0] * R);\\n }\\n\\n for (p = !0, this._pathData.a.v && (o = .5 * C[0].an + (g - this._pathData.f.v - .5 * C[0].an - .5 * C[C.length - 1].an) * X / (s - 1), o += this._pathData.f.v); p;) {\\n l + y >= o + ot || !m ? (v = (o + ot - l) / h.partialLength, B = d.point[0] + (h.point[0] - d.point[0]) * v, $ = d.point[1] + (h.point[1] - d.point[1]) * v, x.translate(-P[0] * C[a].an * .005, -P[1] * V * .01), p = !1) : m && (l += h.partialLength, (c += 1) >= m.length && (c = 0, u[f += 1] ? m = u[f].points : _.v.c ? (c = 0, m = u[f = 0].points) : (l -= h.partialLength, m = null)), m && (d = h, y = (h = m[c]).partialLength));\\n }\\n\\n L = C[a].an / 2 - C[a].add, x.translate(-L, 0, 0);\\n } else L = C[a].an / 2 - C[a].add, x.translate(-L, 0, 0), x.translate(-P[0] * C[a].an * .005, -P[1] * V * .01, 0);\\n\\n for (M = 0; M < F; M += 1) {\\n (D = E[M].a).t.propType && (R = E[M].s.getMult(C[a].anIndexes[M], S.a[M].s.totalChars), 0 === r && 0 === t.j || (this._hasMaskedPath ? R.length ? o += D.t.v * R[0] : o += D.t.v * R : R.length ? r += D.t.v * R[0] : r += D.t.v * R));\\n }\\n\\n for (t.strokeWidthAnim && (N = t.sw || 0), t.strokeColorAnim && (G = t.sc ? [t.sc[0], t.sc[1], t.sc[2]] : [0, 0, 0]), t.fillColorAnim && t.fc && (j = [t.fc[0], t.fc[1], t.fc[2]]), M = 0; M < F; M += 1) {\\n (D = E[M].a).a.propType && ((R = E[M].s.getMult(C[a].anIndexes[M], S.a[M].s.totalChars)).length ? x.translate(-D.a.v[0] * R[0], -D.a.v[1] * R[1], D.a.v[2] * R[2]) : x.translate(-D.a.v[0] * R, -D.a.v[1] * R, D.a.v[2] * R));\\n }\\n\\n for (M = 0; M < F; M += 1) {\\n (D = E[M].a).s.propType && ((R = E[M].s.getMult(C[a].anIndexes[M], S.a[M].s.totalChars)).length ? x.scale(1 + (D.s.v[0] - 1) * R[0], 1 + (D.s.v[1] - 1) * R[1], 1) : x.scale(1 + (D.s.v[0] - 1) * R, 1 + (D.s.v[1] - 1) * R, 1));\\n }\\n\\n for (M = 0; M < F; M += 1) {\\n if (D = E[M].a, R = E[M].s.getMult(C[a].anIndexes[M], S.a[M].s.totalChars), D.sk.propType && (R.length ? x.skewFromAxis(-D.sk.v * R[0], D.sa.v * R[1]) : x.skewFromAxis(-D.sk.v * R, D.sa.v * R)), D.r.propType && (R.length ? x.rotateZ(-D.r.v * R[2]) : x.rotateZ(-D.r.v * R)), D.ry.propType && (R.length ? x.rotateY(D.ry.v * R[1]) : x.rotateY(D.ry.v * R)), D.rx.propType && (R.length ? x.rotateX(D.rx.v * R[0]) : x.rotateX(D.rx.v * R)), D.o.propType && (R.length ? z += (D.o.v * R[0] - z) * R[0] : z += (D.o.v * R - z) * R), t.strokeWidthAnim && D.sw.propType && (R.length ? N += D.sw.v * R[0] : N += D.sw.v * R), t.strokeColorAnim && D.sc.propType) for (H = 0; H < 3; H += 1) {\\n R.length ? G[H] += (D.sc.v[H] - G[H]) * R[0] : G[H] += (D.sc.v[H] - G[H]) * R;\\n }\\n\\n if (t.fillColorAnim && t.fc) {\\n if (D.fc.propType) for (H = 0; H < 3; H += 1) {\\n R.length ? j[H] += (D.fc.v[H] - j[H]) * R[0] : j[H] += (D.fc.v[H] - j[H]) * R;\\n }\\n D.fh.propType && (j = R.length ? addHueToRGB(j, D.fh.v * R[0]) : addHueToRGB(j, D.fh.v * R)), D.fs.propType && (j = R.length ? addSaturationToRGB(j, D.fs.v * R[0]) : addSaturationToRGB(j, D.fs.v * R)), D.fb.propType && (j = R.length ? addBrightnessToRGB(j, D.fb.v * R[0]) : addBrightnessToRGB(j, D.fb.v * R));\\n }\\n }\\n\\n for (M = 0; M < F; M += 1) {\\n (D = E[M].a).p.propType && (R = E[M].s.getMult(C[a].anIndexes[M], S.a[M].s.totalChars), this._hasMaskedPath ? R.length ? x.translate(0, D.p.v[1] * R[0], -D.p.v[2] * R[1]) : x.translate(0, D.p.v[1] * R, -D.p.v[2] * R) : R.length ? x.translate(D.p.v[0] * R[0], D.p.v[1] * R[1], -D.p.v[2] * R[2]) : x.translate(D.p.v[0] * R, D.p.v[1] * R, -D.p.v[2] * R));\\n }\\n\\n if (t.strokeWidthAnim && (q = N < 0 ? 0 : N), t.strokeColorAnim && (W = \"rgb(\" + Math.round(255 * G[0]) + \",\" + Math.round(255 * G[1]) + \",\" + Math.round(255 * G[2]) + \")\"), t.fillColorAnim && t.fc && (U = \"rgb(\" + Math.round(255 * j[0]) + \",\" + Math.round(255 * j[1]) + \",\" + Math.round(255 * j[2]) + \")\"), this._hasMaskedPath) {\\n if (x.translate(0, -t.ls), x.translate(0, P[1] * V * .01 + i, 0), this._pathData.p.v) {\\n b = (h.point[1] - d.point[1]) / (h.point[0] - d.point[0]);\\n var ht = 180 * Math.atan(b) / Math.PI;\\n h.point[0] < d.point[0] && (ht += 180), x.rotate(-ht * Math.PI / 180);\\n }\\n\\n x.translate(B, $, 0), o -= P[0] * C[a].an * .005, C[a + 1] && X !== C[a + 1].ind && (o += C[a].an / 2, o += .001 * t.tr * t.finalSize);\\n } else {\\n switch (x.translate(r, i, 0), t.ps && x.translate(t.ps[0], t.ps[1] + t.ascent, 0), t.j) {\\n case 1:\\n x.translate(C[a].animatorJustifyOffset + t.justifyOffset + (t.boxWidth - t.lineWidths[C[a].line]), 0, 0);\\n break;\\n\\n case 2:\\n x.translate(C[a].animatorJustifyOffset + t.justifyOffset + (t.boxWidth - t.lineWidths[C[a].line]) / 2, 0, 0);\\n }\\n\\n x.translate(0, -t.ls), x.translate(L, 0, 0), x.translate(P[0] * C[a].an * .005, P[1] * V * .01, 0), r += C[a].l + .001 * t.tr * t.finalSize;\\n }\\n\\n \"html\" === A ? tt = x.toCSS() : \"svg\" === A ? tt = x.to2dCSS() : et = [x.props[0], x.props[1], x.props[2], x.props[3], x.props[4], x.props[5], x.props[6], x.props[7], x.props[8], x.props[9], x.props[10], x.props[11], x.props[12], x.props[13], x.props[14], x.props[15]], Y = z;\\n }\\n w <= a ? (I = new LetterProps(Y, q, W, U, tt, et), this.renderedLetters.push(I), w += 1, this.lettersChangedFlag = !0) : (I = this.renderedLetters[a], this.lettersChangedFlag = I.update(Y, q, W, U, tt, et) || this.lettersChangedFlag);\\n }\\n }\\n }, TextAnimatorProperty.prototype.getValue = function () {\\n this._elem.globalData.frameId !== this._frameId && (this._frameId = this._elem.globalData.frameId, this.iterateDynamicProperties());\\n }, TextAnimatorProperty.prototype.mHelper = new Matrix(), TextAnimatorProperty.prototype.defaultPropsArray = [], extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], TextAnimatorProperty), LetterProps.prototype.update = function (t, e, r, i, a, s) {\\n this._mdf.o = !1, this._mdf.sw = !1, this._mdf.sc = !1, this._mdf.fc = !1, this._mdf.m = !1, this._mdf.p = !1;\\n var n = !1;\\n return this.o !== t && (this.o = t, this._mdf.o = !0, n = !0), this.sw !== e && (this.sw = e, this._mdf.sw = !0, n = !0), this.sc !== r && (this.sc = r, this._mdf.sc = !0, n = !0), this.fc !== i && (this.fc = i, this._mdf.fc = !0, n = !0), this.m !== a && (this.m = a, this._mdf.m = !0, n = !0), !s.length || this.p[0] === s[0] && this.p[1] === s[1] && this.p[4] === s[4] && this.p[5] === s[5] && this.p[12] === s[12] && this.p[13] === s[13] || (this.p = s, this._mdf.p = !0, n = !0), n;\\n }, TextProperty.prototype.defaultBoxWidth = [0, 0], TextProperty.prototype.copyData = function (t, e) {\\n for (var r in e) {\\n Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && (t[r] = e[r]);\\n }\\n\\n return t;\\n }, TextProperty.prototype.setCurrentData = function (t) {\\n t.__complete || this.completeTextData(t), this.currentData = t, this.currentData.boxWidth = this.currentData.boxWidth || this.defaultBoxWidth, this._mdf = !0;\\n }, TextProperty.prototype.searchProperty = function () {\\n return this.searchKeyframes();\\n }, TextProperty.prototype.searchKeyframes = function () {\\n return this.kf = this.data.d.k.length > 1, this.kf && this.addEffect(this.getKeyframeValue.bind(this)), this.kf;\\n }, TextProperty.prototype.addEffect = function (t) {\\n this.effectsSequence.push(t), this.elem.addDynamicProperty(this);\\n }, TextProperty.prototype.getValue = function (t) {\\n if (this.elem.globalData.frameId !== this.frameId && this.effectsSequence.length || t) {\\n this.currentData.t = this.data.d.k[this.keysIndex].s.t;\\n var e = this.currentData,\\n r = this.keysIndex;\\n if (this.lock) this.setCurrentData(this.currentData);else {\\n var i;\\n this.lock = !0, this._mdf = !1;\\n var a = this.effectsSequence.length,\\n s = t || this.data.d.k[this.keysIndex].s;\\n\\n for (i = 0; i < a; i += 1) {\\n s = r !== this.keysIndex ? this.effectsSequence[i](s, s.t) : this.effectsSequence[i](this.currentData, s.t);\\n }\\n\\n e !== s && this.setCurrentData(s), this.v = this.currentData, this.pv = this.v, this.lock = !1, this.frameId = this.elem.globalData.frameId;\\n }\\n }\\n }, TextProperty.prototype.getKeyframeValue = function () {\\n for (var t = this.data.d.k, e = this.elem.comp.renderedFrame, r = 0, i = t.length; r <= i - 1 && !(r === i - 1 || t[r + 1].t > e);) {\\n r += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return this.keysIndex !== r && (this.keysIndex = r), this.data.d.k[this.keysIndex].s;\\n }, TextProperty.prototype.buildFinalText = function (t) {\\n for (var e, r, i = [], a = 0, s = t.length, n = !1; a < s;) {\\n e = t.charCodeAt(a), FontManager.isCombinedCharacter(e) ? i[i.length - 1] += t.charAt(a) : e >= 55296 && e <= 56319 ? (r = t.charCodeAt(a + 1)) >= 56320 && r <= 57343 ? (n || FontManager.isModifier(e, r) ? (i[i.length - 1] += t.substr(a, 2), n = !1) : i.push(t.substr(a, 2)), a += 1) : i.push(t.charAt(a)) : e > 56319 ? (r = t.charCodeAt(a + 1), FontManager.isZeroWidthJoiner(e, r) ? (n = !0, i[i.length - 1] += t.substr(a, 2), a += 1) : i.push(t.charAt(a))) : FontManager.isZeroWidthJoiner(e) ? (i[i.length - 1] += t.charAt(a), n = !0) : i.push(t.charAt(a)), a += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return i;\\n }, TextProperty.prototype.completeTextData = function (t) {\\n t.__complete = !0;\\n var e,\\n r,\\n i,\\n a,\\n s,\\n n,\\n o,\\n h = this.elem.globalData.fontManager,\\n l = this.data,\\n p = [],\\n c = 0,\\n f = l.m.g,\\n d = 0,\\n m = 0,\\n u = 0,\\n y = [],\\n g = 0,\\n v = 0,\\n b = h.getFontByName(t.f),\\n _ = 0,\\n P = getFontProperties(b);\\n t.fWeight = P.weight, t.fStyle = P.style, t.finalSize = t.s, t.finalText = this.buildFinalText(t.t), r = t.finalText.length, t.finalLineHeight = t.lh;\\n var E,\\n S = t.tr / 1e3 * t.finalSize;\\n if (t.sz) for (var x, A, w = !0, C = t.sz[0], k = t.sz[1]; w;) {\\n x = 0, g = 0, r = (A = this.buildFinalText(t.t)).length, S = t.tr / 1e3 * t.finalSize;\\n var T = -1;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n E = A[e].charCodeAt(0), i = !1, \" \" === A[e] ? T = e : 13 !== E && 3 !== E || (g = 0, i = !0, x += t.finalLineHeight || 1.2 * t.finalSize), h.chars ? (o = h.getCharData(A[e], b.fStyle, b.fFamily), _ = i ? 0 : o.w * t.finalSize / 100) : _ = h.measureText(A[e], t.f, t.finalSize), g + _ > C && \" \" !== A[e] ? (-1 === T ? r += 1 : e = T, x += t.finalLineHeight || 1.2 * t.finalSize, A.splice(e, T === e ? 1 : 0, \"\\\\r\"), T = -1, g = 0) : (g += _, g += S);\\n }\\n\\n x += b.ascent * t.finalSize / 100, this.canResize && t.finalSize > this.minimumFontSize && k < x ? (t.finalSize -= 1, t.finalLineHeight = t.finalSize * t.lh / t.s) : (t.finalText = A, r = t.finalText.length, w = !1);\\n }\\n g = -S, _ = 0;\\n var D,\\n M = 0;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n if (i = !1, 13 === (E = (D = t.finalText[e]).charCodeAt(0)) || 3 === E ? (M = 0, y.push(g), v = g > v ? g : v, g = -2 * S, a = \"\", i = !0, u += 1) : a = D, h.chars ? (o = h.getCharData(D, b.fStyle, h.getFontByName(t.f).fFamily), _ = i ? 0 : o.w * t.finalSize / 100) : _ = h.measureText(a, t.f, t.finalSize), \" \" === D ? M += _ + S : (g += _ + S + M, M = 0), p.push({\\n l: _,\\n an: _,\\n add: d,\\n n: i,\\n anIndexes: [],\\n val: a,\\n line: u,\\n animatorJustifyOffset: 0\\n }), 2 == f) {\\n if (d += _, \"\" === a || \" \" === a || e === r - 1) {\\n for (\"\" !== a && \" \" !== a || (d -= _); m <= e;) {\\n p[m].an = d, p[m].ind = c, p[m].extra = _, m += 1;\\n }\\n\\n c += 1, d = 0;\\n }\\n } else if (3 == f) {\\n if (d += _, \"\" === a || e === r - 1) {\\n for (\"\" === a && (d -= _); m <= e;) {\\n p[m].an = d, p[m].ind = c, p[m].extra = _, m += 1;\\n }\\n\\n d = 0, c += 1;\\n }\\n } else p[c].ind = c, p[c].extra = 0, c += 1;\\n }\\n\\n if (t.l = p, v = g > v ? g : v, y.push(g), t.sz) t.boxWidth = t.sz[0], t.justifyOffset = 0;else switch (t.boxWidth = v, t.j) {\\n case 1:\\n t.justifyOffset = -t.boxWidth;\\n break;\\n\\n case 2:\\n t.justifyOffset = -t.boxWidth / 2;\\n break;\\n\\n default:\\n t.justifyOffset = 0;\\n }\\n t.lineWidths = y;\\n var F,\\n I,\\n R,\\n V,\\n O = l.a;\\n n = O.length;\\n var L = [];\\n\\n for (s = 0; s < n; s += 1) {\\n for ((F = O[s]).a.sc && (t.strokeColorAnim = !0), F.a.sw && (t.strokeWidthAnim = !0), (F.a.fc || F.a.fh || F.a.fs || F.a.fb) && (t.fillColorAnim = !0), V = 0, R = F.s.b, e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n (I = p[e]).anIndexes[s] = V, (1 == R && \"\" !== I.val || 2 == R && \"\" !== I.val && \" \" !== I.val || 3 == R && (I.n || \" \" == I.val || e == r - 1) || 4 == R && (I.n || e == r - 1)) && (1 === F.s.rn && L.push(V), V += 1);\\n }\\n\\n l.a[s].s.totalChars = V;\\n var B,\\n $ = -1;\\n if (1 === F.s.rn) for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n $ != (I = p[e]).anIndexes[s] && ($ = I.anIndexes[s], B = L.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * L.length), 1)[0]), I.anIndexes[s] = B;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n t.yOffset = t.finalLineHeight || 1.2 * t.finalSize, t.ls = t.ls || 0, t.ascent = b.ascent * t.finalSize / 100;\\n }, TextProperty.prototype.updateDocumentData = function (t, e) {\\n e = void 0 === e ? this.keysIndex : e;\\n var r = this.copyData({}, this.data.d.k[e].s);\\n r = this.copyData(r, t), this.data.d.k[e].s = r, this.recalculate(e), this.elem.addDynamicProperty(this);\\n }, TextProperty.prototype.recalculate = function (t) {\\n var e = this.data.d.k[t].s;\\n e.__complete = !1, this.keysIndex = 0, this._isFirstFrame = !0, this.getValue(e);\\n }, TextProperty.prototype.canResizeFont = function (t) {\\n this.canResize = t, this.recalculate(this.keysIndex), this.elem.addDynamicProperty(this);\\n }, TextProperty.prototype.setMinimumFontSize = function (t) {\\n this.minimumFontSize = Math.floor(t) || 1, this.recalculate(this.keysIndex), this.elem.addDynamicProperty(this);\\n };\\n\\n var TextSelectorProp = function () {\\n var t = Math.max,\\n e = Math.min,\\n r = Math.floor;\\n\\n function i(t, e) {\\n this._currentTextLength = -1, this.k = !1, this.data = e, this.elem = t, this.comp = t.comp, this.finalS = 0, this.finalE = 0, this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t), this.s = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.s || {\\n k: 0\\n }, 0, 0, this), this.e = \"e\" in e ? PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.e, 0, 0, this) : {\\n v: 100\\n }, this.o = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.o || {\\n k: 0\\n }, 0, 0, this), this.xe = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.xe || {\\n k: 0\\n }, 0, 0, this), this.ne = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.ne || {\\n k: 0\\n }, 0, 0, this), this.sm = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.sm || {\\n k: 100\\n }, 0, 0, this), this.a = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.a, 0, .01, this), this.dynamicProperties.length || this.getValue();\\n }\\n\\n return i.prototype = {\\n getMult: function getMult(i) {\\n this._currentTextLength !== this.elem.textProperty.currentData.l.length && this.getValue();\\n var a = 0,\\n s = 0,\\n n = 1,\\n o = 1;\\n this.ne.v > 0 ? a = this.ne.v / 100 : s = -this.ne.v / 100, this.xe.v > 0 ? n = 1 - this.xe.v / 100 : o = 1 + this.xe.v / 100;\\n var h = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(a, s, n, o).get,\\n l = 0,\\n p = this.finalS,\\n c = this.finalE,\\n f = this.data.sh;\\n if (2 === f) l = h(l = c === p ? i >= c ? 1 : 0 : t(0, e(.5 / (c - p) + (i - p) / (c - p), 1)));else if (3 === f) l = h(l = c === p ? i >= c ? 0 : 1 : 1 - t(0, e(.5 / (c - p) + (i - p) / (c - p), 1)));else if (4 === f) c === p ? l = 0 : (l = t(0, e(.5 / (c - p) + (i - p) / (c - p), 1))) < .5 ? l *= 2 : l = 1 - 2 * (l - .5), l = h(l);else if (5 === f) {\\n if (c === p) l = 0;else {\\n var d = c - p,\\n m = -d / 2 + (i = e(t(0, i + .5 - p), c - p)),\\n u = d / 2;\\n l = Math.sqrt(1 - m * m / (u * u));\\n }\\n l = h(l);\\n } else 6 === f ? (c === p ? l = 0 : (i = e(t(0, i + .5 - p), c - p), l = (1 + Math.cos(Math.PI + 2 * Math.PI * i / (c - p))) / 2), l = h(l)) : (i >= r(p) && (l = t(0, e(i - p < 0 ? e(c, 1) - (p - i) : c - i, 1))), l = h(l));\\n\\n if (100 !== this.sm.v) {\\n var y = .01 * this.sm.v;\\n 0 === y && (y = 1e-8);\\n var g = .5 - .5 * y;\\n l < g ? l = 0 : (l = (l - g) / y) > 1 && (l = 1);\\n }\\n\\n return l * this.a.v;\\n },\\n getValue: function getValue(t) {\\n this.iterateDynamicProperties(), this._mdf = t || this._mdf, this._currentTextLength = this.elem.textProperty.currentData.l.length || 0, t && 2 === this.data.r && (this.e.v = this._currentTextLength);\\n var e = 2 === this.data.r ? 1 : 100 / this.data.totalChars,\\n r = this.o.v / e,\\n i = this.s.v / e + r,\\n a = this.e.v / e + r;\\n\\n if (i > a) {\\n var s = i;\\n i = a, a = s;\\n }\\n\\n this.finalS = i, this.finalE = a;\\n }\\n }, extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], i), {\\n getTextSelectorProp: function getTextSelectorProp(t, e, r) {\\n return new i(t, e, r);\\n }\\n };\\n }(),\\n poolFactory = function poolFactory(t, e, r) {\\n var i = 0,\\n a = t,\\n s = createSizedArray(a);\\n return {\\n newElement: function newElement() {\\n return i ? s[i -= 1] : e();\\n },\\n release: function release(t) {\\n i === a && (s = pooling[\"double\"](s), a *= 2), r && r(t), s[i] = t, i += 1;\\n }\\n };\\n },\\n pooling = {\\n \"double\": function double(t) {\\n return t.concat(createSizedArray(t.length));\\n }\\n },\\n pointPool = poolFactory(8, function () {\\n return createTypedArray(\"float32\", 2);\\n }),\\n shapePool = (factory = poolFactory(4, function () {\\n return new ShapePath();\\n }, function (t) {\\n var e,\\n r = t._length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n pointPool.release(t.v[e]), pointPool.release(t.i[e]), pointPool.release(t.o[e]), t.v[e] = null, t.i[e] = null, t.o[e] = null;\\n }\\n\\n t._length = 0, t.c = !1;\\n }), factory.clone = function (t) {\\n var e,\\n r = factory.newElement(),\\n i = void 0 === t._length ? t.v.length : t._length;\\n\\n for (r.setLength(i), r.c = t.c, e = 0; e < i; e += 1) {\\n r.setTripleAt(t.v[e][0], t.v[e][1], t.o[e][0], t.o[e][1], t.i[e][0], t.i[e][1], e);\\n }\\n\\n return r;\\n }, factory),\\n factory,\\n shapeCollectionPool = function () {\\n var t = {\\n newShapeCollection: function newShapeCollection() {\\n return e ? i[e -= 1] : new ShapeCollection();\\n },\\n release: function release(t) {\\n var a,\\n s = t._length;\\n\\n for (a = 0; a < s; a += 1) {\\n shapePool.release(t.shapes[a]);\\n }\\n\\n t._length = 0, e === r && (i = pooling[\"double\"](i), r *= 2), i[e] = t, e += 1;\\n }\\n },\\n e = 0,\\n r = 4,\\n i = createSizedArray(r);\\n return t;\\n }(),\\n segmentsLengthPool = poolFactory(8, function () {\\n return {\\n lengths: [],\\n totalLength: 0\\n };\\n }, function (t) {\\n var e,\\n r = t.lengths.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n bezierLengthPool.release(t.lengths[e]);\\n }\\n\\n t.lengths.length = 0;\\n }),\\n bezierLengthPool = poolFactory(8, function () {\\n return {\\n addedLength: 0,\\n percents: createTypedArray(\"float32\", defaultCurveSegments),\\n lengths: createTypedArray(\"float32\", defaultCurveSegments)\\n };\\n }),\\n markerParser = function () {\\n function t(t) {\\n for (var e, r = t.split(\"\\\\r\\\\n\"), i = {}, a = 0, s = 0; s < r.length; s += 1) {\\n 2 === (e = r[s].split(\":\")).length && (i[e[0]] = e[1].trim(), a += 1);\\n }\\n\\n if (0 === a) throw new Error();\\n return i;\\n }\\n\\n return function (e) {\\n for (var r = [], i = 0; i < e.length; i += 1) {\\n var a = e[i],\\n s = {\\n time: a.tm,\\n duration: a.dr\\n };\\n\\n try {\\n s.payload = JSON.parse(e[i].cm);\\n } catch (r) {\\n try {\\n s.payload = t(e[i].cm);\\n } catch (t) {\\n s.payload = {\\n name: e[i]\\n };\\n }\\n }\\n\\n r.push(s);\\n }\\n\\n return r;\\n };\\n }();\\n\\n function BaseRenderer() {}\\n\\n function SVGRenderer(t, e) {\\n this.animationItem = t, this.layers = null, this.renderedFrame = -1, this.svgElement = createNS(\"svg\");\\n var r = \"\";\\n\\n if (e && e.title) {\\n var i = createNS(\"title\"),\\n a = createElementID();\\n i.setAttribute(\"id\", a), i.textContent = e.title, this.svgElement.appendChild(i), r += a;\\n }\\n\\n if (e && e.description) {\\n var s = createNS(\"desc\"),\\n n = createElementID();\\n s.setAttribute(\"id\", n), s.textContent = e.description, this.svgElement.appendChild(s), r += \" \" + n;\\n }\\n\\n r && this.svgElement.setAttribute(\"aria-labelledby\", r);\\n var o = createNS(\"defs\");\\n this.svgElement.appendChild(o);\\n var h = createNS(\"g\");\\n this.svgElement.appendChild(h), this.layerElement = h, this.renderConfig = {\\n preserveAspectRatio: e && e.preserveAspectRatio || \"xMidYMid meet\",\\n imagePreserveAspectRatio: e && e.imagePreserveAspectRatio || \"xMidYMid slice\",\\n contentVisibility: e && e.contentVisibility || \"visible\",\\n progressiveLoad: e && e.progressiveLoad || !1,\\n hideOnTransparent: !(e && !1 === e.hideOnTransparent),\\n viewBoxOnly: e && e.viewBoxOnly || !1,\\n viewBoxSize: e && e.viewBoxSize || !1,\\n className: e && e.className || \"\",\\n id: e && e.id || \"\",\\n focusable: e && e.focusable,\\n filterSize: {\\n width: e && e.filterSize && e.filterSize.width || \"100%\",\\n height: e && e.filterSize && e.filterSize.height || \"100%\",\\n x: e && e.filterSize && e.filterSize.x || \"0%\",\\n y: e && e.filterSize && e.filterSize.y || \"0%\"\\n }\\n }, this.globalData = {\\n _mdf: !1,\\n frameNum: -1,\\n defs: o,\\n renderConfig: this.renderConfig\\n }, this.elements = [], this.pendingElements = [], this.destroyed = !1, this.rendererType = \"svg\";\\n }\\n\\n function CanvasRenderer(t, e) {\\n this.animationItem = t, this.renderConfig = {\\n clearCanvas: !e || void 0 === e.clearCanvas || e.clearCanvas,\\n context: e && e.context || null,\\n progressiveLoad: e && e.progressiveLoad || !1,\\n preserveAspectRatio: e && e.preserveAspectRatio || \"xMidYMid meet\",\\n imagePreserveAspectRatio: e && e.imagePreserveAspectRatio || \"xMidYMid slice\",\\n contentVisibility: e && e.contentVisibility || \"visible\",\\n className: e && e.className || \"\",\\n id: e && e.id || \"\"\\n }, this.renderConfig.dpr = e && e.dpr || 1, this.animationItem.wrapper && (this.renderConfig.dpr = e && e.dpr || window.devicePixelRatio || 1), this.renderedFrame = -1, this.globalData = {\\n frameNum: -1,\\n _mdf: !1,\\n renderConfig: this.renderConfig,\\n currentGlobalAlpha: -1\\n }, this.contextData = new CVContextData(), this.elements = [], this.pendingElements = [], this.transformMat = new Matrix(), this.completeLayers = !1, this.rendererType = \"canvas\";\\n }\\n\\n function HybridRenderer(t, e) {\\n this.animationItem = t, this.layers = null, this.renderedFrame = -1, this.renderConfig = {\\n className: e && e.className || \"\",\\n imagePreserveAspectRatio: e && e.imagePreserveAspectRatio || \"xMidYMid slice\",\\n hideOnTransparent: !(e && !1 === e.hideOnTransparent),\\n filterSize: {\\n width: e && e.filterSize && e.filterSize.width || \"400%\",\\n height: e && e.filterSize && e.filterSize.height || \"400%\",\\n x: e && e.filterSize && e.filterSize.x || \"-100%\",\\n y: e && e.filterSize && e.filterSize.y || \"-100%\"\\n }\\n }, this.globalData = {\\n _mdf: !1,\\n frameNum: -1,\\n renderConfig: this.renderConfig\\n }, this.pendingElements = [], this.elements = [], this.threeDElements = [], this.destroyed = !1, this.camera = null, this.supports3d = !0, this.rendererType = \"html\";\\n }\\n\\n function MaskElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.data = t, this.element = e, this.globalData = r, this.storedData = [], this.masksProperties = this.data.masksProperties || [], this.maskElement = null;\\n var i,\\n a,\\n s = this.globalData.defs,\\n n = this.masksProperties ? this.masksProperties.length : 0;\\n this.viewData = createSizedArray(n), this.solidPath = \"\";\\n var o,\\n h,\\n l,\\n p,\\n c,\\n f,\\n d = this.masksProperties,\\n m = 0,\\n u = [],\\n y = createElementID(),\\n g = \"clipPath\",\\n v = \"clip-path\";\\n\\n for (i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {\\n if ((\"a\" !== d[i].mode && \"n\" !== d[i].mode || d[i].inv || 100 !== d[i].o.k || d[i].o.x) && (g = \"mask\", v = \"mask\"), \"s\" !== d[i].mode && \"i\" !== d[i].mode || 0 !== m ? l = null : ((l = createNS(\"rect\")).setAttribute(\"fill\", \"#ffffff\"), l.setAttribute(\"width\", this.element.comp.data.w || 0), l.setAttribute(\"height\", this.element.comp.data.h || 0), u.push(l)), a = createNS(\"path\"), \"n\" === d[i].mode) this.viewData[i] = {\\n op: PropertyFactory.getProp(this.element, d[i].o, 0, .01, this.element),\\n prop: ShapePropertyFactory.getShapeProp(this.element, d[i], 3),\\n elem: a,\\n lastPath: \"\"\\n }, s.appendChild(a);else {\\n var b;\\n\\n if (m += 1, a.setAttribute(\"fill\", \"s\" === d[i].mode ? \"#000000\" : \"#ffffff\"), a.setAttribute(\"clip-rule\", \"nonzero\"), 0 !== d[i].x.k ? (g = \"mask\", v = \"mask\", f = PropertyFactory.getProp(this.element, d[i].x, 0, null, this.element), b = createElementID(), (p = createNS(\"filter\")).setAttribute(\"id\", b), (c = createNS(\"feMorphology\")).setAttribute(\"operator\", \"erode\"), c.setAttribute(\"in\", \"SourceGraphic\"), c.setAttribute(\"radius\", \"0\"), p.appendChild(c), s.appendChild(p), a.setAttribute(\"stroke\", \"s\" === d[i].mode ? \"#000000\" : \"#ffffff\")) : (c = null, f = null), this.storedData[i] = {\\n elem: a,\\n x: f,\\n expan: c,\\n lastPath: \"\",\\n lastOperator: \"\",\\n filterId: b,\\n lastRadius: 0\\n }, \"i\" === d[i].mode) {\\n h = u.length;\\n\\n var _ = createNS(\"g\");\\n\\n for (o = 0; o < h; o += 1) {\\n _.appendChild(u[o]);\\n }\\n\\n var P = createNS(\"mask\");\\n P.setAttribute(\"mask-type\", \"alpha\"), P.setAttribute(\"id\", y + \"_\" + m), P.appendChild(a), s.appendChild(P), _.setAttribute(\"mask\", \"url(\" + locationHref + \"#\" + y + \"_\" + m + \")\"), u.length = 0, u.push(_);\\n } else u.push(a);\\n\\n d[i].inv && !this.solidPath && (this.solidPath = this.createLayerSolidPath()), this.viewData[i] = {\\n elem: a,\\n lastPath: \"\",\\n op: PropertyFactory.getProp(this.element, d[i].o, 0, .01, this.element),\\n prop: ShapePropertyFactory.getShapeProp(this.element, d[i], 3),\\n invRect: l\\n }, this.viewData[i].prop.k || this.drawPath(d[i], this.viewData[i].prop.v, this.viewData[i]);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n for (this.maskElement = createNS(g), n = u.length, i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {\\n this.maskElement.appendChild(u[i]);\\n }\\n\\n m > 0 && (this.maskElement.setAttribute(\"id\", y), this.element.maskedElement.setAttribute(v, \"url(\" + locationHref + \"#\" + y + \")\"), s.appendChild(this.maskElement)), this.viewData.length && this.element.addRenderableComponent(this);\\n }\\n\\n function HierarchyElement() {}\\n\\n function FrameElement() {}\\n\\n function TransformElement() {}\\n\\n function RenderableElement() {}\\n\\n function RenderableDOMElement() {}\\n\\n function ProcessedElement(t, e) {\\n this.elem = t, this.pos = e;\\n }\\n\\n function SVGStyleData(t, e) {\\n this.data = t, this.type = t.ty, this.d = \"\", this.lvl = e, this._mdf = !1, this.closed = !0 === t.hd, this.pElem = createNS(\"path\"), this.msElem = null;\\n }\\n\\n function SVGShapeData(t, e, r) {\\n this.caches = [], this.styles = [], this.transformers = t, this.lStr = \"\", this.sh = r, this.lvl = e, this._isAnimated = !!r.k;\\n\\n for (var i = 0, a = t.length; i < a;) {\\n if (t[i].mProps.dynamicProperties.length) {\\n this._isAnimated = !0;\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n i += 1;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function SVGTransformData(t, e, r) {\\n this.transform = {\\n mProps: t,\\n op: e,\\n container: r\\n }, this.elements = [], this._isAnimated = this.transform.mProps.dynamicProperties.length || this.transform.op.effectsSequence.length;\\n }\\n\\n function SVGStrokeStyleData(t, e, r) {\\n this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t), this.getValue = this.iterateDynamicProperties, this.o = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.o, 0, .01, this), this.w = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.w, 0, null, this), this.d = new DashProperty(t, e.d || {}, \"svg\", this), this.c = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.c, 1, 255, this), this.style = r, this._isAnimated = !!this._isAnimated;\\n }\\n\\n function SVGFillStyleData(t, e, r) {\\n this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t), this.getValue = this.iterateDynamicProperties, this.o = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.o, 0, .01, this), this.c = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.c, 1, 255, this), this.style = r;\\n }\\n\\n function SVGGradientFillStyleData(t, e, r) {\\n this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t), this.getValue = this.iterateDynamicProperties, this.initGradientData(t, e, r);\\n }\\n\\n function SVGGradientStrokeStyleData(t, e, r) {\\n this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(t), this.getValue = this.iterateDynamicProperties, this.w = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.w, 0, null, this), this.d = new DashProperty(t, e.d || {}, \"svg\", this), this.initGradientData(t, e, r), this._isAnimated = !!this._isAnimated;\\n }\\n\\n function ShapeGroupData() {\\n this.it = [], this.prevViewData = [], this.gr = createNS(\"g\");\\n }\\n\\n BaseRenderer.prototype.checkLayers = function (t) {\\n var e,\\n r,\\n i = this.layers.length;\\n\\n for (this.completeLayers = !0, e = i - 1; e >= 0; e -= 1) {\\n this.elements[e] || (r = this.layers[e]).ip - r.st <= t - this.layers[e].st && r.op - r.st > t - this.layers[e].st && this.buildItem(e), this.completeLayers = !!this.elements[e] && this.completeLayers;\\n }\\n\\n this.checkPendingElements();\\n }, BaseRenderer.prototype.createItem = function (t) {\\n switch (t.ty) {\\n case 2:\\n return this.createImage(t);\\n\\n case 0:\\n return this.createComp(t);\\n\\n case 1:\\n return this.createSolid(t);\\n\\n case 3:\\n default:\\n return this.createNull(t);\\n\\n case 4:\\n return this.createShape(t);\\n\\n case 5:\\n return this.createText(t);\\n\\n case 6:\\n return this.createAudio(t);\\n\\n case 13:\\n return this.createCamera(t);\\n\\n case 15:\\n return this.createFootage(t);\\n }\\n }, BaseRenderer.prototype.createCamera = function () {\\n throw new Error(\"You\\'re using a 3d camera. Try the html renderer.\");\\n }, BaseRenderer.prototype.createAudio = function (t) {\\n return new AudioElement(t, this.globalData, this);\\n }, BaseRenderer.prototype.createFootage = function (t) {\\n return new FootageElement(t, this.globalData, this);\\n }, BaseRenderer.prototype.buildAllItems = function () {\\n var t,\\n e = this.layers.length;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n this.buildItem(t);\\n }\\n\\n this.checkPendingElements();\\n }, BaseRenderer.prototype.includeLayers = function (t) {\\n var e;\\n this.completeLayers = !1;\\n var r,\\n i = t.length,\\n a = this.layers.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < i; e += 1) {\\n for (r = 0; r < a;) {\\n if (this.layers[r].id === t[e].id) {\\n this.layers[r] = t[e];\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n r += 1;\\n }\\n }\\n }, BaseRenderer.prototype.setProjectInterface = function (t) {\\n this.globalData.projectInterface = t;\\n }, BaseRenderer.prototype.initItems = function () {\\n this.globalData.progressiveLoad || this.buildAllItems();\\n }, BaseRenderer.prototype.buildElementParenting = function (t, e, r) {\\n for (var i = this.elements, a = this.layers, s = 0, n = a.length; s < n;) {\\n a[s].ind == e && (i[s] && !0 !== i[s] ? (r.push(i[s]), i[s].setAsParent(), void 0 !== a[s].parent ? this.buildElementParenting(t, a[s].parent, r) : t.setHierarchy(r)) : (this.buildItem(s), this.addPendingElement(t))), s += 1;\\n }\\n }, BaseRenderer.prototype.addPendingElement = function (t) {\\n this.pendingElements.push(t);\\n }, BaseRenderer.prototype.searchExtraCompositions = function (t) {\\n var e,\\n r = t.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n if (t[e].xt) {\\n var i = this.createComp(t[e]);\\n i.initExpressions(), this.globalData.projectInterface.registerComposition(i);\\n }\\n }\\n }, BaseRenderer.prototype.setupGlobalData = function (t, e) {\\n this.globalData.fontManager = new FontManager(), this.globalData.fontManager.addChars(t.chars), this.globalData.fontManager.addFonts(t.fonts, e), this.globalData.getAssetData = this.animationItem.getAssetData.bind(this.animationItem), this.globalData.getAssetsPath = this.animationItem.getAssetsPath.bind(this.animationItem), this.globalData.imageLoader = this.animationItem.imagePreloader, this.globalData.audioController = this.animationItem.audioController, this.globalData.frameId = 0, this.globalData.frameRate = t.fr, this.globalData.nm = t.nm, this.globalData.compSize = {\\n w: t.w,\\n h: t.h\\n };\\n }, extendPrototype([BaseRenderer], SVGRenderer), SVGRenderer.prototype.createNull = function (t) {\\n return new NullElement(t, this.globalData, this);\\n }, SVGRenderer.prototype.createShape = function (t) {\\n return new SVGShapeElement(t, this.globalData, this);\\n }, SVGRenderer.prototype.createText = function (t) {\\n return new SVGTextLottieElement(t, this.globalData, this);\\n }, SVGRenderer.prototype.createImage = function (t) {\\n return new IImageElement(t, this.globalData, this);\\n }, SVGRenderer.prototype.createComp = function (t) {\\n return new SVGCompElement(t, this.globalData, this);\\n }, SVGRenderer.prototype.createSolid = function (t) {\\n return new ISolidElement(t, this.globalData, this);\\n }, SVGRenderer.prototype.configAnimation = function (t) {\\n this.svgElement.setAttribute(\"xmlns\", \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"), this.renderConfig.viewBoxSize ? this.svgElement.setAttribute(\"viewBox\", this.renderConfig.viewBoxSize) : this.svgElement.setAttribute(\"viewBox\", \"0 0 \" + t.w + \" \" + t.h), this.renderConfig.viewBoxOnly || (this.svgElement.setAttribute(\"width\", t.w), this.svgElement.setAttribute(\"height\", t.h), this.svgElement.style.width = \"100%\", this.svgElement.style.height = \"100%\", this.svgElement.style.transform = \"translate3d(0,0,0)\", this.svgElement.style.contentVisibility = this.renderConfig.contentVisibility), this.renderConfig.className && this.svgElement.setAttribute(\"class\", this.renderConfig.className), this.renderConfig.id && this.svgElement.setAttribute(\"id\", this.renderConfig.id), void 0 !== this.renderConfig.focusable && this.svgElement.setAttribute(\"focusable\", this.renderConfig.focusable), this.svgElement.setAttribute(\"preserveAspectRatio\", this.renderConfig.preserveAspectRatio), this.animationItem.wrapper.appendChild(this.svgElement);\\n var e = this.globalData.defs;\\n this.setupGlobalData(t, e), this.globalData.progressiveLoad = this.renderConfig.progressiveLoad, this.data = t;\\n var r = createNS(\"clipPath\"),\\n i = createNS(\"rect\");\\n i.setAttribute(\"width\", t.w), i.setAttribute(\"height\", t.h), i.setAttribute(\"x\", 0), i.setAttribute(\"y\", 0);\\n var a = createElementID();\\n r.setAttribute(\"id\", a), r.appendChild(i), this.layerElement.setAttribute(\"clip-path\", \"url(\" + locationHref + \"#\" + a + \")\"), e.appendChild(r), this.layers = t.layers, this.elements = createSizedArray(t.layers.length);\\n }, SVGRenderer.prototype.destroy = function () {\\n var t;\\n this.animationItem.wrapper && (this.animationItem.wrapper.innerText = \"\"), this.layerElement = null, this.globalData.defs = null;\\n var e = this.layers ? this.layers.length : 0;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n this.elements[t] && this.elements[t].destroy();\\n }\\n\\n this.elements.length = 0, this.destroyed = !0, this.animationItem = null;\\n }, SVGRenderer.prototype.updateContainerSize = function () {}, SVGRenderer.prototype.buildItem = function (t) {\\n var e = this.elements;\\n\\n if (!e[t] && 99 !== this.layers[t].ty) {\\n e[t] = !0;\\n var r = this.createItem(this.layers[t]);\\n e[t] = r, expressionsPlugin && (0 === this.layers[t].ty && this.globalData.projectInterface.registerComposition(r), r.initExpressions()), this.appendElementInPos(r, t), this.layers[t].tt && (this.elements[t - 1] && !0 !== this.elements[t - 1] ? r.setMatte(e[t - 1].layerId) : (this.buildItem(t - 1), this.addPendingElement(r)));\\n }\\n }, SVGRenderer.prototype.checkPendingElements = function () {\\n for (; this.pendingElements.length;) {\\n var t = this.pendingElements.pop();\\n if (t.checkParenting(), t.data.tt) for (var e = 0, r = this.elements.length; e < r;) {\\n if (this.elements[e] === t) {\\n t.setMatte(this.elements[e - 1].layerId);\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n e += 1;\\n }\\n }\\n }, SVGRenderer.prototype.renderFrame = function (t) {\\n if (this.renderedFrame !== t && !this.destroyed) {\\n var e;\\n null === t ? t = this.renderedFrame : this.renderedFrame = t, this.globalData.frameNum = t, this.globalData.frameId += 1, this.globalData.projectInterface.currentFrame = t, this.globalData._mdf = !1;\\n var r = this.layers.length;\\n\\n for (this.completeLayers || this.checkLayers(t), e = r - 1; e >= 0; e -= 1) {\\n (this.completeLayers || this.elements[e]) && this.elements[e].prepareFrame(t - this.layers[e].st);\\n }\\n\\n if (this.globalData._mdf) for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n (this.completeLayers || this.elements[e]) && this.elements[e].renderFrame();\\n }\\n }\\n }, SVGRenderer.prototype.appendElementInPos = function (t, e) {\\n var r = t.getBaseElement();\\n\\n if (r) {\\n for (var i, a = 0; a < e;) {\\n this.elements[a] && !0 !