Child Trust Fund – CTF

Transfer your CTF to us or transfer your Shepherds Friendly CTF to our Junior ISA to help build your child’s savings tax efficiently.


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a b c blocks representing a growing child trust fund

Our Child Trust Fund (CTF) is a tax-efficient children’s savings plan that is invested primarily in stocks and shares with the aim of achieving greater growth over the long-term than would be available in a cash-based account.

Available to parents of children born between 1st September 2002 and 2nd January 2011, your child’s money is invested over the long-term and will be made available to them when they reach age 18 to help with paying for a first car or home, or to help them with higher education or starting a career.

Transfer your CTF to us

Member asking question
Who can have a CTF?

You can no longer take out a CTF for your child as they became defunct in January 2011. Only children who were born between 1st September 2002 and 2nd January 2011 are eligible for a CTF.

coins with child trust fund abbreviation
What is the alternative to a CTF?

The alternative to a CTF is our Junior Stocks & Shares ISA. This is a tax-efficient savings plan for children that can be opened for any child who lives in the UK and is not eligible for a CTF.

Regular rewards
How can I make payments into my child’s CTF?

If your child has a CTF with us you can set up a Direct Debit to make regular monthly payments or choose to contribute a single sum whenever you wish. If you would like to set up a Direct Debit or make a payment to your child’s CTF please call our Member Services team on 0800 526 249.

gold coins in a cycle logo showing child trust fund savings
Can I change my payments?

If you already have a regular payment into your child’s account set up, then you can increase, decrease, stop or start this when you like. To do this please call our Member Services team on 0800 526 249.

Heart icon with a tick inside
How is my child’s money invested?

We invest in a responsible and sensible manner in a unit-linked fund that invests primarily in stocks and shares. The reason we choose to invest the money this way is to try to achieve greater returns on your child’s investment over the long-term.

present showing the gift of a child trust fund
What happens when my child is 18?

When your child reaches age 18 their CTF will ‘mature’. This means the money you have invested, plus any growth, will be made available to them tax-free. They can then use this to pay for a first car, a deposit on a home or to help with the next step in their career or education.

transparent and white arrows showing how easy it is to open child trust fund
Can I transfer my child’s CTF to Shepherds Friendly?

You now can transfer your child’s CTF to a Shepherds Friendly CTF or Junior ISA.  If you would like to do this you can do this be either downloading our transfer form or contact our Member Services team on 0800 526 249.

If you would like more information regarding the plan, you can speak to a member of our Member Services team by calling 0800 526 249

Please note: No advice has been provided by Shepherds Friendly. If you are in any doubt as to whether a plan is suitable for you, we recommend getting in touch with a financial adviser, who will be happy to take you through what options are available. Should you consult a financial adviser there could be a cost involved and you should confirm this cost beforehand.

Transfer your CTF to us or transfer your Shepherds Friendly CTF to our Junior ISA to help build your child’s savings tax efficiently.