Pregnancy is an amazing experience, but it can also be quite intimidating, especially if its your first time. When you are pregnant for the first time, it can be difficult to know what to expect as it is all totally new to you, so you will undoubtedly be reading lots of books, doing research and asking experienced mums questions on what to do and not to do.
To save you time, we are helping mums-to-be, by picking the brains of women who have experienced pregnancy and want to share their top pregnancy tips. Check them out below:
Hester Grainger – Founder – www.mumalaclub.com
My top tip is to make sure you listen to your body. When I was pregnant it was very easy to just keep going. I had a busy job in PR and I had to travel a lot which took its toll. You need to make sure you rest when your body says you need to. If you feel like you need a nap – do it! If you want to be in bed by 8pm – don’t stay up just for the sake of it. Get in as much sleep as you can before your baby arrives.
Kelly Billing – Founder – www.mummieslittlehelper.com/blog
As a new mum, I was keen to ensure that I had a healthy and happy pregnancy. I tried to eat all the right things for my baby and I took up ‘Bump Yoga’. This class helped to keep my body healthy and strong and, as it was run by a qualified midwife, who gave great birthing advice too. It allowed me to keep my mind strong as I met and befriended a group of local mums who, following the birth of my daughter, have become an amazing support system.
Gillian Davies – Director – www.gd-pr.co.uk
As a mother of five, I’d say the best advice for a healthy pregnancy is to concentrate on nutrition, and ensure your taking your folic acid, vitamin D and fish oils. They are a life saver if suffering from aches and pains with joints/back associated with pregnancy. I also think that yoga gives you benefits beyond belief!
Hollie Burgess – Founder – www.prettybigbutterflies.com
My top tip would be to try and brush off most of the well-intentioned advice you get from friends and family. It can be really overwhelming when you’re pregnant and you’re constantly being told what you should or shouldn’t be doing. Your mental health is as important as your physical health. Listen to what people have to say but trust your own instincts.
Segilola Salami – Author – www.segilolasalami.co.uk
My top tips would try to walk as much as you can each day for as long as you can, try not to be anxious or worry about anything outside of your control and surround yourself with positivity and positive people who would encourage you and be understanding if you have mood swings.
There is no doubt that you will read and be given a lot of advice during your pregnancy from family and friends, but it’s important to remember that every pregnancy is unique. If you are concerned about anything or have any questions about your pregnancy, we suggest speaking to your GP.