== this.elements[a] && this.elements[a].getBaseElement() && (i = this.elements[a].getBaseElement()), a += 1;\\n }\\n\\n i ? this.layerElement.insertBefore(r, i) : this.layerElement.appendChild(r);\\n }\\n }, SVGRenderer.prototype.hide = function () {\\n this.layerElement.style.display = \"none\";\\n }, SVGRenderer.prototype.show = function () {\\n this.layerElement.style.display = \"block\";\\n }, extendPrototype([BaseRenderer], CanvasRenderer), CanvasRenderer.prototype.createShape = function (t) {\\n return new CVShapeElement(t, this.globalData, this);\\n }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.createText = function (t) {\\n return new CVTextElement(t, this.globalData, this);\\n }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.createImage = function (t) {\\n return new CVImageElement(t, this.globalData, this);\\n }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.createComp = function (t) {\\n return new CVCompElement(t, this.globalData, this);\\n }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.createSolid = function (t) {\\n return new CVSolidElement(t, this.globalData, this);\\n }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.createNull = SVGRenderer.prototype.createNull, CanvasRenderer.prototype.ctxTransform = function (t) {\\n if (1 !== t[0] || 0 !== t[1] || 0 !== t[4] || 1 !== t[5] || 0 !== t[12] || 0 !== t[13]) if (this.renderConfig.clearCanvas) {\\n this.transformMat.cloneFromProps(t);\\n var e = this.contextData.cTr.props;\\n this.transformMat.transform(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5], e[6], e[7], e[8], e[9], e[10], e[11], e[12], e[13], e[14], e[15]), this.contextData.cTr.cloneFromProps(this.transformMat.props);\\n var r = this.contextData.cTr.props;\\n this.canvasContext.setTransform(r[0], r[1], r[4], r[5], r[12], r[13]);\\n } else this.canvasContext.transform(t[0], t[1], t[4], t[5], t[12], t[13]);\\n }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.ctxOpacity = function (t) {\\n if (!this.renderConfig.clearCanvas) return this.canvasContext.globalAlpha *= t < 0 ? 0 : t, void (this.globalData.currentGlobalAlpha = this.contextData.cO);\\n this.contextData.cO *= t < 0 ? 0 : t, this.globalData.currentGlobalAlpha !== this.contextData.cO && (this.canvasContext.globalAlpha = this.contextData.cO, this.globalData.currentGlobalAlpha = this.contextData.cO);\\n }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.reset = function () {\\n this.renderConfig.clearCanvas ? this.contextData.reset() : this.canvasContext.restore();\\n }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.save = function (t) {\\n if (this.renderConfig.clearCanvas) {\\n t && this.canvasContext.save();\\n var e,\\n r = this.contextData.cTr.props;\\n this.contextData._length <= this.contextData.cArrPos && this.contextData.duplicate();\\n var i = this.contextData.saved[this.contextData.cArrPos];\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < 16; e += 1) {\\n i[e] = r[e];\\n }\\n\\n this.contextData.savedOp[this.contextData.cArrPos] = this.contextData.cO, this.contextData.cArrPos += 1;\\n } else this.canvasContext.save();\\n }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.restore = function (t) {\\n if (this.renderConfig.clearCanvas) {\\n t && (this.canvasContext.restore(), this.globalData.blendMode = \"source-over\"), this.contextData.cArrPos -= 1;\\n var e,\\n r = this.contextData.saved[this.contextData.cArrPos],\\n i = this.contextData.cTr.props;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < 16; e += 1) {\\n i[e] = r[e];\\n }\\n\\n this.canvasContext.setTransform(r[0], r[1], r[4], r[5], r[12], r[13]), r = this.contextData.savedOp[this.contextData.cArrPos], this.contextData.cO = r, this.globalData.currentGlobalAlpha !== r && (this.canvasContext.globalAlpha = r, this.globalData.currentGlobalAlpha = r);\\n } else this.canvasContext.restore();\\n }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.configAnimation = function (t) {\\n if (this.animationItem.wrapper) {\\n this.animationItem.container = createTag(\"canvas\");\\n var e = this.animationItem.container.style;\\n e.width = \"100%\", e.height = \"100%\";\\n var r = \"0px 0px 0px\";\\n e.transformOrigin = r, e.mozTransformOrigin = r, e.webkitTransformOrigin = r, e[\"-webkit-transform\"] = r, e.contentVisibility = this.renderConfig.contentVisibility, this.animationItem.wrapper.appendChild(this.animationItem.container), this.canvasContext = this.animationItem.container.getContext(\"2d\"), this.renderConfig.className && this.animationItem.container.setAttribute(\"class\", this.renderConfig.className), this.renderConfig.id && this.animationItem.container.setAttribute(\"id\", this.renderConfig.id);\\n } else this.canvasContext = this.renderConfig.context;\\n\\n this.data = t, this.layers = t.layers, this.transformCanvas = {\\n w: t.w,\\n h: t.h,\\n sx: 0,\\n sy: 0,\\n tx: 0,\\n ty: 0\\n }, this.setupGlobalData(t, document.body), this.globalData.canvasContext = this.canvasContext, this.globalData.renderer = this, this.globalData.isDashed = !1, this.globalData.progressiveLoad = this.renderConfig.progressiveLoad, this.globalData.transformCanvas = this.transformCanvas, this.elements = createSizedArray(t.layers.length), this.updateContainerSize();\\n }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.updateContainerSize = function () {\\n var t, e, r, i;\\n\\n if (this.reset(), this.animationItem.wrapper && this.animationItem.container ? (t = this.animationItem.wrapper.offsetWidth, e = this.animationItem.wrapper.offsetHeight, this.animationItem.container.setAttribute(\"width\", t * this.renderConfig.dpr), this.animationItem.container.setAttribute(\"height\", e * this.renderConfig.dpr)) : (t = this.canvasContext.canvas.width * this.renderConfig.dpr, e = this.canvasContext.canvas.height * this.renderConfig.dpr), -1 !== this.renderConfig.preserveAspectRatio.indexOf(\"meet\") || -1 !== this.renderConfig.preserveAspectRatio.indexOf(\"slice\")) {\\n var a = this.renderConfig.preserveAspectRatio.split(\" \"),\\n s = a[1] || \"meet\",\\n n = a[0] || \"xMidYMid\",\\n o = n.substr(0, 4),\\n h = n.substr(4);\\n r = t / e, (i = this.transformCanvas.w / this.transformCanvas.h) > r && \"meet\" === s || i < r && \"slice\" === s ? (this.transformCanvas.sx = t / (this.transformCanvas.w / this.renderConfig.dpr), this.transformCanvas.sy = t / (this.transformCanvas.w / this.renderConfig.dpr)) : (this.transformCanvas.sx = e / (this.transformCanvas.h / this.renderConfig.dpr), this.transformCanvas.sy = e / (this.transformCanvas.h / this.renderConfig.dpr)), this.transformCanvas.tx = \"xMid\" === o && (i < r && \"meet\" === s || i > r && \"slice\" === s) ? (t - this.transformCanvas.w * (e / this.transformCanvas.h)) / 2 * this.renderConfig.dpr : \"xMax\" === o && (i < r && \"meet\" === s || i > r && \"slice\" === s) ? (t - this.transformCanvas.w * (e / this.transformCanvas.h)) * this.renderConfig.dpr : 0, this.transformCanvas.ty = \"YMid\" === h && (i > r && \"meet\" === s || i < r && \"slice\" === s) ? (e - this.transformCanvas.h * (t / this.transformCanvas.w)) / 2 * this.renderConfig.dpr : \"YMax\" === h && (i > r && \"meet\" === s || i < r && \"slice\" === s) ? (e - this.transformCanvas.h * (t / this.transformCanvas.w)) * this.renderConfig.dpr : 0;\\n } else \"none\" === this.renderConfig.preserveAspectRatio ? (this.transformCanvas.sx = t / (this.transformCanvas.w / this.renderConfig.dpr), this.transformCanvas.sy = e / (this.transformCanvas.h / this.renderConfig.dpr), this.transformCanvas.tx = 0, this.transformCanvas.ty = 0) : (this.transformCanvas.sx = this.renderConfig.dpr, this.transformCanvas.sy = this.renderConfig.dpr, this.transformCanvas.tx = 0, this.transformCanvas.ty = 0);\\n\\n this.transformCanvas.props = [this.transformCanvas.sx, 0, 0, 0, 0, this.transformCanvas.sy, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, this.transformCanvas.tx, this.transformCanvas.ty, 0, 1], this.ctxTransform(this.transformCanvas.props), this.canvasContext.beginPath(), this.canvasContext.rect(0, 0, this.transformCanvas.w, this.transformCanvas.h), this.canvasContext.closePath(), this.canvasContext.clip(), this.renderFrame(this.renderedFrame, !0);\\n }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.destroy = function () {\\n var t;\\n\\n for (this.renderConfig.clearCanvas && this.animationItem.wrapper && (this.animationItem.wrapper.innerText = \"\"), t = (this.layers ? this.layers.length : 0) - 1; t >= 0; t -= 1) {\\n this.elements[t] && this.elements[t].destroy();\\n }\\n\\n this.elements.length = 0, this.globalData.canvasContext = null, this.animationItem.container = null, this.destroyed = !0;\\n }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.renderFrame = function (t, e) {\\n if ((this.renderedFrame !== t || !0 !== this.renderConfig.clearCanvas || e) && !this.destroyed && -1 !== t) {\\n var r;\\n this.renderedFrame = t, this.globalData.frameNum = t - this.animationItem._isFirstFrame, this.globalData.frameId += 1, this.globalData._mdf = !this.renderConfig.clearCanvas || e, this.globalData.projectInterface.currentFrame = t;\\n var i = this.layers.length;\\n\\n for (this.completeLayers || this.checkLayers(t), r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n (this.completeLayers || this.elements[r]) && this.elements[r].prepareFrame(t - this.layers[r].st);\\n }\\n\\n if (this.globalData._mdf) {\\n for (!0 === this.renderConfig.clearCanvas ? this.canvasContext.clearRect(0, 0, this.transformCanvas.w, this.transformCanvas.h) : this.save(), r = i - 1; r >= 0; r -= 1) {\\n (this.completeLayers || this.elements[r]) && this.elements[r].renderFrame();\\n }\\n\\n !0 !== this.renderConfig.clearCanvas && this.restore();\\n }\\n }\\n }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.buildItem = function (t) {\\n var e = this.elements;\\n\\n if (!e[t] && 99 !== this.layers[t].ty) {\\n var r = this.createItem(this.layers[t], this, this.globalData);\\n e[t] = r, r.initExpressions();\\n }\\n }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.checkPendingElements = function () {\\n for (; this.pendingElements.length;) {\\n this.pendingElements.pop().checkParenting();\\n }\\n }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.hide = function () {\\n this.animationItem.container.style.display = \"none\";\\n }, CanvasRenderer.prototype.show = function () {\\n this.animationItem.container.style.display = \"block\";\\n }, extendPrototype([BaseRenderer], HybridRenderer), HybridRenderer.prototype.buildItem = SVGRenderer.prototype.buildItem, HybridRenderer.prototype.checkPendingElements = function () {\\n for (; this.pendingElements.length;) {\\n this.pendingElements.pop().checkParenting();\\n }\\n }, HybridRenderer.prototype.appendElementInPos = function (t, e) {\\n var r = t.getBaseElement();\\n\\n if (r) {\\n var i = this.layers[e];\\n if (i.ddd && this.supports3d) this.addTo3dContainer(r, e);else if (this.threeDElements) this.addTo3dContainer(r, e);else {\\n for (var a, s, n = 0; n < e;) {\\n this.elements[n] && !0 !== this.elements[n] && this.elements[n].getBaseElement && (s = this.elements[n], a = (this.layers[n].ddd ? this.getThreeDContainerByPos(n) : s.getBaseElement()) || a), n += 1;\\n }\\n\\n a ? i.ddd && this.supports3d || this.layerElement.insertBefore(r, a) : i.ddd && this.supports3d || this.layerElement.appendChild(r);\\n }\\n }\\n }, HybridRenderer.prototype.createShape = function (t) {\\n return this.supports3d ? new HShapeElement(t, this.globalData, this) : new SVGShapeElement(t, this.globalData, this);\\n }, HybridRenderer.prototype.createText = function (t) {\\n return this.supports3d ? new HTextElement(t, this.globalData, this) : new SVGTextLottieElement(t, this.globalData, this);\\n }, HybridRenderer.prototype.createCamera = function (t) {\\n return this.camera = new HCameraElement(t, this.globalData, this), this.camera;\\n }, HybridRenderer.prototype.createImage = function (t) {\\n return this.supports3d ? new HImageElement(t, this.globalData, this) : new IImageElement(t, this.globalData, this);\\n }, HybridRenderer.prototype.createComp = function (t) {\\n return this.supports3d ? new HCompElement(t, this.globalData, this) : new SVGCompElement(t, this.globalData, this);\\n }, HybridRenderer.prototype.createSolid = function (t) {\\n return this.supports3d ? new HSolidElement(t, this.globalData, this) : new ISolidElement(t, this.globalData, this);\\n }, HybridRenderer.prototype.createNull = SVGRenderer.prototype.createNull, HybridRenderer.prototype.getThreeDContainerByPos = function (t) {\\n for (var e = 0, r = this.threeDElements.length; e < r;) {\\n if (this.threeDElements[e].startPos <= t && this.threeDElements[e].endPos >= t) return this.threeDElements[e].perspectiveElem;\\n e += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return null;\\n }, HybridRenderer.prototype.createThreeDContainer = function (t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a = createTag(\"div\");\\n styleDiv(a);\\n var s = createTag(\"div\");\\n\\n if (styleDiv(s), \"3d\" === e) {\\n (r = a.style).width = this.globalData.compSize.w + \"px\", r.height = this.globalData.compSize.h + \"px\";\\n var n = \"50% 50%\";\\n r.webkitTransformOrigin = n, r.mozTransformOrigin = n, r.transformOrigin = n;\\n var o = \"matrix3d(1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1)\";\\n (i = s.style).transform = o, i.webkitTransform = o;\\n }\\n\\n a.appendChild(s);\\n var h = {\\n container: s,\\n perspectiveElem: a,\\n startPos: t,\\n endPos: t,\\n type: e\\n };\\n return this.threeDElements.push(h), h;\\n }, HybridRenderer.prototype.build3dContainers = function () {\\n var t,\\n e,\\n r = this.layers.length,\\n i = \"\";\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < r; t += 1) {\\n this.layers[t].ddd && 3 !== this.layers[t].ty ? (\"3d\" !== i && (i = \"3d\", e = this.createThreeDContainer(t, \"3d\")), e.endPos = Math.max(e.endPos, t)) : (\"2d\" !== i && (i = \"2d\", e = this.createThreeDContainer(t, \"2d\")), e.endPos = Math.max(e.endPos, t));\\n }\\n\\n for (t = (r = this.threeDElements.length) - 1; t >= 0; t -= 1) {\\n this.resizerElem.appendChild(this.threeDElements[t].perspectiveElem);\\n }\\n }, HybridRenderer.prototype.addTo3dContainer = function (t, e) {\\n for (var r = 0, i = this.threeDElements.length; r < i;) {\\n if (e <= this.threeDElements[r].endPos) {\\n for (var a, s = this.threeDElements[r].startPos; s < e;) {\\n this.elements[s] && this.elements[s].getBaseElement && (a = this.elements[s].getBaseElement()), s += 1;\\n }\\n\\n a ? this.threeDElements[r].container.insertBefore(t, a) : this.threeDElements[r].container.appendChild(t);\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n r += 1;\\n }\\n }, HybridRenderer.prototype.configAnimation = function (t) {\\n var e = createTag(\"div\"),\\n r = this.animationItem.wrapper,\\n i = e.style;\\n i.width = t.w + \"px\", i.height = t.h + \"px\", this.resizerElem = e, styleDiv(e), i.transformStyle = \"flat\", i.mozTransformStyle = \"flat\", i.webkitTransformStyle = \"flat\", this.renderConfig.className && e.setAttribute(\"class\", this.renderConfig.className), r.appendChild(e), i.overflow = \"hidden\";\\n var a = createNS(\"svg\");\\n a.setAttribute(\"width\", \"1\"), a.setAttribute(\"height\", \"1\"), styleDiv(a), this.resizerElem.appendChild(a);\\n var s = createNS(\"defs\");\\n a.appendChild(s), this.data = t, this.setupGlobalData(t, a), this.globalData.defs = s, this.layers = t.layers, this.layerElement = this.resizerElem, this.build3dContainers(), this.updateContainerSize();\\n }, HybridRenderer.prototype.destroy = function () {\\n var t;\\n this.animationItem.wrapper && (this.animationItem.wrapper.innerText = \"\"), this.animationItem.container = null, this.globalData.defs = null;\\n var e = this.layers ? this.layers.length : 0;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n this.elements[t].destroy();\\n }\\n\\n this.elements.length = 0, this.destroyed = !0, this.animationItem = null;\\n }, HybridRenderer.prototype.updateContainerSize = function () {\\n var t,\\n e,\\n r,\\n i,\\n a = this.animationItem.wrapper.offsetWidth,\\n s = this.animationItem.wrapper.offsetHeight,\\n n = a / s;\\n this.globalData.compSize.w / this.globalData.compSize.h > n ? (t = a / this.globalData.compSize.w, e = a / this.globalData.compSize.w, r = 0, i = (s - this.globalData.compSize.h * (a / this.globalData.compSize.w)) / 2) : (t = s / this.globalData.compSize.h, e = s / this.globalData.compSize.h, r = (a - this.globalData.compSize.w * (s / this.globalData.compSize.h)) / 2, i = 0);\\n var o = this.resizerElem.style;\\n o.webkitTransform = \"matrix3d(\" + t + \",0,0,0,0,\" + e + \",0,0,0,0,1,0,\" + r + \",\" + i + \",0,1)\", o.transform = o.webkitTransform;\\n }, HybridRenderer.prototype.renderFrame = SVGRenderer.prototype.renderFrame, HybridRenderer.prototype.hide = function () {\\n this.resizerElem.style.display = \"none\";\\n }, HybridRenderer.prototype.show = function () {\\n this.resizerElem.style.display = \"block\";\\n }, HybridRenderer.prototype.initItems = function () {\\n if (this.buildAllItems(), this.camera) this.camera.setup();else {\\n var t,\\n e = this.globalData.compSize.w,\\n r = this.globalData.compSize.h,\\n i = this.threeDElements.length;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < i; t += 1) {\\n var a = this.threeDElements[t].perspectiveElem.style;\\n a.webkitPerspective = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(e, 2) + Math.pow(r, 2)) + \"px\", a.perspective = a.webkitPerspective;\\n }\\n }\\n }, HybridRenderer.prototype.searchExtraCompositions = function (t) {\\n var e,\\n r = t.length,\\n i = createTag(\"div\");\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n if (t[e].xt) {\\n var a = this.createComp(t[e], i, this.globalData.comp, null);\\n a.initExpressions(), this.globalData.projectInterface.registerComposition(a);\\n }\\n }\\n }, MaskElement.prototype.getMaskProperty = function (t) {\\n return this.viewData[t].prop;\\n }, MaskElement.prototype.renderFrame = function (t) {\\n var e,\\n r = this.element.finalTransform.mat,\\n i = this.masksProperties.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < i; e += 1) {\\n if ((this.viewData[e].prop._mdf || t) && this.drawPath(this.masksProperties[e], this.viewData[e].prop.v, this.viewData[e]), (this.viewData[e].op._mdf || t) && this.viewData[e].elem.setAttribute(\"fill-opacity\", this.viewData[e].op.v), \"n\" !== this.masksProperties[e].mode && (this.viewData[e].invRect && (this.element.finalTransform.mProp._mdf || t) && this.viewData[e].invRect.setAttribute(\"transform\", r.getInverseMatrix().to2dCSS()), this.storedData[e].x && (this.storedData[e].x._mdf || t))) {\\n var a = this.storedData[e].expan;\\n this.storedData[e].x.v < 0 ? (\"erode\" !== this.storedData[e].lastOperator && (this.storedData[e].lastOperator = \"erode\", this.storedData[e].elem.setAttribute(\"filter\", \"url(\" + locationHref + \"#\" + this.storedData[e].filterId + \")\")), a.setAttribute(\"radius\", -this.storedData[e].x.v)) : (\"dilate\" !== this.storedData[e].lastOperator && (this.storedData[e].lastOperator = \"dilate\", this.storedData[e].elem.setAttribute(\"filter\", null)), this.storedData[e].elem.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", 2 * this.storedData[e].x.v));\\n }\\n }\\n }, MaskElement.prototype.getMaskelement = function () {\\n return this.maskElement;\\n }, MaskElement.prototype.createLayerSolidPath = function () {\\n var t = \"M0,0 \";\\n return t += \" h\" + this.globalData.compSize.w, t += \" v\" + this.globalData.compSize.h, t += \" h-\" + this.globalData.compSize.w, t += \" v-\" + this.globalData.compSize.h + \" \";\\n }, MaskElement.prototype.drawPath = function (t, e, r) {\\n var i,\\n a,\\n s = \" M\" + e.v[0][0] + \",\" + e.v[0][1];\\n\\n for (a = e._length, i = 1; i < a; i += 1) {\\n s += \" C\" + e.o[i - 1][0] + \",\" + e.o[i - 1][1] + \" \" + e.i[i][0] + \",\" + e.i[i][1] + \" \" + e.v[i][0] + \",\" + e.v[i][1];\\n }\\n\\n if (e.c && a > 1 && (s += \" C\" + e.o[i - 1][0] + \",\" + e.o[i - 1][1] + \" \" + e.i[0][0] + \",\" + e.i[0][1] + \" \" + e.v[0][0] + \",\" + e.v[0][1]), r.lastPath !== s) {\\n var n = \"\";\\n r.elem && (e.c && (n = t.inv ? this.solidPath + s : s), r.elem.setAttribute(\"d\", n)), r.lastPath = s;\\n }\\n }, MaskElement.prototype.destroy = function () {\\n this.element = null, this.globalData = null, this.maskElement = null, this.data = null, this.masksProperties = null;\\n }, HierarchyElement.prototype = {\\n initHierarchy: function initHierarchy() {\\n this.hierarchy = [], this._isParent = !1, this.checkParenting();\\n },\\n setHierarchy: function setHierarchy(t) {\\n this.hierarchy = t;\\n },\\n setAsParent: function setAsParent() {\\n this._isParent = !0;\\n },\\n checkParenting: function checkParenting() {\\n void 0 !== this.data.parent && this.comp.buildElementParenting(this, this.data.parent, []);\\n }\\n }, FrameElement.prototype = {\\n initFrame: function initFrame() {\\n this._isFirstFrame = !1, this.dynamicProperties = [], this._mdf = !1;\\n },\\n prepareProperties: function prepareProperties(t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i = this.dynamicProperties.length;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n (e || this._isParent && \"transform\" === this.dynamicProperties[r].propType) && (this.dynamicProperties[r].getValue(), this.dynamicProperties[r]._mdf && (this.globalData._mdf = !0, this._mdf = !0));\\n }\\n },\\n addDynamicProperty: function addDynamicProperty(t) {\\n -1 === this.dynamicProperties.indexOf(t) && this.dynamicProperties.push(t);\\n }\\n }, TransformElement.prototype = {\\n initTransform: function initTransform() {\\n this.finalTransform = {\\n mProp: this.data.ks ? TransformPropertyFactory.getTransformProperty(this, this.data.ks, this) : {\\n o: 0\\n },\\n _matMdf: !1,\\n _opMdf: !1,\\n mat: new Matrix()\\n }, this.data.ao && (this.finalTransform.mProp.autoOriented = !0), this.data.ty;\\n },\\n renderTransform: function renderTransform() {\\n if (this.finalTransform._opMdf = this.finalTransform.mProp.o._mdf || this._isFirstFrame, this.finalTransform._matMdf = this.finalTransform.mProp._mdf || this._isFirstFrame, this.hierarchy) {\\n var t,\\n e = this.finalTransform.mat,\\n r = 0,\\n i = this.hierarchy.length;\\n if (!this.finalTransform._matMdf) for (; r < i;) {\\n if (this.hierarchy[r].finalTransform.mProp._mdf) {\\n this.finalTransform._matMdf = !0;\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n r += 1;\\n }\\n if (this.finalTransform._matMdf) for (t = this.finalTransform.mProp.v.props, e.cloneFromProps(t), r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n t = this.hierarchy[r].finalTransform.mProp.v.props, e.transform(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6], t[7], t[8], t[9], t[10], t[11], t[12], t[13], t[14], t[15]);\\n }\\n }\\n },\\n globalToLocal: function globalToLocal(t) {\\n var e = [];\\n e.push(this.finalTransform);\\n\\n for (var r, i = !0, a = this.comp; i;) {\\n a.finalTransform ? (a.data.hasMask && e.splice(0, 0, a.finalTransform), a = a.comp) : i = !1;\\n }\\n\\n var s,\\n n = e.length;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < n; r += 1) {\\n s = e[r].mat.applyToPointArray(0, 0, 0), t = [t[0] - s[0], t[1] - s[1], 0];\\n }\\n\\n return t;\\n },\\n mHelper: new Matrix()\\n }, RenderableElement.prototype = {\\n initRenderable: function initRenderable() {\\n this.isInRange = !1, this.hidden = !1, this.isTransparent = !1, this.renderableComponents = [];\\n },\\n addRenderableComponent: function addRenderableComponent(t) {\\n -1 === this.renderableComponents.indexOf(t) && this.renderableComponents.push(t);\\n },\\n removeRenderableComponent: function removeRenderableComponent(t) {\\n -1 !== this.renderableComponents.indexOf(t) && this.renderableComponents.splice(this.renderableComponents.indexOf(t), 1);\\n },\\n prepareRenderableFrame: function prepareRenderableFrame(t) {\\n this.checkLayerLimits(t);\\n },\\n checkTransparency: function checkTransparency() {\\n this.finalTransform.mProp.o.v <= 0 ? !this.isTransparent && this.globalData.renderConfig.hideOnTransparent && (this.isTransparent = !0, this.hide()) : this.isTransparent && (this.isTransparent = !1, this.show());\\n },\\n checkLayerLimits: function checkLayerLimits(t) {\\n this.data.ip - this.data.st <= t && this.data.op - this.data.st > t ? !0 !== this.isInRange && (this.globalData._mdf = !0, this._mdf = !0, this.isInRange = !0, this.show()) : !1 !== this.isInRange && (this.globalData._mdf = !0, this.isInRange = !1, this.hide());\\n },\\n renderRenderable: function renderRenderable() {\\n var t,\\n e = this.renderableComponents.length;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n this.renderableComponents[t].renderFrame(this._isFirstFrame);\\n }\\n },\\n sourceRectAtTime: function sourceRectAtTime() {\\n return {\\n top: 0,\\n left: 0,\\n width: 100,\\n height: 100\\n };\\n },\\n getLayerSize: function getLayerSize() {\\n return 5 === this.data.ty ? {\\n w: this.data.textData.width,\\n h: this.data.textData.height\\n } : {\\n w: this.data.width,\\n h: this.data.height\\n };\\n }\\n }, extendPrototype([RenderableElement, createProxyFunction({\\n initElement: function initElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.initFrame(), this.initBaseData(t, e, r), this.initTransform(t, e, r), this.initHierarchy(), this.initRenderable(), this.initRendererElement(), this.createContainerElements(), this.createRenderableComponents(), this.createContent(), this.hide();\\n },\\n hide: function hide() {\\n this.hidden || this.isInRange && !this.isTransparent || ((this.baseElement || this.layerElement).style.display = \"none\", this.hidden = !0);\\n },\\n show: function show() {\\n this.isInRange && !this.isTransparent && (this.data.hd || ((this.baseElement || this.layerElement).style.display = \"block\"), this.hidden = !1, this._isFirstFrame = !0);\\n },\\n renderFrame: function renderFrame() {\\n this.data.hd || this.hidden || (this.renderTransform(), this.renderRenderable(), this.renderElement(), this.renderInnerContent(), this._isFirstFrame && (this._isFirstFrame = !1));\\n },\\n renderInnerContent: function renderInnerContent() {},\\n prepareFrame: function prepareFrame(t) {\\n this._mdf = !1, this.prepareRenderableFrame(t), this.prepareProperties(t, this.isInRange), this.checkTransparency();\\n },\\n destroy: function destroy() {\\n this.innerElem = null, this.destroyBaseElement();\\n }\\n })], RenderableDOMElement), SVGStyleData.prototype.reset = function () {\\n this.d = \"\", this._mdf = !1;\\n }, SVGShapeData.prototype.setAsAnimated = function () {\\n this._isAnimated = !0;\\n }, extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], SVGStrokeStyleData), extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], SVGFillStyleData), SVGGradientFillStyleData.prototype.initGradientData = function (t, e, r) {\\n this.o = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.o, 0, .01, this), this.s = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.s, 1, null, this), this.e = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.e, 1, null, this), this.h = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.h || {\\n k: 0\\n }, 0, .01, this), this.a = PropertyFactory.getProp(t, e.a || {\\n k: 0\\n }, 0, degToRads, this), this.g = new GradientProperty(t, e.g, this), this.style = r, this.stops = [], this.setGradientData(r.pElem, e), this.setGradientOpacity(e, r), this._isAnimated = !!this._isAnimated;\\n }, SVGGradientFillStyleData.prototype.setGradientData = function (t, e) {\\n var r = createElementID(),\\n i = createNS(1 === e.t ? \"linearGradient\" : \"radialGradient\");\\n i.setAttribute(\"id\", r), i.setAttribute(\"spreadMethod\", \"pad\"), i.setAttribute(\"gradientUnits\", \"userSpaceOnUse\");\\n var a,\\n s,\\n n,\\n o = [];\\n\\n for (n = 4 * e.g.p, s = 0; s < n; s += 4) {\\n a = createNS(\"stop\"), i.appendChild(a), o.push(a);\\n }\\n\\n t.setAttribute(\"gf\" === e.ty ? \"fill\" : \"stroke\", \"url(\" + locationHref + \"#\" + r + \")\"), this.gf = i, this.cst = o;\\n }, SVGGradientFillStyleData.prototype.setGradientOpacity = function (t, e) {\\n if (this.g._hasOpacity && !this.g._collapsable) {\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a,\\n s = createNS(\"mask\"),\\n n = createNS(\"path\");\\n s.appendChild(n);\\n var o = createElementID(),\\n h = createElementID();\\n s.setAttribute(\"id\", h);\\n var l = createNS(1 === t.t ? \"linearGradient\" : \"radialGradient\");\\n l.setAttribute(\"id\", o), l.setAttribute(\"spreadMethod\", \"pad\"), l.setAttribute(\"gradientUnits\", \"userSpaceOnUse\"), a = t.g.k.k[0].s ? t.g.k.k[0].s.length : t.g.k.k.length;\\n var p = this.stops;\\n\\n for (i = 4 * t.g.p; i < a; i += 2) {\\n (r = createNS(\"stop\")).setAttribute(\"stop-color\", \"rgb(255,255,255)\"), l.appendChild(r), p.push(r);\\n }\\n\\n n.setAttribute(\"gf\" === t.ty ? \"fill\" : \"stroke\", \"url(\" + locationHref + \"#\" + o + \")\"), \"gs\" === t.ty && (n.setAttribute(\"stroke-linecap\", lineCapEnum[t.lc || 2]), n.setAttribute(\"stroke-linejoin\", lineJoinEnum[t.lj || 2]), 1 === t.lj && n.setAttribute(\"stroke-miterlimit\", t.ml)), this.of = l, this.ms = s, this.ost = p, this.maskId = h, e.msElem = n;\\n }\\n }, extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], SVGGradientFillStyleData), extendPrototype([SVGGradientFillStyleData, DynamicPropertyContainer], SVGGradientStrokeStyleData);\\n\\n var SVGElementsRenderer = function () {\\n var t = new Matrix(),\\n e = new Matrix();\\n\\n function r(t, e, r) {\\n (r || e.transform.op._mdf) && e.transform.container.setAttribute(\"opacity\", e.transform.op.v), (r || e.transform.mProps._mdf) && e.transform.container.setAttribute(\"transform\", e.transform.mProps.v.to2dCSS());\\n }\\n\\n function i(r, i, a) {\\n var s,\\n n,\\n o,\\n h,\\n l,\\n p,\\n c,\\n f,\\n d,\\n m,\\n u,\\n y = i.styles.length,\\n g = i.lvl;\\n\\n for (p = 0; p < y; p += 1) {\\n if (h = i.sh._mdf || a, i.styles[p].lvl < g) {\\n for (f = e.reset(), m = g - i.styles[p].lvl, u = i.transformers.length - 1; !h && m > 0;) {\\n h = i.transformers[u].mProps._mdf || h, m -= 1, u -= 1;\\n }\\n\\n if (h) for (m = g - i.styles[p].lvl, u = i.transformers.length - 1; m > 0;) {\\n d = i.transformers[u].mProps.v.props, f.transform(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5], d[6], d[7], d[8], d[9], d[10], d[11], d[12], d[13], d[14], d[15]), m -= 1, u -= 1;\\n }\\n } else f = t;\\n\\n if (n = (c = i.sh.paths)._length, h) {\\n for (o = \"\", s = 0; s < n; s += 1) {\\n (l = c.shapes[s]) && l._length && (o += buildShapeString(l, l._length, l.c, f));\\n }\\n\\n i.caches[p] = o;\\n } else o = i.caches[p];\\n\\n i.styles[p].d += !0 === r.hd ? \"\" : o, i.styles[p]._mdf = h || i.styles[p]._mdf;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function a(t, e, r) {\\n var i = e.style;\\n (e.c._mdf || r) && i.pElem.setAttribute(\"fill\", \"rgb(\" + bmFloor(e.c.v[0]) + \",\" + bmFloor(e.c.v[1]) + \",\" + bmFloor(e.c.v[2]) + \")\"), (e.o._mdf || r) && i.pElem.setAttribute(\"fill-opacity\", e.o.v);\\n }\\n\\n function s(t, e, r) {\\n n(t, e, r), o(0, e, r);\\n }\\n\\n function n(t, e, r) {\\n var i,\\n a,\\n s,\\n n,\\n o,\\n h = e.gf,\\n l = e.g._hasOpacity,\\n p = e.s.v,\\n c = e.e.v;\\n\\n if (e.o._mdf || r) {\\n var f = \"gf\" === t.ty ? \"fill-opacity\" : \"stroke-opacity\";\\n e.style.pElem.setAttribute(f, e.o.v);\\n }\\n\\n if (e.s._mdf || r) {\\n var d = 1 === t.t ? \"x1\" : \"cx\",\\n m = \"x1\" === d ? \"y1\" : \"cy\";\\n h.setAttribute(d, p[0]), h.setAttribute(m, p[1]), l && !e.g._collapsable && (e.of.setAttribute(d, p[0]), e.of.setAttribute(m, p[1]));\\n }\\n\\n if (e.g._cmdf || r) {\\n i = e.cst;\\n var u = e.g.c;\\n\\n for (s = i.length, a = 0; a < s; a += 1) {\\n (n = i[a]).setAttribute(\"offset\", u[4 * a] + \"%\"), n.setAttribute(\"stop-color\", \"rgb(\" + u[4 * a + 1] + \",\" + u[4 * a + 2] + \",\" + u[4 * a + 3] + \")\");\\n }\\n }\\n\\n if (l && (e.g._omdf || r)) {\\n var y = e.g.o;\\n\\n for (s = (i = e.g._collapsable ? e.cst : e.ost).length, a = 0; a < s; a += 1) {\\n n = i[a], e.g._collapsable || n.setAttribute(\"offset\", y[2 * a] + \"%\"), n.setAttribute(\"stop-opacity\", y[2 * a + 1]);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n if (1 === t.t) (e.e._mdf || r) && (h.setAttribute(\"x2\", c[0]), h.setAttribute(\"y2\", c[1]), l && !e.g._collapsable && (e.of.setAttribute(\"x2\", c[0]), e.of.setAttribute(\"y2\", c[1])));else if ((e.s._mdf || e.e._mdf || r) && (o = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p[0] - c[0], 2) + Math.pow(p[1] - c[1], 2)), h.setAttribute(\"r\", o), l && !e.g._collapsable && e.of.setAttribute(\"r\", o)), e.e._mdf || e.h._mdf || e.a._mdf || r) {\\n o || (o = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p[0] - c[0], 2) + Math.pow(p[1] - c[1], 2)));\\n var g = Math.atan2(c[1] - p[1], c[0] - p[0]),\\n v = e.h.v;\\n v >= 1 ? v = .99 : v <= -1 && (v = -.99);\\n\\n var b = o * v,\\n _ = Math.cos(g + e.a.v) * b + p[0],\\n P = Math.sin(g + e.a.v) * b + p[1];\\n\\n h.setAttribute(\"fx\", _), h.setAttribute(\"fy\", P), l && !e.g._collapsable && (e.of.setAttribute(\"fx\", _), e.of.setAttribute(\"fy\", P));\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function o(t, e, r) {\\n var i = e.style,\\n a = e.d;\\n a && (a._mdf || r) && a.dashStr && (i.pElem.setAttribute(\"stroke-dasharray\", a.dashStr), i.pElem.setAttribute(\"stroke-dashoffset\", a.dashoffset[0])), e.c && (e.c._mdf || r) && i.pElem.setAttribute(\"stroke\", \"rgb(\" + bmFloor(e.c.v[0]) + \",\" + bmFloor(e.c.v[1]) + \",\" + bmFloor(e.c.v[2]) + \")\"), (e.o._mdf || r) && i.pElem.setAttribute(\"stroke-opacity\", e.o.v), (e.w._mdf || r) && (i.pElem.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", e.w.v), i.msElem && i.msElem.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", e.w.v));\\n }\\n\\n return {\\n createRenderFunction: function createRenderFunction(t) {\\n switch (t.ty) {\\n case \"fl\":\\n return a;\\n\\n case \"gf\":\\n return n;\\n\\n case \"gs\":\\n return s;\\n\\n case \"st\":\\n return o;\\n\\n case \"sh\":\\n case \"el\":\\n case \"rc\":\\n case \"sr\":\\n return i;\\n\\n case \"tr\":\\n return r;\\n\\n default:\\n return null;\\n }\\n }\\n };\\n }();\\n\\n function ShapeTransformManager() {\\n this.sequences = {}, this.sequenceList = [], this.transform_key_count = 0;\\n }\\n\\n function CVShapeData(t, e, r, i) {\\n this.styledShapes = [], this.tr = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];\\n var a,\\n s = 4;\\n \"rc\" === e.ty ? s = 5 : \"el\" === e.ty ? s = 6 : \"sr\" === e.ty && (s = 7), this.sh = ShapePropertyFactory.getShapeProp(t, e, s, t);\\n var n,\\n o = r.length;\\n\\n for (a = 0; a < o; a += 1) {\\n r[a].closed || (n = {\\n transforms: i.addTransformSequence(r[a].transforms),\\n trNodes: []\\n }, this.styledShapes.push(n), r[a].elements.push(n));\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function BaseElement() {}\\n\\n function NullElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.initFrame(), this.initBaseData(t, e, r), this.initFrame(), this.initTransform(t, e, r), this.initHierarchy();\\n }\\n\\n function SVGBaseElement() {}\\n\\n function IShapeElement() {}\\n\\n function ITextElement() {}\\n\\n function ICompElement() {}\\n\\n function IImageElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.assetData = e.getAssetData(t.refId), this.initElement(t, e, r), this.sourceRect = {\\n top: 0,\\n left: 0,\\n width: this.assetData.w,\\n height: this.assetData.h\\n };\\n }\\n\\n function ISolidElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.initElement(t, e, r);\\n }\\n\\n function AudioElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.initFrame(), this.initRenderable(), this.assetData = e.getAssetData(t.refId), this.initBaseData(t, e, r), this._isPlaying = !1, this._canPlay = !1;\\n var i = this.globalData.getAssetsPath(this.assetData);\\n this.audio = this.globalData.audioController.createAudio(i), this._currentTime = 0, this.globalData.audioController.addAudio(this), this.tm = t.tm ? PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.tm, 0, e.frameRate, this) : {\\n _placeholder: !0\\n };\\n }\\n\\n function FootageElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.initFrame(), this.initRenderable(), this.assetData = e.getAssetData(t.refId), this.footageData = e.imageLoader.getAsset(this.assetData), this.initBaseData(t, e, r);\\n }\\n\\n function SVGCompElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.layers = t.layers, this.supports3d = !0, this.completeLayers = !1, this.pendingElements = [], this.elements = this.layers ? createSizedArray(this.layers.length) : [], this.initElement(t, e, r), this.tm = t.tm ? PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.tm, 0, e.frameRate, this) : {\\n _placeholder: !0\\n };\\n }\\n\\n function SVGTextLottieElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.textSpans = [], this.renderType = \"svg\", this.initElement(t, e, r);\\n }\\n\\n function SVGShapeElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.shapes = [], this.shapesData = t.shapes, this.stylesList = [], this.shapeModifiers = [], this.itemsData = [], this.processedElements = [], this.animatedContents = [], this.initElement(t, e, r), this.prevViewData = [];\\n }\\n\\n function SVGTintFilter(t, e) {\\n this.filterManager = e;\\n var r = createNS(\"feColorMatrix\");\\n\\n if (r.setAttribute(\"type\", \"matrix\"), r.setAttribute(\"color-interpolation-filters\", \"linearRGB\"), r.setAttribute(\"values\", \"0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0 0 0 1 0\"), r.setAttribute(\"result\", \"f1\"), t.appendChild(r), (r = createNS(\"feColorMatrix\")).setAttribute(\"type\", \"matrix\"), r.setAttribute(\"color-interpolation-filters\", \"sRGB\"), r.setAttribute(\"values\", \"1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0\"), r.setAttribute(\"result\", \"f2\"), t.appendChild(r), this.matrixFilter = r, 100 !