Kate Nicholls and Ian Hitt from Agile Human recently visited our offices, where several members of staff took part in the Agile Human Discovery Day. The day involved staff focusing on their wellbeing and on how they could make incremental changes that would positively impact their life and work.
Here at Shepherds Friendly our aim is to provide a healthy, safe and supportive environment where everyone is treated with respect and a sensitive approach to all health and wellbeing issues is adopted. We therefore hold various health and wellbeing initiatives to encourage our staff to focus on positivity and staying healthy, both mentally and physically.
The day was broken up into three parts. The first part involved the group coming together to discuss and look at different aspects of their work, life and wellbeing to understand whether there were any areas that could be improved upon.
This was followed by engaging in various exercises and activities to explore mindfulness. There were also interactive videos shown throughout the session to show how making small changes could lead to bigger and better changes.
The second part of the day involved the group having a healthy lunch together, while discussing ways to be more motivated, productive and challenge their approach to work and life.
After a great day of coming together to discuss wellbeing and ways to be more mindful about oneself, the final session involved each individual having a confidential one-to-one coaching session with either Ian or Kate. In this they explored any opportunities they had identified throughout the day to bring about a positive change in their life or attempted to recognise ways to solve a challenge they had been wrestling with.
Promoting good health and wellbeing is an integral part of the Society’s people strategy as we believe that if people are happy and engaged with their roles this helps to create a much more positive working environment.
Here is what Liam, who took part in the discovery day, had to say:
“Supporting and promoting employee wellbeing is at the heart of our company and something that is encouraged and implemented actively. For this reason, the discovery day programme was a great experience for all of us who took part. Not only was the day highly insightful, it was very enjoyable too.”
The Society aims to provide a healthy, safe and supportive environment where everyone is treated with respect and a sensitive approach to all health and wellbeing issues is adopted.