== e.effectElements[2].p.v || e.effectElements[2].p.k) {\\n var i,\\n a = createNS(\"feMerge\");\\n t.appendChild(a), (i = createNS(\"feMergeNode\")).setAttribute(\"in\", \"SourceGraphic\"), a.appendChild(i), (i = createNS(\"feMergeNode\")).setAttribute(\"in\", \"f2\"), a.appendChild(i);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function SVGFillFilter(t, e) {\\n this.filterManager = e;\\n var r = createNS(\"feColorMatrix\");\\n r.setAttribute(\"type\", \"matrix\"), r.setAttribute(\"color-interpolation-filters\", \"sRGB\"), r.setAttribute(\"values\", \"1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0\"), t.appendChild(r), this.matrixFilter = r;\\n }\\n\\n function SVGGaussianBlurEffect(t, e) {\\n t.setAttribute(\"x\", \"-100%\"), t.setAttribute(\"y\", \"-100%\"), t.setAttribute(\"width\", \"300%\"), t.setAttribute(\"height\", \"300%\"), this.filterManager = e;\\n var r = createNS(\"feGaussianBlur\");\\n t.appendChild(r), this.feGaussianBlur = r;\\n }\\n\\n function SVGStrokeEffect(t, e) {\\n this.initialized = !1, this.filterManager = e, this.elem = t, this.paths = [];\\n }\\n\\n function SVGTritoneFilter(t, e) {\\n this.filterManager = e;\\n var r = createNS(\"feColorMatrix\");\\n r.setAttribute(\"type\", \"matrix\"), r.setAttribute(\"color-interpolation-filters\", \"linearRGB\"), r.setAttribute(\"values\", \"0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0 0 0 1 0\"), r.setAttribute(\"result\", \"f1\"), t.appendChild(r);\\n var i = createNS(\"feComponentTransfer\");\\n i.setAttribute(\"color-interpolation-filters\", \"sRGB\"), t.appendChild(i), this.matrixFilter = i;\\n var a = createNS(\"feFuncR\");\\n a.setAttribute(\"type\", \"table\"), i.appendChild(a), this.feFuncR = a;\\n var s = createNS(\"feFuncG\");\\n s.setAttribute(\"type\", \"table\"), i.appendChild(s), this.feFuncG = s;\\n var n = createNS(\"feFuncB\");\\n n.setAttribute(\"type\", \"table\"), i.appendChild(n), this.feFuncB = n;\\n }\\n\\n function SVGProLevelsFilter(t, e) {\\n this.filterManager = e;\\n var r = this.filterManager.effectElements,\\n i = createNS(\"feComponentTransfer\");\\n (r[10].p.k || 0 !== r[10].p.v || r[11].p.k || 1 !== r[11].p.v || r[12].p.k || 1 !== r[12].p.v || r[13].p.k || 0 !== r[13].p.v || r[14].p.k || 1 !== r[14].p.v) && (this.feFuncR = this.createFeFunc(\"feFuncR\", i)), (r[17].p.k || 0 !== r[17].p.v || r[18].p.k || 1 !== r[18].p.v || r[19].p.k || 1 !== r[19].p.v || r[20].p.k || 0 !== r[20].p.v || r[21].p.k || 1 !== r[21].p.v) && (this.feFuncG = this.createFeFunc(\"feFuncG\", i)), (r[24].p.k || 0 !== r[24].p.v || r[25].p.k || 1 !== r[25].p.v || r[26].p.k || 1 !== r[26].p.v || r[27].p.k || 0 !== r[27].p.v || r[28].p.k || 1 !== r[28].p.v) && (this.feFuncB = this.createFeFunc(\"feFuncB\", i)), (r[31].p.k || 0 !== r[31].p.v || r[32].p.k || 1 !== r[32].p.v || r[33].p.k || 1 !== r[33].p.v || r[34].p.k || 0 !== r[34].p.v || r[35].p.k || 1 !== r[35].p.v) && (this.feFuncA = this.createFeFunc(\"feFuncA\", i)), (this.feFuncR || this.feFuncG || this.feFuncB || this.feFuncA) && (i.setAttribute(\"color-interpolation-filters\", \"sRGB\"), t.appendChild(i), i = createNS(\"feComponentTransfer\")), (r[3].p.k || 0 !== r[3].p.v || r[4].p.k || 1 !== r[4].p.v || r[5].p.k || 1 !== r[5].p.v || r[6].p.k || 0 !== r[6].p.v || r[7].p.k || 1 !== r[7].p.v) && (i.setAttribute(\"color-interpolation-filters\", \"sRGB\"), t.appendChild(i), this.feFuncRComposed = this.createFeFunc(\"feFuncR\", i), this.feFuncGComposed = this.createFeFunc(\"feFuncG\", i), this.feFuncBComposed = this.createFeFunc(\"feFuncB\", i));\\n }\\n\\n function SVGDropShadowEffect(t, e) {\\n var r = e.container.globalData.renderConfig.filterSize;\\n t.setAttribute(\"x\", r.x), t.setAttribute(\"y\", r.y), t.setAttribute(\"width\", r.width), t.setAttribute(\"height\", r.height), this.filterManager = e;\\n var i = createNS(\"feGaussianBlur\");\\n i.setAttribute(\"in\", \"SourceAlpha\"), i.setAttribute(\"result\", \"drop_shadow_1\"), i.setAttribute(\"stdDeviation\", \"0\"), this.feGaussianBlur = i, t.appendChild(i);\\n var a = createNS(\"feOffset\");\\n a.setAttribute(\"dx\", \"25\"), a.setAttribute(\"dy\", \"0\"), a.setAttribute(\"in\", \"drop_shadow_1\"), a.setAttribute(\"result\", \"drop_shadow_2\"), this.feOffset = a, t.appendChild(a);\\n var s = createNS(\"feFlood\");\\n s.setAttribute(\"flood-color\", \"#00ff00\"), s.setAttribute(\"flood-opacity\", \"1\"), s.setAttribute(\"result\", \"drop_shadow_3\"), this.feFlood = s, t.appendChild(s);\\n var n = createNS(\"feComposite\");\\n n.setAttribute(\"in\", \"drop_shadow_3\"), n.setAttribute(\"in2\", \"drop_shadow_2\"), n.setAttribute(\"operator\", \"in\"), n.setAttribute(\"result\", \"drop_shadow_4\"), t.appendChild(n);\\n var o,\\n h = createNS(\"feMerge\");\\n t.appendChild(h), o = createNS(\"feMergeNode\"), h.appendChild(o), (o = createNS(\"feMergeNode\")).setAttribute(\"in\", \"SourceGraphic\"), this.feMergeNode = o, this.feMerge = h, this.originalNodeAdded = !1, h.appendChild(o);\\n }\\n\\n ShapeTransformManager.prototype = {\\n addTransformSequence: function addTransformSequence(t) {\\n var e,\\n r = t.length,\\n i = \"_\";\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n i += t[e].transform.key + \"_\";\\n }\\n\\n var a = this.sequences[i];\\n return a || (a = {\\n transforms: [].concat(t),\\n finalTransform: new Matrix(),\\n _mdf: !1\\n }, this.sequences[i] = a, this.sequenceList.push(a)), a;\\n },\\n processSequence: function processSequence(t, e) {\\n for (var r, i = 0, a = t.transforms.length, s = e; i < a && !e;) {\\n if (t.transforms[i].transform.mProps._mdf) {\\n s = !0;\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n i += 1;\\n }\\n\\n if (s) for (t.finalTransform.reset(), i = a - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {\\n r = t.transforms[i].transform.mProps.v.props, t.finalTransform.transform(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8], r[9], r[10], r[11], r[12], r[13], r[14], r[15]);\\n }\\n t._mdf = s;\\n },\\n processSequences: function processSequences(t) {\\n var e,\\n r = this.sequenceList.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n this.processSequence(this.sequenceList[e], t);\\n }\\n },\\n getNewKey: function getNewKey() {\\n return this.transform_key_count += 1, \"_\" + this.transform_key_count;\\n }\\n }, CVShapeData.prototype.setAsAnimated = SVGShapeData.prototype.setAsAnimated, BaseElement.prototype = {\\n checkMasks: function checkMasks() {\\n if (!this.data.hasMask) return !1;\\n\\n for (var t = 0, e = this.data.masksProperties.length; t < e;) {\\n if (\"n\" !== this.data.masksProperties[t].mode && !1 !== this.data.masksProperties[t].cl) return !0;\\n t += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return !1;\\n },\\n initExpressions: function initExpressions() {\\n this.layerInterface = LayerExpressionInterface(this), this.data.hasMask && this.maskManager && this.layerInterface.registerMaskInterface(this.maskManager);\\n var t = EffectsExpressionInterface.createEffectsInterface(this, this.layerInterface);\\n this.layerInterface.registerEffectsInterface(t), 0 === this.data.ty || this.data.xt ? this.compInterface = CompExpressionInterface(this) : 4 === this.data.ty ? (this.layerInterface.shapeInterface = ShapeExpressionInterface(this.shapesData, this.itemsData, this.layerInterface), this.layerInterface.content = this.layerInterface.shapeInterface) : 5 === this.data.ty && (this.layerInterface.textInterface = TextExpressionInterface(this), this.layerInterface.text = this.layerInterface.textInterface);\\n },\\n setBlendMode: function setBlendMode() {\\n var t = getBlendMode(this.data.bm);\\n (this.baseElement || this.layerElement).style[\"mix-blend-mode\"] = t;\\n },\\n initBaseData: function initBaseData(t, e, r) {\\n this.globalData = e, this.comp = r, this.data = t, this.layerId = createElementID(), this.data.sr || (this.data.sr = 1), this.effectsManager = new EffectsManager(this.data, this, this.dynamicProperties);\\n },\\n getType: function getType() {\\n return this.type;\\n },\\n sourceRectAtTime: function sourceRectAtTime() {}\\n }, NullElement.prototype.prepareFrame = function (t) {\\n this.prepareProperties(t, !0);\\n }, NullElement.prototype.renderFrame = function () {}, NullElement.prototype.getBaseElement = function () {\\n return null;\\n }, NullElement.prototype.destroy = function () {}, NullElement.prototype.sourceRectAtTime = function () {}, NullElement.prototype.hide = function () {}, extendPrototype([BaseElement, TransformElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement], NullElement), SVGBaseElement.prototype = {\\n initRendererElement: function initRendererElement() {\\n this.layerElement = createNS(\"g\");\\n },\\n createContainerElements: function createContainerElements() {\\n this.matteElement = createNS(\"g\"), this.transformedElement = this.layerElement, this.maskedElement = this.layerElement, this._sizeChanged = !1;\\n var t,\\n e,\\n r,\\n i = null;\\n\\n if (this.data.td) {\\n if (3 == this.data.td || 1 == this.data.td) {\\n var a = createNS(\"mask\");\\n a.setAttribute(\"id\", this.layerId), a.setAttribute(\"mask-type\", 3 == this.data.td ? \"luminance\" : \"alpha\"), a.appendChild(this.layerElement), i = a, this.globalData.defs.appendChild(a), featureSupport.maskType || 1 != this.data.td || (a.setAttribute(\"mask-type\", \"luminance\"), t = createElementID(), e = filtersFactory.createFilter(t), this.globalData.defs.appendChild(e), e.appendChild(filtersFactory.createAlphaToLuminanceFilter()), (r = createNS(\"g\")).appendChild(this.layerElement), i = r, a.appendChild(r), r.setAttribute(\"filter\", \"url(\" + locationHref + \"#\" + t + \")\"));\\n } else if (2 == this.data.td) {\\n var s = createNS(\"mask\");\\n s.setAttribute(\"id\", this.layerId), s.setAttribute(\"mask-type\", \"alpha\");\\n var n = createNS(\"g\");\\n s.appendChild(n), t = createElementID(), e = filtersFactory.createFilter(t);\\n var o = createNS(\"feComponentTransfer\");\\n o.setAttribute(\"in\", \"SourceGraphic\"), e.appendChild(o);\\n var h = createNS(\"feFuncA\");\\n h.setAttribute(\"type\", \"table\"), h.setAttribute(\"tableValues\", \"1.0 0.0\"), o.appendChild(h), this.globalData.defs.appendChild(e);\\n var l = createNS(\"rect\");\\n l.setAttribute(\"width\", this.comp.data.w), l.setAttribute(\"height\", this.comp.data.h), l.setAttribute(\"x\", \"0\"), l.setAttribute(\"y\", \"0\"), l.setAttribute(\"fill\", \"#ffffff\"), l.setAttribute(\"opacity\", \"0\"), n.setAttribute(\"filter\", \"url(\" + locationHref + \"#\" + t + \")\"), n.appendChild(l), n.appendChild(this.layerElement), i = n, featureSupport.maskType || (s.setAttribute(\"mask-type\", \"luminance\"), e.appendChild(filtersFactory.createAlphaToLuminanceFilter()), r = createNS(\"g\"), n.appendChild(l), r.appendChild(this.layerElement), i = r, n.appendChild(r)), this.globalData.defs.appendChild(s);\\n }\\n } else this.data.tt ? (this.matteElement.appendChild(this.layerElement), i = this.matteElement, this.baseElement = this.matteElement) : this.baseElement = this.layerElement;\\n\\n if (this.data.ln && this.layerElement.setAttribute(\"id\", this.data.ln), this.data.cl && this.layerElement.setAttribute(\"class\", this.data.cl), 0 === this.data.ty && !this.data.hd) {\\n var p = createNS(\"clipPath\"),\\n c = createNS(\"path\");\\n c.setAttribute(\"d\", \"M0,0 L\" + this.data.w + \",0 L\" + this.data.w + \",\" + this.data.h + \" L0,\" + this.data.h + \"z\");\\n var f = createElementID();\\n\\n if (p.setAttribute(\"id\", f), p.appendChild(c), this.globalData.defs.appendChild(p), this.checkMasks()) {\\n var d = createNS(\"g\");\\n d.setAttribute(\"clip-path\", \"url(\" + locationHref + \"#\" + f + \")\"), d.appendChild(this.layerElement), this.transformedElement = d, i ? i.appendChild(this.transformedElement) : this.baseElement = this.transformedElement;\\n } else this.layerElement.setAttribute(\"clip-path\", \"url(\" + locationHref + \"#\" + f + \")\");\\n }\\n\\n 0 !== this.data.bm && this.setBlendMode();\\n },\\n renderElement: function renderElement() {\\n this.finalTransform._matMdf && this.transformedElement.setAttribute(\"transform\", this.finalTransform.mat.to2dCSS()), this.finalTransform._opMdf && this.transformedElement.setAttribute(\"opacity\", this.finalTransform.mProp.o.v);\\n },\\n destroyBaseElement: function destroyBaseElement() {\\n this.layerElement = null, this.matteElement = null, this.maskManager.destroy();\\n },\\n getBaseElement: function getBaseElement() {\\n return this.data.hd ? null : this.baseElement;\\n },\\n createRenderableComponents: function createRenderableComponents() {\\n this.maskManager = new MaskElement(this.data, this, this.globalData), this.renderableEffectsManager = new SVGEffects(this);\\n },\\n setMatte: function setMatte(t) {\\n this.matteElement && this.matteElement.setAttribute(\"mask\", \"url(\" + locationHref + \"#\" + t + \")\");\\n }\\n }, IShapeElement.prototype = {\\n addShapeToModifiers: function addShapeToModifiers(t) {\\n var e,\\n r = this.shapeModifiers.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n this.shapeModifiers[e].addShape(t);\\n }\\n },\\n isShapeInAnimatedModifiers: function isShapeInAnimatedModifiers(t) {\\n for (var e = this.shapeModifiers.length; 0 < e;) {\\n if (this.shapeModifiers[0].isAnimatedWithShape(t)) return !0;\\n }\\n\\n return !1;\\n },\\n renderModifiers: function renderModifiers() {\\n if (this.shapeModifiers.length) {\\n var t,\\n e = this.shapes.length;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n this.shapes[t].sh.reset();\\n }\\n\\n for (t = (e = this.shapeModifiers.length) - 1; t >= 0 && !this.shapeModifiers[t].processShapes(this._isFirstFrame); t -= 1) {\\n ;\\n }\\n }\\n },\\n searchProcessedElement: function searchProcessedElement(t) {\\n for (var e = this.processedElements, r = 0, i = e.length; r < i;) {\\n if (e[r].elem === t) return e[r].pos;\\n r += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return 0;\\n },\\n addProcessedElement: function addProcessedElement(t, e) {\\n for (var r = this.processedElements, i = r.length; i;) {\\n if (r[i -= 1].elem === t) return void (r[i].pos = e);\\n }\\n\\n r.push(new ProcessedElement(t, e));\\n },\\n prepareFrame: function prepareFrame(t) {\\n this.prepareRenderableFrame(t), this.prepareProperties(t, this.isInRange);\\n }\\n }, ITextElement.prototype.initElement = function (t, e, r) {\\n this.lettersChangedFlag = !0, this.initFrame(), this.initBaseData(t, e, r), this.textProperty = new TextProperty(this, t.t, this.dynamicProperties), this.textAnimator = new TextAnimatorProperty(t.t, this.renderType, this), this.initTransform(t, e, r), this.initHierarchy(), this.initRenderable(), this.initRendererElement(), this.createContainerElements(), this.createRenderableComponents(), this.createContent(), this.hide(), this.textAnimator.searchProperties(this.dynamicProperties);\\n }, ITextElement.prototype.prepareFrame = function (t) {\\n this._mdf = !1, this.prepareRenderableFrame(t), this.prepareProperties(t, this.isInRange), (this.textProperty._mdf || this.textProperty._isFirstFrame) && (this.buildNewText(), this.textProperty._isFirstFrame = !1, this.textProperty._mdf = !1);\\n }, ITextElement.prototype.createPathShape = function (t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a = e.length,\\n s = \"\";\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < a; r += 1) {\\n i = e[r].ks.k, s += buildShapeString(i, i.i.length, !0, t);\\n }\\n\\n return s;\\n }, ITextElement.prototype.updateDocumentData = function (t, e) {\\n this.textProperty.updateDocumentData(t, e);\\n }, ITextElement.prototype.canResizeFont = function (t) {\\n this.textProperty.canResizeFont(t);\\n }, ITextElement.prototype.setMinimumFontSize = function (t) {\\n this.textProperty.setMinimumFontSize(t);\\n }, ITextElement.prototype.applyTextPropertiesToMatrix = function (t, e, r, i, a) {\\n switch (t.ps && e.translate(t.ps[0], t.ps[1] + t.ascent, 0), e.translate(0, -t.ls, 0), t.j) {\\n case 1:\\n e.translate(t.justifyOffset + (t.boxWidth - t.lineWidths[r]), 0, 0);\\n break;\\n\\n case 2:\\n e.translate(t.justifyOffset + (t.boxWidth - t.lineWidths[r]) / 2, 0, 0);\\n }\\n\\n e.translate(i, a, 0);\\n }, ITextElement.prototype.buildColor = function (t) {\\n return \"rgb(\" + Math.round(255 * t[0]) + \",\" + Math.round(255 * t[1]) + \",\" + Math.round(255 * t[2]) + \")\";\\n }, ITextElement.prototype.emptyProp = new LetterProps(), ITextElement.prototype.destroy = function () {}, extendPrototype([BaseElement, TransformElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableDOMElement], ICompElement), ICompElement.prototype.initElement = function (t, e, r) {\\n this.initFrame(), this.initBaseData(t, e, r), this.initTransform(t, e, r), this.initRenderable(), this.initHierarchy(), this.initRendererElement(), this.createContainerElements(), this.createRenderableComponents(), !this.data.xt && e.progressiveLoad || this.buildAllItems(), this.hide();\\n }, ICompElement.prototype.prepareFrame = function (t) {\\n if (this._mdf = !1, this.prepareRenderableFrame(t), this.prepareProperties(t, this.isInRange), this.isInRange || this.data.xt) {\\n if (this.tm._placeholder) this.renderedFrame = t / this.data.sr;else {\\n var e = this.tm.v;\\n e === this.data.op && (e = this.data.op - 1), this.renderedFrame = e;\\n }\\n var r,\\n i = this.elements.length;\\n\\n for (this.completeLayers || this.checkLayers(this.renderedFrame), r = i - 1; r >= 0; r -= 1) {\\n (this.completeLayers || this.elements[r]) && (this.elements[r].prepareFrame(this.renderedFrame - this.layers[r].st), this.elements[r]._mdf && (this._mdf = !0));\\n }\\n }\\n }, ICompElement.prototype.renderInnerContent = function () {\\n var t,\\n e = this.layers.length;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n (this.completeLayers || this.elements[t]) && this.elements[t].renderFrame();\\n }\\n }, ICompElement.prototype.setElements = function (t) {\\n this.elements = t;\\n }, ICompElement.prototype.getElements = function () {\\n return this.elements;\\n }, ICompElement.prototype.destroyElements = function () {\\n var t,\\n e = this.layers.length;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n this.elements[t] && this.elements[t].destroy();\\n }\\n }, ICompElement.prototype.destroy = function () {\\n this.destroyElements(), this.destroyBaseElement();\\n }, extendPrototype([BaseElement, TransformElement, SVGBaseElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableDOMElement], IImageElement), IImageElement.prototype.createContent = function () {\\n var t = this.globalData.getAssetsPath(this.assetData);\\n this.innerElem = createNS(\"image\"), this.innerElem.setAttribute(\"width\", this.assetData.w + \"px\"), this.innerElem.setAttribute(\"height\", this.assetData.h + \"px\"), this.innerElem.setAttribute(\"preserveAspectRatio\", this.assetData.pr || this.globalData.renderConfig.imagePreserveAspectRatio), this.innerElem.setAttributeNS(\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\", \"href\", t), this.layerElement.appendChild(this.innerElem);\\n }, IImageElement.prototype.sourceRectAtTime = function () {\\n return this.sourceRect;\\n }, extendPrototype([IImageElement], ISolidElement), ISolidElement.prototype.createContent = function () {\\n var t = createNS(\"rect\");\\n t.setAttribute(\"width\", this.data.sw), t.setAttribute(\"height\", this.data.sh), t.setAttribute(\"fill\", this.data.sc), this.layerElement.appendChild(t);\\n }, AudioElement.prototype.prepareFrame = function (t) {\\n if (this.prepareRenderableFrame(t, !0), this.prepareProperties(t, !0), this.tm._placeholder) this._currentTime = t / this.data.sr;else {\\n var e = this.tm.v;\\n this._currentTime = e;\\n }\\n }, extendPrototype([RenderableElement, BaseElement, FrameElement], AudioElement), AudioElement.prototype.renderFrame = function () {\\n this.isInRange && this._canPlay && (this._isPlaying ? (!this.audio.playing() || Math.abs(this._currentTime / this.globalData.frameRate - this.audio.seek()) > .1) && this.audio.seek(this._currentTime / this.globalData.frameRate) : (this.audio.play(), this.audio.seek(this._currentTime / this.globalData.frameRate), this._isPlaying = !0));\\n }, AudioElement.prototype.show = function () {}, AudioElement.prototype.hide = function () {\\n this.audio.pause(), this._isPlaying = !1;\\n }, AudioElement.prototype.pause = function () {\\n this.audio.pause(), this._isPlaying = !1, this._canPlay = !1;\\n }, AudioElement.prototype.resume = function () {\\n this._canPlay = !0;\\n }, AudioElement.prototype.setRate = function (t) {\\n this.audio.rate(t);\\n }, AudioElement.prototype.volume = function (t) {\\n this.audio.volume(t);\\n }, AudioElement.prototype.getBaseElement = function () {\\n return null;\\n }, AudioElement.prototype.destroy = function () {}, AudioElement.prototype.sourceRectAtTime = function () {}, AudioElement.prototype.initExpressions = function () {}, FootageElement.prototype.prepareFrame = function () {}, extendPrototype([RenderableElement, BaseElement, FrameElement], FootageElement), FootageElement.prototype.getBaseElement = function () {\\n return null;\\n }, FootageElement.prototype.renderFrame = function () {}, FootageElement.prototype.destroy = function () {}, FootageElement.prototype.initExpressions = function () {\\n this.layerInterface = FootageInterface(this);\\n }, FootageElement.prototype.getFootageData = function () {\\n return this.footageData;\\n }, extendPrototype([SVGRenderer, ICompElement, SVGBaseElement], SVGCompElement), extendPrototype([BaseElement, TransformElement, SVGBaseElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableDOMElement, ITextElement], SVGTextLottieElement), SVGTextLottieElement.prototype.createContent = function () {\\n this.data.singleShape && !this.globalData.fontManager.chars && (this.textContainer = createNS(\"text\"));\\n }, SVGTextLottieElement.prototype.buildTextContents = function (t) {\\n for (var e = 0, r = t.length, i = [], a = \"\"; e < r;) {\\n t[e] === String.fromCharCode(13) || t[e] === String.fromCharCode(3) ? (i.push(a), a = \"\") : a += t[e], e += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return i.push(a), i;\\n }, SVGTextLottieElement.prototype.buildNewText = function () {\\n var t,\\n e,\\n r = this.textProperty.currentData;\\n this.renderedLetters = createSizedArray(r ? r.l.length : 0), r.fc ? this.layerElement.setAttribute(\"fill\", this.buildColor(r.fc)) : this.layerElement.setAttribute(\"fill\", \"rgba(0,0,0,0)\"), r.sc && (this.layerElement.setAttribute(\"stroke\", this.buildColor(r.sc)), this.layerElement.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", r.sw)), this.layerElement.setAttribute(\"font-size\", r.finalSize);\\n var i = this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(r.f);\\n if (i.fClass) this.layerElement.setAttribute(\"class\", i.fClass);else {\\n this.layerElement.setAttribute(\"font-family\", i.fFamily);\\n var a = r.fWeight,\\n s = r.fStyle;\\n this.layerElement.setAttribute(\"font-style\", s), this.layerElement.setAttribute(\"font-weight\", a);\\n }\\n this.layerElement.setAttribute(\"aria-label\", r.t);\\n var n,\\n o = r.l || [],\\n h = !!this.globalData.fontManager.chars;\\n e = o.length;\\n var l,\\n p = this.mHelper,\\n c = \"\",\\n f = this.data.singleShape,\\n d = 0,\\n m = 0,\\n u = !0,\\n y = .001 * r.tr * r.finalSize;\\n\\n if (!f || h || r.sz) {\\n var g,\\n v,\\n b = this.textSpans.length;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n h && f && 0 !== t || (n = b > t ? this.textSpans[t] : createNS(h ? \"path\" : \"text\"), b <= t && (n.setAttribute(\"stroke-linecap\", \"butt\"), n.setAttribute(\"stroke-linejoin\", \"round\"), n.setAttribute(\"stroke-miterlimit\", \"4\"), this.textSpans[t] = n, this.layerElement.appendChild(n)), n.style.display = \"inherit\"), p.reset(), p.scale(r.finalSize / 100, r.finalSize / 100), f && (o[t].n && (d = -y, m += r.yOffset, m += u ? 1 : 0, u = !1), this.applyTextPropertiesToMatrix(r, p, o[t].line, d, m), d += o[t].l || 0, d += y), h ? (l = (g = (v = this.globalData.fontManager.getCharData(r.finalText[t], i.fStyle, this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(r.f).fFamily)) && v.data || {}).shapes ? g.shapes[0].it : [], f ? c += this.createPathShape(p, l) : n.setAttribute(\"d\", this.createPathShape(p, l))) : (f && n.setAttribute(\"transform\", \"translate(\" + p.props[12] + \",\" + p.props[13] + \")\"), n.textContent = o[t].val, n.setAttributeNS(\"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace\", \"xml:space\", \"preserve\"));\\n }\\n\\n f && n && n.setAttribute(\"d\", c);\\n } else {\\n var _ = this.textContainer,\\n P = \"start\";\\n\\n switch (r.j) {\\n case 1:\\n P = \"end\";\\n break;\\n\\n case 2:\\n P = \"middle\";\\n break;\\n\\n default:\\n P = \"start\";\\n }\\n\\n _.setAttribute(\"text-anchor\", P), _.setAttribute(\"letter-spacing\", y);\\n var E = this.buildTextContents(r.finalText);\\n\\n for (e = E.length, m = r.ps ? r.ps[1] + r.ascent : 0, t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n (n = this.textSpans[t] || createNS(\"tspan\")).textContent = E[t], n.setAttribute(\"x\", 0), n.setAttribute(\"y\", m), n.style.display = \"inherit\", _.appendChild(n), this.textSpans[t] = n, m += r.finalLineHeight;\\n }\\n\\n this.layerElement.appendChild(_);\\n }\\n\\n for (; t < this.textSpans.length;) {\\n this.textSpans[t].style.display = \"none\", t += 1;\\n }\\n\\n this._sizeChanged = !0;\\n }, SVGTextLottieElement.prototype.sourceRectAtTime = function () {\\n if (this.prepareFrame(this.comp.renderedFrame - this.data.st), this.renderInnerContent(), this._sizeChanged) {\\n this._sizeChanged = !1;\\n var t = this.layerElement.getBBox();\\n this.bbox = {\\n top: t.y,\\n left: t.x,\\n width: t.width,\\n height: t.height\\n };\\n }\\n\\n return this.bbox;\\n }, SVGTextLottieElement.prototype.renderInnerContent = function () {\\n if (!this.data.singleShape && (this.textAnimator.getMeasures(this.textProperty.currentData, this.lettersChangedFlag), this.lettersChangedFlag || this.textAnimator.lettersChangedFlag)) {\\n var t, e;\\n this._sizeChanged = !0;\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a = this.textAnimator.renderedLetters,\\n s = this.textProperty.currentData.l;\\n\\n for (e = s.length, t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n s[t].n || (r = a[t], i = this.textSpans[t], r._mdf.m && i.setAttribute(\"transform\", r.m), r._mdf.o && i.setAttribute(\"opacity\", r.o), r._mdf.sw && i.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", r.sw), r._mdf.sc && i.setAttribute(\"stroke\", r.sc), r._mdf.fc && i.setAttribute(\"fill\", r.fc));\\n }\\n }\\n }, extendPrototype([BaseElement, TransformElement, SVGBaseElement, IShapeElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableDOMElement], SVGShapeElement), SVGShapeElement.prototype.initSecondaryElement = function () {}, SVGShapeElement.prototype.identityMatrix = new Matrix(), SVGShapeElement.prototype.buildExpressionInterface = function () {}, SVGShapeElement.prototype.createContent = function () {\\n this.searchShapes(this.shapesData, this.itemsData, this.prevViewData, this.layerElement, 0, [], !0), this.filterUniqueShapes();\\n }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.filterUniqueShapes = function () {\\n var t,\\n e,\\n r,\\n i,\\n a = this.shapes.length,\\n s = this.stylesList.length,\\n n = [],\\n o = !1;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < s; r += 1) {\\n for (i = this.stylesList[r], o = !1, n.length = 0, t = 0; t < a; t += 1) {\\n -1 !== (e = this.shapes[t]).styles.indexOf(i) && (n.push(e), o = e._isAnimated || o);\\n }\\n\\n n.length > 1 && o && this.setShapesAsAnimated(n);\\n }\\n }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.setShapesAsAnimated = function (t) {\\n var e,\\n r = t.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n t[e].setAsAnimated();\\n }\\n }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.createStyleElement = function (t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i = new SVGStyleData(t, e),\\n a = i.pElem;\\n return \"st\" === t.ty ? r = new SVGStrokeStyleData(this, t, i) : \"fl\" === t.ty ? r = new SVGFillStyleData(this, t, i) : \"gf\" !== t.ty && \"gs\" !== t.ty || (r = new (\"gf\" === t.ty ? SVGGradientFillStyleData : SVGGradientStrokeStyleData)(this, t, i), this.globalData.defs.appendChild(r.gf), r.maskId && (this.globalData.defs.appendChild(r.ms), this.globalData.defs.appendChild(r.of), a.setAttribute(\"mask\", \"url(\" + locationHref + \"#\" + r.maskId + \")\"))), \"st\" !== t.ty && \"gs\" !== t.ty || (a.setAttribute(\"stroke-linecap\", lineCapEnum[t.lc || 2]), a.setAttribute(\"stroke-linejoin\", lineJoinEnum[t.lj || 2]), a.setAttribute(\"fill-opacity\", \"0\"), 1 === t.lj && a.setAttribute(\"stroke-miterlimit\", t.ml)), 2 === t.r && a.setAttribute(\"fill-rule\", \"evenodd\"), t.ln && a.setAttribute(\"id\", t.ln), t.cl && a.setAttribute(\"class\", t.cl), t.bm && (a.style[\"mix-blend-mode\"] = getBlendMode(t.bm)), this.stylesList.push(i), this.addToAnimatedContents(t, r), r;\\n }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.createGroupElement = function (t) {\\n var e = new ShapeGroupData();\\n return t.ln && e.gr.setAttribute(\"id\", t.ln), t.cl && e.gr.setAttribute(\"class\", t.cl), t.bm && (e.gr.style[\"mix-blend-mode\"] = getBlendMode(t.bm)), e;\\n }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.createTransformElement = function (t, e) {\\n var r = TransformPropertyFactory.getTransformProperty(this, t, this),\\n i = new SVGTransformData(r, r.o, e);\\n return this.addToAnimatedContents(t, i), i;\\n }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.createShapeElement = function (t, e, r) {\\n var i = 4;\\n \"rc\" === t.ty ? i = 5 : \"el\" === t.ty ? i = 6 : \"sr\" === t.ty && (i = 7);\\n var a = new SVGShapeData(e, r, ShapePropertyFactory.getShapeProp(this, t, i, this));\\n return this.shapes.push(a), this.addShapeToModifiers(a), this.addToAnimatedContents(t, a), a;\\n }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.addToAnimatedContents = function (t, e) {\\n for (var r = 0, i = this.animatedContents.length; r < i;) {\\n if (this.animatedContents[r].element === e) return;\\n r += 1;\\n }\\n\\n this.animatedContents.push({\\n fn: SVGElementsRenderer.createRenderFunction(t),\\n element: e,\\n data: t\\n });\\n }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.setElementStyles = function (t) {\\n var e,\\n r = t.styles,\\n i = this.stylesList.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < i; e += 1) {\\n this.stylesList[e].closed || r.push(this.stylesList[e]);\\n }\\n }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.reloadShapes = function () {\\n var t;\\n this._isFirstFrame = !0;\\n var e = this.itemsData.length;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n this.prevViewData[t] = this.itemsData[t];\\n }\\n\\n for (this.searchShapes(this.shapesData, this.itemsData, this.prevViewData, this.layerElement, 0, [], !0), this.filterUniqueShapes(), e = this.dynamicProperties.length, t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n this.dynamicProperties[t].getValue();\\n }\\n\\n this.renderModifiers();\\n }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.searchShapes = function (t, e, r, i, a, s, n) {\\n var o,\\n h,\\n l,\\n p,\\n c,\\n f,\\n d = [].concat(s),\\n m = t.length - 1,\\n u = [],\\n y = [];\\n\\n for (o = m; o >= 0; o -= 1) {\\n if ((f = this.searchProcessedElement(t[o])) ? e[o] = r[f - 1] : t[o]._render = n, \"fl\" === t[o].ty || \"st\" === t[o].ty || \"gf\" === t[o].ty || \"gs\" === t[o].ty) f ? e[o].style.closed = !1 : e[o] = this.createStyleElement(t[o], a), t[o]._render && e[o].style.pElem.parentNode !== i && i.appendChild(e[o].style.pElem), u.push(e[o].style);else if (\"gr\" === t[o].ty) {\\n if (f) for (l = e[o].it.length, h = 0; h < l; h += 1) {\\n e[o].prevViewData[h] = e[o].it[h];\\n } else e[o] = this.createGroupElement(t[o]);\\n this.searchShapes(t[o].it, e[o].it, e[o].prevViewData, e[o].gr, a + 1, d, n), t[o]._render && e[o].gr.parentNode !== i && i.appendChild(e[o].gr);\\n } else \"tr\" === t[o].ty ? (f || (e[o] = this.createTransformElement(t[o], i)), p = e[o].transform, d.push(p)) : \"sh\" === t[o].ty || \"rc\" === t[o].ty || \"el\" === t[o].ty || \"sr\" === t[o].ty ? (f || (e[o] = this.createShapeElement(t[o], d, a)), this.setElementStyles(e[o])) : \"tm\" === t[o].ty || \"rd\" === t[o].ty || \"ms\" === t[o].ty || \"pb\" === t[o].ty ? (f ? (c = e[o]).closed = !1 : ((c = ShapeModifiers.getModifier(t[o].ty)).init(this, t[o]), e[o] = c, this.shapeModifiers.push(c)), y.push(c)) : \"rp\" === t[o].ty && (f ? (c = e[o]).closed = !0 : (c = ShapeModifiers.getModifier(t[o].ty), e[o] = c, c.init(this, t, o, e), this.shapeModifiers.push(c), n = !1), y.push(c));\\n this.addProcessedElement(t[o], o + 1);\\n }\\n\\n for (m = u.length, o = 0; o < m; o += 1) {\\n u[o].closed = !0;\\n }\\n\\n for (m = y.length, o = 0; o < m; o += 1) {\\n y[o].closed = !0;\\n }\\n }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.renderInnerContent = function () {\\n var t;\\n this.renderModifiers();\\n var e = this.stylesList.length;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n this.stylesList[t].reset();\\n }\\n\\n for (this.renderShape(), t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n (this.stylesList[t]._mdf || this._isFirstFrame) && (this.stylesList[t].msElem && (this.stylesList[t].msElem.setAttribute(\"d\", this.stylesList[t].d), this.stylesList[t].d = \"M0 0\" + this.stylesList[t].d), this.stylesList[t].pElem.setAttribute(\"d\", this.stylesList[t].d || \"M0 0\"));\\n }\\n }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.renderShape = function () {\\n var t,\\n e,\\n r = this.animatedContents.length;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < r; t += 1) {\\n e = this.animatedContents[t], (this._isFirstFrame || e.element._isAnimated) && !0 !== e.data && e.fn(e.data, e.element, this._isFirstFrame);\\n }\\n }, SVGShapeElement.prototype.destroy = function () {\\n this.destroyBaseElement(), this.shapesData = null, this.itemsData = null;\\n }, SVGTintFilter.prototype.renderFrame = function (t) {\\n if (t || this.filterManager._mdf) {\\n var e = this.filterManager.effectElements[0].p.v,\\n r = this.filterManager.effectElements[1].p.v,\\n i = this.filterManager.effectElements[2].p.v / 100;\\n this.matrixFilter.setAttribute(\"values\", r[0] - e[0] + \" 0 0 0 \" + e[0] + \" \" + (r[1] - e[1]) + \" 0 0 0 \" + e[1] + \" \" + (r[2] - e[2]) + \" 0 0 0 \" + e[2] + \" 0 0 0 \" + i + \" 0\");\\n }\\n }, SVGFillFilter.prototype.renderFrame = function (t) {\\n if (t || this.filterManager._mdf) {\\n var e = this.filterManager.effectElements[2].p.v,\\n r = this.filterManager.effectElements[6].p.v;\\n this.matrixFilter.setAttribute(\"values\", \"0 0 0 0 \" + e[0] + \" 0 0 0 0 \" + e[1] + \" 0 0 0 0 \" + e[2] + \" 0 0 0 \" + r + \" 0\");\\n }\\n }, SVGGaussianBlurEffect.prototype.renderFrame = function (t) {\\n if (t || this.filterManager._mdf) {\\n var e = .3 * this.filterManager.effectElements[0].p.v,\\n r = this.filterManager.effectElements[1].p.v,\\n i = 3 == r ? 0 : e,\\n a = 2 == r ? 0 : e;\\n this.feGaussianBlur.setAttribute(\"stdDeviation\", i + \" \" + a);\\n var s = 1 == this.filterManager.effectElements[2].p.v ? \"wrap\" : \"duplicate\";\\n this.feGaussianBlur.setAttribute(\"edgeMode\", s);\\n }\\n }, SVGStrokeEffect.prototype.initialize = function () {\\n var t,\\n e,\\n r,\\n i,\\n a = this.elem.layerElement.children || this.elem.layerElement.childNodes;\\n\\n for (1 === this.filterManager.effectElements[1].p.v ? (i = this.elem.maskManager.masksProperties.length, r = 0) : i = 1 + (r = this.filterManager.effectElements[0].p.v - 1), (e = createNS(\"g\")).setAttribute(\"fill\", \"none\"), e.setAttribute(\"stroke-linecap\", \"round\"), e.setAttribute(\"stroke-dashoffset\", 1); r < i; r += 1) {\\n t = createNS(\"path\"), e.appendChild(t), this.paths.push({\\n p: t,\\n m: r\\n });\\n }\\n\\n if (3 === this.filterManager.effectElements[10].p.v) {\\n var s = createNS(\"mask\"),\\n n = createElementID();\\n s.setAttribute(\"id\", n), s.setAttribute(\"mask-type\", \"alpha\"), s.appendChild(e), this.elem.globalData.defs.appendChild(s);\\n var o = createNS(\"g\");\\n\\n for (o.setAttribute(\"mask\", \"url(\" + locationHref + \"#\" + n + \")\"); a[0];) {\\n o.appendChild(a[0]);\\n }\\n\\n this.elem.layerElement.appendChild(o), this.masker = s, e.setAttribute(\"stroke\", \"#fff\");\\n } else if (1 === this.filterManager.effectElements[10].p.v || 2 === this.filterManager.effectElements[10].p.v) {\\n if (2 === this.filterManager.effectElements[10].p.v) for (a = this.elem.layerElement.children || this.elem.layerElement.childNodes; a.length;) {\\n this.elem.layerElement.removeChild(a[0]);\\n }\\n this.elem.layerElement.appendChild(e), this.elem.layerElement.removeAttribute(\"mask\"), e.setAttribute(\"stroke\", \"#fff\");\\n }\\n\\n this.initialized = !0, this.pathMasker = e;\\n }, SVGStrokeEffect.prototype.renderFrame = function (t) {\\n var e;\\n this.initialized || this.initialize();\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a = this.paths.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < a; e += 1) {\\n if (-1 !== this.paths[e].m && (r = this.elem.maskManager.viewData[this.paths[e].m], i = this.paths[e].p, (t || this.filterManager._mdf || r.prop._mdf) && i.setAttribute(\"d\", r.lastPath), t || this.filterManager.effectElements[9].p._mdf || this.filterManager.effectElements[4].p._mdf || this.filterManager.effectElements[7].p._mdf || this.filterManager.effectElements[8].p._mdf || r.prop._mdf)) {\\n var s;\\n\\n if (0 !== this.filterManager.effectElements[7].p.v || 100 !== this.filterManager.effectElements[8].p.v) {\\n var n = .01 * Math.min(this.filterManager.effectElements[7].p.v, this.filterManager.effectElements[8].p.v),\\n o = .01 * Math.max(this.filterManager.effectElements[7].p.v, this.filterManager.effectElements[8].p.v),\\n h = i.getTotalLength();\\n s = \"0 0 0 \" + h * n + \" \";\\n var l,\\n p = h * (o - n),\\n c = 1 + 2 * this.filterManager.effectElements[4].p.v * this.filterManager.effectElements[9].p.v * .01,\\n f = Math.floor(p / c);\\n\\n for (l = 0; l < f; l += 1) {\\n s += \"1 \" + 2 * this.filterManager.effectElements[4].p.v * this.filterManager.effectElements[9].p.v * .01 + \" \";\\n }\\n\\n s += \"0 \" + 10 * h + \" 0 0\";\\n } else s = \"1 \" + 2 * this.filterManager.effectElements[4].p.v * this.filterManager.effectElements[9].p.v * .01;\\n\\n i.setAttribute(\"stroke-dasharray\", s);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n if ((t || this.filterManager.effectElements[4].p._mdf) && this.pathMasker.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", 2 * this.filterManager.effectElements[4].p.v), (t || this.filterManager.effectElements[6].p._mdf) && this.pathMasker.setAttribute(\"opacity\", this.filterManager.effectElements[6].p.v), (1 === this.filterManager.effectElements[10].p.v || 2 === this.filterManager.effectElements[10].p.v) && (t || this.filterManager.effectElements[3].p._mdf)) {\\n var d = this.filterManager.effectElements[3].p.v;\\n this.pathMasker.setAttribute(\"stroke\", \"rgb(\" + bmFloor(255 * d[0]) + \",\" + bmFloor(255 * d[1]) + \",\" + bmFloor(255 * d[2]) + \")\");\\n }\\n }, SVGTritoneFilter.prototype.renderFrame = function (t) {\\n if (t || this.filterManager._mdf) {\\n var e = this.filterManager.effectElements[0].p.v,\\n r = this.filterManager.effectElements[1].p.v,\\n i = this.filterManager.effectElements[2].p.v,\\n a = i[0] + \" \" + r[0] + \" \" + e[0],\\n s = i[1] + \" \" + r[1] + \" \" + e[1],\\n n = i[2] + \" \" + r[2] + \" \" + e[2];\\n this.feFuncR.setAttribute(\"tableValues\", a), this.feFuncG.setAttribute(\"tableValues\", s), this.feFuncB.setAttribute(\"tableValues\", n);\\n }\\n }, SVGProLevelsFilter.prototype.createFeFunc = function (t, e) {\\n var r = createNS(t);\\n return r.setAttribute(\"type\", \"table\"), e.appendChild(r), r;\\n }, SVGProLevelsFilter.prototype.getTableValue = function (t, e, r, i, a) {\\n for (var s, n, o = 0, h = Math.min(t, e), l = Math.max(t, e), p = Array.call(null, {\\n length: 256\\n }), c = 0, f = a - i, d = e - t; o <= 256;) {\\n n = (s = o / 256) <= h ? d < 0 ? a : i : s >= l ? d < 0 ? i : a : i + f * Math.pow((s - t) / d, 1 / r), p[c] = n, c += 1, o += 256 / 255;\\n }\\n\\n return p.join(\" \");\\n }, SVGProLevelsFilter.prototype.renderFrame = function (t) {\\n if (t || this.filterManager._mdf) {\\n var e,\\n r = this.filterManager.effectElements;\\n this.feFuncRComposed && (t || r[3].p._mdf || r[4].p._mdf || r[5].p._mdf || r[6].p._mdf || r[7].p._mdf) && (e = this.getTableValue(r[3].p.v, r[4].p.v, r[5].p.v, r[6].p.v, r[7].p.v), this.feFuncRComposed.setAttribute(\"tableValues\", e), this.feFuncGComposed.setAttribute(\"tableValues\", e), this.feFuncBComposed.setAttribute(\"tableValues\", e)), this.feFuncR && (t || r[10].p._mdf || r[11].p._mdf || r[12].p._mdf || r[13].p._mdf || r[14].p._mdf) && (e = this.getTableValue(r[10].p.v, r[11].p.v, r[12].p.v, r[13].p.v, r[14].p.v), this.feFuncR.setAttribute(\"tableValues\", e)), this.feFuncG && (t || r[17].p._mdf || r[18].p._mdf || r[19].p._mdf || r[20].p._mdf || r[21].p._mdf) && (e = this.getTableValue(r[17].p.v, r[18].p.v, r[19].p.v, r[20].p.v, r[21].p.v), this.feFuncG.setAttribute(\"tableValues\", e)), this.feFuncB && (t || r[24].p._mdf || r[25].p._mdf || r[26].p._mdf || r[27].p._mdf || r[28].p._mdf) && (e = this.getTableValue(r[24].p.v, r[25].p.v, r[26].p.v, r[27].p.v, r[28].p.v), this.feFuncB.setAttribute(\"tableValues\", e)), this.feFuncA && (t || r[31].p._mdf || r[32].p._mdf || r[33].p._mdf || r[34].p._mdf || r[35].p._mdf) && (e = this.getTableValue(r[31].p.v, r[32].p.v, r[33].p.v, r[34].p.v, r[35].p.v), this.feFuncA.setAttribute(\"tableValues\", e));\\n }\\n }, SVGDropShadowEffect.prototype.renderFrame = function (t) {\\n if (t || this.filterManager._mdf) {\\n if ((t || this.filterManager.effectElements[4].p._mdf) && this.feGaussianBlur.setAttribute(\"stdDeviation\", this.filterManager.effectElements[4].p.v / 4), t || this.filterManager.effectElements[0].p._mdf) {\\n var e = this.filterManager.effectElements[0].p.v;\\n this.feFlood.setAttribute(\"flood-color\", rgbToHex(Math.round(255 * e[0]), Math.round(255 * e[1]), Math.round(255 * e[2])));\\n }\\n\\n if ((t || this.filterManager.effectElements[1].p._mdf) && this.feFlood.setAttribute(\"flood-opacity\", this.filterManager.effectElements[1].p.v / 255), t || this.filterManager.effectElements[2].p._mdf || this.filterManager.effectElements[3].p._mdf) {\\n var r = this.filterManager.effectElements[3].p.v,\\n i = (this.filterManager.effectElements[2].p.v - 90) * degToRads,\\n a = r * Math.cos(i),\\n s = r * Math.sin(i);\\n this.feOffset.setAttribute(\"dx\", a), this.feOffset.setAttribute(\"dy\", s);\\n }\\n }\\n };\\n var _svgMatteSymbols = [];\\n\\n function SVGMatte3Effect(t, e, r) {\\n this.initialized = !1, this.filterManager = e, this.filterElem = t, this.elem = r, r.matteElement = createNS(\"g\"), r.matteElement.appendChild(r.layerElement), r.matteElement.appendChild(r.transformedElement), r.baseElement = r.matteElement;\\n }\\n\\n function SVGEffects(t) {\\n var e,\\n r,\\n i = t.data.ef ? t.data.ef.length : 0,\\n a = createElementID(),\\n s = filtersFactory.createFilter(a, !0),\\n n = 0;\\n\\n for (this.filters = [], e = 0; e < i; e += 1) {\\n r = null, 20 === t.data.ef[e].ty ? (n += 1, r = new SVGTintFilter(s, t.effectsManager.effectElements[e])) : 21 === t.data.ef[e].ty ? (n += 1, r = new SVGFillFilter(s, t.effectsManager.effectElements[e])) : 22 === t.data.ef[e].ty ? r = new SVGStrokeEffect(t, t.effectsManager.effectElements[e]) : 23 === t.data.ef[e].ty ? (n += 1, r = new SVGTritoneFilter(s, t.effectsManager.effectElements[e])) : 24 === t.data.ef[e].ty ? (n += 1, r = new SVGProLevelsFilter(s, t.effectsManager.effectElements[e])) : 25 === t.data.ef[e].ty ? (n += 1, r = new SVGDropShadowEffect(s, t.effectsManager.effectElements[e])) : 28 === t.data.ef[e].ty ? r = new SVGMatte3Effect(s, t.effectsManager.effectElements[e], t) : 29 === t.data.ef[e].ty && (n += 1, r = new SVGGaussianBlurEffect(s, t.effectsManager.effectElements[e])), r && this.filters.push(r);\\n }\\n\\n n && (t.globalData.defs.appendChild(s), t.layerElement.setAttribute(\"filter\", \"url(\" + locationHref + \"#\" + a + \")\")), this.filters.length && t.addRenderableComponent(this);\\n }\\n\\n function CVContextData() {\\n var t;\\n\\n for (this.saved = [], this.cArrPos = 0, this.cTr = new Matrix(), this.cO = 1, this.savedOp = createTypedArray(\"float32\", 15), t = 0; t < 15; t += 1) {\\n this.saved[t] = createTypedArray(\"float32\", 16);\\n }\\n\\n this._length = 15;\\n }\\n\\n function CVBaseElement() {}\\n\\n function CVImageElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.assetData = e.getAssetData(t.refId), this.img = e.imageLoader.getAsset(this.assetData), this.initElement(t, e, r);\\n }\\n\\n function CVCompElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.completeLayers = !1, this.layers = t.layers, this.pendingElements = [], this.elements = createSizedArray(this.layers.length), this.initElement(t, e, r), this.tm = t.tm ? PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.tm, 0, e.frameRate, this) : {\\n _placeholder: !0\\n };\\n }\\n\\n function CVMaskElement(t, e) {\\n var r;\\n this.data = t, this.element = e, this.masksProperties = this.data.masksProperties || [], this.viewData = createSizedArray(this.masksProperties.length);\\n var i = this.masksProperties.length,\\n a = !1;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n \"n\" !== this.masksProperties[r].mode && (a = !0), this.viewData[r] = ShapePropertyFactory.getShapeProp(this.element, this.masksProperties[r], 3);\\n }\\n\\n this.hasMasks = a, a && this.element.addRenderableComponent(this);\\n }\\n\\n function CVShapeElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.shapes = [], this.shapesData = t.shapes, this.stylesList = [], this.itemsData = [], this.prevViewData = [], this.shapeModifiers = [], this.processedElements = [], this.transformsManager = new ShapeTransformManager(), this.initElement(t, e, r);\\n }\\n\\n function CVSolidElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.initElement(t, e, r);\\n }\\n\\n function CVTextElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.textSpans = [], this.yOffset = 0, this.fillColorAnim = !1, this.strokeColorAnim = !1, this.strokeWidthAnim = !1, this.stroke = !1, this.fill = !1, this.justifyOffset = 0, this.currentRender = null, this.renderType = \"canvas\", this.values = {\\n fill: \"rgba(0,0,0,0)\",\\n stroke: \"rgba(0,0,0,0)\",\\n sWidth: 0,\\n fValue: \"\"\\n }, this.initElement(t, e, r);\\n }\\n\\n function CVEffects() {}\\n\\n function HBaseElement() {}\\n\\n function HSolidElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.initElement(t, e, r);\\n }\\n\\n function HCompElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.layers = t.layers, this.supports3d = !t.hasMask, this.completeLayers = !1, this.pendingElements = [], this.elements = this.layers ? createSizedArray(this.layers.length) : [], this.initElement(t, e, r), this.tm = t.tm ? PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.tm, 0, e.frameRate, this) : {\\n _placeholder: !0\\n };\\n }\\n\\n function HShapeElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.shapes = [], this.shapesData = t.shapes, this.stylesList = [], this.shapeModifiers = [], this.itemsData = [], this.processedElements = [], this.animatedContents = [], this.shapesContainer = createNS(\"g\"), this.initElement(t, e, r), this.prevViewData = [], this.currentBBox = {\\n x: 999999,\\n y: -999999,\\n h: 0,\\n w: 0\\n };\\n }\\n\\n function HTextElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.textSpans = [], this.textPaths = [], this.currentBBox = {\\n x: 999999,\\n y: -999999,\\n h: 0,\\n w: 0\\n }, this.renderType = \"svg\", this.isMasked = !1, this.initElement(t, e, r);\\n }\\n\\n function HImageElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.assetData = e.getAssetData(t.refId), this.initElement(t, e, r);\\n }\\n\\n function HCameraElement(t, e, r) {\\n this.initFrame(), this.initBaseData(t, e, r), this.initHierarchy();\\n var i = PropertyFactory.getProp;\\n\\n if (this.pe = i(this, t.pe, 0, 0, this), t.ks.p.s ? (this.px = i(this, t.ks.p.x, 1, 0, this), this.py = i(this, t.ks.p.y, 1, 0, this), this.pz = i(this, t.ks.p.z, 1, 0, this)) : this.p = i(this, t.ks.p, 1, 0, this), t.ks.a && (this.a = i(this, t.ks.a, 1, 0, this)), t.ks.or.k.length && t.ks.or.k[0].to) {\\n var a,\\n s = t.ks.or.k.length;\\n\\n for (a = 0; a < s; a += 1) {\\n t.ks.or.k[a].to = null, t.ks.or.k[a].ti = null;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n this.or = i(this, t.ks.or, 1, degToRads, this), this.or.sh = !0, this.rx = i(this, t.ks.rx, 0, degToRads, this), this.ry = i(this, t.ks.ry, 0, degToRads, this), this.rz = i(this, t.ks.rz, 0, degToRads, this), this.mat = new Matrix(), this._prevMat = new Matrix(), this._isFirstFrame = !0, this.finalTransform = {\\n mProp: this\\n };\\n }\\n\\n function HEffects() {}\\n\\n SVGMatte3Effect.prototype.findSymbol = function (t) {\\n for (var e = 0, r = _svgMatteSymbols.length; e < r;) {\\n if (_svgMatteSymbols[e] === t) return _svgMatteSymbols[e];\\n e += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return null;\\n }, SVGMatte3Effect.prototype.replaceInParent = function (t, e) {\\n var r = t.layerElement.parentNode;\\n\\n if (r) {\\n for (var i, a = r.children, s = 0, n = a.length; s < n && a[s] !== t.layerElement;) {\\n s += 1;\\n }\\n\\n s <= n - 2 && (i = a[s + 1]);\\n var o = createNS(\"use\");\\n o.setAttribute(\"href\", \"#\" + e), i ? r.insertBefore(o, i) : r.appendChild(o);\\n }\\n }, SVGMatte3Effect.prototype.setElementAsMask = function (t, e) {\\n if (!this.findSymbol(e)) {\\n var r = createElementID(),\\n i = createNS(\"mask\");\\n i.setAttribute(\"id\", e.layerId), i.setAttribute(\"mask-type\", \"alpha\"), _svgMatteSymbols.push(e);\\n var a = t.globalData.defs;\\n a.appendChild(i);\\n var s = createNS(\"symbol\");\\n s.setAttribute(\"id\", r), this.replaceInParent(e, r), s.appendChild(e.layerElement), a.appendChild(s);\\n var n = createNS(\"use\");\\n n.setAttribute(\"href\", \"#\" + r), i.appendChild(n), e.data.hd = !1, e.show();\\n }\\n\\n t.setMatte(e.layerId);\\n }, SVGMatte3Effect.prototype.initialize = function () {\\n for (var t = this.filterManager.effectElements[0].p.v, e = this.elem.comp.elements, r = 0, i = e.length; r < i;) {\\n e[r] && e[r].data.ind === t && this.setElementAsMask(this.elem, e[r]), r += 1;\\n }\\n\\n this.initialized = !0;\\n }, SVGMatte3Effect.prototype.renderFrame = function () {\\n this.initialized || this.initialize();\\n }, SVGEffects.prototype.renderFrame = function (t) {\\n var e,\\n r = this.filters.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n this.filters[e].renderFrame(t);\\n }\\n }, CVContextData.prototype.duplicate = function () {\\n var t = 2 * this._length,\\n e = this.savedOp;\\n this.savedOp = createTypedArray(\"float32\", t), this.savedOp.set(e);\\n var r = 0;\\n\\n for (r = this._length; r < t; r += 1) {\\n this.saved[r] = createTypedArray(\"float32\", 16);\\n }\\n\\n this._length = t;\\n }, CVContextData.prototype.reset = function () {\\n this.cArrPos = 0, this.cTr.reset(), this.cO = 1;\\n }, CVBaseElement.prototype = {\\n createElements: function createElements() {},\\n initRendererElement: function initRendererElement() {},\\n createContainerElements: function createContainerElements() {\\n this.canvasContext = this.globalData.canvasContext, this.renderableEffectsManager = new CVEffects(this);\\n },\\n createContent: function createContent() {},\\n setBlendMode: function setBlendMode() {\\n var t = this.globalData;\\n\\n if (t.blendMode !== this.data.bm) {\\n t.blendMode = this.data.bm;\\n var e = getBlendMode(this.data.bm);\\n t.canvasContext.globalCompositeOperation = e;\\n }\\n },\\n createRenderableComponents: function createRenderableComponents() {\\n this.maskManager = new CVMaskElement(this.data, this);\\n },\\n hideElement: function hideElement() {\\n this.hidden || this.isInRange && !this.isTransparent || (this.hidden = !0);\\n },\\n showElement: function showElement() {\\n this.isInRange && !this.isTransparent && (this.hidden = !1, this._isFirstFrame = !0, this.maskManager._isFirstFrame = !0);\\n },\\n renderFrame: function renderFrame() {\\n if (!this.hidden && !this.data.hd) {\\n this.renderTransform(), this.renderRenderable(), this.setBlendMode();\\n var t = 0 === this.data.ty;\\n this.globalData.renderer.save(t), this.globalData.renderer.ctxTransform(this.finalTransform.mat.props), this.globalData.renderer.ctxOpacity(this.finalTransform.mProp.o.v), this.renderInnerContent(), this.globalData.renderer.restore(t), this.maskManager.hasMasks && this.globalData.renderer.restore(!0), this._isFirstFrame && (this._isFirstFrame = !1);\\n }\\n },\\n destroy: function destroy() {\\n this.canvasContext = null, this.data = null, this.globalData = null, this.maskManager.destroy();\\n },\\n mHelper: new Matrix()\\n }, CVBaseElement.prototype.hide = CVBaseElement.prototype.hideElement, CVBaseElement.prototype.show = CVBaseElement.prototype.showElement, extendPrototype([BaseElement, TransformElement, CVBaseElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableElement], CVImageElement), CVImageElement.prototype.initElement = SVGShapeElement.prototype.initElement, CVImageElement.prototype.prepareFrame = IImageElement.prototype.prepareFrame, CVImageElement.prototype.createContent = function () {\\n if (this.img.width && (this.assetData.w !== this.img.width || this.assetData.h !== this.img.height)) {\\n var t = createTag(\"canvas\");\\n t.width = this.assetData.w, t.height = this.assetData.h;\\n var e,\\n r,\\n i = t.getContext(\"2d\"),\\n a = this.img.width,\\n s = this.img.height,\\n n = a / s,\\n o = this.assetData.w / this.assetData.h,\\n h = this.assetData.pr || this.globalData.renderConfig.imagePreserveAspectRatio;\\n n > o && \"xMidYMid slice\" === h || n < o && \"xMidYMid slice\" !== h ? e = (r = s) * o : r = (e = a) / o, i.drawImage(this.img, (a - e) / 2, (s - r) / 2, e, r, 0, 0, this.assetData.w, this.assetData.h), this.img = t;\\n }\\n }, CVImageElement.prototype.renderInnerContent = function () {\\n this.canvasContext.drawImage(this.img, 0, 0);\\n }, CVImageElement.prototype.destroy = function () {\\n this.img = null;\\n }, extendPrototype([CanvasRenderer, ICompElement, CVBaseElement], CVCompElement), CVCompElement.prototype.renderInnerContent = function () {\\n var t,\\n e = this.canvasContext;\\n\\n for (e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(0, 0), e.lineTo(this.data.w, 0), e.lineTo(this.data.w, this.data.h), e.lineTo(0, this.data.h), e.lineTo(0, 0), e.clip(), t = this.layers.length - 1; t >= 0; t -= 1) {\\n (this.completeLayers || this.elements[t]) && this.elements[t].renderFrame();\\n }\\n }, CVCompElement.prototype.destroy = function () {\\n var t;\\n\\n for (t = this.layers.length - 1; t >= 0; t -= 1) {\\n this.elements[t] && this.elements[t].destroy();\\n }\\n\\n this.layers = null, this.elements = null;\\n }, CVMaskElement.prototype.renderFrame = function () {\\n if (this.hasMasks) {\\n var t,\\n e,\\n r,\\n i,\\n a = this.element.finalTransform.mat,\\n s = this.element.canvasContext,\\n n = this.masksProperties.length;\\n\\n for (s.beginPath(), t = 0; t < n; t += 1) {\\n if (\"n\" !== this.masksProperties[t].mode) {\\n var o;\\n this.masksProperties[t].inv && (s.moveTo(0, 0), s.lineTo(this.element.globalData.compSize.w, 0), s.lineTo(this.element.globalData.compSize.w, this.element.globalData.compSize.h), s.lineTo(0, this.element.globalData.compSize.h), s.lineTo(0, 0)), i = this.viewData[t].v, e = a.applyToPointArray(i.v[0][0], i.v[0][1], 0), s.moveTo(e[0], e[1]);\\n var h = i._length;\\n\\n for (o = 1; o < h; o += 1) {\\n r = a.applyToTriplePoints(i.o[o - 1], i.i[o], i.v[o]), s.bezierCurveTo(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5]);\\n }\\n\\n r = a.applyToTriplePoints(i.o[o - 1], i.i[0], i.v[0]), s.bezierCurveTo(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5]);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n this.element.globalData.renderer.save(!0), s.clip();\\n }\\n }, CVMaskElement.prototype.getMaskProperty = MaskElement.prototype.getMaskProperty, CVMaskElement.prototype.destroy = function () {\\n this.element = null;\\n }, extendPrototype([BaseElement, TransformElement, CVBaseElement, IShapeElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableElement], CVShapeElement), CVShapeElement.prototype.initElement = RenderableDOMElement.prototype.initElement, CVShapeElement.prototype.transformHelper = {\\n opacity: 1,\\n _opMdf: !1\\n }, CVShapeElement.prototype.dashResetter = [], CVShapeElement.prototype.createContent = function () {\\n this.searchShapes(this.shapesData, this.itemsData, this.prevViewData, !0, []);\\n }, CVShapeElement.prototype.createStyleElement = function (t, e) {\\n var r = {\\n data: t,\\n type: t.ty,\\n preTransforms: this.transformsManager.addTransformSequence(e),\\n transforms: [],\\n elements: [],\\n closed: !0 === t.hd\\n },\\n i = {};\\n\\n if (\"fl\" === t.ty || \"st\" === t.ty ? (i.c = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.c, 1, 255, this), i.c.k || (r.co = \"rgb(\" + bmFloor(i.c.v[0]) + \",\" + bmFloor(i.c.v[1]) + \",\" + bmFloor(i.c.v[2]) + \")\")) : \"gf\" !== t.ty && \"gs\" !== t.ty || (i.s = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.s, 1, null, this), i.e = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.e, 1, null, this), i.h = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.h || {\\n k: 0\\n }, 0, .01, this), i.a = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.a || {\\n k: 0\\n }, 0, degToRads, this), i.g = new GradientProperty(this, t.g, this)), i.o = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.o, 0, .01, this), \"st\" === t.ty || \"gs\" === t.ty) {\\n if (r.lc = lineCapEnum[t.lc || 2], r.lj = lineJoinEnum[t.lj || 2], 1 == t.lj && (r.ml = t.ml), i.w = PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.w, 0, null, this), i.w.k || (r.wi = i.w.v), t.d) {\\n var a = new DashProperty(this, t.d, \"canvas\", this);\\n i.d = a, i.d.k || (r.da = i.d.dashArray, r[\"do\"] = i.d.dashoffset[0]);\\n }\\n } else r.r = 2 === t.r ? \"evenodd\" : \"nonzero\";\\n\\n return this.stylesList.push(r), i.style = r, i;\\n }, CVShapeElement.prototype.createGroupElement = function () {\\n return {\\n it: [],\\n prevViewData: []\\n };\\n }, CVShapeElement.prototype.createTransformElement = function (t) {\\n return {\\n transform: {\\n opacity: 1,\\n _opMdf: !1,\\n key: this.transformsManager.getNewKey(),\\n op: PropertyFactory.getProp(this, t.o, 0, .01, this),\\n mProps: TransformPropertyFactory.getTransformProperty(this, t, this)\\n }\\n };\\n }, CVShapeElement.prototype.createShapeElement = function (t) {\\n var e = new CVShapeData(this, t, this.stylesList, this.transformsManager);\\n return this.shapes.push(e), this.addShapeToModifiers(e), e;\\n }, CVShapeElement.prototype.reloadShapes = function () {\\n var t;\\n this._isFirstFrame = !0;\\n var e = this.itemsData.length;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n this.prevViewData[t] = this.itemsData[t];\\n }\\n\\n for (this.searchShapes(this.shapesData, this.itemsData, this.prevViewData, !0, []), e = this.dynamicProperties.length, t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n this.dynamicProperties[t].getValue();\\n }\\n\\n this.renderModifiers(), this.transformsManager.processSequences(this._isFirstFrame);\\n }, CVShapeElement.prototype.addTransformToStyleList = function (t) {\\n var e,\\n r = this.stylesList.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n this.stylesList[e].closed || this.stylesList[e].transforms.push(t);\\n }\\n }, CVShapeElement.prototype.removeTransformFromStyleList = function () {\\n var t,\\n e = this.stylesList.length;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n this.stylesList[t].closed || this.stylesList[t].transforms.pop();\\n }\\n }, CVShapeElement.prototype.closeStyles = function (t) {\\n var e,\\n r = t.length;\\n\\n for (e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n t[e].closed = !0;\\n }\\n }, CVShapeElement.prototype.searchShapes = function (t, e, r, i, a) {\\n var s,\\n n,\\n o,\\n h,\\n l,\\n p,\\n c = t.length - 1,\\n f = [],\\n d = [],\\n m = [].concat(a);\\n\\n for (s = c; s >= 0; s -= 1) {\\n if ((h = this.searchProcessedElement(t[s])) ? e[s] = r[h - 1] : t[s]._shouldRender = i, \"fl\" === t[s].ty || \"st\" === t[s].ty || \"gf\" === t[s].ty || \"gs\" === t[s].ty) h ? e[s].style.closed = !1 : e[s] = this.createStyleElement(t[s], m), f.push(e[s].style);else if (\"gr\" === t[s].ty) {\\n if (h) for (o = e[s].it.length, n = 0; n < o; n += 1) {\\n e[s].prevViewData[n] = e[s].it[n];\\n } else e[s] = this.createGroupElement(t[s]);\\n this.searchShapes(t[s].it, e[s].it, e[s].prevViewData, i, m);\\n } else \"tr\" === t[s].ty ? (h || (p = this.createTransformElement(t[s]), e[s] = p), m.push(e[s]), this.addTransformToStyleList(e[s])) : \"sh\" === t[s].ty || \"rc\" === t[s].ty || \"el\" === t[s].ty || \"sr\" === t[s].ty ? h || (e[s] = this.createShapeElement(t[s])) : \"tm\" === t[s].ty || \"rd\" === t[s].ty || \"pb\" === t[s].ty ? (h ? (l = e[s]).closed = !1 : ((l = ShapeModifiers.getModifier(t[s].ty)).init(this, t[s]), e[s] = l, this.shapeModifiers.push(l)), d.push(l)) : \"rp\" === t[s].ty && (h ? (l = e[s]).closed = !0 : (l = ShapeModifiers.getModifier(t[s].ty), e[s] = l, l.init(this, t, s, e), this.shapeModifiers.push(l), i = !1), d.push(l));\\n this.addProcessedElement(t[s], s + 1);\\n }\\n\\n for (this.removeTransformFromStyleList(), this.closeStyles(f), c = d.length, s = 0; s < c; s += 1) {\\n d[s].closed = !0;\\n }\\n }, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderInnerContent = function () {\\n this.transformHelper.opacity = 1, this.transformHelper._opMdf = !1, this.renderModifiers(), this.transformsManager.processSequences(this._isFirstFrame), this.renderShape(this.transformHelper, this.shapesData, this.itemsData, !0);\\n }, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderShapeTransform = function (t, e) {\\n (t._opMdf || e.op._mdf || this._isFirstFrame) && (e.opacity = t.opacity, e.opacity *= e.op.v, e._opMdf = !0);\\n }, CVShapeElement.prototype.drawLayer = function () {\\n var t,\\n e,\\n r,\\n i,\\n a,\\n s,\\n n,\\n o,\\n h,\\n l = this.stylesList.length,\\n p = this.globalData.renderer,\\n c = this.globalData.canvasContext;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < l; t += 1) {\\n if ((\"st\" !== (o = (h = this.stylesList[t]).type) && \"gs\" !== o || 0 !== h.wi) && h.data._shouldRender && 0 !== h.coOp && 0 !== this.globalData.currentGlobalAlpha) {\\n for (p.save(), s = h.elements, \"st\" === o || \"gs\" === o ? (c.strokeStyle = \"st\" === o ? h.co : h.grd, c.lineWidth = h.wi, c.lineCap = h.lc, c.lineJoin = h.lj, c.miterLimit = h.ml || 0) : c.fillStyle = \"fl\" === o ? h.co : h.grd, p.ctxOpacity(h.coOp), \"st\" !== o && \"gs\" !== o && c.beginPath(), p.ctxTransform(h.preTransforms.finalTransform.props), r = s.length, e = 0; e < r; e += 1) {\\n for (\"st\" !== o && \"gs\" !== o || (c.beginPath(), h.da && (c.setLineDash(h.da), c.lineDashOffset = h[\"do\"])), a = (n = s[e].trNodes).length, i = 0; i < a; i += 1) {\\n \"m\" === n[i].t ? c.moveTo(n[i].p[0], n[i].p[1]) : \"c\" === n[i].t ? c.bezierCurveTo(n[i].pts[0], n[i].pts[1], n[i].pts[2], n[i].pts[3], n[i].pts[4], n[i].pts[5]) : c.closePath();\\n }\\n\\n \"st\" !== o && \"gs\" !== o || (c.stroke(), h.da && c.setLineDash(this.dashResetter));\\n }\\n\\n \"st\" !== o && \"gs\" !== o && c.fill(h.r), p.restore();\\n }\\n }\\n }, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderShape = function (t, e, r, i) {\\n var a, s;\\n\\n for (s = t, a = e.length - 1; a >= 0; a -= 1) {\\n \"tr\" === e[a].ty ? (s = r[a].transform, this.renderShapeTransform(t, s)) : \"sh\" === e[a].ty || \"el\" === e[a].ty || \"rc\" === e[a].ty || \"sr\" === e[a].ty ? this.renderPath(e[a], r[a]) : \"fl\" === e[a].ty ? this.renderFill(e[a], r[a], s) : \"st\" === e[a].ty ? this.renderStroke(e[a], r[a], s) : \"gf\" === e[a].ty || \"gs\" === e[a].ty ? this.renderGradientFill(e[a], r[a], s) : \"gr\" === e[a].ty ? this.renderShape(s, e[a].it, r[a].it) : e[a].ty;\\n }\\n\\n i && this.drawLayer();\\n }, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderStyledShape = function (t, e) {\\n if (this._isFirstFrame || e._mdf || t.transforms._mdf) {\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a,\\n s = t.trNodes,\\n n = e.paths,\\n o = n._length;\\n s.length = 0;\\n var h = t.transforms.finalTransform;\\n\\n for (a = 0; a < o; a += 1) {\\n var l = n.shapes[a];\\n\\n if (l && l.v) {\\n for (i = l._length, r = 1; r < i; r += 1) {\\n 1 === r && s.push({\\n t: \"m\",\\n p: h.applyToPointArray(l.v[0][0], l.v[0][1], 0)\\n }), s.push({\\n t: \"c\",\\n pts: h.applyToTriplePoints(l.o[r - 1], l.i[r], l.v[r])\\n });\\n }\\n\\n 1 === i && s.push({\\n t: \"m\",\\n p: h.applyToPointArray(l.v[0][0], l.v[0][1], 0)\\n }), l.c && i && (s.push({\\n t: \"c\",\\n pts: h.applyToTriplePoints(l.o[r - 1], l.i[0], l.v[0])\\n }), s.push({\\n t: \"z\"\\n }));\\n }\\n }\\n\\n t.trNodes = s;\\n }\\n }, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderPath = function (t, e) {\\n if (!0 !== t.hd && t._shouldRender) {\\n var r,\\n i = e.styledShapes.length;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n this.renderStyledShape(e.styledShapes[r], e.sh);\\n }\\n }\\n }, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderFill = function (t, e, r) {\\n var i = e.style;\\n (e.c._mdf || this._isFirstFrame) && (i.co = \"rgb(\" + bmFloor(e.c.v[0]) + \",\" + bmFloor(e.c.v[1]) + \",\" + bmFloor(e.c.v[2]) + \")\"), (e.o._mdf || r._opMdf || this._isFirstFrame) && (i.coOp = e.o.v * r.opacity);\\n }, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderGradientFill = function (t, e, r) {\\n var i,\\n a = e.style;\\n\\n if (!a.grd || e.g._mdf || e.s._mdf || e.e._mdf || 1 !== t.t && (e.h._mdf || e.a._mdf)) {\\n var s,\\n n = this.globalData.canvasContext,\\n o = e.s.v,\\n h = e.e.v;\\n if (1 === t.t) i = n.createLinearGradient(o[0], o[1], h[0], h[1]);else {\\n var l = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(o[0] - h[0], 2) + Math.pow(o[1] - h[1], 2)),\\n p = Math.atan2(h[1] - o[1], h[0] - o[0]),\\n c = e.h.v;\\n c >= 1 ? c = .99 : c <= -1 && (c = -.99);\\n var f = l * c,\\n d = Math.cos(p + e.a.v) * f + o[0],\\n m = Math.sin(p + e.a.v) * f + o[1];\\n i = n.createRadialGradient(d, m, 0, o[0], o[1], l);\\n }\\n var u = t.g.p,\\n y = e.g.c,\\n g = 1;\\n\\n for (s = 0; s < u; s += 1) {\\n e.g._hasOpacity && e.g._collapsable && (g = e.g.o[2 * s + 1]), i.addColorStop(y[4 * s] / 100, \"rgba(\" + y[4 * s + 1] + \",\" + y[4 * s + 2] + \",\" + y[4 * s + 3] + \",\" + g + \")\");\\n }\\n\\n a.grd = i;\\n }\\n\\n a.coOp = e.o.v * r.opacity;\\n }, CVShapeElement.prototype.renderStroke = function (t, e, r) {\\n var i = e.style,\\n a = e.d;\\n a && (a._mdf || this._isFirstFrame) && (i.da = a.dashArray, i[\"do\"] = a.dashoffset[0]), (e.c._mdf || this._isFirstFrame) && (i.co = \"rgb(\" + bmFloor(e.c.v[0]) + \",\" + bmFloor(e.c.v[1]) + \",\" + bmFloor(e.c.v[2]) + \")\"), (e.o._mdf || r._opMdf || this._isFirstFrame) && (i.coOp = e.o.v * r.opacity), (e.w._mdf || this._isFirstFrame) && (i.wi = e.w.v);\\n }, CVShapeElement.prototype.destroy = function () {\\n this.shapesData = null, this.globalData = null, this.canvasContext = null, this.stylesList.length = 0, this.itemsData.length = 0;\\n }, extendPrototype([BaseElement, TransformElement, CVBaseElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableElement], CVSolidElement), CVSolidElement.prototype.initElement = SVGShapeElement.prototype.initElement, CVSolidElement.prototype.prepareFrame = IImageElement.prototype.prepareFrame, CVSolidElement.prototype.renderInnerContent = function () {\\n var t = this.canvasContext;\\n t.fillStyle = this.data.sc, t.fillRect(0, 0, this.data.sw, this.data.sh);\\n }, extendPrototype([BaseElement, TransformElement, CVBaseElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableElement, ITextElement], CVTextElement), CVTextElement.prototype.tHelper = createTag(\"canvas\").getContext(\"2d\"), CVTextElement.prototype.buildNewText = function () {\\n var t = this.textProperty.currentData;\\n this.renderedLetters = createSizedArray(t.l ? t.l.length : 0);\\n var e = !1;\\n t.fc ? (e = !0, this.values.fill = this.buildColor(t.fc)) : this.values.fill = \"rgba(0,0,0,0)\", this.fill = e;\\n var r = !1;\\n t.sc && (r = !0, this.values.stroke = this.buildColor(t.sc), this.values.sWidth = t.sw);\\n var i,\\n a,\\n s,\\n n,\\n o,\\n h,\\n l,\\n p,\\n c,\\n f,\\n d,\\n m,\\n u = this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(t.f),\\n y = t.l,\\n g = this.mHelper;\\n this.stroke = r, this.values.fValue = t.finalSize + \"px \" + this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(t.f).fFamily, a = t.finalText.length;\\n var v = this.data.singleShape,\\n b = .001 * t.tr * t.finalSize,\\n _ = 0,\\n P = 0,\\n E = !0,\\n S = 0;\\n\\n for (i = 0; i < a; i += 1) {\\n for (n = (s = this.globalData.fontManager.getCharData(t.finalText[i], u.fStyle, this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(t.f).fFamily)) && s.data || {}, g.reset(), v && y[i].n && (_ = -b, P += t.yOffset, P += E ? 1 : 0, E = !1), c = (l = n.shapes ? n.shapes[0].it : []).length, g.scale(t.finalSize / 100, t.finalSize / 100), v && this.applyTextPropertiesToMatrix(t, g, y[i].line, _, P), d = createSizedArray(c), p = 0; p < c; p += 1) {\\n for (h = l[p].ks.k.i.length, f = l[p].ks.k, m = [], o = 1; o < h; o += 1) {\\n 1 === o && m.push(g.applyToX(f.v[0][0], f.v[0][1], 0), g.applyToY(f.v[0][0], f.v[0][1], 0)), m.push(g.applyToX(f.o[o - 1][0], f.o[o - 1][1], 0), g.applyToY(f.o[o - 1][0], f.o[o - 1][1], 0), g.applyToX(f.i[o][0], f.i[o][1], 0), g.applyToY(f.i[o][0], f.i[o][1], 0), g.applyToX(f.v[o][0], f.v[o][1], 0), g.applyToY(f.v[o][0], f.v[o][1], 0));\\n }\\n\\n m.push(g.applyToX(f.o[o - 1][0], f.o[o - 1][1], 0), g.applyToY(f.o[o - 1][0], f.o[o - 1][1], 0), g.applyToX(f.i[0][0], f.i[0][1], 0), g.applyToY(f.i[0][0], f.i[0][1], 0), g.applyToX(f.v[0][0], f.v[0][1], 0), g.applyToY(f.v[0][0], f.v[0][1], 0)), d[p] = m;\\n }\\n\\n v && (_ += y[i].l, _ += b), this.textSpans[S] ? this.textSpans[S].elem = d : this.textSpans[S] = {\\n elem: d\\n }, S += 1;\\n }\\n }, CVTextElement.prototype.renderInnerContent = function () {\\n var t,\\n e,\\n r,\\n i,\\n a,\\n s,\\n n = this.canvasContext;\\n n.font = this.values.fValue, n.lineCap = \"butt\", n.lineJoin = \"miter\", n.miterLimit = 4, this.data.singleShape || this.textAnimator.getMeasures(this.textProperty.currentData, this.lettersChangedFlag);\\n var o,\\n h = this.textAnimator.renderedLetters,\\n l = this.textProperty.currentData.l;\\n e = l.length;\\n var p,\\n c,\\n f = null,\\n d = null,\\n m = null;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n if (!l[t].n) {\\n if ((o = h[t]) && (this.globalData.renderer.save(), this.globalData.renderer.ctxTransform(o.p), this.globalData.renderer.ctxOpacity(o.o)), this.fill) {\\n for (o && o.fc ? f !== o.fc && (f = o.fc, n.fillStyle = o.fc) : f !== this.values.fill && (f = this.values.fill, n.fillStyle = this.values.fill), i = (p = this.textSpans[t].elem).length, this.globalData.canvasContext.beginPath(), r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n for (s = (c = p[r]).length, this.globalData.canvasContext.moveTo(c[0], c[1]), a = 2; a < s; a += 6) {\\n this.globalData.canvasContext.bezierCurveTo(c[a], c[a + 1], c[a + 2], c[a + 3], c[a + 4], c[a + 5]);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n this.globalData.canvasContext.closePath(), this.globalData.canvasContext.fill();\\n }\\n\\n if (this.stroke) {\\n for (o && o.sw ? m !== o.sw && (m = o.sw, n.lineWidth = o.sw) : m !== this.values.sWidth && (m = this.values.sWidth, n.lineWidth = this.values.sWidth), o && o.sc ? d !== o.sc && (d = o.sc, n.strokeStyle = o.sc) : d !== this.values.stroke && (d = this.values.stroke, n.strokeStyle = this.values.stroke), i = (p = this.textSpans[t].elem).length, this.globalData.canvasContext.beginPath(), r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n for (s = (c = p[r]).length, this.globalData.canvasContext.moveTo(c[0], c[1]), a = 2; a < s; a += 6) {\\n this.globalData.canvasContext.bezierCurveTo(c[a], c[a + 1], c[a + 2], c[a + 3], c[a + 4], c[a + 5]);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n this.globalData.canvasContext.closePath(), this.globalData.canvasContext.stroke();\\n }\\n\\n o && this.globalData.renderer.restore();\\n }\\n }\\n }, CVEffects.prototype.renderFrame = function () {}, HBaseElement.prototype = {\\n checkBlendMode: function checkBlendMode() {},\\n initRendererElement: function initRendererElement() {\\n this.baseElement = createTag(this.data.tg || \"div\"), this.data.hasMask ? (this.svgElement = createNS(\"svg\"), this.layerElement = createNS(\"g\"), this.maskedElement = this.layerElement, this.svgElement.appendChild(this.layerElement), this.baseElement.appendChild(this.svgElement)) : this.layerElement = this.baseElement, styleDiv(this.baseElement);\\n },\\n createContainerElements: function createContainerElements() {\\n this.renderableEffectsManager = new CVEffects(this), this.transformedElement = this.baseElement, this.maskedElement = this.layerElement, this.data.ln && this.layerElement.setAttribute(\"id\", this.data.ln), this.data.cl && this.layerElement.setAttribute(\"class\", this.data.cl), 0 !== this.data.bm && this.setBlendMode();\\n },\\n renderElement: function renderElement() {\\n var t = this.transformedElement ? this.transformedElement.style : {};\\n\\n if (this.finalTransform._matMdf) {\\n var e = this.finalTransform.mat.toCSS();\\n t.transform = e, t.webkitTransform = e;\\n }\\n\\n this.finalTransform._opMdf && (t.opacity = this.finalTransform.mProp.o.v);\\n },\\n renderFrame: function renderFrame() {\\n this.data.hd || this.hidden || (this.renderTransform(), this.renderRenderable(), this.renderElement(), this.renderInnerContent(), this._isFirstFrame && (this._isFirstFrame = !1));\\n },\\n destroy: function destroy() {\\n this.layerElement = null, this.transformedElement = null, this.matteElement && (this.matteElement = null), this.maskManager && (this.maskManager.destroy(), this.maskManager = null);\\n },\\n createRenderableComponents: function createRenderableComponents() {\\n this.maskManager = new MaskElement(this.data, this, this.globalData);\\n },\\n addEffects: function addEffects() {},\\n setMatte: function setMatte() {}\\n }, HBaseElement.prototype.getBaseElement = SVGBaseElement.prototype.getBaseElement, HBaseElement.prototype.destroyBaseElement = HBaseElement.prototype.destroy, HBaseElement.prototype.buildElementParenting = HybridRenderer.prototype.buildElementParenting, extendPrototype([BaseElement, TransformElement, HBaseElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableDOMElement], HSolidElement), HSolidElement.prototype.createContent = function () {\\n var t;\\n this.data.hasMask ? ((t = createNS(\"rect\")).setAttribute(\"width\", this.data.sw), t.setAttribute(\"height\", this.data.sh), t.setAttribute(\"fill\", this.data.sc), this.svgElement.setAttribute(\"width\", this.data.sw), this.svgElement.setAttribute(\"height\", this.data.sh)) : ((t = createTag(\"div\")).style.width = this.data.sw + \"px\", t.style.height = this.data.sh + \"px\", t.style.backgroundColor = this.data.sc), this.layerElement.appendChild(t);\\n }, extendPrototype([HybridRenderer, ICompElement, HBaseElement], HCompElement), HCompElement.prototype._createBaseContainerElements = HCompElement.prototype.createContainerElements, HCompElement.prototype.createContainerElements = function () {\\n this._createBaseContainerElements(), this.data.hasMask ? (this.svgElement.setAttribute(\"width\", this.data.w), this.svgElement.setAttribute(\"height\", this.data.h), this.transformedElement = this.baseElement) : this.transformedElement = this.layerElement;\\n }, HCompElement.prototype.addTo3dContainer = function (t, e) {\\n for (var r, i = 0; i < e;) {\\n this.elements[i] && this.elements[i].getBaseElement && (r = this.elements[i].getBaseElement()), i += 1;\\n }\\n\\n r ? this.layerElement.insertBefore(t, r) : this.layerElement.appendChild(t);\\n }, extendPrototype([BaseElement, TransformElement, HSolidElement, SVGShapeElement, HBaseElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableElement], HShapeElement), HShapeElement.prototype._renderShapeFrame = HShapeElement.prototype.renderInnerContent, HShapeElement.prototype.createContent = function () {\\n var t;\\n if (this.baseElement.style.fontSize = 0, this.data.hasMask) this.layerElement.appendChild(this.shapesContainer), t = this.svgElement;else {\\n t = createNS(\"svg\");\\n var e = this.comp.data ? this.comp.data : this.globalData.compSize;\\n t.setAttribute(\"width\", e.w), t.setAttribute(\"height\", e.h), t.appendChild(this.shapesContainer), this.layerElement.appendChild(t);\\n }\\n this.searchShapes(this.shapesData, this.itemsData, this.prevViewData, this.shapesContainer, 0, [], !0), this.filterUniqueShapes(), this.shapeCont = t;\\n }, HShapeElement.prototype.getTransformedPoint = function (t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i = t.length;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n e = t[r].mProps.v.applyToPointArray(e[0], e[1], 0);\\n }\\n\\n return e;\\n }, HShapeElement.prototype.calculateShapeBoundingBox = function (t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a,\\n s,\\n n,\\n o = t.sh.v,\\n h = t.transformers,\\n l = o._length;\\n\\n if (!(l <= 1)) {\\n for (r = 0; r < l - 1; r += 1) {\\n i = this.getTransformedPoint(h, o.v[r]), a = this.getTransformedPoint(h, o.o[r]), s = this.getTransformedPoint(h, o.i[r + 1]), n = this.getTransformedPoint(h, o.v[r + 1]), this.checkBounds(i, a, s, n, e);\\n }\\n\\n o.c && (i = this.getTransformedPoint(h, o.v[r]), a = this.getTransformedPoint(h, o.o[r]), s = this.getTransformedPoint(h, o.i[0]), n = this.getTransformedPoint(h, o.v[0]), this.checkBounds(i, a, s, n, e));\\n }\\n }, HShapeElement.prototype.checkBounds = function (t, e, r, i, a) {\\n this.getBoundsOfCurve(t, e, r, i);\\n var s = this.shapeBoundingBox;\\n a.x = bmMin(s.left, a.x), a.xMax = bmMax(s.right, a.xMax), a.y = bmMin(s.top, a.y), a.yMax = bmMax(s.bottom, a.yMax);\\n }, HShapeElement.prototype.shapeBoundingBox = {\\n left: 0,\\n right: 0,\\n top: 0,\\n bottom: 0\\n }, HShapeElement.prototype.tempBoundingBox = {\\n x: 0,\\n xMax: 0,\\n y: 0,\\n yMax: 0,\\n width: 0,\\n height: 0\\n }, HShapeElement.prototype.getBoundsOfCurve = function (t, e, r, i) {\\n for (var a, s, n, o, h, l, p, c = [[t[0], i[0]], [t[1], i[1]]], f = 0; f < 2; ++f) {\\n s = 6 * t[f] - 12 * e[f] + 6 * r[f], a = -3 * t[f] + 9 * e[f] - 9 * r[f] + 3 * i[f], n = 3 * e[f] - 3 * t[f], s |= 0, n |= 0, 0 == (a |= 0) && 0 === s || (0 === a ? (o = -n / s) > 0 && o < 1 && c[f].push(this.calculateF(o, t, e, r, i, f)) : (h = s * s - 4 * n * a) >= 0 && ((l = (-s + bmSqrt(h)) / (2 * a)) > 0 && l < 1 && c[f].push(this.calculateF(l, t, e, r, i, f)), (p = (-s - bmSqrt(h)) / (2 * a)) > 0 && p < 1 && c[f].push(this.calculateF(p, t, e, r, i, f))));\\n }\\n\\n this.shapeBoundingBox.left = bmMin.apply(null, c[0]), this.shapeBoundingBox.top = bmMin.apply(null, c[1]), this.shapeBoundingBox.right = bmMax.apply(null, c[0]), this.shapeBoundingBox.bottom = bmMax.apply(null, c[1]);\\n }, HShapeElement.prototype.calculateF = function (t, e, r, i, a, s) {\\n return bmPow(1 - t, 3) * e[s] + 3 * bmPow(1 - t, 2) * t * r[s] + 3 * (1 - t) * bmPow(t, 2) * i[s] + bmPow(t, 3) * a[s];\\n }, HShapeElement.prototype.calculateBoundingBox = function (t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i = t.length;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n t[r] && t[r].sh ? this.calculateShapeBoundingBox(t[r], e) : t[r] && t[r].it && this.calculateBoundingBox(t[r].it, e);\\n }\\n }, HShapeElement.prototype.currentBoxContains = function (t) {\\n return this.currentBBox.x <= t.x && this.currentBBox.y <= t.y && this.currentBBox.width + this.currentBBox.x >= t.x + t.width && this.currentBBox.height + this.currentBBox.y >= t.y + t.height;\\n }, HShapeElement.prototype.renderInnerContent = function () {\\n if (this._renderShapeFrame(), !this.hidden && (this._isFirstFrame || this._mdf)) {\\n var t = this.tempBoundingBox,\\n e = 999999;\\n if (t.x = e, t.xMax = -e, t.y = e, t.yMax = -e, this.calculateBoundingBox(this.itemsData, t), t.width = t.xMax < t.x ? 0 : t.xMax - t.x, t.height = t.yMax < t.y ? 0 : t.yMax - t.y, this.currentBoxContains(t)) return;\\n var r = !1;\\n\\n if (this.currentBBox.w !== t.width && (this.currentBBox.w = t.width, this.shapeCont.setAttribute(\"width\", t.width), r = !0), this.currentBBox.h !== t.height && (this.currentBBox.h = t.height, this.shapeCont.setAttribute(\"height\", t.height), r = !0), r || this.currentBBox.x !== t.x || this.currentBBox.y !== t.y) {\\n this.currentBBox.w = t.width, this.currentBBox.h = t.height, this.currentBBox.x = t.x, this.currentBBox.y = t.y, this.shapeCont.setAttribute(\"viewBox\", this.currentBBox.x + \" \" + this.currentBBox.y + \" \" + this.currentBBox.w + \" \" + this.currentBBox.h);\\n var i = this.shapeCont.style,\\n a = \"translate(\" + this.currentBBox.x + \"px,\" + this.currentBBox.y + \"px)\";\\n i.transform = a, i.webkitTransform = a;\\n }\\n }\\n }, extendPrototype([BaseElement, TransformElement, HBaseElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableDOMElement, ITextElement], HTextElement), HTextElement.prototype.createContent = function () {\\n if (this.isMasked = this.checkMasks(), this.isMasked) {\\n this.renderType = \"svg\", this.compW = this.comp.data.w, this.compH = this.comp.data.h, this.svgElement.setAttribute(\"width\", this.compW), this.svgElement.setAttribute(\"height\", this.compH);\\n var t = createNS(\"g\");\\n this.maskedElement.appendChild(t), this.innerElem = t;\\n } else this.renderType = \"html\", this.innerElem = this.layerElement;\\n\\n this.checkParenting();\\n }, HTextElement.prototype.buildNewText = function () {\\n var t = this.textProperty.currentData;\\n this.renderedLetters = createSizedArray(t.l ? t.l.length : 0);\\n var e = this.innerElem.style,\\n r = t.fc ? this.buildColor(t.fc) : \"rgba(0,0,0,0)\";\\n e.fill = r, e.color = r, t.sc && (e.stroke = this.buildColor(t.sc), e.strokeWidth = t.sw + \"px\");\\n var i,\\n a,\\n s = this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(t.f);\\n if (!this.globalData.fontManager.chars) if (e.fontSize = t.finalSize + \"px\", e.lineHeight = t.finalSize + \"px\", s.fClass) this.innerElem.className = s.fClass;else {\\n e.fontFamily = s.fFamily;\\n var n = t.fWeight,\\n o = t.fStyle;\\n e.fontStyle = o, e.fontWeight = n;\\n }\\n var h,\\n l,\\n p,\\n c = t.l;\\n a = c.length;\\n var f,\\n d = this.mHelper,\\n m = \"\",\\n u = 0;\\n\\n for (i = 0; i < a; i += 1) {\\n if (this.globalData.fontManager.chars ? (this.textPaths[u] ? h = this.textPaths[u] : ((h = createNS(\"path\")).setAttribute(\"stroke-linecap\", lineCapEnum[1]), h.setAttribute(\"stroke-linejoin\", lineJoinEnum[2]), h.setAttribute(\"stroke-miterlimit\", \"4\")), this.isMasked || (this.textSpans[u] ? p = (l = this.textSpans[u]).children[0] : ((l = createTag(\"div\")).style.lineHeight = 0, (p = createNS(\"svg\")).appendChild(h), styleDiv(l)))) : this.isMasked ? h = this.textPaths[u] ? this.textPaths[u] : createNS(\"text\") : this.textSpans[u] ? (l = this.textSpans[u], h = this.textPaths[u]) : (styleDiv(l = createTag(\"span\")), styleDiv(h = createTag(\"span\")), l.appendChild(h)), this.globalData.fontManager.chars) {\\n var y,\\n g = this.globalData.fontManager.getCharData(t.finalText[i], s.fStyle, this.globalData.fontManager.getFontByName(t.f).fFamily);\\n if (y = g ? g.data : null, d.reset(), y && y.shapes && (f = y.shapes[0].it, d.scale(t.finalSize / 100, t.finalSize / 100), m = this.createPathShape(d, f), h.setAttribute(\"d\", m)), this.isMasked) this.innerElem.appendChild(h);else {\\n if (this.innerElem.appendChild(l), y && y.shapes) {\\n document.body.appendChild(p);\\n var v = p.getBBox();\\n p.setAttribute(\"width\", v.width + 2), p.setAttribute(\"height\", v.height + 2), p.setAttribute(\"viewBox\", v.x - 1 + \" \" + (v.y - 1) + \" \" + (v.width + 2) + \" \" + (v.height + 2));\\n\\n var b = p.style,\\n _ = \"translate(\" + (v.x - 1) + \"px,\" + (v.y - 1) + \"px)\";\\n\\n b.transform = _, b.webkitTransform = _, c[i].yOffset = v.y - 1;\\n } else p.setAttribute(\"width\", 1), p.setAttribute(\"height\", 1);\\n\\n l.appendChild(p);\\n }\\n } else if (h.textContent = c[i].val, h.setAttributeNS(\"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace\", \"xml:space\", \"preserve\"), this.isMasked) this.innerElem.appendChild(h);else {\\n this.innerElem.appendChild(l);\\n var P = h.style,\\n E = \"translate3d(0,\" + -t.finalSize / 1.2 + \"px,0)\";\\n P.transform = E, P.webkitTransform = E;\\n }\\n\\n this.isMasked ? this.textSpans[u] = h : this.textSpans[u] = l, this.textSpans[u].style.display = \"block\", this.textPaths[u] = h, u += 1;\\n }\\n\\n for (; u < this.textSpans.length;) {\\n this.textSpans[u].style.display = \"none\", u += 1;\\n }\\n }, HTextElement.prototype.renderInnerContent = function () {\\n var t;\\n\\n if (this.data.singleShape) {\\n if (!this._isFirstFrame && !this.lettersChangedFlag) return;\\n\\n if (this.isMasked && this.finalTransform._matMdf) {\\n this.svgElement.setAttribute(\"viewBox\", -this.finalTransform.mProp.p.v[0] + \" \" + -this.finalTransform.mProp.p.v[1] + \" \" + this.compW + \" \" + this.compH), t = this.svgElement.style;\\n var e = \"translate(\" + -this.finalTransform.mProp.p.v[0] + \"px,\" + -this.finalTransform.mProp.p.v[1] + \"px)\";\\n t.transform = e, t.webkitTransform = e;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n if (this.textAnimator.getMeasures(this.textProperty.currentData, this.lettersChangedFlag), this.lettersChangedFlag || this.textAnimator.lettersChangedFlag) {\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a,\\n s,\\n n,\\n o = 0,\\n h = this.textAnimator.renderedLetters,\\n l = this.textProperty.currentData.l;\\n\\n for (i = l.length, r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n l[r].n ? o += 1 : (s = this.textSpans[r], n = this.textPaths[r], a = h[o], o += 1, a._mdf.m && (this.isMasked ? s.setAttribute(\"transform\", a.m) : (s.style.webkitTransform = a.m, s.style.transform = a.m)), s.style.opacity = a.o, a.sw && a._mdf.sw && n.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", a.sw), a.sc && a._mdf.sc && n.setAttribute(\"stroke\", a.sc), a.fc && a._mdf.fc && (n.setAttribute(\"fill\", a.fc), n.style.color = a.fc));\\n }\\n\\n if (this.innerElem.getBBox && !this.hidden && (this._isFirstFrame || this._mdf)) {\\n var p = this.innerElem.getBBox();\\n\\n if (this.currentBBox.w !== p.width && (this.currentBBox.w = p.width, this.svgElement.setAttribute(\"width\", p.width)), this.currentBBox.h !== p.height && (this.currentBBox.h = p.height, this.svgElement.setAttribute(\"height\", p.height)), this.currentBBox.w !== p.width + 2 || this.currentBBox.h !== p.height + 2 || this.currentBBox.x !== p.x - 1 || this.currentBBox.y !== p.y - 1) {\\n this.currentBBox.w = p.width + 2, this.currentBBox.h = p.height + 2, this.currentBBox.x = p.x - 1, this.currentBBox.y = p.y - 1, this.svgElement.setAttribute(\"viewBox\", this.currentBBox.x + \" \" + this.currentBBox.y + \" \" + this.currentBBox.w + \" \" + this.currentBBox.h), t = this.svgElement.style;\\n var c = \"translate(\" + this.currentBBox.x + \"px,\" + this.currentBBox.y + \"px)\";\\n t.transform = c, t.webkitTransform = c;\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }, extendPrototype([BaseElement, TransformElement, HBaseElement, HSolidElement, HierarchyElement, FrameElement, RenderableElement], HImageElement), HImageElement.prototype.createContent = function () {\\n var t = this.globalData.getAssetsPath(this.assetData),\\n e = new Image();\\n this.data.hasMask ? (this.imageElem = createNS(\"image\"), this.imageElem.setAttribute(\"width\", this.assetData.w + \"px\"), this.imageElem.setAttribute(\"height\", this.assetData.h + \"px\"), this.imageElem.setAttributeNS(\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\", \"href\", t), this.layerElement.appendChild(this.imageElem), this.baseElement.setAttribute(\"width\", this.assetData.w), this.baseElement.setAttribute(\"height\", this.assetData.h)) : this.layerElement.appendChild(e), e.crossOrigin = \"anonymous\", e.src = t, this.data.ln && this.baseElement.setAttribute(\"id\", this.data.ln);\\n }, extendPrototype([BaseElement, FrameElement, HierarchyElement], HCameraElement), HCameraElement.prototype.setup = function () {\\n var t,\\n e,\\n r,\\n i,\\n a = this.comp.threeDElements.length;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < a; t += 1) {\\n if (\"3d\" === (e = this.comp.threeDElements[t]).type) {\\n r = e.perspectiveElem.style, i = e.container.style;\\n var s = this.pe.v + \"px\",\\n n = \"0px 0px 0px\",\\n o = \"matrix3d(1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1)\";\\n r.perspective = s, r.webkitPerspective = s, i.transformOrigin = n, i.mozTransformOrigin = n, i.webkitTransformOrigin = n, r.transform = o, r.webkitTransform = o;\\n }\\n }\\n }, HCameraElement.prototype.createElements = function () {}, HCameraElement.prototype.hide = function () {}, HCameraElement.prototype.renderFrame = function () {\\n var t,\\n e,\\n r = this._isFirstFrame;\\n if (this.hierarchy) for (e = this.hierarchy.length, t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n r = this.hierarchy[t].finalTransform.mProp._mdf || r;\\n }\\n\\n if (r || this.pe._mdf || this.p && this.p._mdf || this.px && (this.px._mdf || this.py._mdf || this.pz._mdf) || this.rx._mdf || this.ry._mdf || this.rz._mdf || this.or._mdf || this.a && this.a._mdf) {\\n if (this.mat.reset(), this.hierarchy) for (t = e = this.hierarchy.length - 1; t >= 0; t -= 1) {\\n var i = this.hierarchy[t].finalTransform.mProp;\\n this.mat.translate(-i.p.v[0], -i.p.v[1], i.p.v[2]), this.mat.rotateX(-i.or.v[0]).rotateY(-i.or.v[1]).rotateZ(i.or.v[2]), this.mat.rotateX(-i.rx.v).rotateY(-i.ry.v).rotateZ(i.rz.v), this.mat.scale(1 / i.s.v[0], 1 / i.s.v[1], 1 / i.s.v[2]), this.mat.translate(i.a.v[0], i.a.v[1], i.a.v[2]);\\n }\\n\\n if (this.p ? this.mat.translate(-this.p.v[0], -this.p.v[1], this.p.v[2]) : this.mat.translate(-this.px.v, -this.py.v, this.pz.v), this.a) {\\n var a;\\n a = this.p ? [this.p.v[0] - this.a.v[0], this.p.v[1] - this.a.v[1], this.p.v[2] - this.a.v[2]] : [this.px.v - this.a.v[0], this.py.v - this.a.v[1], this.pz.v - this.a.v[2]];\\n var s = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a[0], 2) + Math.pow(a[1], 2) + Math.pow(a[2], 2)),\\n n = [a[0] / s, a[1] / s, a[2] / s],\\n o = Math.sqrt(n[2] * n[2] + n[0] * n[0]),\\n h = Math.atan2(n[1], o),\\n l = Math.atan2(n[0], -n[2]);\\n this.mat.rotateY(l).rotateX(-h);\\n }\\n\\n this.mat.rotateX(-this.rx.v).rotateY(-this.ry.v).rotateZ(this.rz.v), this.mat.rotateX(-this.or.v[0]).rotateY(-this.or.v[1]).rotateZ(this.or.v[2]), this.mat.translate(this.globalData.compSize.w / 2, this.globalData.compSize.h / 2, 0), this.mat.translate(0, 0, this.pe.v);\\n var p = !this._prevMat.equals(this.mat);\\n\\n if ((p || this.pe._mdf) && this.comp.threeDElements) {\\n var c, f, d;\\n\\n for (e = this.comp.threeDElements.length, t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n if (\"3d\" === (c = this.comp.threeDElements[t]).type) {\\n if (p) {\\n var m = this.mat.toCSS();\\n (d = c.container.style).transform = m, d.webkitTransform = m;\\n }\\n\\n this.pe._mdf && ((f = c.perspectiveElem.style).perspective = this.pe.v + \"px\", f.webkitPerspective = this.pe.v + \"px\");\\n }\\n }\\n\\n this.mat.clone(this._prevMat);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n this._isFirstFrame = !1;\\n }, HCameraElement.prototype.prepareFrame = function (t) {\\n this.prepareProperties(t, !0);\\n }, HCameraElement.prototype.destroy = function () {}, HCameraElement.prototype.getBaseElement = function () {\\n return null;\\n }, HEffects.prototype.renderFrame = function () {};\\n\\n var animationManager = function () {\\n var t = {},\\n e = [],\\n r = 0,\\n i = 0,\\n a = 0,\\n s = !0,\\n n = !1;\\n\\n function o(t) {\\n for (var r = 0, a = t.target; r < i;) {\\n e[r].animation === a && (e.splice(r, 1), r -= 1, i -= 1, a.isPaused || p()), r += 1;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function h(t, r) {\\n if (!t) return null;\\n\\n for (var a = 0; a < i;) {\\n if (e[a].elem === t && null !== e[a].elem) return e[a].animation;\\n a += 1;\\n }\\n\\n var s = new AnimationItem();\\n return c(s, t), s.setData(t, r), s;\\n }\\n\\n function l() {\\n a += 1, m();\\n }\\n\\n function p() {\\n a -= 1;\\n }\\n\\n function c(t, r) {\\n t.addEventListener(\"destroy\", o), t.addEventListener(\"_active\", l), t.addEventListener(\"_idle\", p), e.push({\\n elem: r,\\n animation: t\\n }), i += 1;\\n }\\n\\n function f(t) {\\n var o,\\n h = t - r;\\n\\n for (o = 0; o < i; o += 1) {\\n e[o].animation.advanceTime(h);\\n }\\n\\n r = t, a && !n ? window.requestAnimationFrame(f) : s = !0;\\n }\\n\\n function d(t) {\\n r = t, window.requestAnimationFrame(f);\\n }\\n\\n function m() {\\n !n && a && s && (window.requestAnimationFrame(d), s = !1);\\n }\\n\\n return t.registerAnimation = h, t.loadAnimation = function (t) {\\n var e = new AnimationItem();\\n return c(e, null), e.setParams(t), e;\\n }, t.setSpeed = function (t, r) {\\n var a;\\n\\n for (a = 0; a < i; a += 1) {\\n e[a].animation.setSpeed(t, r);\\n }\\n }, t.setDirection = function (t, r) {\\n var a;\\n\\n for (a = 0; a < i; a += 1) {\\n e[a].animation.setDirection(t, r);\\n }\\n }, t.play = function (t) {\\n var r;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n e[r].animation.play(t);\\n }\\n }, t.pause = function (t) {\\n var r;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n e[r].animation.pause(t);\\n }\\n }, t.stop = function (t) {\\n var r;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n e[r].animation.stop(t);\\n }\\n }, t.togglePause = function (t) {\\n var r;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n e[r].animation.togglePause(t);\\n }\\n }, t.searchAnimations = function (t, e, r) {\\n var i,\\n a = [].concat([].slice.call(document.getElementsByClassName(\"lottie\")), [].slice.call(document.getElementsByClassName(\"bodymovin\"))),\\n s = a.length;\\n\\n for (i = 0; i < s; i += 1) {\\n r && a[i].setAttribute(\"data-bm-type\", r), h(a[i], t);\\n }\\n\\n if (e && 0 === s) {\\n r || (r = \"svg\");\\n var n = document.getElementsByTagName(\"body\")[0];\\n n.innerText = \"\";\\n var o = createTag(\"div\");\\n o.style.width = \"100%\", o.style.height = \"100%\", o.setAttribute(\"data-bm-type\", r), n.appendChild(o), h(o, t);\\n }\\n }, t.resize = function () {\\n var t;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < i; t += 1) {\\n e[t].animation.resize();\\n }\\n }, t.goToAndStop = function (t, r, a) {\\n var s;\\n\\n for (s = 0; s < i; s += 1) {\\n e[s].animation.goToAndStop(t, r, a);\\n }\\n }, t.destroy = function (t) {\\n var r;\\n\\n for (r = i - 1; r >= 0; r -= 1) {\\n e[r].animation.destroy(t);\\n }\\n }, t.freeze = function () {\\n n = !0;\\n }, t.unfreeze = function () {\\n n = !1, m();\\n }, t.setVolume = function (t, r) {\\n var a;\\n\\n for (a = 0; a < i; a += 1) {\\n e[a].animation.setVolume(t, r);\\n }\\n }, t.mute = function (t) {\\n var r;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n e[r].animation.mute(t);\\n }\\n }, t.unmute = function (t) {\\n var r;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n e[r].animation.unmute(t);\\n }\\n }, t.getRegisteredAnimations = function () {\\n var t,\\n r = e.length,\\n i = [];\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < r; t += 1) {\\n i.push(e[t].animation);\\n }\\n\\n return i;\\n }, t;\\n }(),\\n AnimationItem = function AnimationItem() {\\n this._cbs = [], this.name = \"\", this.path = \"\", this.isLoaded = !1, this.currentFrame = 0, this.currentRawFrame = 0, this.firstFrame = 0, this.totalFrames = 0, this.frameRate = 0, this.frameMult = 0, this.playSpeed = 1, this.playDirection = 1, this.playCount = 0, this.animationData = {}, this.assets = [], this.isPaused = !0, this.autoplay = !1, this.loop = !0, this.renderer = null, this.animationID = createElementID(), this.assetsPath = \"\", this.timeCompleted = 0, this.segmentPos = 0, this.isSubframeEnabled = subframeEnabled, this.segments = [], this._idle = !0, this._completedLoop = !1, this.projectInterface = ProjectInterface(), this.imagePreloader = new ImagePreloader(), this.audioController = audioControllerFactory(), this.markers = [], this.configAnimation = this.configAnimation.bind(this), this.onSetupError = this.onSetupError.bind(this), this.onSegmentComplete = this.onSegmentComplete.bind(this);\\n };\\n\\n extendPrototype([BaseEvent], AnimationItem), AnimationItem.prototype.setParams = function (t) {\\n (t.wrapper || t.container) && (this.wrapper = t.wrapper || t.container);\\n var e = \"svg\";\\n\\n switch (t.animType ? e = t.animType : t.renderer && (e = t.renderer), e) {\\n case \"canvas\":\\n this.renderer = new CanvasRenderer(this, t.rendererSettings);\\n break;\\n\\n case \"svg\":\\n this.renderer = new SVGRenderer(this, t.rendererSettings);\\n break;\\n\\n default:\\n this.renderer = new HybridRenderer(this, t.rendererSettings);\\n }\\n\\n this.imagePreloader.setCacheType(e, this.renderer.globalData.defs), this.renderer.setProjectInterface(this.projectInterface), this.animType = e, \"\" === t.loop || null === t.loop || void 0 === t.loop || !0 === t.loop ? this.loop = !0 : !1 === t.loop ? this.loop = !1 : this.loop = parseInt(t.loop, 10), this.autoplay = !(\"autoplay\" in t) || t.autoplay, this.name = t.name ? t.name : \"\", this.autoloadSegments = !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, \"autoloadSegments\") || t.autoloadSegments, this.assetsPath = t.assetsPath, this.initialSegment = t.initialSegment, t.audioFactory && this.audioController.setAudioFactory(t.audioFactory), t.animationData ? this.setupAnimation(t.animationData) : t.path && (-1 !== t.path.lastIndexOf(\"\\\\\\\\\") ? this.path = t.path.substr(0, t.path.lastIndexOf(\"\\\\\\\\\") + 1) : this.path = t.path.substr(0, t.path.lastIndexOf(\"/\") + 1), this.fileName = t.path.substr(t.path.lastIndexOf(\"/\") + 1), this.fileName = this.fileName.substr(0, this.fileName.lastIndexOf(\".json\")), dataManager.loadAnimation(t.path, this.configAnimation, this.onSetupError));\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.onSetupError = function () {\\n this.trigger(\"data_failed\");\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.setupAnimation = function (t) {\\n dataManager.completeAnimation(t, this.configAnimation);\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.setData = function (t, e) {\\n e && \"object\" != _typeof2(e) && (e = JSON.parse(e));\\n var r = {\\n wrapper: t,\\n animationData: e\\n },\\n i = t.attributes;\\n r.path = i.getNamedItem(\"data-animation-path\") ? i.getNamedItem(\"data-animation-path\").value : i.getNamedItem(\"data-bm-path\") ? i.getNamedItem(\"data-bm-path\").value : i.getNamedItem(\"bm-path\") ? i.getNamedItem(\"bm-path\").value : \"\", r.animType = i.getNamedItem(\"data-anim-type\") ? i.getNamedItem(\"data-anim-type\").value : i.getNamedItem(\"data-bm-type\") ? i.getNamedItem(\"data-bm-type\").value : i.getNamedItem(\"bm-type\") ? i.getNamedItem(\"bm-type\").value : i.getNamedItem(\"data-bm-renderer\") ? i.getNamedItem(\"data-bm-renderer\").value : i.getNamedItem(\"bm-renderer\") ? i.getNamedItem(\"bm-renderer\").value : \"canvas\";\\n var a = i.getNamedItem(\"data-anim-loop\") ? i.getNamedItem(\"data-anim-loop\").value : i.getNamedItem(\"data-bm-loop\") ? i.getNamedItem(\"data-bm-loop\").value : i.getNamedItem(\"bm-loop\") ? i.getNamedItem(\"bm-loop\").value : \"\";\\n \"false\" === a ? r.loop = !1 : \"true\" === a ? r.loop = !0 : \"\" !== a && (r.loop = parseInt(a, 10));\\n var s = i.getNamedItem(\"data-anim-autoplay\") ? i.getNamedItem(\"data-anim-autoplay\").value : i.getNamedItem(\"data-bm-autoplay\") ? i.getNamedItem(\"data-bm-autoplay\").value : !i.getNamedItem(\"bm-autoplay\") || i.getNamedItem(\"bm-autoplay\").value;\\n r.autoplay = \"false\" !== s, r.name = i.getNamedItem(\"data-name\") ? i.getNamedItem(\"data-name\").value : i.getNamedItem(\"data-bm-name\") ? i.getNamedItem(\"data-bm-name\").value : i.getNamedItem(\"bm-name\") ? i.getNamedItem(\"bm-name\").value : \"\", \"false\" === (i.getNamedItem(\"data-anim-prerender\") ? i.getNamedItem(\"data-anim-prerender\").value : i.getNamedItem(\"data-bm-prerender\") ? i.getNamedItem(\"data-bm-prerender\").value : i.getNamedItem(\"bm-prerender\") ? i.getNamedItem(\"bm-prerender\").value : \"\") && (r.prerender = !1), this.setParams(r);\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.includeLayers = function (t) {\\n t.op > this.animationData.op && (this.animationData.op = t.op, this.totalFrames = Math.floor(t.op - this.animationData.ip));\\n var e,\\n r,\\n i = this.animationData.layers,\\n a = i.length,\\n s = t.layers,\\n n = s.length;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < n; r += 1) {\\n for (e = 0; e < a;) {\\n if (i[e].id === s[r].id) {\\n i[e] = s[r];\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n e += 1;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n if ((t.chars || t.fonts) && (this.renderer.globalData.fontManager.addChars(t.chars), this.renderer.globalData.fontManager.addFonts(t.fonts, this.renderer.globalData.defs)), t.assets) for (a = t.assets.length, e = 0; e < a; e += 1) {\\n this.animationData.assets.push(t.assets[e]);\\n }\\n this.animationData.__complete = !1, dataManager.completeAnimation(this.animationData, this.onSegmentComplete);\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.onSegmentComplete = function (t) {\\n this.animationData = t, expressionsPlugin && expressionsPlugin.initExpressions(this), this.loadNextSegment();\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.loadNextSegment = function () {\\n var t = this.animationData.segments;\\n if (!t || 0 === t.length || !this.autoloadSegments) return this.trigger(\"data_ready\"), void (this.timeCompleted = this.totalFrames);\\n var e = t.shift();\\n this.timeCompleted = e.time * this.frameRate;\\n var r = this.path + this.fileName + \"_\" + this.segmentPos + \".json\";\\n this.segmentPos += 1, dataManager.loadData(r, this.includeLayers.bind(this), function () {\\n this.trigger(\"data_failed\");\\n }.bind(this));\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.loadSegments = function () {\\n this.animationData.segments || (this.timeCompleted = this.totalFrames), this.loadNextSegment();\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.imagesLoaded = function () {\\n this.trigger(\"loaded_images\"), this.checkLoaded();\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.preloadImages = function () {\\n this.imagePreloader.setAssetsPath(this.assetsPath), this.imagePreloader.setPath(this.path), this.imagePreloader.loadAssets(this.animationData.assets, this.imagesLoaded.bind(this));\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.configAnimation = function (t) {\\n if (this.renderer) try {\\n this.animationData = t, this.initialSegment ? (this.totalFrames = Math.floor(this.initialSegment[1] - this.initialSegment[0]), this.firstFrame = Math.round(this.initialSegment[0])) : (this.totalFrames = Math.floor(this.animationData.op - this.animationData.ip), this.firstFrame = Math.round(this.animationData.ip)), this.renderer.configAnimation(t), t.assets || (t.assets = []), this.assets = this.animationData.assets, this.frameRate = this.animationData.fr, this.frameMult = this.animationData.fr / 1e3, this.renderer.searchExtraCompositions(t.assets), this.markers = markerParser(t.markers || []), this.trigger(\"config_ready\"), this.preloadImages(), this.loadSegments(), this.updaFrameModifier(), this.waitForFontsLoaded(), this.isPaused && this.audioController.pause();\\n } catch (t) {\\n this.triggerConfigError(t);\\n }\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.waitForFontsLoaded = function () {\\n this.renderer && (this.renderer.globalData.fontManager.isLoaded ? this.checkLoaded() : setTimeout(this.waitForFontsLoaded.bind(this), 20));\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.checkLoaded = function () {\\n !this.isLoaded && this.renderer.globalData.fontManager.isLoaded && (this.imagePreloader.loadedImages() || \"canvas\" !== this.renderer.rendererType) && this.imagePreloader.loadedFootages() && (this.isLoaded = !0, expressionsPlugin && expressionsPlugin.initExpressions(this), this.renderer.initItems(), setTimeout(function () {\\n this.trigger(\"DOMLoaded\");\\n }.bind(this), 0), this.gotoFrame(), this.autoplay && this.play());\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.resize = function () {\\n this.renderer.updateContainerSize();\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.setSubframe = function (t) {\\n this.isSubframeEnabled = !!t;\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.gotoFrame = function () {\\n this.currentFrame = this.isSubframeEnabled ? this.currentRawFrame : ~~this.currentRawFrame, this.timeCompleted !== this.totalFrames && this.currentFrame > this.timeCompleted && (this.currentFrame = this.timeCompleted), this.trigger(\"enterFrame\"), this.renderFrame(), this.trigger(\"drawnFrame\");\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.renderFrame = function () {\\n if (!1 !== this.isLoaded && this.renderer) try {\\n this.renderer.renderFrame(this.currentFrame + this.firstFrame);\\n } catch (t) {\\n this.triggerRenderFrameError(t);\\n }\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.play = function (t) {\\n t && this.name !== t || !0 === this.isPaused && (this.isPaused = !1, this.audioController.resume(), this._idle && (this._idle = !1, this.trigger(\"_active\")));\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.pause = function (t) {\\n t && this.name !== t || !1 === this.isPaused && (this.isPaused = !0, this._idle = !0, this.trigger(\"_idle\"), this.audioController.pause());\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.togglePause = function (t) {\\n t && this.name !== t || (!0 === this.isPaused ? this.play() : this.pause());\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.stop = function (t) {\\n t && this.name !== t || (this.pause(), this.playCount = 0, this._completedLoop = !1, this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(0));\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.getMarkerData = function (t) {\\n for (var e, r = 0; r < this.markers.length; r += 1) {\\n if ((e = this.markers[r]).payload && e.payload.name === t) return e;\\n }\\n\\n return null;\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.goToAndStop = function (t, e, r) {\\n if (!r || this.name === r) {\\n var i = Number(t);\\n\\n if (isNaN(i)) {\\n var a = this.getMarkerData(t);\\n a && this.goToAndStop(a.time, !0);\\n } else e ? this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(t) : this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(t * this.frameModifier);\\n\\n this.pause();\\n }\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.goToAndPlay = function (t, e, r) {\\n if (!r || this.name === r) {\\n var i = Number(t);\\n\\n if (isNaN(i)) {\\n var a = this.getMarkerData(t);\\n a && (a.duration ? this.playSegments([a.time, a.time + a.duration], !0) : this.goToAndStop(a.time, !0));\\n } else this.goToAndStop(i, e, r);\\n\\n this.play();\\n }\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.advanceTime = function (t) {\\n if (!0 !== this.isPaused && !1 !== this.isLoaded) {\\n var e = this.currentRawFrame + t * this.frameModifier,\\n r = !1;\\n e >= this.totalFrames - 1 && this.frameModifier > 0 ? this.loop && this.playCount !== this.loop ? e >= this.totalFrames ? (this.playCount += 1, this.checkSegments(e % this.totalFrames) || (this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(e % this.totalFrames), this._completedLoop = !0, this.trigger(\"loopComplete\"))) : this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(e) : this.checkSegments(e > this.totalFrames ? e % this.totalFrames : 0) || (r = !0, e = this.totalFrames - 1) : e < 0 ? this.checkSegments(e % this.totalFrames) || (!this.loop || this.playCount-- <= 0 && !0 !== this.loop ? (r = !0, e = 0) : (this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(this.totalFrames + e % this.totalFrames), this._completedLoop ? this.trigger(\"loopComplete\") : this._completedLoop = !0)) : this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(e), r && (this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(e), this.pause(), this.trigger(\"complete\"));\\n }\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.adjustSegment = function (t, e) {\\n this.playCount = 0, t[1] < t[0] ? (this.frameModifier > 0 && (this.playSpeed < 0 ? this.setSpeed(-this.playSpeed) : this.setDirection(-1)), this.totalFrames = t[0] - t[1], this.timeCompleted = this.totalFrames, this.firstFrame = t[1], this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(this.totalFrames - .001 - e)) : t[1] > t[0] && (this.frameModifier < 0 && (this.playSpeed < 0 ? this.setSpeed(-this.playSpeed) : this.setDirection(1)), this.totalFrames = t[1] - t[0], this.timeCompleted = this.totalFrames, this.firstFrame = t[0], this.setCurrentRawFrameValue(.001 + e)), this.trigger(\"segmentStart\");\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.setSegment = function (t, e) {\\n var r = -1;\\n this.isPaused && (this.currentRawFrame + this.firstFrame < t ? r = t : this.currentRawFrame + this.firstFrame > e && (r = e - t)), this.firstFrame = t, this.totalFrames = e - t, this.timeCompleted = this.totalFrames, -1 !== r && this.goToAndStop(r, !0);\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.playSegments = function (t, e) {\\n if (e && (this.segments.length = 0), \"object\" == _typeof2(t[0])) {\\n var r,\\n i = t.length;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n this.segments.push(t[r]);\\n }\\n } else this.segments.push(t);\\n\\n this.segments.length && e && this.adjustSegment(this.segments.shift(), 0), this.isPaused && this.play();\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.resetSegments = function (t) {\\n this.segments.length = 0, this.segments.push([this.animationData.ip, this.animationData.op]), t && this.checkSegments(0);\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.checkSegments = function (t) {\\n return !!this.segments.length && (this.adjustSegment(this.segments.shift(), t), !0);\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.destroy = function (t) {\\n t && this.name !== t || !this.renderer || (this.renderer.destroy(), this.imagePreloader.destroy(), this.trigger(\"destroy\"), this._cbs = null, this.onEnterFrame = null, this.onLoopComplete = null, this.onComplete = null, this.onSegmentStart = null, this.onDestroy = null, this.renderer = null, this.renderer = null, this.imagePreloader = null, this.projectInterface = null);\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.setCurrentRawFrameValue = function (t) {\\n this.currentRawFrame = t, this.gotoFrame();\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.setSpeed = function (t) {\\n this.playSpeed = t, this.updaFrameModifier();\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.setDirection = function (t) {\\n this.playDirection = t < 0 ? -1 : 1, this.updaFrameModifier();\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.setVolume = function (t, e) {\\n e && this.name !== e || this.audioController.setVolume(t);\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.getVolume = function () {\\n return this.audioController.getVolume();\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.mute = function (t) {\\n t && this.name !== t || this.audioController.mute();\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.unmute = function (t) {\\n t && this.name !== t || this.audioController.unmute();\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.updaFrameModifier = function () {\\n this.frameModifier = this.frameMult * this.playSpeed * this.playDirection, this.audioController.setRate(this.playSpeed * this.playDirection);\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.getPath = function () {\\n return this.path;\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.getAssetsPath = function (t) {\\n var e = \"\";\\n if (t.e) e = t.p;else if (this.assetsPath) {\\n var r = t.p;\\n -1 !== r.indexOf(\"images/\") && (r = r.split(\"/\")[1]), e = this.assetsPath + r;\\n } else e = this.path, e += t.u ? t.u : \"\", e += t.p;\\n return e;\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.getAssetData = function (t) {\\n for (var e = 0, r = this.assets.length; e < r;) {\\n if (t === this.assets[e].id) return this.assets[e];\\n e += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return null;\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.hide = function () {\\n this.renderer.hide();\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.show = function () {\\n this.renderer.show();\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.getDuration = function (t) {\\n return t ? this.totalFrames : this.totalFrames / this.frameRate;\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.trigger = function (t) {\\n if (this._cbs && this._cbs[t]) switch (t) {\\n case \"enterFrame\":\\n case \"drawnFrame\":\\n this.triggerEvent(t, new BMEnterFrameEvent(t, this.currentFrame, this.totalFrames, this.frameModifier));\\n break;\\n\\n case \"loopComplete\":\\n this.triggerEvent(t, new BMCompleteLoopEvent(t, this.loop, this.playCount, this.frameMult));\\n break;\\n\\n case \"complete\":\\n this.triggerEvent(t, new BMCompleteEvent(t, this.frameMult));\\n break;\\n\\n case \"segmentStart\":\\n this.triggerEvent(t, new BMSegmentStartEvent(t, this.firstFrame, this.totalFrames));\\n break;\\n\\n case \"destroy\":\\n this.triggerEvent(t, new BMDestroyEvent(t, this));\\n break;\\n\\n default:\\n this.triggerEvent(t);\\n }\\n \"enterFrame\" === t && this.onEnterFrame && this.onEnterFrame.call(this, new BMEnterFrameEvent(t, this.currentFrame, this.totalFrames, this.frameMult)), \"loopComplete\" === t && this.onLoopComplete && this.onLoopComplete.call(this, new BMCompleteLoopEvent(t, this.loop, this.playCount, this.frameMult)), \"complete\" === t && this.onComplete && this.onComplete.call(this, new BMCompleteEvent(t, this.frameMult)), \"segmentStart\" === t && this.onSegmentStart && this.onSegmentStart.call(this, new BMSegmentStartEvent(t, this.firstFrame, this.totalFrames)), \"destroy\" === t && this.onDestroy && this.onDestroy.call(this, new BMDestroyEvent(t, this));\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.triggerRenderFrameError = function (t) {\\n var e = new BMRenderFrameErrorEvent(t, this.currentFrame);\\n this.triggerEvent(\"error\", e), this.onError && this.onError.call(this, e);\\n }, AnimationItem.prototype.triggerConfigError = function (t) {\\n var e = new BMConfigErrorEvent(t, this.currentFrame);\\n this.triggerEvent(\"error\", e), this.onError && this.onError.call(this, e);\\n };\\n\\n var Expressions = function () {\\n var t = {\\n initExpressions: function initExpressions(t) {\\n var e = 0,\\n r = [];\\n t.renderer.compInterface = CompExpressionInterface(t.renderer), t.renderer.globalData.projectInterface.registerComposition(t.renderer), t.renderer.globalData.pushExpression = function () {\\n e += 1;\\n }, t.renderer.globalData.popExpression = function () {\\n 0 == (e -= 1) && function () {\\n var t,\\n e = r.length;\\n\\n for (t = 0; t < e; t += 1) {\\n r[t].release();\\n }\\n\\n r.length = 0;\\n }();\\n }, t.renderer.globalData.registerExpressionProperty = function (t) {\\n -1 === r.indexOf(t) && r.push(t);\\n };\\n }\\n };\\n return t;\\n }();\\n\\n expressionsPlugin = Expressions;\\n\\n var ExpressionManager = function () {\\n var ob = {},\\n Math = BMMath,\\n window = null,\\n document = null,\\n XMLHttpRequest = null,\\n fetch = null,\\n frames = null;\\n\\n function $bm_isInstanceOfArray(t) {\\n return t.constructor === Array || t.constructor === Float32Array;\\n }\\n\\n function isNumerable(t, e) {\\n return \"number\" === t || \"boolean\" === t || \"string\" === t || e instanceof Number;\\n }\\n\\n function $bm_neg(t) {\\n var e = _typeof2(t);\\n\\n if (\"number\" === e || \"boolean\" === e || t instanceof Number) return -t;\\n\\n if ($bm_isInstanceOfArray(t)) {\\n var r,\\n i = t.length,\\n a = [];\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n a[r] = -t[r];\\n }\\n\\n return a;\\n }\\n\\n return t.propType ? t.v : -t;\\n }\\n\\n var easeInBez = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(.333, 0, .833, .833, \"easeIn\").get,\\n easeOutBez = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(.167, .167, .667, 1, \"easeOut\").get,\\n easeInOutBez = BezierFactory.getBezierEasing(.33, 0, .667, 1, \"easeInOut\").get;\\n\\n function sum(t, e) {\\n var r = _typeof2(t),\\n i = _typeof2(e);\\n\\n if (\"string\" === r || \"string\" === i) return t + e;\\n if (isNumerable(r, t) && isNumerable(i, e)) return t + e;\\n if ($bm_isInstanceOfArray(t) && isNumerable(i, e)) return (t = t.slice(0))[0] += e, t;\\n if (isNumerable(r, t) && $bm_isInstanceOfArray(e)) return (e = e.slice(0))[0] = t + e[0], e;\\n\\n if ($bm_isInstanceOfArray(t) && $bm_isInstanceOfArray(e)) {\\n for (var a = 0, s = t.length, n = e.length, o = []; a < s || a < n;) {\\n (\"number\" == typeof t[a] || t[a] instanceof Number) && (\"number\" == typeof e[a] || e[a] instanceof Number) ? o[a] = t[a] + e[a] : o[a] = void 0 === e[a] ? t[a] : t[a] || e[a], a += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return o;\\n }\\n\\n return 0;\\n }\\n\\n var add = sum;\\n\\n function sub(t, e) {\\n var r = _typeof2(t),\\n i = _typeof2(e);\\n\\n if (isNumerable(r, t) && isNumerable(i, e)) return \"string\" === r && (t = parseInt(t, 10)), \"string\" === i && (e = parseInt(e, 10)), t - e;\\n if ($bm_isInstanceOfArray(t) && isNumerable(i, e)) return (t = t.slice(0))[0] -= e, t;\\n if (isNumerable(r, t) && $bm_isInstanceOfArray(e)) return (e = e.slice(0))[0] = t - e[0], e;\\n\\n if ($bm_isInstanceOfArray(t) && $bm_isInstanceOfArray(e)) {\\n for (var a = 0, s = t.length, n = e.length, o = []; a < s || a < n;) {\\n (\"number\" == typeof t[a] || t[a] instanceof Number) && (\"number\" == typeof e[a] || e[a] instanceof Number) ? o[a] = t[a] - e[a] : o[a] = void 0 === e[a] ? t[a] : t[a] || e[a], a += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return o;\\n }\\n\\n return 0;\\n }\\n\\n function mul(t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a,\\n s = _typeof2(t),\\n n = _typeof2(e);\\n\\n if (isNumerable(s, t) && isNumerable(n, e)) return t * e;\\n\\n if ($bm_isInstanceOfArray(t) && isNumerable(n, e)) {\\n for (a = t.length, r = createTypedArray(\"float32\", a), i = 0; i < a; i += 1) {\\n r[i] = t[i] * e;\\n }\\n\\n return r;\\n }\\n\\n if (isNumerable(s, t) && $bm_isInstanceOfArray(e)) {\\n for (a = e.length, r = createTypedArray(\"float32\", a), i = 0; i < a; i += 1) {\\n r[i] = t * e[i];\\n }\\n\\n return r;\\n }\\n\\n return 0;\\n }\\n\\n function div(t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a,\\n s = _typeof2(t),\\n n = _typeof2(e);\\n\\n if (isNumerable(s, t) && isNumerable(n, e)) return t / e;\\n\\n if ($bm_isInstanceOfArray(t) && isNumerable(n, e)) {\\n for (a = t.length, r = createTypedArray(\"float32\", a), i = 0; i < a; i += 1) {\\n r[i] = t[i] / e;\\n }\\n\\n return r;\\n }\\n\\n if (isNumerable(s, t) && $bm_isInstanceOfArray(e)) {\\n for (a = e.length, r = createTypedArray(\"float32\", a), i = 0; i < a; i += 1) {\\n r[i] = t / e[i];\\n }\\n\\n return r;\\n }\\n\\n return 0;\\n }\\n\\n function mod(t, e) {\\n return \"string\" == typeof t && (t = parseInt(t, 10)), \"string\" == typeof e && (e = parseInt(e, 10)), t % e;\\n }\\n\\n var $bm_sum = sum,\\n $bm_sub = sub,\\n $bm_mul = mul,\\n $bm_div = div,\\n $bm_mod = mod;\\n\\n function clamp(t, e, r) {\\n if (e > r) {\\n var i = r;\\n r = e, e = i;\\n }\\n\\n return Math.min(Math.max(t, e), r);\\n }\\n\\n function radiansToDegrees(t) {\\n return t / degToRads;\\n }\\n\\n var radians_to_degrees = radiansToDegrees;\\n\\n function degreesToRadians(t) {\\n return t * degToRads;\\n }\\n\\n var degrees_to_radians = radiansToDegrees,\\n helperLengthArray = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];\\n\\n function length(t, e) {\\n if (\"number\" == typeof t || t instanceof Number) return e = e || 0, Math.abs(t - e);\\n var r;\\n e || (e = helperLengthArray);\\n var i = Math.min(t.length, e.length),\\n a = 0;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n a += Math.pow(e[r] - t[r], 2);\\n }\\n\\n return Math.sqrt(a);\\n }\\n\\n function normalize(t) {\\n return div(t, length(t));\\n }\\n\\n function rgbToHsl(t) {\\n var e,\\n r,\\n i = t[0],\\n a = t[1],\\n s = t[2],\\n n = Math.max(i, a, s),\\n o = Math.min(i, a, s),\\n h = (n + o) / 2;\\n if (n === o) e = 0, r = 0;else {\\n var l = n - o;\\n\\n switch (r = h > .5 ? l / (2 - n - o) : l / (n + o), n) {\\n case i:\\n e = (a - s) / l + (a < s ? 6 : 0);\\n break;\\n\\n case a:\\n e = (s - i) / l + 2;\\n break;\\n\\n case s:\\n e = (i - a) / l + 4;\\n }\\n\\n e /= 6;\\n }\\n return [e, r, h, t[3]];\\n }\\n\\n function hue2rgb(t, e, r) {\\n return r < 0 && (r += 1), r > 1 && (r -= 1), r < 1 / 6 ? t + 6 * (e - t) * r : r < .5 ? e : r < 2 / 3 ? t + (e - t) * (2 / 3 - r) * 6 : t;\\n }\\n\\n function hslToRgb(t) {\\n var e,\\n r,\\n i,\\n a = t[0],\\n s = t[1],\\n n = t[2];\\n if (0 === s) e = n, i = n, r = n;else {\\n var o = n < .5 ? n * (1 + s) : n + s - n * s,\\n h = 2 * n - o;\\n e = hue2rgb(h, o, a + 1 / 3), r = hue2rgb(h, o, a), i = hue2rgb(h, o, a - 1 / 3);\\n }\\n return [e, r, i, t[3]];\\n }\\n\\n function linear(t, e, r, i, a) {\\n if (void 0 !== i && void 0 !== a || (i = e, a = r, e = 0, r = 1), r < e) {\\n var s = r;\\n r = e, e = s;\\n }\\n\\n if (t <= e) return i;\\n if (t >= r) return a;\\n var n,\\n o = r === e ? 0 : (t - e) / (r - e);\\n if (!i.length) return i + (a - i) * o;\\n var h = i.length,\\n l = createTypedArray(\"float32\", h);\\n\\n for (n = 0; n < h; n += 1) {\\n l[n] = i[n] + (a[n] - i[n]) * o;\\n }\\n\\n return l;\\n }\\n\\n function random(t, e) {\\n if (void 0 === e && (void 0 === t ? (t = 0, e = 1) : (e = t, t = void 0)), e.length) {\\n var r,\\n i = e.length;\\n t || (t = createTypedArray(\"float32\", i));\\n var a = createTypedArray(\"float32\", i),\\n s = BMMath.random();\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n a[r] = t[r] + s * (e[r] - t[r]);\\n }\\n\\n return a;\\n }\\n\\n return void 0 === t && (t = 0), t + BMMath.random() * (e - t);\\n }\\n\\n function createPath(t, e, r, i) {\\n var a,\\n s = t.length,\\n n = shapePool.newElement();\\n n.setPathData(!!i, s);\\n var o,\\n h,\\n l = [0, 0];\\n\\n for (a = 0; a < s; a += 1) {\\n o = e && e[a] ? e[a] : l, h = r && r[a] ? r[a] : l, n.setTripleAt(t[a][0], t[a][1], h[0] + t[a][0], h[1] + t[a][1], o[0] + t[a][0], o[1] + t[a][1], a, !0);\\n }\\n\\n return n;\\n }\\n\\n function initiateExpression(elem, data, property) {\\n var val = data.x,\\n needsVelocity = /velocity(?![\\\\w\\\\d])/.test(val),\\n _needsRandom = -1 !== val.indexOf(\"random\"),\\n elemType = elem.data.ty,\\n transform,\\n $bm_transform,\\n content,\\n effect,\\n thisProperty = property;\\n\\n thisProperty.valueAtTime = thisProperty.getValueAtTime, Object.defineProperty(thisProperty, \"value\", {\\n get: function get() {\\n return thisProperty.v;\\n }\\n }), elem.comp.frameDuration = 1 / elem.comp.globalData.frameRate, elem.comp.displayStartTime = 0;\\n\\n var inPoint = elem.data.ip / elem.comp.globalData.frameRate,\\n outPoint = elem.data.op / elem.comp.globalData.frameRate,\\n width = elem.data.sw ? elem.data.sw : 0,\\n height = elem.data.sh ? elem.data.sh : 0,\\n name = elem.data.nm,\\n loopIn,\\n loop_in,\\n loopOut,\\n loop_out,\\n smooth,\\n toWorld,\\n fromWorld,\\n fromComp,\\n toComp,\\n fromCompToSurface,\\n position,\\n rotation,\\n anchorPoint,\\n scale,\\n thisLayer,\\n thisComp,\\n mask,\\n valueAtTime,\\n velocityAtTime,\\n scoped_bm_rt,\\n expression_function = eval(\"[function _expression_function(){\" + val + \";scoped_bm_rt=$bm_rt}]\")[0],\\n numKeys = property.kf ? data.k.length : 0,\\n active = !this.data || !0 !== this.data.hd,\\n wiggle = function (t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a = this.pv.length ? this.pv.length : 1,\\n s = createTypedArray(\"float32\", a),\\n n = Math.floor(5 * time);\\n\\n for (r = 0, i = 0; r < n;) {\\n for (i = 0; i < a; i += 1) {\\n s[i] += -e + 2 * e * BMMath.random();\\n }\\n\\n r += 1;\\n }\\n\\n var o = 5 * time,\\n h = o - Math.floor(o),\\n l = createTypedArray(\"float32\", a);\\n\\n if (a > 1) {\\n for (i = 0; i < a; i += 1) {\\n l[i] = this.pv[i] + s[i] + (-e + 2 * e * BMMath.random()) * h;\\n }\\n\\n return l;\\n }\\n\\n return this.pv + s[0] + (-e + 2 * e * BMMath.random()) * h;\\n }.bind(this);\\n\\n function loopInDuration(t, e) {\\n return loopIn(t, e, !0);\\n }\\n\\n function loopOutDuration(t, e) {\\n return loopOut(t, e, !0);\\n }\\n\\n thisProperty.loopIn && (loopIn = thisProperty.loopIn.bind(thisProperty), loop_in = loopIn), thisProperty.loopOut && (loopOut = thisProperty.loopOut.bind(thisProperty), loop_out = loopOut), thisProperty.smooth && (smooth = thisProperty.smooth.bind(thisProperty)), this.getValueAtTime && (valueAtTime = this.getValueAtTime.bind(this)), this.getVelocityAtTime && (velocityAtTime = this.getVelocityAtTime.bind(this));\\n var comp = elem.comp.globalData.projectInterface.bind(elem.comp.globalData.projectInterface),\\n time,\\n velocity,\\n value,\\n text,\\n textIndex,\\n textTotal,\\n selectorValue;\\n\\n function lookAt(t, e) {\\n var r = [e[0] - t[0], e[1] - t[1], e[2] - t[2]],\\n i = Math.atan2(r[0], Math.sqrt(r[1] * r[1] + r[2] * r[2])) / degToRads;\\n return [-Math.atan2(r[1], r[2]) / degToRads, i, 0];\\n }\\n\\n function easeOut(t, e, r, i, a) {\\n return applyEase(easeOutBez, t, e, r, i, a);\\n }\\n\\n function easeIn(t, e, r, i, a) {\\n return applyEase(easeInBez, t, e, r, i, a);\\n }\\n\\n function ease(t, e, r, i, a) {\\n return applyEase(easeInOutBez, t, e, r, i, a);\\n }\\n\\n function applyEase(t, e, r, i, a, s) {\\n void 0 === a ? (a = r, s = i) : e = (e - r) / (i - r), e > 1 ? e = 1 : e < 0 && (e = 0);\\n var n = t(e);\\n\\n if ($bm_isInstanceOfArray(a)) {\\n var o,\\n h = a.length,\\n l = createTypedArray(\"float32\", h);\\n\\n for (o = 0; o < h; o += 1) {\\n l[o] = (s[o] - a[o]) * n + a[o];\\n }\\n\\n return l;\\n }\\n\\n return (s - a) * n + a;\\n }\\n\\n function nearestKey(t) {\\n var e,\\n r,\\n i,\\n a = data.k.length;\\n if (data.k.length && \"number\" != typeof data.k[0]) {\\n if (r = -1, (t *= elem.comp.globalData.frameRate) < data.k[0].t) r = 1, i = data.k[0].t;else {\\n for (e = 0; e < a - 1; e += 1) {\\n if (t === data.k[e].t) {\\n r = e + 1, i = data.k[e].t;\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n if (t > data.k[e].t && t < data.k[e + 1].t) {\\n t - data.k[e].t > data.k[e + 1].t - t ? (r = e + 2, i = data.k[e + 1].t) : (r = e + 1, i = data.k[e].t);\\n break;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n -1 === r && (r = e + 1, i = data.k[e].t);\\n }\\n } else r = 0, i = 0;\\n var s = {};\\n return s.index = r, s.time = i / elem.comp.globalData.frameRate, s;\\n }\\n\\n function key(t) {\\n var e, r, i;\\n if (!data.k.length || \"number\" == typeof data.k[0]) throw new Error(\"The property has no keyframe at index \" + t);\\n t -= 1, e = {\\n time: data.k[t].t / elem.comp.globalData.frameRate,\\n value: []\\n };\\n var a = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(data.k[t], \"s\") ? data.k[t].s : data.k[t - 1].e;\\n\\n for (i = a.length, r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n e[r] = a[r], e.value[r] = a[r];\\n }\\n\\n return e;\\n }\\n\\n function framesToTime(t, e) {\\n return e || (e = elem.comp.globalData.frameRate), t / e;\\n }\\n\\n function timeToFrames(t, e) {\\n return t || 0 === t || (t = time), e || (e = elem.comp.globalData.frameRate), t * e;\\n }\\n\\n function seedRandom(t) {\\n BMMath.seedrandom(randSeed + t);\\n }\\n\\n function sourceRectAtTime() {\\n return elem.sourceRectAtTime();\\n }\\n\\n function substring(t, e) {\\n return \"string\" == typeof value ? void 0 === e ? value.substring(t) : value.substring(t, e) : \"\";\\n }\\n\\n function substr(t, e) {\\n return \"string\" == typeof value ? void 0 === e ? value.substr(t) : value.substr(t, e) : \"\";\\n }\\n\\n function posterizeTime(t) {\\n time = 0 === t ? 0 : Math.floor(time * t) / t, value = valueAtTime(time);\\n }\\n\\n var index = elem.data.ind,\\n hasParent = !(!elem.hierarchy || !elem.hierarchy.length),\\n parent,\\n randSeed = Math.floor(1e6 * Math.random()),\\n globalData = elem.globalData;\\n\\n function executeExpression(t) {\\n return value = t, this.frameExpressionId === elem.globalData.frameId && \"textSelector\" !== this.propType ? value : (\"textSelector\" === this.propType && (textIndex = this.textIndex, textTotal = this.textTotal, selectorValue = this.selectorValue), thisLayer || (text = elem.layerInterface.text, thisLayer = elem.layerInterface, thisComp = elem.comp.compInterface, toWorld = thisLayer.toWorld.bind(thisLayer), fromWorld = thisLayer.fromWorld.bind(thisLayer), fromComp = thisLayer.fromComp.bind(thisLayer), toComp = thisLayer.toComp.bind(thisLayer), mask = thisLayer.mask ? thisLayer.mask.bind(thisLayer) : null, fromCompToSurface = fromComp), transform || (transform = elem.layerInterface(\"ADBE Transform Group\"), $bm_transform = transform, transform && (anchorPoint = transform.anchorPoint)), 4 !== elemType || content || (content = thisLayer(\"ADBE Root Vectors Group\")), effect || (effect = thisLayer(4)), (hasParent = !(!elem.hierarchy || !elem.hierarchy.length)) && !parent && (parent = elem.hierarchy[0].layerInterface), time = this.comp.renderedFrame / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, _needsRandom && seedRandom(randSeed + time), needsVelocity && (velocity = velocityAtTime(time)), expression_function(), this.frameExpressionId = elem.globalData.frameId, \"shape\" === scoped_bm_rt.propType && (scoped_bm_rt = scoped_bm_rt.v), scoped_bm_rt);\\n }\\n\\n return executeExpression;\\n }\\n\\n return ob.initiateExpression = initiateExpression, ob;\\n }(),\\n expressionHelpers = {\\n searchExpressions: function searchExpressions(t, e, r) {\\n e.x && (r.k = !0, r.x = !0, r.initiateExpression = ExpressionManager.initiateExpression, r.effectsSequence.push(r.initiateExpression(t, e, r).bind(r)));\\n },\\n getSpeedAtTime: function getSpeedAtTime(t) {\\n var e = this.getValueAtTime(t),\\n r = this.getValueAtTime(t + -.01),\\n i = 0;\\n\\n if (e.length) {\\n var a;\\n\\n for (a = 0; a < e.length; a += 1) {\\n i += Math.pow(r[a] - e[a], 2);\\n }\\n\\n i = 100 * Math.sqrt(i);\\n } else i = 0;\\n\\n return i;\\n },\\n getVelocityAtTime: function getVelocityAtTime(t) {\\n if (void 0 !== this.vel) return this.vel;\\n var e,\\n r,\\n i = -.001,\\n a = this.getValueAtTime(t),\\n s = this.getValueAtTime(t + i);\\n if (a.length) for (e = createTypedArray(\"float32\", a.length), r = 0; r < a.length; r += 1) {\\n e[r] = (s[r] - a[r]) / i;\\n } else e = (s - a) / i;\\n return e;\\n },\\n getValueAtTime: function getValueAtTime(t) {\\n return t *= this.elem.globalData.frameRate, (t -= this.offsetTime) !== this._cachingAtTime.lastFrame && (this._cachingAtTime.lastIndex = this._cachingAtTime.lastFrame < t ? this._cachingAtTime.lastIndex : 0, this._cachingAtTime.value = this.interpolateValue(t, this._cachingAtTime), this._cachingAtTime.lastFrame = t), this._cachingAtTime.value;\\n },\\n getStaticValueAtTime: function getStaticValueAtTime() {\\n return this.pv;\\n },\\n setGroupProperty: function setGroupProperty(t) {\\n this.propertyGroup = t;\\n }\\n };\\n\\n !function () {\\n function t(t, e, r) {\\n if (!this.k || !this.keyframes) return this.pv;\\n t = t ? t.toLowerCase() : \"\";\\n var i,\\n a,\\n s,\\n n,\\n o,\\n h = this.comp.renderedFrame,\\n l = this.keyframes,\\n p = l[l.length - 1].t;\\n if (h <= p) return this.pv;\\n\\n if (r ? a = p - (i = e ? Math.abs(p - this.elem.comp.globalData.frameRate * e) : Math.max(0, p - this.elem.data.ip)) : ((!e || e > l.length - 1) && (e = l.length - 1), i = p - (a = l[l.length - 1 - e].t)), \"pingpong\" === t) {\\n if (Math.floor((h - a) / i) % 2 != 0) return this.getValueAtTime((i - (h - a) % i + a) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0);\\n } else {\\n if (\"offset\" === t) {\\n var c = this.getValueAtTime(a / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0),\\n f = this.getValueAtTime(p / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0),\\n d = this.getValueAtTime(((h - a) % i + a) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0),\\n m = Math.floor((h - a) / i);\\n\\n if (this.pv.length) {\\n for (n = (o = new Array(c.length)).length, s = 0; s < n; s += 1) {\\n o[s] = (f[s] - c[s]) * m + d[s];\\n }\\n\\n return o;\\n }\\n\\n return (f - c) * m + d;\\n }\\n\\n if (\"continue\" === t) {\\n var u = this.getValueAtTime(p / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0),\\n y = this.getValueAtTime((p - .001) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0);\\n\\n if (this.pv.length) {\\n for (n = (o = new Array(u.length)).length, s = 0; s < n; s += 1) {\\n o[s] = u[s] + (u[s] - y[s]) * ((h - p) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate) / 5e-4;\\n }\\n\\n return o;\\n }\\n\\n return u + (h - p) / .001 * (u - y);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return this.getValueAtTime(((h - a) % i + a) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0);\\n }\\n\\n function e(t, e, r) {\\n if (!this.k) return this.pv;\\n t = t ? t.toLowerCase() : \"\";\\n var i,\\n a,\\n s,\\n n,\\n o,\\n h = this.comp.renderedFrame,\\n l = this.keyframes,\\n p = l[0].t;\\n if (h >= p) return this.pv;\\n\\n if (r ? a = p + (i = e ? Math.abs(this.elem.comp.globalData.frameRate * e) : Math.max(0, this.elem.data.op - p)) : ((!e || e > l.length - 1) && (e = l.length - 1), i = (a = l[e].t) - p), \"pingpong\" === t) {\\n if (Math.floor((p - h) / i) % 2 == 0) return this.getValueAtTime(((p - h) % i + p) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0);\\n } else {\\n if (\"offset\" === t) {\\n var c = this.getValueAtTime(p / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0),\\n f = this.getValueAtTime(a / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0),\\n d = this.getValueAtTime((i - (p - h) % i + p) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0),\\n m = Math.floor((p - h) / i) + 1;\\n\\n if (this.pv.length) {\\n for (n = (o = new Array(c.length)).length, s = 0; s < n; s += 1) {\\n o[s] = d[s] - (f[s] - c[s]) * m;\\n }\\n\\n return o;\\n }\\n\\n return d - (f - c) * m;\\n }\\n\\n if (\"continue\" === t) {\\n var u = this.getValueAtTime(p / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0),\\n y = this.getValueAtTime((p + .001) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0);\\n\\n if (this.pv.length) {\\n for (n = (o = new Array(u.length)).length, s = 0; s < n; s += 1) {\\n o[s] = u[s] + (u[s] - y[s]) * (p - h) / .001;\\n }\\n\\n return o;\\n }\\n\\n return u + (u - y) * (p - h) / .001;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return this.getValueAtTime((i - ((p - h) % i + p)) / this.comp.globalData.frameRate, 0);\\n }\\n\\n function r(t, e) {\\n if (!this.k) return this.pv;\\n if (t = .5 * (t || .4), (e = Math.floor(e || 5)) <= 1) return this.pv;\\n var r,\\n i,\\n a = this.comp.renderedFrame / this.comp.globalData.frameRate,\\n s = a - t,\\n n = e > 1 ? (a + t - s) / (e - 1) : 1,\\n o = 0,\\n h = 0;\\n\\n for (r = this.pv.length ? createTypedArray(\"float32\", this.pv.length) : 0; o < e;) {\\n if (i = this.getValueAtTime(s + o * n), this.pv.length) for (h = 0; h < this.pv.length; h += 1) {\\n r[h] += i[h];\\n } else r += i;\\n o += 1;\\n }\\n\\n if (this.pv.length) for (h = 0; h < this.pv.length; h += 1) {\\n r[h] /= e;\\n } else r /= e;\\n return r;\\n }\\n\\n function i(t) {\\n this._transformCachingAtTime || (this._transformCachingAtTime = {\\n v: new Matrix()\\n });\\n var e = this._transformCachingAtTime.v;\\n\\n if (e.cloneFromProps(this.pre.props), this.appliedTransformations < 1) {\\n var r = this.a.getValueAtTime(t);\\n e.translate(-r[0] * this.a.mult, -r[1] * this.a.mult, r[2] * this.a.mult);\\n }\\n\\n if (this.appliedTransformations < 2) {\\n var i = this.s.getValueAtTime(t);\\n e.scale(i[0] * this.s.mult, i[1] * this.s.mult, i[2] * this.s.mult);\\n }\\n\\n if (this.sk && this.appliedTransformations < 3) {\\n var a = this.sk.getValueAtTime(t),\\n s = this.sa.getValueAtTime(t);\\n e.skewFromAxis(-a * this.sk.mult, s * this.sa.mult);\\n }\\n\\n if (this.r && this.appliedTransformations < 4) {\\n var n = this.r.getValueAtTime(t);\\n e.rotate(-n * this.r.mult);\\n } else if (!this.r && this.appliedTransformations < 4) {\\n var o = this.rz.getValueAtTime(t),\\n h = this.ry.getValueAtTime(t),\\n l = this.rx.getValueAtTime(t),\\n p = this.or.getValueAtTime(t);\\n e.rotateZ(-o * this.rz.mult).rotateY(h * this.ry.mult).rotateX(l * this.rx.mult).rotateZ(-p[2] * this.or.mult).rotateY(p[1] * this.or.mult).rotateX(p[0] * this.or.mult);\\n }\\n\\n if (this.data.p && this.data.p.s) {\\n var c = this.px.getValueAtTime(t),\\n f = this.py.getValueAtTime(t);\\n\\n if (this.data.p.z) {\\n var d = this.pz.getValueAtTime(t);\\n e.translate(c * this.px.mult, f * this.py.mult, -d * this.pz.mult);\\n } else e.translate(c * this.px.mult, f * this.py.mult, 0);\\n } else {\\n var m = this.p.getValueAtTime(t);\\n e.translate(m[0] * this.p.mult, m[1] * this.p.mult, -m[2] * this.p.mult);\\n }\\n\\n return e;\\n }\\n\\n function a() {\\n return this.v.clone(new Matrix());\\n }\\n\\n var s = TransformPropertyFactory.getTransformProperty;\\n\\n TransformPropertyFactory.getTransformProperty = function (t, e, r) {\\n var n = s(t, e, r);\\n return n.dynamicProperties.length ? n.getValueAtTime = i.bind(n) : n.getValueAtTime = a.bind(n), n.setGroupProperty = expressionHelpers.setGroupProperty, n;\\n };\\n\\n var n = PropertyFactory.getProp;\\n\\n PropertyFactory.getProp = function (i, a, s, o, h) {\\n var l = n(i, a, s, o, h);\\n l.kf ? l.getValueAtTime = expressionHelpers.getValueAtTime.bind(l) : l.getValueAtTime = expressionHelpers.getStaticValueAtTime.bind(l), l.setGroupProperty = expressionHelpers.setGroupProperty, l.loopOut = t, l.loopIn = e, l.smooth = r, l.getVelocityAtTime = expressionHelpers.getVelocityAtTime.bind(l), l.getSpeedAtTime = expressionHelpers.getSpeedAtTime.bind(l), l.numKeys = 1 === a.a ? a.k.length : 0, l.propertyIndex = a.ix;\\n var p = 0;\\n return 0 !== s && (p = createTypedArray(\"float32\", 1 === a.a ? a.k[0].s.length : a.k.length)), l._cachingAtTime = {\\n lastFrame: initialDefaultFrame,\\n lastIndex: 0,\\n value: p\\n }, expressionHelpers.searchExpressions(i, a, l), l.k && h.addDynamicProperty(l), l;\\n };\\n\\n var o = ShapePropertyFactory.getConstructorFunction(),\\n h = ShapePropertyFactory.getKeyframedConstructorFunction();\\n\\n function l() {}\\n\\n l.prototype = {\\n vertices: function vertices(t, e) {\\n this.k && this.getValue();\\n var r,\\n i = this.v;\\n void 0 !== e && (i = this.getValueAtTime(e, 0));\\n var a = i._length,\\n s = i[t],\\n n = i.v,\\n o = createSizedArray(a);\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < a; r += 1) {\\n o[r] = \"i\" === t || \"o\" === t ? [s[r][0] - n[r][0], s[r][1] - n[r][1]] : [s[r][0], s[r][1]];\\n }\\n\\n return o;\\n },\\n points: function points(t) {\\n return this.vertices(\"v\", t);\\n },\\n inTangents: function inTangents(t) {\\n return this.vertices(\"i\", t);\\n },\\n outTangents: function outTangents(t) {\\n return this.vertices(\"o\", t);\\n },\\n isClosed: function isClosed() {\\n return this.v.c;\\n },\\n pointOnPath: function pointOnPath(t, e) {\\n var r = this.v;\\n void 0 !== e && (r = this.getValueAtTime(e, 0)), this._segmentsLength || (this._segmentsLength = bez.getSegmentsLength(r));\\n\\n for (var i, a = this._segmentsLength, s = a.lengths, n = a.totalLength * t, o = 0, h = s.length, l = 0; o < h;) {\\n if (l + s[o].addedLength > n) {\\n var p = o,\\n c = r.c && o === h - 1 ? 0 : o + 1,\\n f = (n - l) / s[o].addedLength;\\n i = bez.getPointInSegment(r.v[p], r.v[c], r.o[p], r.i[c], f, s[o]);\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n l += s[o].addedLength, o += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return i || (i = r.c ? [r.v[0][0], r.v[0][1]] : [r.v[r._length - 1][0], r.v[r._length - 1][1]]), i;\\n },\\n vectorOnPath: function vectorOnPath(t, e, r) {\\n 1 == t ? t = this.v.c : 0 == t && (t = .999);\\n var i = this.pointOnPath(t, e),\\n a = this.pointOnPath(t + .001, e),\\n s = a[0] - i[0],\\n n = a[1] - i[1],\\n o = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(s, 2) + Math.pow(n, 2));\\n return 0 === o ? [0, 0] : \"tangent\" === r ? [s / o, n / o] : [-n / o, s / o];\\n },\\n tangentOnPath: function tangentOnPath(t, e) {\\n return this.vectorOnPath(t, e, \"tangent\");\\n },\\n normalOnPath: function normalOnPath(t, e) {\\n return this.vectorOnPath(t, e, \"normal\");\\n },\\n setGroupProperty: expressionHelpers.setGroupProperty,\\n getValueAtTime: expressionHelpers.getStaticValueAtTime\\n }, extendPrototype([l], o), extendPrototype([l], h), h.prototype.getValueAtTime = function (t) {\\n return this._cachingAtTime || (this._cachingAtTime = {\\n shapeValue: shapePool.clone(this.pv),\\n lastIndex: 0,\\n lastTime: initialDefaultFrame\\n }), t *= this.elem.globalData.frameRate, (t -= this.offsetTime) !== this._cachingAtTime.lastTime && (this._cachingAtTime.lastIndex = this._cachingAtTime.lastTime < t ? this._caching.lastIndex : 0, this._cachingAtTime.lastTime = t, this.interpolateShape(t, this._cachingAtTime.shapeValue, this._cachingAtTime)), this._cachingAtTime.shapeValue;\\n }, h.prototype.initiateExpression = ExpressionManager.initiateExpression;\\n var p = ShapePropertyFactory.getShapeProp;\\n\\n ShapePropertyFactory.getShapeProp = function (t, e, r, i, a) {\\n var s = p(t, e, r, i, a);\\n return s.propertyIndex = e.ix, s.lock = !1, 3 === r ? expressionHelpers.searchExpressions(t, e.pt, s) : 4 === r && expressionHelpers.searchExpressions(t, e.ks, s), s.k && t.addDynamicProperty(s), s;\\n };\\n }(), TextProperty.prototype.getExpressionValue = function (t, e) {\\n var r = this.calculateExpression(e);\\n\\n if (t.t !== r) {\\n var i = {};\\n return this.copyData(i, t), i.t = r.toString(), i.__complete = !1, i;\\n }\\n\\n return t;\\n }, TextProperty.prototype.searchProperty = function () {\\n var t = this.searchKeyframes(),\\n e = this.searchExpressions();\\n return this.kf = t || e, this.kf;\\n }, TextProperty.prototype.searchExpressions = function () {\\n return this.data.d.x ? (this.calculateExpression = ExpressionManager.initiateExpression.bind(this)(this.elem, this.data.d, this), this.addEffect(this.getExpressionValue.bind(this)), !0) : null;\\n };\\n\\n var ShapePathInterface = function ShapePathInterface(t, e, r) {\\n var i = e.sh;\\n\\n function a(t) {\\n return \"Shape\" === t || \"shape\" === t || \"Path\" === t || \"path\" === t || \"ADBE Vector Shape\" === t || 2 === t ? a.path : null;\\n }\\n\\n var s = propertyGroupFactory(a, r);\\n return i.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Path\", s)), Object.defineProperties(a, {\\n path: {\\n get: function get() {\\n return i.k && i.getValue(), i;\\n }\\n },\\n shape: {\\n get: function get() {\\n return i.k && i.getValue(), i;\\n }\\n },\\n _name: {\\n value: t.nm\\n },\\n ix: {\\n value: t.ix\\n },\\n propertyIndex: {\\n value: t.ix\\n },\\n mn: {\\n value: t.mn\\n },\\n propertyGroup: {\\n value: r\\n }\\n }), a;\\n },\\n propertyGroupFactory = function propertyGroupFactory(t, e) {\\n return function (r) {\\n return (r = void 0 === r ? 1 : r) <= 0 ? t : e(r - 1);\\n };\\n },\\n PropertyInterface = function PropertyInterface(t, e) {\\n var r = {\\n _name: t\\n };\\n return function (t) {\\n return (t = void 0 === t ? 1 : t) <= 0 ? r : e(t - 1);\\n };\\n },\\n ShapeExpressionInterface = function () {\\n function t(t, n, f) {\\n var d,\\n m = [],\\n u = t ? t.length : 0;\\n\\n for (d = 0; d < u; d += 1) {\\n \"gr\" === t[d].ty ? m.push(e(t[d], n[d], f)) : \"fl\" === t[d].ty ? m.push(r(t[d], n[d], f)) : \"st\" === t[d].ty ? m.push(a(t[d], n[d], f)) : \"tm\" === t[d].ty ? m.push(s(t[d], n[d], f)) : \"tr\" === t[d].ty || (\"el\" === t[d].ty ? m.push(o(t[d], n[d], f)) : \"sr\" === t[d].ty ? m.push(h(t[d], n[d], f)) : \"sh\" === t[d].ty ? m.push(ShapePathInterface(t[d], n[d], f)) : \"rc\" === t[d].ty ? m.push(l(t[d], n[d], f)) : \"rd\" === t[d].ty ? m.push(p(t[d], n[d], f)) : \"rp\" === t[d].ty ? m.push(c(t[d], n[d], f)) : \"gf\" === t[d].ty ? m.push(i(t[d], n[d], f)) : m.push((t[d], n[d], function () {\\n return null;\\n })));\\n }\\n\\n return m;\\n }\\n\\n function e(e, r, i) {\\n var a = function a(t) {\\n switch (t) {\\n case \"ADBE Vectors Group\":\\n case \"Contents\":\\n case 2:\\n return a.content;\\n\\n default:\\n return a.transform;\\n }\\n };\\n\\n a.propertyGroup = propertyGroupFactory(a, i);\\n\\n var s = function (e, r, i) {\\n var a,\\n s = function s(t) {\\n for (var e = 0, r = a.length; e < r;) {\\n if (a[e]._name === t || a[e].mn === t || a[e].propertyIndex === t || a[e].ix === t || a[e].ind === t) return a[e];\\n e += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return \"number\" == typeof t ? a[t - 1] : null;\\n };\\n\\n s.propertyGroup = propertyGroupFactory(s, i), a = t(e.it, r.it, s.propertyGroup), s.numProperties = a.length;\\n var o = n(e.it[e.it.length - 1], r.it[r.it.length - 1], s.propertyGroup);\\n return s.transform = o, s.propertyIndex = e.cix, s._name = e.nm, s;\\n }(e, r, a.propertyGroup),\\n o = n(e.it[e.it.length - 1], r.it[r.it.length - 1], a.propertyGroup);\\n\\n return a.content = s, a.transform = o, Object.defineProperty(a, \"_name\", {\\n get: function get() {\\n return e.nm;\\n }\\n }), a.numProperties = e.np, a.propertyIndex = e.ix, a.nm = e.nm, a.mn = e.mn, a;\\n }\\n\\n function r(t, e, r) {\\n function i(t) {\\n return \"Color\" === t || \"color\" === t ? i.color : \"Opacity\" === t || \"opacity\" === t ? i.opacity : null;\\n }\\n\\n return Object.defineProperties(i, {\\n color: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.c)\\n },\\n opacity: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.o)\\n },\\n _name: {\\n value: t.nm\\n },\\n mn: {\\n value: t.mn\\n }\\n }), e.c.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Color\", r)), e.o.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Opacity\", r)), i;\\n }\\n\\n function i(t, e, r) {\\n function i(t) {\\n return \"Start Point\" === t || \"start point\" === t ? i.startPoint : \"End Point\" === t || \"end point\" === t ? i.endPoint : \"Opacity\" === t || \"opacity\" === t ? i.opacity : null;\\n }\\n\\n return Object.defineProperties(i, {\\n startPoint: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.s)\\n },\\n endPoint: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.e)\\n },\\n opacity: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.o)\\n },\\n type: {\\n get: function get() {\\n return \"a\";\\n }\\n },\\n _name: {\\n value: t.nm\\n },\\n mn: {\\n value: t.mn\\n }\\n }), e.s.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Start Point\", r)), e.e.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"End Point\", r)), e.o.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Opacity\", r)), i;\\n }\\n\\n function a(t, e, r) {\\n var i,\\n a = propertyGroupFactory(l, r),\\n s = propertyGroupFactory(h, a);\\n\\n function n(r) {\\n Object.defineProperty(h, t.d[r].nm, {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.d.dataProps[r].p)\\n });\\n }\\n\\n var o = t.d ? t.d.length : 0,\\n h = {};\\n\\n for (i = 0; i < o; i += 1) {\\n n(i), e.d.dataProps[i].p.setGroupProperty(s);\\n }\\n\\n function l(t) {\\n return \"Color\" === t || \"color\" === t ? l.color : \"Opacity\" === t || \"opacity\" === t ? l.opacity : \"Stroke Width\" === t || \"stroke width\" === t ? l.strokeWidth : null;\\n }\\n\\n return Object.defineProperties(l, {\\n color: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.c)\\n },\\n opacity: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.o)\\n },\\n strokeWidth: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.w)\\n },\\n dash: {\\n get: function get() {\\n return h;\\n }\\n },\\n _name: {\\n value: t.nm\\n },\\n mn: {\\n value: t.mn\\n }\\n }), e.c.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Color\", a)), e.o.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Opacity\", a)), e.w.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Stroke Width\", a)), l;\\n }\\n\\n function s(t, e, r) {\\n function i(e) {\\n return e === t.e.ix || \"End\" === e || \"end\" === e ? i.end : e === t.s.ix ? i.start : e === t.o.ix ? i.offset : null;\\n }\\n\\n var a = propertyGroupFactory(i, r);\\n return i.propertyIndex = t.ix, e.s.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Start\", a)), e.e.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"End\", a)), e.o.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Offset\", a)), i.propertyIndex = t.ix, i.propertyGroup = r, Object.defineProperties(i, {\\n start: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.s)\\n },\\n end: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.e)\\n },\\n offset: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.o)\\n },\\n _name: {\\n value: t.nm\\n }\\n }), i.mn = t.mn, i;\\n }\\n\\n function n(t, e, r) {\\n function i(e) {\\n return t.a.ix === e || \"Anchor Point\" === e ? i.anchorPoint : t.o.ix === e || \"Opacity\" === e ? i.opacity : t.p.ix === e || \"Position\" === e ? i.position : t.r.ix === e || \"Rotation\" === e || \"ADBE Vector Rotation\" === e ? i.rotation : t.s.ix === e || \"Scale\" === e ? i.scale : t.sk && t.sk.ix === e || \"Skew\" === e ? i.skew : t.sa && t.sa.ix === e || \"Skew Axis\" === e ? i.skewAxis : null;\\n }\\n\\n var a = propertyGroupFactory(i, r);\\n return e.transform.mProps.o.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Opacity\", a)), e.transform.mProps.p.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Position\", a)), e.transform.mProps.a.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Anchor Point\", a)), e.transform.mProps.s.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Scale\", a)), e.transform.mProps.r.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Rotation\", a)), e.transform.mProps.sk && (e.transform.mProps.sk.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Skew\", a)), e.transform.mProps.sa.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Skew Angle\", a))), e.transform.op.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Opacity\", a)), Object.defineProperties(i, {\\n opacity: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.transform.mProps.o)\\n },\\n position: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.transform.mProps.p)\\n },\\n anchorPoint: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.transform.mProps.a)\\n },\\n scale: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.transform.mProps.s)\\n },\\n rotation: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.transform.mProps.r)\\n },\\n skew: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.transform.mProps.sk)\\n },\\n skewAxis: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(e.transform.mProps.sa)\\n },\\n _name: {\\n value: t.nm\\n }\\n }), i.ty = \"tr\", i.mn = t.mn, i.propertyGroup = r, i;\\n }\\n\\n function o(t, e, r) {\\n function i(e) {\\n return t.p.ix === e ? i.position : t.s.ix === e ? i.size : null;\\n }\\n\\n var a = propertyGroupFactory(i, r);\\n i.propertyIndex = t.ix;\\n var s = \"tm\" === e.sh.ty ? e.sh.prop : e.sh;\\n return s.s.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Size\", a)), s.p.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Position\", a)), Object.defineProperties(i, {\\n size: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(s.s)\\n },\\n position: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(s.p)\\n },\\n _name: {\\n value: t.nm\\n }\\n }), i.mn = t.mn, i;\\n }\\n\\n function h(t, e, r) {\\n function i(e) {\\n return t.p.ix === e ? i.position : t.r.ix === e ? i.rotation : t.pt.ix === e ? i.points : t.or.ix === e || \"ADBE Vector Star Outer Radius\" === e ? i.outerRadius : t.os.ix === e ? i.outerRoundness : !t.ir || t.ir.ix !== e && \"ADBE Vector Star Inner Radius\" !== e ? t.is && t.is.ix === e ? i.innerRoundness : null : i.innerRadius;\\n }\\n\\n var a = propertyGroupFactory(i, r),\\n s = \"tm\" === e.sh.ty ? e.sh.prop : e.sh;\\n return i.propertyIndex = t.ix, s.or.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Outer Radius\", a)), s.os.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Outer Roundness\", a)), s.pt.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Points\", a)), s.p.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Position\", a)), s.r.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Rotation\", a)), t.ir && (s.ir.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Inner Radius\", a)), s.is.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Inner Roundness\", a))), Object.defineProperties(i, {\\n position: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(s.p)\\n },\\n rotation: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(s.r)\\n },\\n points: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(s.pt)\\n },\\n outerRadius: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(s.or)\\n },\\n outerRoundness: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(s.os)\\n },\\n innerRadius: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(s.ir)\\n },\\n innerRoundness: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(s.is)\\n },\\n _name: {\\n value: t.nm\\n }\\n }), i.mn = t.mn, i;\\n }\\n\\n function l(t, e, r) {\\n function i(e) {\\n return t.p.ix === e ? i.position : t.r.ix === e ? i.roundness : t.s.ix === e || \"Size\" === e || \"ADBE Vector Rect Size\" === e ? i.size : null;\\n }\\n\\n var a = propertyGroupFactory(i, r),\\n s = \"tm\" === e.sh.ty ? e.sh.prop : e.sh;\\n return i.propertyIndex = t.ix, s.p.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Position\", a)), s.s.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Size\", a)), s.r.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Rotation\", a)), Object.defineProperties(i, {\\n position: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(s.p)\\n },\\n roundness: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(s.r)\\n },\\n size: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(s.s)\\n },\\n _name: {\\n value: t.nm\\n }\\n }), i.mn = t.mn, i;\\n }\\n\\n function p(t, e, r) {\\n function i(e) {\\n return t.r.ix === e || \"Round Corners 1\" === e ? i.radius : null;\\n }\\n\\n var a = propertyGroupFactory(i, r),\\n s = e;\\n return i.propertyIndex = t.ix, s.rd.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Radius\", a)), Object.defineProperties(i, {\\n radius: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(s.rd)\\n },\\n _name: {\\n value: t.nm\\n }\\n }), i.mn = t.mn, i;\\n }\\n\\n function c(t, e, r) {\\n function i(e) {\\n return t.c.ix === e || \"Copies\" === e ? i.copies : t.o.ix === e || \"Offset\" === e ? i.offset : null;\\n }\\n\\n var a = propertyGroupFactory(i, r),\\n s = e;\\n return i.propertyIndex = t.ix, s.c.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Copies\", a)), s.o.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"Offset\", a)), Object.defineProperties(i, {\\n copies: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(s.c)\\n },\\n offset: {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(s.o)\\n },\\n _name: {\\n value: t.nm\\n }\\n }), i.mn = t.mn, i;\\n }\\n\\n return function (e, r, i) {\\n var a;\\n\\n function s(t) {\\n if (\"number\" == typeof t) return 0 === (t = void 0 === t ? 1 : t) ? i : a[t - 1];\\n\\n for (var e = 0, r = a.length; e < r;) {\\n if (a[e]._name === t) return a[e];\\n e += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return null;\\n }\\n\\n return s.propertyGroup = propertyGroupFactory(s, function () {\\n return i;\\n }), a = t(e, r, s.propertyGroup), s.numProperties = a.length, s._name = \"Contents\", s;\\n };\\n }(),\\n TextExpressionInterface = function TextExpressionInterface(t) {\\n var e, r;\\n\\n function i(t) {\\n return \"ADBE Text Document\" === t ? i.sourceText : null;\\n }\\n\\n return Object.defineProperty(i, \"sourceText\", {\\n get: function get() {\\n t.textProperty.getValue();\\n var i = t.textProperty.currentData.t;\\n return i !== e && (t.textProperty.currentData.t = e, (r = new String(i)).value = i || new String(i)), r;\\n }\\n }), i;\\n },\\n LayerExpressionInterface = function () {\\n function t(t) {\\n var e = new Matrix();\\n return void 0 !== t ? this._elem.finalTransform.mProp.getValueAtTime(t).clone(e) : this._elem.finalTransform.mProp.applyToMatrix(e), e;\\n }\\n\\n function e(t, e) {\\n var r = this.getMatrix(e);\\n return r.props[12] = 0, r.props[13] = 0, r.props[14] = 0, this.applyPoint(r, t);\\n }\\n\\n function r(t, e) {\\n var r = this.getMatrix(e);\\n return this.applyPoint(r, t);\\n }\\n\\n function i(t, e) {\\n var r = this.getMatrix(e);\\n return r.props[12] = 0, r.props[13] = 0, r.props[14] = 0, this.invertPoint(r, t);\\n }\\n\\n function a(t, e) {\\n var r = this.getMatrix(e);\\n return this.invertPoint(r, t);\\n }\\n\\n function s(t, e) {\\n if (this._elem.hierarchy && this._elem.hierarchy.length) {\\n var r,\\n i = this._elem.hierarchy.length;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n this._elem.hierarchy[r].finalTransform.mProp.applyToMatrix(t);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return t.applyToPointArray(e[0], e[1], e[2] || 0);\\n }\\n\\n function n(t, e) {\\n if (this._elem.hierarchy && this._elem.hierarchy.length) {\\n var r,\\n i = this._elem.hierarchy.length;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n this._elem.hierarchy[r].finalTransform.mProp.applyToMatrix(t);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n return t.inversePoint(e);\\n }\\n\\n function o(t) {\\n var e = new Matrix();\\n\\n if (e.reset(), this._elem.finalTransform.mProp.applyToMatrix(e), this._elem.hierarchy && this._elem.hierarchy.length) {\\n var r,\\n i = this._elem.hierarchy.length;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < i; r += 1) {\\n this._elem.hierarchy[r].finalTransform.mProp.applyToMatrix(e);\\n }\\n\\n return e.inversePoint(t);\\n }\\n\\n return e.inversePoint(t);\\n }\\n\\n function h() {\\n return [1, 1, 1, 1];\\n }\\n\\n return function (l) {\\n var p;\\n\\n function c(t) {\\n switch (t) {\\n case \"ADBE Root Vectors Group\":\\n case \"Contents\":\\n case 2:\\n return c.shapeInterface;\\n\\n case 1:\\n case 6:\\n case \"Transform\":\\n case \"transform\":\\n case \"ADBE Transform Group\":\\n return p;\\n\\n case 4:\\n case \"ADBE Effect Parade\":\\n case \"effects\":\\n case \"Effects\":\\n return c.effect;\\n\\n case \"ADBE Text Properties\":\\n return c.textInterface;\\n\\n default:\\n return null;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n c.getMatrix = t, c.invertPoint = n, c.applyPoint = s, c.toWorld = r, c.toWorldVec = e, c.fromWorld = a, c.fromWorldVec = i, c.toComp = r, c.fromComp = o, c.sampleImage = h, c.sourceRectAtTime = l.sourceRectAtTime.bind(l), c._elem = l;\\n var f = getDescriptor(p = TransformExpressionInterface(l.finalTransform.mProp), \"anchorPoint\");\\n return Object.defineProperties(c, {\\n hasParent: {\\n get: function get() {\\n return l.hierarchy.length;\\n }\\n },\\n parent: {\\n get: function get() {\\n return l.hierarchy[0].layerInterface;\\n }\\n },\\n rotation: getDescriptor(p, \"rotation\"),\\n scale: getDescriptor(p, \"scale\"),\\n position: getDescriptor(p, \"position\"),\\n opacity: getDescriptor(p, \"opacity\"),\\n anchorPoint: f,\\n anchor_point: f,\\n transform: {\\n get: function get() {\\n return p;\\n }\\n },\\n active: {\\n get: function get() {\\n return l.isInRange;\\n }\\n }\\n }), c.startTime = l.data.st, c.index = l.data.ind, c.source = l.data.refId, c.height = 0 === l.data.ty ? l.data.h : 100, c.width = 0 === l.data.ty ? l.data.w : 100, c.inPoint = l.data.ip / l.comp.globalData.frameRate, c.outPoint = l.data.op / l.comp.globalData.frameRate, c._name = l.data.nm, c.registerMaskInterface = function (t) {\\n c.mask = new MaskManagerInterface(t, l);\\n }, c.registerEffectsInterface = function (t) {\\n c.effect = t;\\n }, c;\\n };\\n }(),\\n FootageInterface = (dataInterfaceFactory = function dataInterfaceFactory(t) {\\n function e(t) {\\n return \"Outline\" === t ? e.outlineInterface() : null;\\n }\\n\\n return e._name = \"Outline\", e.outlineInterface = function (t) {\\n var e = \"\",\\n r = t.getFootageData();\\n\\n function i(t) {\\n if (r[t]) return e = t, \"object\" == _typeof2(r = r[t]) ? i : r;\\n var a = t.indexOf(e);\\n\\n if (-1 !== a) {\\n var s = parseInt(t.substr(a + e.length), 10);\\n return \"object\" == _typeof2(r = r[s]) ? i : r;\\n }\\n\\n return \"\";\\n }\\n\\n return function () {\\n return e = \"\", r = t.getFootageData(), i;\\n };\\n }(t), e;\\n }, function (t) {\\n function e(t) {\\n return \"Data\" === t ? e.dataInterface : null;\\n }\\n\\n return e._name = \"Data\", e.dataInterface = dataInterfaceFactory(t), e;\\n }),\\n dataInterfaceFactory,\\n CompExpressionInterface = function CompExpressionInterface(t) {\\n function e(e) {\\n for (var r = 0, i = t.layers.length; r < i;) {\\n if (t.layers[r].nm === e || t.layers[r].ind === e) return t.elements[r].layerInterface;\\n r += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return null;\\n }\\n\\n return Object.defineProperty(e, \"_name\", {\\n value: t.data.nm\\n }), e.layer = e, e.pixelAspect = 1, e.height = t.data.h || t.globalData.compSize.h, e.width = t.data.w || t.globalData.compSize.w, e.pixelAspect = 1, e.frameDuration = 1 / t.globalData.frameRate, e.displayStartTime = 0, e.numLayers = t.layers.length, e;\\n },\\n TransformExpressionInterface = function TransformExpressionInterface(t) {\\n function e(t) {\\n switch (t) {\\n case \"scale\":\\n case \"Scale\":\\n case \"ADBE Scale\":\\n case 6:\\n return e.scale;\\n\\n case \"rotation\":\\n case \"Rotation\":\\n case \"ADBE Rotation\":\\n case \"ADBE Rotate Z\":\\n case 10:\\n return e.rotation;\\n\\n case \"ADBE Rotate X\":\\n return e.xRotation;\\n\\n case \"ADBE Rotate Y\":\\n return e.yRotation;\\n\\n case \"position\":\\n case \"Position\":\\n case \"ADBE Position\":\\n case 2:\\n return e.position;\\n\\n case \"ADBE Position_0\":\\n return e.xPosition;\\n\\n case \"ADBE Position_1\":\\n return e.yPosition;\\n\\n case \"ADBE Position_2\":\\n return e.zPosition;\\n\\n case \"anchorPoint\":\\n case \"AnchorPoint\":\\n case \"Anchor Point\":\\n case \"ADBE AnchorPoint\":\\n case 1:\\n return e.anchorPoint;\\n\\n case \"opacity\":\\n case \"Opacity\":\\n case 11:\\n return e.opacity;\\n\\n default:\\n return null;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n var r, i, a, s;\\n return Object.defineProperty(e, \"rotation\", {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.r || t.rz)\\n }), Object.defineProperty(e, \"zRotation\", {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.rz || t.r)\\n }), Object.defineProperty(e, \"xRotation\", {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.rx)\\n }), Object.defineProperty(e, \"yRotation\", {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.ry)\\n }), Object.defineProperty(e, \"scale\", {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.s)\\n }), t.p ? s = ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.p) : (r = ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.px), i = ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.py), t.pz && (a = ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.pz))), Object.defineProperty(e, \"position\", {\\n get: function get() {\\n return t.p ? s() : [r(), i(), a ? a() : 0];\\n }\\n }), Object.defineProperty(e, \"xPosition\", {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.px)\\n }), Object.defineProperty(e, \"yPosition\", {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.py)\\n }), Object.defineProperty(e, \"zPosition\", {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.pz)\\n }), Object.defineProperty(e, \"anchorPoint\", {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.a)\\n }), Object.defineProperty(e, \"opacity\", {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.o)\\n }), Object.defineProperty(e, \"skew\", {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.sk)\\n }), Object.defineProperty(e, \"skewAxis\", {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.sa)\\n }), Object.defineProperty(e, \"orientation\", {\\n get: ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.or)\\n }), e;\\n },\\n ProjectInterface = function () {\\n function t(t) {\\n this.compositions.push(t);\\n }\\n\\n return function () {\\n function e(t) {\\n for (var e = 0, r = this.compositions.length; e < r;) {\\n if (this.compositions[e].data && this.compositions[e].data.nm === t) return this.compositions[e].prepareFrame && this.compositions[e].data.xt && this.compositions[e].prepareFrame(this.currentFrame), this.compositions[e].compInterface;\\n e += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return null;\\n }\\n\\n return e.compositions = [], e.currentFrame = 0, e.registerComposition = t, e;\\n };\\n }(),\\n EffectsExpressionInterface = function () {\\n var t = {\\n createEffectsInterface: function createEffectsInterface(t, r) {\\n if (t.effectsManager) {\\n var i,\\n a = [],\\n s = t.data.ef,\\n n = t.effectsManager.effectElements.length;\\n\\n for (i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {\\n a.push(e(s[i], t.effectsManager.effectElements[i], r, t));\\n }\\n\\n var o = t.data.ef || [],\\n h = function h(t) {\\n for (i = 0, n = o.length; i < n;) {\\n if (t === o[i].nm || t === o[i].mn || t === o[i].ix) return a[i];\\n i += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return null;\\n };\\n\\n return Object.defineProperty(h, \"numProperties\", {\\n get: function get() {\\n return o.length;\\n }\\n }), h;\\n }\\n\\n return null;\\n }\\n };\\n\\n function e(t, i, a, s) {\\n function n(e) {\\n for (var r = t.ef, i = 0, a = r.length; i < a;) {\\n if (e === r[i].nm || e === r[i].mn || e === r[i].ix) return 5 === r[i].ty ? l[i] : l[i]();\\n i += 1;\\n }\\n\\n throw new Error();\\n }\\n\\n var o,\\n h = propertyGroupFactory(n, a),\\n l = [],\\n p = t.ef.length;\\n\\n for (o = 0; o < p; o += 1) {\\n 5 === t.ef[o].ty ? l.push(e(t.ef[o], i.effectElements[o], i.effectElements[o].propertyGroup, s)) : l.push(r(i.effectElements[o], t.ef[o].ty, s, h));\\n }\\n\\n return \"ADBE Color Control\" === t.mn && Object.defineProperty(n, \"color\", {\\n get: function get() {\\n return l[0]();\\n }\\n }), Object.defineProperties(n, {\\n numProperties: {\\n get: function get() {\\n return t.np;\\n }\\n },\\n _name: {\\n value: t.nm\\n },\\n propertyGroup: {\\n value: h\\n }\\n }), n.enabled = 0 !== t.en, n.active = n.enabled, n;\\n }\\n\\n function r(t, e, r, i) {\\n var a = ExpressionPropertyInterface(t.p);\\n return t.p.setGroupProperty && t.p.setGroupProperty(PropertyInterface(\"\", i)), function () {\\n return 10 === e ? r.comp.compInterface(t.p.v) : a();\\n };\\n }\\n\\n return t;\\n }(),\\n MaskManagerInterface = function () {\\n function t(t, e) {\\n this._mask = t, this._data = e;\\n }\\n\\n return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, \"maskPath\", {\\n get: function get() {\\n return this._mask.prop.k && this._mask.prop.getValue(), this._mask.prop;\\n }\\n }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, \"maskOpacity\", {\\n get: function get() {\\n return this._mask.op.k && this._mask.op.getValue(), 100 * this._mask.op.v;\\n }\\n }), function (e) {\\n var r,\\n i = createSizedArray(e.viewData.length),\\n a = e.viewData.length;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < a; r += 1) {\\n i[r] = new t(e.viewData[r], e.masksProperties[r]);\\n }\\n\\n return function (t) {\\n for (r = 0; r < a;) {\\n if (e.masksProperties[r].nm === t) return i[r];\\n r += 1;\\n }\\n\\n return null;\\n };\\n };\\n }(),\\n ExpressionPropertyInterface = function () {\\n var t = {\\n pv: 0,\\n v: 0,\\n mult: 1\\n },\\n e = {\\n pv: [0, 0, 0],\\n v: [0, 0, 0],\\n mult: 1\\n };\\n\\n function r(t, e, r) {\\n Object.defineProperty(t, \"velocity\", {\\n get: function get() {\\n return e.getVelocityAtTime(e.comp.currentFrame);\\n }\\n }), t.numKeys = e.keyframes ? e.keyframes.length : 0, t.key = function (i) {\\n if (!t.numKeys) return 0;\\n var a = \"\";\\n a = \"s\" in e.keyframes[i - 1] ? e.keyframes[i - 1].s : \"e\" in e.keyframes[i - 2] ? e.keyframes[i - 2].e : e.keyframes[i - 2].s;\\n var s = \"unidimensional\" === r ? new Number(a) : Object.assign({}, a);\\n return s.time = e.keyframes[i - 1].t / e.elem.comp.globalData.frameRate, s.value = \"unidimensional\" === r ? a[0] : a, s;\\n }, t.valueAtTime = e.getValueAtTime, t.speedAtTime = e.getSpeedAtTime, t.velocityAtTime = e.getVelocityAtTime, t.propertyGroup = e.propertyGroup;\\n }\\n\\n function i() {\\n return t;\\n }\\n\\n return function (a) {\\n return a ? \"unidimensional\" === a.propType ? function (e) {\\n e && \"pv\" in e || (e = t);\\n var i = 1 / e.mult,\\n a = e.pv * i,\\n s = new Number(a);\\n return s.value = a, r(s, e, \"unidimensional\"), function () {\\n return e.k && e.getValue(), a = e.v * i, s.value !== a && ((s = new Number(a)).value = a, r(s, e, \"unidimensional\")), s;\\n };\\n }(a) : function (t) {\\n t && \"pv\" in t || (t = e);\\n var i = 1 / t.mult,\\n a = t.data && t.data.l || t.pv.length,\\n s = createTypedArray(\"float32\", a),\\n n = createTypedArray(\"float32\", a);\\n return s.value = n, r(s, t, \"multidimensional\"), function () {\\n t.k && t.getValue();\\n\\n for (var e = 0; e < a; e += 1) {\\n n[e] = t.v[e] * i, s[e] = n[e];\\n }\\n\\n return s;\\n };\\n }(a) : i;\\n };\\n }(),\\n TextExpressionSelectorPropFactory = function () {\\n function t(t, e) {\\n return this.textIndex = t + 1, this.textTotal = e, this.v = this.getValue() * this.mult, this.v;\\n }\\n\\n return function (e, r) {\\n this.pv = 1, this.comp = e.comp, this.elem = e, this.mult = .01, this.propType = \"textSelector\", this.textTotal = r.totalChars, this.selectorValue = 100, this.lastValue = [1, 1, 1], this.k = !0, this.x = !0, this.getValue = ExpressionManager.initiateExpression.bind(this)(e, r, this), this.getMult = t, this.getVelocityAtTime = expressionHelpers.getVelocityAtTime, this.kf ? this.getValueAtTime = expressionHelpers.getValueAtTime.bind(this) : this.getValueAtTime = expressionHelpers.getStaticValueAtTime.bind(this), this.setGroupProperty = expressionHelpers.setGroupProperty;\\n };\\n }(),\\n propertyGetTextProp = TextSelectorProp.getTextSelectorProp;\\n\\n function SliderEffect(t, e, r) {\\n this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 0, 0, r);\\n }\\n\\n function AngleEffect(t, e, r) {\\n this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 0, 0, r);\\n }\\n\\n function ColorEffect(t, e, r) {\\n this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 1, 0, r);\\n }\\n\\n function PointEffect(t, e, r) {\\n this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 1, 0, r);\\n }\\n\\n function LayerIndexEffect(t, e, r) {\\n this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 0, 0, r);\\n }\\n\\n function MaskIndexEffect(t, e, r) {\\n this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 0, 0, r);\\n }\\n\\n function CheckboxEffect(t, e, r) {\\n this.p = PropertyFactory.getProp(e, t.v, 0, 0, r);\\n }\\n\\n function NoValueEffect() {\\n this.p = {};\\n }\\n\\n function EffectsManager(t, e) {\\n var r,\\n i = t.ef || [];\\n this.effectElements = [];\\n var a,\\n s = i.length;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < s; r += 1) {\\n a = new GroupEffect(i[r], e), this.effectElements.push(a);\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function GroupEffect(t, e) {\\n this.init(t, e);\\n }\\n\\n TextSelectorProp.getTextSelectorProp = function (t, e, r) {\\n return 1 === e.t ? new TextExpressionSelectorPropFactory(t, e, r) : propertyGetTextProp(t, e, r);\\n }, extendPrototype([DynamicPropertyContainer], GroupEffect), GroupEffect.prototype.getValue = GroupEffect.prototype.iterateDynamicProperties, GroupEffect.prototype.init = function (t, e) {\\n var r;\\n this.data = t, this.effectElements = [], this.initDynamicPropertyContainer(e);\\n var i,\\n a = this.data.ef.length,\\n s = this.data.ef;\\n\\n for (r = 0; r < a; r += 1) {\\n switch (i = null, s[r].ty) {\\n case 0:\\n i = new SliderEffect(s[r], e, this);\\n break;\\n\\n case 1:\\n i = new AngleEffect(s[r], e, this);\\n break;\\n\\n case 2:\\n i = new ColorEffect(s[r], e, this);\\n break;\\n\\n case 3:\\n i = new PointEffect(s[r], e, this);\\n break;\\n\\n case 4:\\n case 7:\\n i = new CheckboxEffect(s[r], e, this);\\n break;\\n\\n case 10:\\n i = new LayerIndexEffect(s[r], e, this);\\n break;\\n\\n case 11:\\n i = new MaskIndexEffect(s[r], e, this);\\n break;\\n\\n case 5:\\n i = new EffectsManager(s[r], e, this);\\n break;\\n\\n default:\\n i = new NoValueEffect(s[r], e, this);\\n }\\n\\n i && this.effectElements.push(i);\\n }\\n };\\n var lottie = {};\\n\\n function setLocationHref(t) {\\n locationHref = t;\\n }\\n\\n function searchAnimations() {\\n !0 === standalone ? animationManager.searchAnimations(animationData, standalone, renderer) : animationManager.searchAnimations();\\n }\\n\\n function setSubframeRendering(t) {\\n subframeEnabled = t;\\n }\\n\\n function setIDPrefix(t) {\\n idPrefix = t;\\n }\\n\\n function loadAnimation(t) {\\n return !0 === standalone && (t.animationData = JSON.parse(animationData)), animationManager.loadAnimation(t);\\n }\\n\\n function setQuality(t) {\\n if (\"string\" == typeof t) switch (t) {\\n case \"high\":\\n defaultCurveSegments = 200;\\n break;\\n\\n default:\\n case \"medium\":\\n defaultCurveSegments = 50;\\n break;\\n\\n case \"low\":\\n defaultCurveSegments = 10;\\n } else !isNaN(t) && t > 1 && (defaultCurveSegments = t);\\n roundValues(!(defaultCurveSegments >= 50));\\n }\\n\\n function inBrowser() {\\n return \"undefined\" != typeof navigator;\\n }\\n\\n function installPlugin(t, e) {\\n \"expressions\" === t && (expressionsPlugin = e);\\n }\\n\\n function getFactory(t) {\\n switch (t) {\\n case \"propertyFactory\":\\n return PropertyFactory;\\n\\n case \"shapePropertyFactory\":\\n return ShapePropertyFactory;\\n\\n case \"matrix\":\\n return Matrix;\\n\\n default:\\n return null;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n function checkReady() {\\n \"complete\" === document.readyState && (clearInterval(readyStateCheckInterval), searchAnimations());\\n }\\n\\n function getQueryVariable(t) {\\n for (var e = queryString.split(\"&\"), r = 0; r < e.length; r += 1) {\\n var i = e[r].split(\"=\");\\n if (decodeURIComponent(i[0]) == t) return decodeURIComponent(i[1]);\\n }\\n\\n return null;\\n }\\n\\n lottie.play = animationManager.play, lottie.pause = animationManager.pause, lottie.setLocationHref = setLocationHref, lottie.togglePause = animationManager.togglePause, lottie.setSpeed = animationManager.setSpeed, lottie.setDirection = animationManager.setDirection, lottie.stop = animationManager.stop, lottie.searchAnimations = searchAnimations, lottie.registerAnimation = animationManager.registerAnimation, lottie.loadAnimation = loadAnimation, lottie.setSubframeRendering = setSubframeRendering, lottie.resize = animationManager.resize, lottie.goToAndStop = animationManager.goToAndStop, lottie.destroy = animationManager.destroy, lottie.setQuality = setQuality, lottie.inBrowser = inBrowser, lottie.installPlugin = installPlugin, lottie.freeze = animationManager.freeze, lottie.unfreeze = animationManager.unfreeze, lottie.setVolume = animationManager.setVolume, lottie.mute = animationManager.mute, lottie.unmute = animationManager.unmute, lottie.getRegisteredAnimations = animationManager.getRegisteredAnimations, lottie.useWebWorker = function (t) {\\n _useWebWorker = t;\\n }, lottie.setIDPrefix = setIDPrefix, lottie.__getFactory = getFactory, lottie.version = \"5.8.1\";\\n var standalone = \"__[STANDALONE]__\",\\n animationData = \"__[ANIMATIONDATA]__\",\\n renderer = \"\",\\n queryString;\\n\\n if (standalone) {\\n var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName(\"script\"),\\n index = scripts.length - 1,\\n myScript = scripts[index] || {\\n src: \"\"\\n };\\n queryString = myScript.src.replace(/^[^\\\\?]+\\\\??/, \"\"), renderer = getQueryVariable(\"renderer\");\\n }\\n\\n var readyStateCheckInterval = setInterval(checkReady, 100);\\n return lottie;\\n }, module.exports ? module.exports = factory(root) : (root.lottie = factory(root), root.bodymovin = root.lottie));\\n})(lottie$1);\\n\\nvar lottie = lottie$1.exports,\\n _templateObject$1,\\n styles = r$3(_templateObject$1 || (_templateObject$1 = _taggedTemplateLiteral([\"\\\\n * {\\\\n box-sizing: border-box;\\\\n }\\\\n\\\\n :host {\\\\n --lottie-player-toolbar-height: 35px;\\\\n --lottie-player-toolbar-background-color: transparent;\\\\n --lottie-player-toolbar-icon-color: #999;\\\\n --lottie-player-toolbar-icon-hover-color: #222;\\\\n --lottie-player-toolbar-icon-active-color: #555;\\\\n --lottie-player-seeker-track-color: #ccc;\\\\n --lottie-player-seeker-thumb-color: rgba(0, 107, 120, 0.8);\\\\n --lottie-player-seeker-display: block;\\\\n\\\\n display: block;\\\\n width: 100%;\\\\n height: 100%;\\\\n }\\\\n\\\\n .main {\\\\n display: flex;\\\\n flex-direction: column;\\\\n height: 100%;\\\\n width: 100%;\\\\n }\\\\n\\\\n .animation {\\\\n width: 100%;\\\\n height: 100%;\\\\n display: flex;\\\\n }\\\\n .animation.controls {\\\\n height: calc(100% - 35px);\\\\n }\\\\n\\\\n .toolbar {\\\\n display: flex;\\\\n align-items: center;\\\\n justify-items: center;\\\\n background-color: var(--lottie-player-toolbar-background-color);\\\\n margin: 0 5px;\\\\n height: 35px;\\\\n }\\\\n\\\\n .toolbar button {\\\\n cursor: pointer;\\\\n fill: var(--lottie-player-toolbar-icon-color);\\\\n display: flex;\\\\n background: none;\\\\n border: 0;\\\\n padding: 0;\\\\n outline: none;\\\\n height: 100%;\\\\n }\\\\n\\\\n .toolbar button:hover {\\\\n fill: var(--lottie-player-toolbar-icon-hover-color);\\\\n }\\\\n\\\\n .toolbar button.active {\\\\n fill: var(--lottie-player-toolbar-icon-active-color);\\\\n }\\\\n\\\\n .toolbar button.active:hover {\\\\n fill: var(--lottie-player-toolbar-icon-hover-color);\\\\n }\\\\n\\\\n .toolbar button:focus {\\\\n outline: 1px dotted var(--lottie-player-toolbar-icon-active-color);\\\\n }\\\\n\\\\n .toolbar button svg {\\\\n }\\\\n\\\\n .toolbar button.disabled svg {\\\\n display: none;\\\\n }\\\\n\\\\n .seeker {\\\\n -webkit-appearance: none;\\\\n width: 95%;\\\\n outline: none;\\\\n background-color: var(--lottie-player-toolbar-background-color);\\\\n display: var(--lottie-player-seeker-display);\\\\n }\\\\n\\\\n .seeker::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {\\\\n width: 100%;\\\\n height: 5px;\\\\n cursor: pointer;\\\\n background: var(--lottie-player-seeker-track-color);\\\\n border-radius: 3px;\\\\n }\\\\n .seeker::-webkit-slider-thumb {\\\\n height: 15px;\\\\n width: 15px;\\\\n border-radius: 50%;\\\\n background: var(--lottie-player-seeker-thumb-color);\\\\n cursor: pointer;\\\\n -webkit-appearance: none;\\\\n margin-top: -5px;\\\\n }\\\\n .seeker:focus::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {\\\\n background: #999;\\\\n }\\\\n .seeker::-moz-range-track {\\\\n width: 100%;\\\\n height: 5px;\\\\n cursor: pointer;\\\\n background: var(--lottie-player-seeker-track-color);\\\\n border-radius: 3px;\\\\n }\\\\n .seeker::-moz-range-thumb {\\\\n height: 15px;\\\\n width: 15px;\\\\n border-radius: 50%;\\\\n background: var(--lottie-player-seeker-thumb-color);\\\\n cursor: pointer;\\\\n }\\\\n .seeker::-ms-track {\\\\n width: 100%;\\\\n height: 5px;\\\\n cursor: pointer;\\\\n background: transparent;\\\\n border-color: transparent;\\\\n color: transparent;\\\\n }\\\\n .seeker::-ms-fill-lower {\\\\n background: var(--lottie-player-seeker-track-color);\\\\n border-radius: 3px;\\\\n }\\\\n .seeker::-ms-fill-upper {\\\\n background: var(--lottie-player-seeker-track-color);\\\\n border-radius: 3px;\\\\n }\\\\n .seeker::-ms-thumb {\\\\n border: 0;\\\\n height: 15px;\\\\n width: 15px;\\\\n border-radius: 50%;\\\\n background: var(--lottie-player-seeker-thumb-color);\\\\n cursor: pointer;\\\\n }\\\\n .seeker:focus::-ms-fill-lower {\\\\n background: var(--lottie-player-seeker-track-color);\\\\n }\\\\n .seeker:focus::-ms-fill-upper {\\\\n background: var(--lottie-player-seeker-track-color);\\\\n }\\\\n\\\\n .error {\\\\n display: flex;\\\\n justify-content: center;\\\\n height: 100%;\\\\n align-items: center;\\\\n }\\\\n\"]))),\\n _templateObject,\\n _templateObject2,\\n _templateObject3,\\n _templateObject4,\\n _templateObject5,\\n PlayerState,\\n PlayMode,\\n PlayerEvents;\\n\\nfunction parseSrc(t) {\\n if (\"object\" == _typeof2(t)) return t;\\n\\n try {\\n return JSON.parse(t);\\n } catch (e) {\\n return new URL(t, window.location.href).toString();\\n }\\n}\\n\\nfunction isLottie(t) {\\n return [\"v\", \"ip\", \"op\", \"layers\", \"fr\", \"w\", \"h\"].every(function (e) {\\n return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e);\\n });\\n}\\n\\nfunction fromURL(t) {\\n return _fromURL.apply(this, arguments);\\n}\\n\\nfunction _fromURL() {\\n return (_fromURL = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee3(t) {\\n var e, r, i;\\n return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee3$(_context3) {\\n while (1) {\\n switch (_context3.prev = _context3.next) {\\n case 0:\\n if (!(\"string\" != typeof t)) {\\n _context3.next = 2;\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n throw new Error(\"The url value must be a string\");\\n\\n case 2:\\n _context3.prev = 2;\\n r = new URL(t);\\n _context3.next = 6;\\n return fetch(r.toString());\\n\\n case 6:\\n i = _context3.sent;\\n _context3.next = 9;\\n return i.json();\\n\\n case 9:\\n e = _context3.sent;\\n _context3.next = 15;\\n break;\\n\\n case 12:\\n _context3.prev = 12;\\n _context3.t0 = _context3[\"catch\"](2);\\n throw new Error(\"An error occurred while trying to load the Lottie file from URL\");\\n\\n case 15:\\n return _context3.abrupt(\"return\", e);\\n\\n case 16:\\n case \"end\":\\n return _context3.stop();\\n }\\n }\\n }, _callee3, null, [[2, 12]]);\\n }))).apply(this, arguments);\\n}\\n\\n!function (t) {\\n t.Destroyed = \"destroyed\", t.Error = \"error\", t.Frozen = \"frozen\", t.Loading = \"loading\", t.Paused = \"paused\", t.Playing = \"playing\", t.Stopped = \"stopped\";\\n}(PlayerState || (PlayerState = {})), function (t) {\\n t.Bounce = \"bounce\", t.Normal = \"normal\";\\n}(PlayMode || (PlayMode = {})), function (t) {\\n t.Complete = \"complete\", t.Destroyed = \"destroyed\", t.Error = \"error\", t.Frame = \"frame\", t.Freeze = \"freeze\", t.Load = \"load\", t.Loop = \"loop\", t.Pause = \"pause\", t.Play = \"play\", t.Ready = \"ready\", t.Rendered = \"rendered\", t.Stop = \"stop\";\\n}(PlayerEvents || (PlayerEvents = {}));\\n\\nvar LottiePlayer = /*#__PURE__*/function (_s2) {\\n _inherits2(LottiePlayer, _s2);\\n\\n var _super6 = _createSuper2(LottiePlayer);\\n\\n function LottiePlayer() {\\n var _this11;\\n\\n _classCallCheck2(this, LottiePlayer);\\n\\n _this11 = _super6.apply(this, arguments), _this11.autoplay = !1, _this11.background = \"transparent\", _this11.controls = !1, _this11.currentState = PlayerState.Loading, _this11.description = \"Lottie animation\", _this11.direction = 1, _this11.hover = !1, _this11.intermission = 1, _this11.loop = !1, _this11.mode = PlayMode.Normal, _this11.preserveAspectRatio = \"xMidYMid meet\", _this11.renderer = \"svg\", _this11.speed = 1, _this11._io = void 0, _this11._counter = 1;\\n return _this11;\\n }\\n\\n _createClass2(LottiePlayer, [{\\n key: \"load\",\\n value: function load(t) {\\n var e = this;\\n return _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee4() {\\n var r, i, a, s;\\n return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee4$(_context4) {\\n while (1) {\\n switch (_context4.prev = _context4.next) {\\n case 0:\\n if (!e.shadowRoot) {\\n _context4.next = 22;\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n r = {\\n container: e.container,\\n loop: !1,\\n autoplay: !1,\\n renderer: e.renderer,\\n rendererSettings: {\\n preserveAspectRatio: e.preserveAspectRatio,\\n clearCanvas: !1,\\n progressiveLoad: !0,\\n hideOnTransparent: !0\\n }\\n };\\n _context4.prev = 2;\\n i = parseSrc(t), a = {}, s = \"string\" == typeof i ? \"path\" : \"animationData\";\\n e._lottie && e._lottie.destroy();\\n e.webworkers && lottie$1.exports.useWebWorker(!0);\\n e._lottie = lottie$1.exports.loadAnimation(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, r), _defineProperty2({}, s, i)));\\n\\n e._attachEventListeners();\\n\\n if (!(\"path\" === s)) {\\n _context4.next = 15;\\n break;\\n }\\n\\n _context4.next = 11;\\n return fromURL(i);\\n\\n case 11:\\n a = _context4.sent;\\n s = \"animationData\";\\n _context4.next = 16;\\n break;\\n\\n case 15:\\n a = i;\\n\\n case 16:\\n isLottie(a) || (e.currentState = PlayerState.Error, e.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(PlayerEvents.Error)));\\n _context4.next = 22;\\n break;\\n\\n case 19:\\n _context4.prev = 19;\\n _context4.t0 = _context4[\"catch\"](2);\\n e.currentState = PlayerState.Error, e.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(PlayerEvents.Error));\\n\\n case 22:\\n case \"end\":\\n return _context4.stop();\\n }\\n }\\n }, _callee4, null, [[2, 19]]);\\n }))();\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"getLottie\",\\n value: function getLottie() {\\n return this._lottie;\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"play\",\\n value: function play() {\\n this._lottie && (this._lottie.play(), this.currentState = PlayerState.Playing, this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(PlayerEvents.Play)));\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"pause\",\\n value: function pause() {\\n this._lottie && (this._lottie.pause(), this.currentState = PlayerState.Paused, this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(PlayerEvents.Pause)));\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"stop\",\\n value: function stop() {\\n this._lottie && (this._counter = 1, this._lottie.stop(), this.currentState = PlayerState.Stopped, this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(PlayerEvents.Stop)));\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"destroy\",\\n value: function destroy() {\\n this._lottie && (this._lottie.destroy(), this._lottie = null, this.currentState = PlayerState.Destroyed, this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(PlayerEvents.Destroyed)), this.remove());\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"seek\",\\n value: function seek(t) {\\n if (this._lottie) {\\n var e = /^(\\\\d+)(%?)$/.exec(t.toString());\\n\\n if (e) {\\n var r = \"%\" === e[2] ? this._lottie.totalFrames * Number(e[1]) / 100 : Number(e[1]);\\n this.seeker = r, this.currentState === PlayerState.Playing ? this._lottie.goToAndPlay(r, !0) : (this._lottie.goToAndStop(r, !0), this._lottie.pause());\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"snapshot\",\\n value: function snapshot() {\\n var t = !(arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0]) || arguments[0];\\n\\n if (this.shadowRoot) {\\n var e = this.shadowRoot.querySelector(\".animation svg\"),\\n r = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(e);\\n\\n if (t) {\\n var i = document.createElement(\"a\");\\n i.href = \"data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,\".concat(encodeURIComponent(r)), i.download = \"download_\".concat(this.seeker, \".svg\"), document.body.appendChild(i), i.click(), document.body.removeChild(i);\\n }\\n\\n return r;\\n }\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"setSpeed\",\\n value: function setSpeed() {\\n var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 1;\\n this._lottie && this._lottie.setSpeed(t);\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"setDirection\",\\n value: function setDirection(t) {\\n this._lottie && this._lottie.setDirection(t);\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"setLooping\",\\n value: function setLooping(t) {\\n this._lottie && (this.loop = t, this._lottie.loop = t);\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"togglePlay\",\\n value: function togglePlay() {\\n return this.currentState === PlayerState.Playing ? this.pause() : this.play();\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"toggleLooping\",\\n value: function toggleLooping() {\\n this.setLooping(!this.loop);\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"resize\",\\n value: function resize() {\\n this._lottie && this._lottie.resize();\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"disconnectedCallback\",\\n value: function disconnectedCallback() {\\n var _this12 = this;\\n\\n this.isConnected || (this._io && (this._io.disconnect(), this._io = void 0), document.removeEventListener(\"visibilitychange\", function () {\\n return _this12._onVisibilityChange();\\n }), this.destroy());\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"render\",\\n value: function render() {\\n var t = this.controls ? \"main controls\" : \"main\",\\n e = this.controls ? \"animation controls\" : \"animation\";\\n return $(_templateObject || (_templateObject = _taggedTemplateLiteral([\\' \\\\n \\\\n \\', \"\\\\n \\\\n \", \"\\\\n \"])), t, this.description, e, this.background, this.currentState === PlayerState.Error ? $(_templateObject2 || (_templateObject2 = _taggedTemplateLiteral([\\'
\\']))) : void 0, this.controls ? this.renderControls() : void 0);\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"firstUpdated\",\\n value: function firstUpdated() {\\n var _this13 = this;\\n\\n \"IntersectionObserver\" in window && (this._io = new IntersectionObserver(function (t) {\\n t[0].isIntersecting ? _this13.currentState === PlayerState.Frozen && _this13.play() : _this13.currentState === PlayerState.Playing && _this13.freeze();\\n }), this._io.observe(this.container)), void 0 !== document.hidden && document.addEventListener(\"visibilitychange\", function () {\\n return _this13._onVisibilityChange();\\n }), this.src && this.load(this.src), this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(PlayerEvents.Rendered));\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"renderControls\",\\n value: function renderControls() {\\n var _this14 = this;\\n\\n var t = this.currentState === PlayerState.Playing,\\n e = this.currentState === PlayerState.Paused,\\n r = this.currentState === PlayerState.Stopped;\\n return $(_templateObject3 || (_templateObject3 = _taggedTemplateLiteral([\\'\\\\n \\\\n \\\\n \\', \\'\\\\n \\\\n \\\\n \\\\n \\\\n \\\\n \\\\n \\\\n \\\\n \\\\n \\\\n \\\\n \\\\n \\\\n \\'])), this.togglePlay, t || e ? \"active\" : \"\", $(t ? _templateObject4 || (_templateObject4 = _taggedTemplateLiteral([\\'\\\\n \\\\n \\'])) : _templateObject5 || (_templateObject5 = _taggedTemplateLiteral([\\'\\\\n \\\\n \\']))), this.stop, r ? \"active\" : \"\", this.seeker, this._handleSeekChange, function () {\\n _this14._prevState = _this14.currentState, _this14.freeze();\\n }, function () {\\n _this14._prevState === PlayerState.Playing && _this14.play();\\n }, this.seeker, this.toggleLooping, this.loop ? \"active\" : \"\");\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"_onVisibilityChange\",\\n value: function _onVisibilityChange() {\\n !0 === document.hidden && this.currentState === PlayerState.Playing ? this.freeze() : this.currentState === PlayerState.Frozen && this.play();\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"_handleSeekChange\",\\n value: function _handleSeekChange(t) {\\n if (this._lottie && !isNaN(t.target.value)) {\\n var e = t.target.value / 100 * this._lottie.totalFrames;\\n this.seek(e);\\n }\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"_attachEventListeners\",\\n value: function _attachEventListeners() {\\n var _this15 = this;\\n\\n this._lottie.addEventListener(\"enterFrame\", function () {\\n _this15.seeker = _this15._lottie.currentFrame / _this15._lottie.totalFrames * 100, _this15.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(PlayerEvents.Frame, {\\n detail: {\\n frame: _this15._lottie.currentFrame,\\n seeker: _this15.seeker\\n }\\n }));\\n }), this._lottie.addEventListener(\"complete\", function () {\\n if (_this15.currentState === PlayerState.Playing) {\\n if (!_this15.loop || _this15.count && _this15._counter >= _this15.count) {\\n if (_this15.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(PlayerEvents.Complete)), _this15.mode !== PlayMode.Bounce) return;\\n if (0 === _this15._lottie.currentFrame) return;\\n }\\n\\n _this15.mode === PlayMode.Bounce ? (_this15.count && (_this15._counter += .5), setTimeout(function () {\\n _this15.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(PlayerEvents.Loop)), _this15.currentState === PlayerState.Playing && (_this15._lottie.setDirection(-1 * _this15._lottie.playDirection), _this15._lottie.play());\\n }, _this15.intermission)) : (_this15.count && (_this15._counter += 1), window.setTimeout(function () {\\n _this15.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(PlayerEvents.Loop)), _this15.currentState === PlayerState.Playing && (-1 === _this15.direction ? (_this15.seek(\"99%\"), _this15.play()) : (_this15._lottie.stop(), _this15._lottie.play()));\\n }, _this15.intermission));\\n } else _this15.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(PlayerEvents.Complete));\\n }), this._lottie.addEventListener(\"DOMLoaded\", function () {\\n _this15.setSpeed(_this15.speed), _this15.setDirection(_this15.direction), _this15.autoplay && (-1 === _this15.direction && _this15.seek(\"100%\"), _this15.play()), _this15.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(PlayerEvents.Ready));\\n }), this._lottie.addEventListener(\"data_ready\", function () {\\n _this15.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(PlayerEvents.Load));\\n }), this._lottie.addEventListener(\"data_failed\", function () {\\n _this15.currentState = PlayerState.Error, _this15.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(PlayerEvents.Error));\\n }), this.container.addEventListener(\"mouseenter\", function () {\\n _this15.hover && _this15.currentState !== PlayerState.Playing && _this15.play();\\n }), this.container.addEventListener(\"mouseleave\", function () {\\n _this15.hover && _this15.currentState === PlayerState.Playing && _this15.stop();\\n });\\n }\\n }, {\\n key: \"freeze\",\\n value: function freeze() {\\n this._lottie && (this._lottie.pause(), this.currentState = PlayerState.Frozen, this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(PlayerEvents.Freeze)));\\n }\\n }], [{\\n key: \"styles\",\\n get: function get() {\\n return styles;\\n }\\n }]);\\n\\n return LottiePlayer;\\n}(s);\\n\\n__decorate([e$5({\\n type: Boolean\\n})], LottiePlayer.prototype, \"autoplay\", void 0), __decorate([e$5({\\n type: String,\\n reflect: !0\\n})], LottiePlayer.prototype, \"background\", void 0), __decorate([e$5({\\n type: Boolean\\n})], LottiePlayer.prototype, \"controls\", void 0), __decorate([e$5({\\n type: Number\\n})], LottiePlayer.prototype, \"count\", void 0), __decorate([e$5({\\n type: String\\n})], LottiePlayer.prototype, \"currentState\", void 0), __decorate([e$5({\\n type: String\\n})], LottiePlayer.prototype, \"description\", void 0), __decorate([e$5({\\n type: Number\\n})], LottiePlayer.prototype, \"direction\", void 0), __decorate([e$5({\\n type: Boolean\\n})], LottiePlayer.prototype, \"hover\", void 0), __decorate([e$5()], LottiePlayer.prototype, \"intermission\", void 0), __decorate([e$5({\\n type: Boolean,\\n reflect: !0\\n})], LottiePlayer.prototype, \"loop\", void 0), __decorate([e$5()], LottiePlayer.prototype, \"mode\", void 0), __decorate([e$5({\\n type: String\\n})], LottiePlayer.prototype, \"preserveAspectRatio\", void 0), __decorate([e$5({\\n type: String\\n})], LottiePlayer.prototype, \"renderer\", void 0), __decorate([e$5()], LottiePlayer.prototype, \"seeker\", void 0), __decorate([e$5({\\n type: Number\\n})], LottiePlayer.prototype, \"speed\", void 0), __decorate([e$5({\\n type: String\\n})], LottiePlayer.prototype, \"src\", void 0), __decorate([e$5({\\n type: Boolean\\n})], LottiePlayer.prototype, \"webworkers\", void 0), __decorate([i(\".animation\")], LottiePlayer.prototype, \"container\", void 0), LottiePlayer = __decorate([n$1(\"lottie-player\")], LottiePlayer);\\n\\n/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! ./../../../webpack/buildin/global.js */ \"./node_modules/webpack/buildin/global.js\")))\\n\\n//# sourceURL=webpack:///./node_modules/@lottiefiles/lottie-player/dist/lottie-player.esm.js?')},\"./node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js\":function(module,exports,__webpack_require__){eval('/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(module) {function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\\n\\n/**\\n * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc.\\n *\\n * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\\n * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\\n */\\nvar runtime = function (exports) {\\n \"use strict\";\\n\\n var Op = Object.prototype;\\n var hasOwn = Op.hasOwnProperty;\\n\\n var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty || function (obj, key, desc) {\\n obj[key] = desc.value;\\n };\\n\\n var undefined; // More compressible than void 0.\\n\\n var $Symbol = typeof Symbol === \"function\" ? Symbol : {};\\n var iteratorSymbol = $Symbol.iterator || \"@@iterator\";\\n var asyncIteratorSymbol = $Symbol.asyncIterator || \"@@asyncIterator\";\\n var toStringTagSymbol = $Symbol.toStringTag || \"@@toStringTag\";\\n\\n function define(obj, key, value) {\\n Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {\\n value: value,\\n enumerable: true,\\n configurable: true,\\n writable: true\\n });\\n return obj[key];\\n }\\n\\n try {\\n // IE 8 has a broken Object.defineProperty that only works on DOM objects.\\n define({}, \"\");\\n } catch (err) {\\n define = function define(obj, key, value) {\\n return obj[key] = value;\\n };\\n }\\n\\n function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList) {\\n // If outerFn provided and outerFn.prototype is a Generator, then outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator.\\n var protoGenerator = outerFn && outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator ? outerFn : Generator;\\n var generator = Object.create(protoGenerator.prototype);\\n var context = new Context(tryLocsList || []); // The ._invoke method unifies the implementations of the .next,\\n // .throw, and .return methods.\\n\\n defineProperty(generator, \"_invoke\", {\\n value: makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context)\\n });\\n return generator;\\n }\\n\\n exports.wrap = wrap; // Try/catch helper to minimize deoptimizations. Returns a completion\\n // record like context.tryEntries[i].completion. This interface could\\n // have been (and was previously) designed to take a closure to be\\n // invoked without arguments, but in all the cases we care about we\\n // already have an existing method we want to call, so there\\'s no need\\n // to create a new function object. We can even get away with assuming\\n // the method takes exactly one argument, since that happens to be true\\n // in every case, so we don\\'t have to touch the arguments object. The\\n // only additional allocation required is the completion record, which\\n // has a stable shape and so hopefully should be cheap to allocate.\\n\\n function tryCatch(fn, obj, arg) {\\n try {\\n return {\\n type: \"normal\",\\n arg: fn.call(obj, arg)\\n };\\n } catch (err) {\\n return {\\n type: \"throw\",\\n arg: err\\n };\\n }\\n }\\n\\n var GenStateSuspendedStart = \"suspendedStart\";\\n var GenStateSuspendedYield = \"suspendedYield\";\\n var GenStateExecuting = \"executing\";\\n var GenStateCompleted = \"completed\"; // Returning this object from the innerFn has the same effect as\\n // breaking out of the dispatch switch statement.\\n\\n var ContinueSentinel = {}; // Dummy constructor functions that we use as the .constructor and\\n // .constructor.prototype properties for functions that return Generator\\n // objects. For full spec compliance, you may wish to configure your\\n // minifier not to mangle the names of these two functions.\\n\\n function Generator() {}\\n\\n function GeneratorFunction() {}\\n\\n function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {} // This is a polyfill for %IteratorPrototype% for environments that\\n // don\\'t natively support it.\\n\\n\\n var IteratorPrototype = {};\\n define(IteratorPrototype, iteratorSymbol, function () {\\n return this;\\n });\\n var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf;\\n var NativeIteratorPrototype = getProto && getProto(getProto(values([])));\\n\\n if (NativeIteratorPrototype && NativeIteratorPrototype !== Op && hasOwn.call(NativeIteratorPrototype, iteratorSymbol)) {\\n // This environment has a native %IteratorPrototype%; use it instead\\n // of the polyfill.\\n IteratorPrototype = NativeIteratorPrototype;\\n }\\n\\n var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = Object.create(IteratorPrototype);\\n GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype;\\n defineProperty(Gp, \"constructor\", {\\n value: GeneratorFunctionPrototype,\\n configurable: true\\n });\\n defineProperty(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, \"constructor\", {\\n value: GeneratorFunction,\\n configurable: true\\n });\\n GeneratorFunction.displayName = define(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, toStringTagSymbol, \"GeneratorFunction\"); // Helper for defining the .next, .throw, and .return methods of the\\n // Iterator interface in terms of a single ._invoke method.\\n\\n function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) {\\n [\"next\", \"throw\", \"return\"].forEach(function (method) {\\n define(prototype, method, function (arg) {\\n return this._invoke(method, arg);\\n });\\n });\\n }\\n\\n exports.isGeneratorFunction = function (genFun) {\\n var ctor = typeof genFun === \"function\" && genFun.constructor;\\n return ctor ? ctor === GeneratorFunction || // For the native GeneratorFunction constructor, the best we can\\n // do is to check its .name property.\\n (ctor.displayName || ctor.name) === \"GeneratorFunction\" : false;\\n };\\n\\n exports.mark = function (genFun) {\\n if (Object.setPrototypeOf) {\\n Object.setPrototypeOf(genFun, GeneratorFunctionPrototype);\\n } else {\\n genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype;\\n define(genFun, toStringTagSymbol, \"GeneratorFunction\");\\n }\\n\\n genFun.prototype = Object.create(Gp);\\n return genFun;\\n }; // Within the body of any async function, `await x` is transformed to\\n // `yield regeneratorRuntime.awrap(x)`, so that the runtime can test\\n // `hasOwn.call(value, \"__await\")` to determine if the yielded value is\\n // meant to be awaited.\\n\\n\\n exports.awrap = function (arg) {\\n return {\\n __await: arg\\n };\\n };\\n\\n function AsyncIterator(generator, PromiseImpl) {\\n function invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject) {\\n var record = tryCatch(generator[method], generator, arg);\\n\\n if (record.type === \"throw\") {\\n reject(record.arg);\\n } else {\\n var result = record.arg;\\n var value = result.value;\\n\\n if (value && _typeof(value) === \"object\" && hasOwn.call(value, \"__await\")) {\\n return PromiseImpl.resolve(value.__await).then(function (value) {\\n invoke(\"next\", value, resolve, reject);\\n }, function (err) {\\n invoke(\"throw\", err, resolve, reject);\\n });\\n }\\n\\n return PromiseImpl.resolve(value).then(function (unwrapped) {\\n // When a yielded Promise is resolved, its final value becomes\\n // the .value of the Promise<{value,done}> result for the\\n // current iteration.\\n result.value = unwrapped;\\n resolve(result);\\n }, function (error) {\\n // If a rejected Promise was yielded, throw the rejection back\\n // into the async generator function so it can be handled there.\\n return invoke(\"throw\", error, resolve, reject);\\n });\\n }\\n }\\n\\n var previousPromise;\\n\\n function enqueue(method, arg) {\\n function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() {\\n return new PromiseImpl(function (resolve, reject) {\\n invoke(method, arg, resolve, reject);\\n });\\n }\\n\\n return previousPromise = // If enqueue has been called before, then we want to wait until\\n // all previous Promises have been resolved before calling invoke,\\n // so that results are always delivered in the correct order. If\\n // enqueue has not been called before, then it is important to\\n // call invoke immediately, without waiting on a callback to fire,\\n // so that the async generator function has the opportunity to do\\n // any necessary setup in a predictable way. This predictability\\n // is why the Promise constructor synchronously invokes its\\n // executor callback, and why async functions synchronously\\n // execute code before the first await. Since we implement simple\\n // async functions in terms of async generators, it is especially\\n // important to get this right, even though it requires care.\\n previousPromise ? previousPromise.then(callInvokeWithMethodAndArg, // Avoid propagating failures to Promises returned by later\\n // invocations of the iterator.\\n callInvokeWithMethodAndArg) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg();\\n } // Define the unified helper method that is used to implement .next,\\n // .throw, and .return (see defineIteratorMethods).\\n\\n\\n defineProperty(this, \"_invoke\", {\\n value: enqueue\\n });\\n }\\n\\n defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype);\\n define(AsyncIterator.prototype, asyncIteratorSymbol, function () {\\n return this;\\n });\\n exports.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator; // Note that simple async functions are implemented on top of\\n // AsyncIterator objects; they just return a Promise for the value of\\n // the final result produced by the iterator.\\n\\n exports.async = function (innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList, PromiseImpl) {\\n if (PromiseImpl === void 0) PromiseImpl = Promise;\\n var iter = new AsyncIterator(wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self, tryLocsList), PromiseImpl);\\n return exports.isGeneratorFunction(outerFn) ? iter // If outerFn is a generator, return the full iterator.\\n : iter.next().then(function (result) {\\n return result.done ? result.value : iter.next();\\n });\\n };\\n\\n function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self, context) {\\n var state = GenStateSuspendedStart;\\n return function invoke(method, arg) {\\n if (state === GenStateExecuting) {\\n throw new Error(\"Generator is already running\");\\n }\\n\\n if (state === GenStateCompleted) {\\n if (method === \"throw\") {\\n throw arg;\\n } // Be forgiving, per of the spec:\\n // https://people.mozilla.org/~jorendorff/es6-draft.html#sec-generatorresume\\n\\n\\n return doneResult();\\n }\\n\\n context.method = method;\\n context.arg = arg;\\n\\n while (true) {\\n var delegate = context.delegate;\\n\\n if (delegate) {\\n var delegateResult = maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context);\\n\\n if (delegateResult) {\\n if (delegateResult === ContinueSentinel) continue;\\n return delegateResult;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n if (context.method === \"next\") {\\n // Setting context._sent for legacy support of Babel\\'s\\n // function.sent implementation.\\n context.sent = context._sent = context.arg;\\n } else if (context.method === \"throw\") {\\n if (state === GenStateSuspendedStart) {\\n state = GenStateCompleted;\\n throw context.arg;\\n }\\n\\n context.dispatchException(context.arg);\\n } else if (context.method === \"return\") {\\n context.abrupt(\"return\", context.arg);\\n }\\n\\n state = GenStateExecuting;\\n var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self, context);\\n\\n if (record.type === \"normal\") {\\n // If an exception is thrown from innerFn, we leave state ===\\n // GenStateExecuting and loop back for another invocation.\\n state = context.done ? GenStateCompleted : GenStateSuspendedYield;\\n\\n if (record.arg === ContinueSentinel) {\\n continue;\\n }\\n\\n return {\\n value: record.arg,\\n done: context.done\\n };\\n } else if (record.type === \"throw\") {\\n state = GenStateCompleted; // Dispatch the exception by looping back around to the\\n // context.dispatchException(context.arg) call above.\\n\\n context.method = \"throw\";\\n context.arg = record.arg;\\n }\\n }\\n };\\n } // Call delegate.iterator[context.method](context.arg) and handle the\\n // result, either by returning a { value, done } result from the\\n // delegate iterator, or by modifying context.method and context.arg,\\n // setting context.delegate to null, and returning the ContinueSentinel.\\n\\n\\n function maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context) {\\n var methodName = context.method;\\n var method = delegate.iterator[methodName];\\n\\n if (method === undefined) {\\n // A .throw or .return when the delegate iterator has no .throw\\n // method, or a missing .next mehtod, always terminate the\\n // yield* loop.\\n context.delegate = null; // Note: [\"return\"] must be used for ES3 parsing compatibility.\\n\\n if (methodName === \"throw\" && delegate.iterator[\"return\"]) {\\n // If the delegate iterator has a return method, give it a\\n // chance to clean up.\\n context.method = \"return\";\\n context.arg = undefined;\\n maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context);\\n\\n if (context.method === \"throw\") {\\n // If maybeInvokeDelegate(context) changed context.method from\\n // \"return\" to \"throw\", let that override the TypeError below.\\n return ContinueSentinel;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n if (methodName !== \"return\") {\\n context.method = \"throw\";\\n context.arg = new TypeError(\"The iterator does not provide a \\'\" + methodName + \"\\' method\");\\n }\\n\\n return ContinueSentinel;\\n }\\n\\n var record = tryCatch(method, delegate.iterator, context.arg);\\n\\n if (record.type === \"throw\") {\\n context.method = \"throw\";\\n context.arg = record.arg;\\n context.delegate = null;\\n return ContinueSentinel;\\n }\\n\\n var info = record.arg;\\n\\n if (!info) {\\n context.method = \"throw\";\\n context.arg = new TypeError(\"iterator result is not an object\");\\n context.delegate = null;\\n return ContinueSentinel;\\n }\\n\\n if (info.done) {\\n // Assign the result of the finished delegate to the temporary\\n // variable specified by delegate.resultName (see delegateYield).\\n context[delegate.resultName] = info.value; // Resume execution at the desired location (see delegateYield).\\n\\n context.next = delegate.nextLoc; // If context.method was \"throw\" but the delegate handled the\\n // exception, let the outer generator proceed normally. If\\n // context.method was \"next\", forget context.arg since it has been\\n // \"consumed\" by the delegate iterator. If context.method was\\n // \"return\", allow the original .return call to continue in the\\n // outer generator.\\n\\n if (context.method !== \"return\") {\\n context.method = \"next\";\\n context.arg = undefined;\\n }\\n } else {\\n // Re-yield the result returned by the delegate method.\\n return info;\\n } // The delegate iterator is finished, so forget it and continue with\\n // the outer generator.\\n\\n\\n context.delegate = null;\\n return ContinueSentinel;\\n } // Define Generator.prototype.{next,throw,return} in terms of the\\n // unified ._invoke helper method.\\n\\n\\n defineIteratorMethods(Gp);\\n define(Gp, toStringTagSymbol, \"Generator\"); // A Generator should always return itself as the iterator object when the\\n // @@iterator function is called on it. Some browsers\\' implementations of the\\n // iterator prototype chain incorrectly implement this, causing the Generator\\n // object to not be returned from this call. This ensures that doesn\\'t happen.\\n // See https://github.com/facebook/regenerator/issues/274 for more details.\\n\\n define(Gp, iteratorSymbol, function () {\\n return this;\\n });\\n define(Gp, \"toString\", function () {\\n return \"[object Generator]\";\\n });\\n\\n function pushTryEntry(locs) {\\n var entry = {\\n tryLoc: locs[0]\\n };\\n\\n if (1 in locs) {\\n entry.catchLoc = locs[1];\\n }\\n\\n if (2 in locs) {\\n entry.finallyLoc = locs[2];\\n entry.afterLoc = locs[3];\\n }\\n\\n this.tryEntries.push(entry);\\n }\\n\\n function resetTryEntry(entry) {\\n var record = entry.completion || {};\\n record.type = \"normal\";\\n delete record.arg;\\n entry.completion = record;\\n }\\n\\n function Context(tryLocsList) {\\n // The root entry object (effectively a try statement without a catch\\n // or a finally block) gives us a place to store values thrown from\\n // locations where there is no enclosing try statement.\\n this.tryEntries = [{\\n tryLoc: \"root\"\\n }];\\n tryLocsList.forEach(pushTryEntry, this);\\n this.reset(true);\\n }\\n\\n exports.keys = function (val) {\\n var object = Object(val);\\n var keys = [];\\n\\n for (var key in object) {\\n keys.push(key);\\n }\\n\\n keys.reverse(); // Rather than returning an object with a next method, we keep\\n // things simple and return the next function itself.\\n\\n return function next() {\\n while (keys.length) {\\n var key = keys.pop();\\n\\n if (key in object) {\\n next.value = key;\\n next.done = false;\\n return next;\\n }\\n } // To avoid creating an additional object, we just hang the .value\\n // and .done properties off the next function object itself. This\\n // also ensures that the minifier will not anonymize the function.\\n\\n\\n next.done = true;\\n return next;\\n };\\n };\\n\\n function values(iterable) {\\n if (iterable) {\\n var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol];\\n\\n if (iteratorMethod) {\\n return iteratorMethod.call(iterable);\\n }\\n\\n if (typeof iterable.next === \"function\") {\\n return iterable;\\n }\\n\\n if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) {\\n var i = -1,\\n next = function next() {\\n while (++i < iterable.length) {\\n if (hasOwn.call(iterable, i)) {\\n next.value = iterable[i];\\n next.done = false;\\n return next;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n next.value = undefined;\\n next.done = true;\\n return next;\\n };\\n\\n return next.next = next;\\n }\\n } // Return an iterator with no values.\\n\\n\\n return {\\n next: doneResult\\n };\\n }\\n\\n exports.values = values;\\n\\n function doneResult() {\\n return {\\n value: undefined,\\n done: true\\n };\\n }\\n\\n Context.prototype = {\\n constructor: Context,\\n reset: function reset(skipTempReset) {\\n this.prev = 0;\\n this.next = 0; // Resetting context._sent for legacy support of Babel\\'s\\n // function.sent implementation.\\n\\n this.sent = this._sent = undefined;\\n this.done = false;\\n this.delegate = null;\\n this.method = \"next\";\\n this.arg = undefined;\\n this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry);\\n\\n if (!skipTempReset) {\\n for (var name in this) {\\n // Not sure about the optimal order of these conditions:\\n if (name.charAt(0) === \"t\" && hasOwn.call(this, name) && !isNaN(+name.slice(1))) {\\n this[name] = undefined;\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n },\\n stop: function stop() {\\n this.done = true;\\n var rootEntry = this.tryEntries[0];\\n var rootRecord = rootEntry.completion;\\n\\n if (rootRecord.type === \"throw\") {\\n throw rootRecord.arg;\\n }\\n\\n return this.rval;\\n },\\n dispatchException: function dispatchException(exception) {\\n if (this.done) {\\n throw exception;\\n }\\n\\n var context = this;\\n\\n function handle(loc, caught) {\\n record.type = \"throw\";\\n record.arg = exception;\\n context.next = loc;\\n\\n if (caught) {\\n // If the dispatched exception was caught by a catch block,\\n // then let that catch block handle the exception normally.\\n context.method = \"next\";\\n context.arg = undefined;\\n }\\n\\n return !!caught;\\n }\\n\\n for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\\n var entry = this.tryEntries[i];\\n var record = entry.completion;\\n\\n if (entry.tryLoc === \"root\") {\\n // Exception thrown outside of any try block that could handle\\n // it, so set the completion value of the entire function to\\n // throw the exception.\\n return handle(\"end\");\\n }\\n\\n if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) {\\n var hasCatch = hasOwn.call(entry, \"catchLoc\");\\n var hasFinally = hasOwn.call(entry, \"finallyLoc\");\\n\\n if (hasCatch && hasFinally) {\\n if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) {\\n return handle(entry.catchLoc, true);\\n } else if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {\\n return handle(entry.finallyLoc);\\n }\\n } else if (hasCatch) {\\n if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) {\\n return handle(entry.catchLoc, true);\\n }\\n } else if (hasFinally) {\\n if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {\\n return handle(entry.finallyLoc);\\n }\\n } else {\\n throw new Error(\"try statement without catch or finally\");\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n },\\n abrupt: function abrupt(type, arg) {\\n for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\\n var entry = this.tryEntries[i];\\n\\n if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev && hasOwn.call(entry, \"finallyLoc\") && this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {\\n var finallyEntry = entry;\\n break;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n if (finallyEntry && (type === \"break\" || type === \"continue\") && finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg && arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc) {\\n // Ignore the finally entry if control is not jumping to a\\n // location outside the try/catch block.\\n finallyEntry = null;\\n }\\n\\n var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {};\\n record.type = type;\\n record.arg = arg;\\n\\n if (finallyEntry) {\\n this.method = \"next\";\\n this.next = finallyEntry.finallyLoc;\\n return ContinueSentinel;\\n }\\n\\n return this.complete(record);\\n },\\n complete: function complete(record, afterLoc) {\\n if (record.type === \"throw\") {\\n throw record.arg;\\n }\\n\\n if (record.type === \"break\" || record.type === \"continue\") {\\n this.next = record.arg;\\n } else if (record.type === \"return\") {\\n this.rval = this.arg = record.arg;\\n this.method = \"return\";\\n this.next = \"end\";\\n } else if (record.type === \"normal\" && afterLoc) {\\n this.next = afterLoc;\\n }\\n\\n return ContinueSentinel;\\n },\\n finish: function finish(finallyLoc) {\\n for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\\n var entry = this.tryEntries[i];\\n\\n if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) {\\n this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc);\\n resetTryEntry(entry);\\n return ContinueSentinel;\\n }\\n }\\n },\\n \"catch\": function _catch(tryLoc) {\\n for (var i = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\\n var entry = this.tryEntries[i];\\n\\n if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) {\\n var record = entry.completion;\\n\\n if (record.type === \"throw\") {\\n var thrown = record.arg;\\n resetTryEntry(entry);\\n }\\n\\n return thrown;\\n }\\n } // The context.catch method must only be called with a location\\n // argument that corresponds to a known catch block.\\n\\n\\n throw new Error(\"illegal catch attempt\");\\n },\\n delegateYield: function delegateYield(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) {\\n this.delegate = {\\n iterator: values(iterable),\\n resultName: resultName,\\n nextLoc: nextLoc\\n };\\n\\n if (this.method === \"next\") {\\n // Deliberately forget the last sent value so that we don\\'t\\n // accidentally pass it on to the delegate.\\n this.arg = undefined;\\n }\\n\\n return ContinueSentinel;\\n }\\n }; // Regardless of whether this script is executing as a CommonJS module\\n // or not, return the runtime object so that we can declare the variable\\n // regeneratorRuntime in the outer scope, which allows this module to be\\n // injected easily by `bin/regenerator --include-runtime script.js`.\\n\\n return exports;\\n}( // If this script is executing as a CommonJS module, use module.exports\\n// as the regeneratorRuntime namespace. Otherwise create a new empty\\n// object. Either way, the resulting object will be used to initialize\\n// the regeneratorRuntime variable at the top of this file.\\n( false ? undefined : _typeof(module)) === \"object\" ? module.exports : {});\\n\\ntry {\\n regeneratorRuntime = runtime;\\n} catch (accidentalStrictMode) {\\n // This module should not be running in strict mode, so the above\\n // assignment should always work unless something is misconfigured. Just\\n // in case runtime.js accidentally runs in strict mode, in modern engines\\n // we can explicitly access globalThis. In older engines we can escape\\n // strict mode using a global Function call. This could conceivably fail\\n // if a Content Security Policy forbids using Function, but in that case\\n // the proper solution is to fix the accidental strict mode problem. If\\n // you\\'ve misconfigured your bundler to force strict mode and applied a\\n // CSP to forbid Function, and you\\'re not willing to fix either of those\\n // problems, please detail your unique predicament in a GitHub issue.\\n if ((typeof globalThis === \"undefined\" ? \"undefined\" : _typeof(globalThis)) === \"object\") {\\n globalThis.regeneratorRuntime = runtime;\\n } else {\\n Function(\"r\", \"regeneratorRuntime = r\")(runtime);\\n }\\n}\\n/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(this, __webpack_require__(/*! ./../webpack/buildin/module.js */ \"./node_modules/webpack/buildin/module.js\")(module)))\\n\\n//# sourceURL=webpack:///./node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js?')},\"./node_modules/webpack/buildin/global.js\":function(module,exports){eval('function _typeof(obj) { \"@babel/helpers - typeof\"; if (typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }\\n\\nvar g; // This works in non-strict mode\\n\\ng = function () {\\n return this;\\n}();\\n\\ntry {\\n // This works if eval is allowed (see CSP)\\n g = g || new Function(\"return this\")();\\n} catch (e) {\\n // This works if the window reference is available\\n if ((typeof window === \"undefined\" ? \"undefined\" : _typeof(window)) === \"object\") g = window;\\n} // g can still be undefined, but nothing to do about it...\\n// We return undefined, instead of nothing here, so it\\'s\\n// easier to handle this case. if(!global) { ...}\\n\\n\\nmodule.exports = g;\\n\\n//# sourceURL=webpack:///(webpack)/buildin/global.js?')},\"./node_modules/webpack/buildin/module.js\":function(module,exports){eval('module.exports = function (module) {\\n if (!module.webpackPolyfill) {\\n module.deprecate = function () {};\\n\\n module.paths = []; // module.parent = undefined by default\\n\\n if (!module.children) module.children = [];\\n Object.defineProperty(module, \"loaded\", {\\n enumerable: true,\\n get: function get() {\\n return module.l;\\n }\\n });\\n Object.defineProperty(module, \"id\", {\\n enumerable: true,\\n get: function get() {\\n return module.i;\\n }\\n });\\n module.webpackPolyfill = 1;\\n }\\n\\n return module;\\n};\\n\\n//# sourceURL=webpack:///(webpack)/buildin/module.js?')}});"],"file":"../lottie-player.min.js"}